Sunday, 1 March 2020

Behind Enemy Lines

Before this man-made biological weapon called coronavirus surfaced, I was guided to drastically change my eating habits 
I was a vegetarian for years but I recently switched to eating nothing but fruits, vegetables and nuts This is to strengthen my vessel for this plague.

I sun gaze and I also star gaze
These are intelligent beings that we're connected to
Whenever there is pending danger, the stars move in a certain way [it's hard to describe]
And I know that I need to be more aware of my surroundings and people
And I listen to my inner-self and warnings
I can't tell you how many times these warnings saved me.

Last night, their movement was frantic, unlike anything I've seen
My intuition is telling me that this virus will hit the USA hard 
Many will perish
The AmeriKKKLAN government will use this as a way to roll out Martial Law and Rex 84 aka the King Alfred Plan (your extermination).

Below are a few things I'd like to share to help you get through this
It's ok if you don't care in what I'm saying
I'm beyond that 
This message will resonate with those it's supposed to resonate with. 

Sun Gaze
Star Gaze
Sun Gaze
Star Gaze

Reconnect with y-our extended family
They are here to guide you during these challenging times

Change your eating habits now to strengthen your vessel
Stop eating the dead or be the dead

Start preparing-cooking your own food
You don't know how these restaurants are handling your meal
You don't even know who's cooking it either

Stock up on distilled water
If you can get water bottles that can disinfect your tap water or get canisters made out of copper   Copper vessels improves your immune system and helps to clean your drinking water
Copper is also used by enzymes to produce melanin

Drink alkaline water
Lemon juice is a big part of an alkaline diet
Add lemons to your drinking water

Stay away from vaccines
The CDC has a history of lacing their vaccines with toxins

Take your vitamin C
Drink pineapple juice
It benefits our pineal gland

Invest in peppermint oil
It is a natural decongestant and fever reducer
I have a diffuser that pumps peppermint oil to keep my air at home to purify the air

A home remedy that involves onions
If you have a cold or flu, you slice shred of white onion into circles and place them on the bottoms of your feet.  

Put on a pair of socks and leave them on overnight
The bottom of your feet has direct access to all of your internal organs, known as meridians
The onion is absorbed by the feet and will stimulate the meridians, soul [sole] and heal [heel] 
Onions are considered a natural remedy for various illnesses and natural air purifiers
If you can beat the onion smell, you should place them in the corners of your rooms to absorb bacteria.

Chill on shaking hands and hugging folks
Keep your hand -sanitizers on deck.

If and when things become out of control, our celestial family already have ships/vessels/crafts ready to take us away from the madness. 
Stay safe
Stay alert

SunSet is when the energy comes in for us, the purple indicates that the chakra colours all collapse, if you can absorb that energy this will serve you, the heart is key, relationships are ending, contracts are ending, separation and we are healing with the heart, we have to connect with others and use our hearts to heat Ki up, we see with our hearts and see with our ears.

Isolation is the normal
the shift will be different for all
different levels to ascension

It is the Femi9 Wombman that will heal the energy, the Femi9 electron NRG is the most poWRA-Ful
NRG that was created and the NRG is here, she is here. 


Nu Kodes 

Two skies 

When they peel back the sky and reveal this computer program

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [AP.SU] [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

The Sphere  

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