Tuesday, 24 March 2020


The [Gods] have returned

Staying focus is mandatory

An army is with us, a Full Force is surrounding us and this planet, we are in another paradigm, Kats are transmuting energy and Kats are portals, all animals know what is up.

Pay attention to your dreams, please pay attention to them, I saw where the Tsunami is going to start again or one of them, they showed me on the map and I saw and I didn’t because I wasn’t paying attention in my connection, I was thinking about sumthing else, I also had sumthing that I asked and when I came out of Istal it was 1:35am [that was my conformation].

Feeling hungry is going to happen has the immune system is under pressure, Atoms are vibrating, a warmth of energy, stoking your frequency, an embrace of love.

Be ready for the inner-change, the shift is going to happen inside of you first before you see it on the outside of you [as within so you are never without], the change has to happen inside of your mind.

Pay attention to those who are going to start coming into your world, those that are aligned with you, there is a big change(s) here be ready to see more extra-terrestrial activities.
Pole shifting means that you have had your sleep patterns all over the place, sleeping for a few hours at that, this is all part of the change, everything will work itself out, the witching hour, we are creating, the alchemists, the teachers, the creators, the healers, the pioneers, the builders, and more are all with us in the witching hours.

The oracles, the wicca [witches] the Femi9 Electron NRG is assembled and are ready, the four [winds] directions have voices, they are chanting and singing, like Kumbaya lord but it was come by ear, come, the wind does not sone like an ordinary wind at all, they soneded like people speaking old ancient languages, old mother tongues, old school, so come by ear and listen.

Its all about your energy’s intention, whatever emotion your feeling feel that, don’t be afraid to be in your emotions while you are transmuting, let that energy in motion flow, pay attention to your visions.

Whatever your gifts, abilities people will start to come to you [be sent] I’m not talking to the mainstream people, only those who are real healers, teachers, builders, 2020 means real recognises real, we are unifying the empire from the vampire.

Memories are starting to come back Elysian Fields [AR] are Greek words, see previous posts, the sleeping dragon or sleeping satellites have been activated.  

Don't doubt yourself when you see what is coming you are being prepared, we all have a responsibility.  

Inter-galactic family are here, the Nubian-Age [Golden Age]   

You will feel different and you must stay within that nu frequency

Watch your emotions, regulate

The Femi9 electron NRG is everywhere.

 Nubian Kat 

Roma [Rome] Roman are responsible for the death of over 60million [Crystal] Karast [KRT] Kristos [Christos] Christ beings from the 9th gate and almost by chronical design, all those who invaded the online library [KMT] are going down, from Greece to Italy to the Arabs [Muslims] are today being destroyed systematically, following them will be the other nations, and the 13 bloodlines and the albino reptilians and the greys and the orcs and all of their offspring

 ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ = KRistos = Christ = Karast

The Roman Byzantine and Catholic branding of the first two (capital) letters Chi and rho (=ΧΡ) of the Punic word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ = KRistos = Christ.

 Ghor is the original name before the Muslims moved in and the new-age Christians renaming Lawrence of Arabia, Saudi Arabia today.

The land of Khemet [Kemet] KMT [Kammu] Khami  aka Egypt or the children of Mu, also known has Kush [Cush] and Aksum [Ethiopian] the 9th Gate, the Kat people.

Baset is Ba-Set [BaSeth] and is the daughter of Set [Seth] Sut [Sutekh] who is EN.LIL, he also has [Kat-she-p-sut] Hatshepsut [Beloved of Set]

Bast [fire] and Sekhmet [the powerful, mighty Akir [Lioness] NTU war [warrior] both have a close association and a correlation in energies.

Around Kats the energy is more refined, kats take humans [humins] negative energy and transmute it. Dogs on the other hand teaches unconditional love to those who needs it the most.
so look at certain people and see why they attract certain animals.
Copied from a FB post.

Animals see in chakra colours, they see in the spirit [soul] spectrum.

Electromagnetic energy moves up and down our central nervous system, powWRA-er it, electromagnetism and light colours = energy comes in waves.

BCE Before the Common Era religious people Before the coming of Christ [BC], the Alkebulan(s) have had three golden-ages and Europe have dark-medieval [mid-evil]-ages, Wicca wombman and sum from the albino women were taught by oracles of the Alkebulan Wombman [WiKa] Waka [Wake]  and the Nubian Kats where also part of the Wicca lineages, she has been omitted from history.
The 9th Gate is also the whole of today’s Sudan which is Ta-nee-hee-see [Ta-Nehisi and KMT [Egypt] was the online library that housed all knowledge from the motherland and beyond.

 And all that sat on the throne [mind] seat [pulpit] A-Set where femi9, they were operating on a whole other level of consciousness, Nubian or the Greek word Mela [Melanin] is consciousness, the Nubian Kat can spirits they can see into the spirit worlds, they can see spectrums of light that the HuMin [HuMan] cannot not, they have extra-sensory-perception [ESP], they are the bridge between worlds, they know where all the portals are.

Iris [Isis] emotions is a Greek name for ASet.

We have our ancestors DNA [RNA] and so do the Kats, we also have gifts and abilities, you must stream into this Mela, its in your skin, hair, brain, your inner-eye, 


Cube and
[Sphere] both are 360 and can fit inside the cube, in fact all shapes can pass through
the Cube, think about that.

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic number 9.

When they say, we are or our planet or we, you need to make sure you are on the rite side of the energy before you say we or condemn yourself to we.  

Four sides [Cube] to Consciousness and is available to you
Secondary pulse is emitting from the universe has seen on the Schumann graphic.  

Data missing, energy dispenses continues

CME are streaming in, chakra colours for the chakra system, the planet discharged within the last 72hrs plus NI.BIRU is pushing all NRG back into Ki 

China before and with Corona [sun] 

Chile with scout [probe] craft [no hiding anymore in sum places] 
There is a huge vessel sitting east of Canada not over Kanada, this vessel is one huge mother. 

Semi cloaked crafts

Holographic universe [Hologram]
Red Dagan [Dogan] Dragen

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun].

NI.BIRU [Neb-Heru] Nabara hologram is the Dragon.

Baa Baa Black Sheep 
Indigo [Blue-Purple-Soul (Baa)] 

All your life you said nothing, you will speak volumes when the time [emit] is rite, 
you are different because you were made different for a specific reason in this season.   

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