Monday, 2 March 2020

Odds and Ends

So Moses goes up into the Mt Sinai [Sin] where the [god] [Anutu] Nanna Sin [Suen] was and there he encountered the Neteru who were referred to has the Elohim or the Muslims referred to has the Allah Huma [Eunma] so Moses encountered these beings who were writing a book entitled, the Ru Pert Em Heru, coming forth by day, they were translating the tablet into Heretics [scripts] as opposed to Hieroglyphic [picture].

Moses asks for a portion of that book so that he could guide his lost people, they told him that the people would have to be from Kammu Kat [Egyptians] and Moses told them that they are Kammu, they came out of the land of Canaan and they spoke Heretics.

So the N.TU [deity] who is responsible for recording doctrine whose name is Tehuti [thoth] the MaStar scribe gave a certain amount to Moses and this portion is called the Torah [Tanakh] today [Thoth and Ra name today To-ra-h], Tanakh comes from Tanen.

No matter what, all their [Muslims, Jews, Christians] teachings are based around Amun and all their prayers [Ashu] end with Amen Amon Amun [A-Moon] aka Ameen which means to be faithful.

Also Moses encountered Asuar [Osiris] who was also there, Asuar was the N.TU for the underworld, the neither world [Amduat] and then his brother became the N.TU Set became the N.TU of the underworld, sunSet.

When Set betrayal his brother, Aset had to find his phallus [penis] and this then became the tower of light in all religion, hence why the USA have one with the two spheres either side and that represents the Nubians vagina and the tower [orcs dick] in the middle today.

The Muslims have the Minaret and the Catholics and churches it’s the tall cathedrals that all represent the great light which is the seamen of life, all religions of today have taken the ancient symbol of the Bennu [Ben Ben] or the Greek word Obelisk which is the penis of [god] and Aset mounted this Bennu and was impregnated [immaculate conception], this story is in the new testament twice, Mary and her cousin E-liz-zard-abeth who were both visited by an earthly visitor, Muslims get up there and put a finger behind their ear and shout out Allahu Akbar, the Christians do the same thing but they have a big bell [Big Ben = Bennu] translates the Sun of a Son, symbolising the production of the son Heru [Horus] Haru, aka Har and they call the holy mountain Har [Sinai] Har is short for Har-u Heru or Horus, they went up after the sun had Set, after Set had killed Osiris, they changed Oser to Osiris because the first letter is a sphere a round circle that represents the sun, all religions use this today and this is where you get your Mary, your Aset and Madonna in Latin from [immaculate conception] Sinai is the mountain of light [Horus].

Many have been stolen from Alkebulan

The Hindus say Hari Krishna, Hari is Haru [Heru] or Horus and then Krishna [Christ] Christos anointed one, Mushiya or Messiah or Missa is alligator fat, same anointed oil that was used on the Aaferti [Pharaoh] messingers, even the word Moses or Moosa or Muwsaa or Mosheh are being used by the Jews, Latins or Muslims from the Kammu word Mose to be drawn out, today the English use Hose, water pipe.

Moses is Thut-mose or Thoth-mose born of thoth [Tehuti] when you see Jews use the little hand [yard] that is the hand of god, Tehuti for he is the maStar scriber, the Jews point to the words of the Tanakh and he reads from it, that is the hand of KMT Tehuti or Thoth and combined we get ThutMose who gave them their Torah, they may have forgotten that but their god has not, their god sent them one of the Yahwehs who is gets his name from Yahoo and from Hu, the being that gave you self-will, determination, when men became their own gods.

Horus identifies with Horizon, the Horizontal layer in which the sun appears to come over and when the sun comes out of darkness where it has Set and comes back to life, it has resurrected back to life and comes over the mountain or the sea and those who look at the horizontal planet and appears to rise has the scarab pushes it through the sky, they watch the light of it across the water and they said that the son of god is walking the water and if you stood at the horizon and watched the sun come over the water you would see the sun come over and the light come to you and bring you life.

 A star is a sun, without that sun there is no life. 

The son of a sun [Ben Ben] where an artificial penis was used [immaculate conception] a son of sun was born, they say, all of you are gods and in Psalms it says, the children of the most-high, so don’t get the ego on that, because the most-high can click off the sun and if they did that within 48hrs many gods would start to die off, there is more and goes deeper than that, Mary is Isis [Aset] who is our mother while in Kammu.  

While in Sumeria she was called Ishtar and Osiris [Asaru] was our heavenly father, he was our link to Ra aka the sun, the life source and in Sumeria he was called Dumuzi [Dammuzi], Dumuzi and Ishtar had a special son and he was called Tammuz [Tam-mooz] [Thomas] hence on their calendar they have Tammuz, and the Jews still have on their calendar, that Messiah who they are still waiting for, they stopped following Tammuz and followed instead Baal-Hadad, they reversed the word Baal and the word Baal means lord, like in Kammu lord is Neb, we all stopped at the books in English because that is all you could read of course in most cases.

 I’m not a Roman
I’m not a Greek
I’m not a Christian
I’m not a Muslim
I’m not a Hebrew
I’m not an Egyptian
I’m not an Israelite

I am a wanderer [Bedouin] I am a [Araba] which means to move about, we all moved about and never stayed in one place. 

Hebrew [Habiru] Nibiru

The KJV is based on the William Tyndale version who is none other than William Shakespeare, they even used two different birth dates and two different birthplaces and even at one stage said that there was two Shakespeare’s to conceal their shitty Bible [Bila translates Book and that word is a Aksum word].

But the original continental Bible, Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating into a English Bible, this was common for men to burn men or women, Tyndale was burned alive with his Bibles.

This happened to several people and one that kinder got away was Martin Luther who was a student of sum of these men that were burned at the stake, it was alright to have the Bible in Latin, Hebrew but not alright to have the Bible in Greek or English, all this was because once translated into English different meanings would be lost and other words would show up in their true meanings and batty boy James didn’t want this, the English language itself is a satanic bastard language in itself and is highly restricted in an expression and is composed of many different languages in which you lose words, and be spell casting without you knowing, loose meanings in this shitty language, Latin was also corrupted and was [vulgate] by St Jerome, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian the dialect various, and the likes all have Latin in their language, like deity and deities and theo and theology have all changed and the meanings all start to get lost, you have Zeus, Roman and Greek or Hebrew gods all in there and yet the word Hebrew didn’t come about until Genesis 13 but you have to go back to Genesis 10 to find out were they got their god concept from, they had to keep quiet about the Bible because if you were caught talking about the truth in the Bible, they would put you to death, so many brotherhoods were set up in secret to meet and talk about the shit Bible which is very similar to today.

There is the Agaric [Sumerian] and many other texts that the Bible is based on, ask a Jew or Christian or Muslim and they will say that they are a Monotheists, that means they only believe in one god, Mono [Mano] means single, alone.

When Noah was told to gather everyone up [tribe x 12,000] was because the flood was coming in, it was EN.LIL [Set] that shut the doors on the shuttle and left Noah and a huge amount behind and it was EN.KI [Asuar] that had to go back for them. 


Ω = Shen = Ω = Kemetic
= Shen = = Chinese
ש = Shin = ש = Hebrew

S is for Shen, Sin, Sura [Sara] and Spirit

I don't know if I should share all of the syllogisms I see, these ideographs can take the subject 10 different directions, however, just know that Abraham and Jesus had never ever existed and Hebrew-ism is esoteric conceptual framework. 
Also, note that Taoism derived from Kemetic Science and Africans civilized East Asia.

If I elaborate any further, I might end up writing a book right now.

Abraham and Jesus, they are both merely masterpieces of literary conceptual framework, both names are merely signs and symbology and did not exist

Shen [Shenit] the male and female Ntorotu of hair collage
Odwirafo Akhan
 Odwirafo means "Purified person" , "Odwira" (pure) ,"fo" (person) in the Akhan Language of Ghana, the Twi dialect. 
Akhan means "First" or to "begin", taking into account. 
That's the name of the bother "Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah"- in full ,who Akhan teaches about.

The Clay Soil

Hydrogen [H]
Nitrogen [N]
Oxygen [O]
Carbon [C]


vitamins, minerals, and amino acids

**E L E M E N T A R Y * S C H O O L**
"Breakin' it down like an Atom Bomb"

*Being a Bio Cosmic Electro-Magnetic Being*

We are Ædom
The Clay Soil

Hydrogen [H]
Nitrogen [N]
Oxygen [O]
Carbon [C]

Acronym: HNOC or ONCH = ENOCH or ANKH
[Origin of TANAKH: Prophets Written Teaching]

We have to introduce the scientific language of nutrition to our children in kindergarten, because words speak life. 
What we can't see with the naked eye, we can see in words. 
Ask Stevie Wonder.

Health and Nutrition is an issue of chemistry on an atomic level. 
The body performs like a lab-oratory, preoccupied with al chemical reactions, calcification, conjunction, fermentation, distillation and the rest of all the 7 phases of alchemy.

The body and spirit is made up of the same key elements as the Soil.
 Every time a Hydrogen Atom, with Oxygen and Nitrogen, bonds with Carbon, a Child is conceived.

In its purest form, Carbon makes mineral as opaque and soft as graphite pencil-lead or as clear and hard as a diamond, (the hardest substance known).

When mixed with Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other Elements, Carbon makes up all the diverse structures in our body, including carbohydrates, proteins, and DNA. In fact, our melanin reflects the concentration of carbon we have in our skin, organs, and endocrines.

We are Crystal Lattice structures, Carbon is comprised of sub-atomic debris from massive exploding stars and low mass dying stars that bonded together.

Take your 1st grader and show him or her A Strand of DNA and tell them, "This is who you are, this is your genetic code, this carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of your mind, spirit, and body."

Then tell them that DNA is a molecule, and that molecules are made of Atoms, if they ask what is an Atom, start your answer with the Kemetic Creation Story of ATUM; Neberdjer.

The Kemetic Creation begins with >> 


Let's break it all down

Food is Data

Food carries molecules, and molecules carry information 
This is why we have diets, because diets are like data 
Data carries information
Food is Data

Atoms - Molecules - Vitamins

Amun - Amine - Amino
Atum - Atom - Adam
Aten - Æten - Eaten


Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids


Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B7
Vitamin B9
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K



vitamins, minerals, and amino acids

Non-Standard Amino Acids

Aspartic Acid
Glutamic Acid

The Garden is the 1st Classroom

Heart and Mind determines Health and Wealth.

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