Sunday, 1 March 2020


Dark-Matter [Kek] 

The Ntchr is the All, everything that the HuMin mind can conceive is part of the Ntchr, and everything that is incomprehensible, invisible, and even inconceivable is also part of the Ntchr.

The Ntchr is in plants, the air, the mountains, the cosmos, the volcanos, the smallest microorganisms, the water, her heartbeat, the thought and even your dreams. 

The Ntchr is all time and space and yet not yet existing in time and space, this is also an aspect of the Divine Dichotomy.

It is the infinite All or the infinite One, the Ntchr is nameless, hidden, formless, indefinableness, infinite Konsciousness, a self-existence, self-perpetuating force that created energy
It is intangible and yet it breathes it life in all of us, again it is pure Konsciousness; it is intelligence underlying and supporting all matter and all existence.

The Ntchr is the parents- Father and Mother of existence, the Ntchr is eternal; infinite and endures forever.

The Ntchr cannot be understood in its totality for its very essence is unknowable to humans in this physical form.

The Ntchr is everything and everything is part of the Ntchr

The “Creation” of the Universe is metal, held in the mind of the “All”, the greater intelligence, the Ntchr, the Ntchr is spirit.

Melanin, dark energy, black, matter, [antimatter = NWNT] [matter = NWN] = Ntcher.

Hollywood have black-goo in all there movies for a reason  

Nasa have never been into space, they can only reach Earths lower orbit, the modified plane has over 24,000 tiles [cubes] of Melanin, without it they couldn't go to the lower orbit. 

Ancient Dialogue

You must understand that there were no P’s in the ancient Hieroglyphic alphabet that was added by the Greeks, so every place you see, a P it was a B, every place you see an O it was an U.

Many places that you see an E it could have been an I or a Y, there were no V’s, there you would find W, often times K was mistaken for Q, of Kh, for example, Khami [Kammu] is often written Kemet.
Dj is often written as Z as in Zed for Djed.

The original languages are not Latin and Greek; nor Arabic or Hebrew, all of these are products of an ancient language, brought to this planet from above which became Cuneiform, Akkadian, and Chaldean, all the Semetic tongues, far Eastern and Western dialects of native Americans all have their roots in this ancient language called Hieratic phonetically and Hieroglyphics scripturally.

Egiptian names work by putting them together, compound names creating if you like a sentence, for example Amun meaning “the Hidden One”, and Hotep “peaceful, satisfied”, put them together and you get Amunhotep meaning “the hidden one is satisfied”.
You can create this system with most of your names, you can also take Semetic Aramic/Hebrew or Ashuric/Syriac Arabic names and even Swahili or Yorubu names and combine them with Tama-Rean prefixes or suffixes as well, take note that these names were derived from names and titles that were worn by our great ancient Neter “Deities” and A’afertis “Pharaohs”.
It’s important that we understand the right language or you will stay in Babel “confusion”, Hieratic and Hieroglyphs take on the role of our ancient’s ancestors for they didn’t actually speak and use the 3rd eye and telepathy and intuition more+.

So the Sumerians had the Anutu or Anunnagi and the ancient Egiptians had the Neter, many of them were symbolic of nature as sun gods, land gods, and water gods, and many were the mortals who became the high priestess or priest of these gods and took over their names, the same thing happens in your Bible.

You have the heavenly host, you have the Elohyeem, the Serapheem or Cherubeem, the Nephileems, the Ghibbore, all of these are terms of beings that were supernatural, and are recorded as gods, angles, or mighty men.

Elohyeem “These Beings”
Serapheem-Cherubeem “those who are near”
Ghibbore, Gibboreem “Mighty Ones, Giants”
Nephilian “to fall down”

All these are beings are from the same group of beings that came here.

Now the word Neter is from their language and means “Supreme Being, Guardian”
Neteru means “Supreme”
Netert “Supreme Being, Female guardian”


This group are individual, in-divide-ual, but are still part of a group, part of the Ether, the personification of the deities-spirits-nature of the elite called the Neteru, the highest ranking amongst the “gods”, whole, they represent principles, and its level is 9.
Ether is what many call the Matrix; it is with form and is without form.

The Choice

So the Sumerians had the Anutu or Anunnagi [Anu-Naga] and the ancient Egiptians had the Neteru, individually they are known has A’aferti, they are “The Choice” when they are incarnated into an Tamare elite member, Pharaoh is a Greek word, they are known has the Malaa-ikat “Messengers or rulers”.

Soular Energy is in, Ultra is purple until it hits Ki and then it goes green 

Check out the curvature of the kodes, this is a 3D model, shift in the resonating vibrations, this week will be heavy for most and towards the end of that week the CV should be acknowledged on a grand scale in the USA. 

Homes frozen over along Lake Erie in Upstate New York and Canada, don’t get it twisted, these sleepy towns house reptilians and the likes.  

If I was reincarnated: In 1988, he said: ‘In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.
Reptilian speaks out, its alright, nature is dealing with you.

Sum weeks ago the Chief Medical Officer in China said that you cannot contract the virus through coughing but through the eyes and yet the masses purchased untold masks, regardless, you are going to contract it full stop. 

Nu sights in the skies 

Huge craft captured on camera, sumthing above the wheel [sphere] that Nasa have blanked out

She is here


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