Monday, 23 March 2020

Warrior Class

There are many different types of Annunaqi [Anunnagi] Annunaki [Anu-Naga]  

You are the smaller ones in HuMan [HuMin] size

[Take away your sight and your ears [listen] will get sharper]

Many people are called, few are chosen, many have come before us and many are with us now, not all will make it back and many will simply expire and that is just the way it is, sum where sent for the physical war, sum of us are here for the spiritual [mental] war.

If we go to Mars which is the warrior energy, those beings are here now, their offspring, warriors from LAHMU [LAH.MU] MU [MUUR] MOORS [MARS] the children of Mu.

Those children can fight and come from the warrior class systems, that there are many, like the Titans and so on.

You are a multidimensional being, travelling here there and everywhere, if you exist in this realm, in this 3rd dimensional reality and you know that you do, know that you also exist in, simultaneously in parallel dimensions [realities-universes], the two aspects of the physical and the nonphysical you could not be animated without the 9ether Baa[Kaa] who is operating the Kaa [spirit], the Kaa moves on to the next phase, the next level, energy can only change form, never be destroyed, other Kaa [spirit] forms exist in other dimensions.

Spiritual protection can come from these other beings in other realities and the ones who are here now for the spiritual [holographic worlds] are merging with this world, you can connect with these beings and align with these beings and activate your protection going into the 5D, all of the dimensions are interacting with each other at the same time right now.

Your spirit guide feeds you your downloads and you do, your nonphysical self gives you downloads, information if you have aligned your frequency for the transmissions because there is information all around you just like Wi-Fi, you just cannot see it,  we are connected throughout this planet and above, telepathic [telekinesis] is our built-in Wi-Fi hub allowing you to transmit and receive information, we are communicating with one another right now.

However many of you are still in the believing when we are in the knowing [Aquarius] and this is where we are going to fall short, many simply do not believe in themselves or in the higher ones or is it both, where is the doubt coming from, you are already communicating with spirit guides so why can you not connect with the 3rd  kind, your kind, because you believe that you cannot when you should know that you can.

Intellect and reasoning will interfere with your Istal [meditation] connection or spiritual transmission, you have to reSet the Khu [mind] learn to silence the subconscious mind, drop the logic and use your natural gifts to communicate anywhere in the world and beyond the planet.

Anyone who is aligned you can transmit information back and forth, this is based on experience and knowing, many of you have to step back and let go whilst communicating [transmitting].

Let go of one of the emotions and that is fear, the other one you hold on to and that is love, only two emotions [energy in motion] out here, mass Istal will be coming up and many are not ready for worldwide connection, there is no fear [there is no spoon] you are HuMin which means min-d [creative fertility], you are Hu which means the force of creative will, you have the will to will things into existence or the will not to let into nonexistence.

Fear is a mechanism for control, the fear of the unknown, if trapped because after all you are only just HuMin [HuMan], shut down the environment, quiet the mind, change what you are taking in or giving out, and go within and start using your Kaa technology. 

When our ancestors, angles [angels], spiritual guides, lineage, Netreu [supreme beings] or [gods and goddess] see us doubting they get annoyed for they laid down the ptah-way for us, many gave their life for yours, many of you were sent here for this specific timeline and many of you agreed terms and conditions for your soul [Baa] contracts and now push come to shove you are in doubt.

It wasn’t written that you would go out like this, your better than the environment that presents itself currently, your looking down on this reality, everyday [recycle] that you rise you still hold purpose, you have the will of the supreme, if you believe in a [god] then surely you believe [know] in yourself, nah…yes…no…

Our ancestors know that sacrifices have to be made, you know this also, when soldiers go out, many know they are not coming back, spilt blood is still liberation, sum were made for certain reasons, we are all at different parts to our journey but share the same timeline and reason, how many times have we reached this stage before in our mystery [myStory], just before the people nuclear themselves, and here we are again but this time its different for everyone is back to get us up out of here and crash the matrix.

Who stays, who goes has already been mapped out and all depends on what your destiny holds.

While you exist in this reality you also exist in a parallel reality, if that resonates with you because your know it, you know that you travel interdimensionally, then why don’t you communicate with others, do it and ask for protection when in doubt, shut down the sub-mind and let go, have precise thoughts, Quantum means 4 and that is the 4D, many of us are here, come over.

Sum of these beings are you reincarnated, sum are your lineage, they are connected to you.

Use your Magi [Magic] from the Khu [Mind]   


Oba [King] ruler [messenger]
Idia [Queen] ruler [messenger] 

Shang [Dynasty-Chinese] are also known has the Nakhi [Naka] Naga 
Annunaqi are an event with many events within the group.

the Annunaqi came down and slept with the daughters of men, yeah the Dogon [Mali] wombman,
Ka-Naga symbol
Kaa [Spirit]
Sahu [SA.HU] Orion [Septet] SIB.TU [Sirius] aka ASet

2 Kings 19:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 And when he heard say of Tirhakah [Taharqua] king of Ethiopia, Behold, he is come out to fight against thee: he sent messengers again unto Hezekiah, saying,

Negus [Kings] of Kush [Alkebulan] [Sudan] Taharqua [Rock of Gibraltar] ordinated by [God]  

Negus [King]
Negusti [Queen
NGR N-g-r means [god]

Deity is a Greek word for [god] and [god] is a western

Aaferti [Pharaoh] the Choice
Malaa-ikat [Messengers or rules] 

Sizes are not random, very top image shows the HuMin size against the elite and here in this image, the first NGR on the left is the HuMin size. 

Adult Giraffe 

NGR [NaGaR] 
Neter [Supreme Being] guardian
Neteru [Supreme] the U is infinite
Netert [female supreme being] guardian 
Nature [Nataru]
Ntchr [nature-nurture] is from MDW NTCHR Medu Netcher which the English pronounce Mother Nature. 
Ntchr [Melanin] 

Alyan - Alien - Ali ‘ Anu - Alienation
Aryan - Orion - Orient – Orientation


You are praising one of the Annunaki on Ki, namely Alalu + Ea [Akkadian name of God the Wise] = Alalu + Ea = Hallelujah
Alalu + Yah = Halleluyah
Yah or Yahweh is a title, rank, there were many.

Alalu also made beings

Ul-Mec [Olmec] 

Naaga [Naga] Buddha [Buddhu]
Check the ears, Senegal style 

Samurai [Sa-Mu-Ra]
Yautja [Yasuke] 

Persia [Aksum] Ethiopian [Abyssinia] guards at Ishar [IN.ANNA] quarters. 

Nephilian [to fall down]
Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beem] Serapheem
Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Gob-bo-reem Mighty Ones, Giants
Elohyeem [These Beings]
Anutu [Anunna] these beings
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] those beings that Anu sent down from heaven [NIBIRU] to KI [Eridu] Ir-ree-doo [home away from Home] earth.

All those come under the Annunaqi 

Simians [Zira] Urat
Lares [chief]
Aqins [Shitar] Ura
Intelligent ape people
Homo Erectus [Homo Sapiens] 

They were already here and upgraded by the Anunnaqi 

No one lived in the G-arden [A-rden] E-din [E-den]
Ethiopia (Grandmother) to Nubia [Sudan] (Mother) to Kemet aka Egypt (Child) 

Ham [shem] K-ham-I [K-hem-t] KMT [KAMMU] Kam-Mu] Kat [Egipt] 

Sumthing coming in or leaving out

Cloud distortion, crushed seal, sumthing behind, images.

Four sides to consciousness [cube] is wide open, many will have nowhere to go

Amplified over 12 hrs, there are two more undertones, pulses that are intense and are at times parallel with the main spikes or always there, many will be offline [headaches, migraines].

The consciousness is splitting, sum believe Jesus is coming back, sum think that the government are going to get them and sum of us think that this is a time of great change.

600 billion tones of water melted last summer, in one summer, sea levels continue to rise, the floods will continue with the Annunaqi dumping water in places by design 

Earthquakes are inward now, the same route has the August 2017 eclipse, soular streams are coming in, the sun is just releasing multiple times in a day. 

Charged but calm, calm before the next bout, figures are being altered, Croatia was a M8, one of the stikes did take out a main chemplant in California, so things are going on in the background.   

9th Gate 
Horn of Alkebulan
The Arc is to be made safe and then Alkebulan is to split, AB.ZU [South Africa] is to be destroyed

Pink-red-ish energy [radiation] double spheres

sumthing interacting with the portal, going in or out  

Seen around the world
multi colours, sum are red, green and bright only

Kiymah [Kee-ma] craft, who the Greeks recall Pleiades 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

Agenda 21
This is a test, A.I is getting ready to take over, all are closing down or stepping down to allow the A.I to take over.
Melanin is self-conscious self-evolving
Internet will be free and that is when they are going live because they need you to be online 24hrs so they know what you doing. 

Sum are stuck on fear, sum are stuck are on change, be wary of those who are shitting themselves.

All this staying home is to allow the [AI] robots to run society, they are implementing their system for those who stay down on the 3D and those who are coming back.
Amazon is Skynet.  
anti-Christ is the A.I that is getting ready to take full control.    

You have amnesia, once you remember who you are you, you break the Illusion 
Trust in the process, Saturn is taking [MF] out, Pluto just doing his thing, energy is real in the field. 

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