Saturday, 29 February 2020

Serpent Abode

We are entering the 13 house [hidden] which was only discovered for the West in 2009, this is a tropical planet and therefore the Western horoscope format is flawed and never made sense, the commercialised zodiac is now over, we won’t be leaving the Aquarius belt for a long-time and retrograde will be on the planet for a lot longer, if you check it, we are now actuality experiencing the real end-of-the-year aka traveling through the 12th house [the 13th is hidden] the shadow death period where we shed the things we have no use for and all the things we [wished upon a star] shall past in the actual nu-year aka the birth period towards the end of March into the 13th house, the hidden shall be revealed.

Nasa have changed your Zodiac, the Wests, December is a Roman word and means Decimal and is the 10th month, that means we are in the 12th month now [March] going into the 13th month, we are reSetting and that also means the Dendera is also reSetting.

Those who have brown eyes but no 9 ether [skin] or 9 ether soul and spirit and no 9 ether [hair] have never been connected fully and those with all the 999 the inner-eye is functioning at around 70%-90% whereas those without a full 999 are running at around 40%-50% we know this from the Vietnam war when all autopsies revealed that the Nubian soldiers eye was fully functioning while the Europeans [Caucasians] was calcified, not all, but the bulk of their race.

We are not in the Dendera that you know of anymore.

Denderah [Den-De-Rah] the hidden house is called by the Greeks Ophiuchus who is depicted as a man holding a snake, as the constellation splits with two other smaller serpents that are counted has one, that does sone familiar, the Greeks and the Romans talk to much and mislead over the scraps of knowledge that they were able to decipher themselves that was either right or wrong and the knowledge that they beat and tortured our ancestors into giving them, I’m not using that name Ophiuchus, for that is not the original recorded names, none of the names are the recorded names and their real depictions or meaning like Pisces is a fish but is two because we came from the sea and broke into one that stayed in the sea and the other stayed on the land, its too long to go through the entire sign system and their true meanings, all you need to know today is that we are being readied to enter the 13 house.

There is a difference between a Star-System and a Star-Constellation, star systems get [Magi] manifested out of star constellations and star constellations get [Magi] out of galaxies and galaxies get manifested out of universes.

Four fixed-stars [not three] that got created out of the Milky Way are [gods] who created the Dendera wheel themselves, they created a soular system at 360 degrees at an angle [angel] they created a sphere reality, the four [gods] spilt at each 360 degrees at 90 degrees each, west, east and south and north, [big dipper] one set was called the equinox and is a lower form of the yin and yan using four elements, fire, water, air and earth, they agreed to use 3 parts within the 90 degrees bring it down to 30 degrees and with each 30 degrees they mixed their elements up [equinox and solstice].

Everything is dealing with the heart [balance] healing [purple represents balance] pay attention to what is around, your heart is connected to the sun, we see with the heart and see with the ears, there is a kingdom that they cannot see or reach, they are cut off from a realm that they were never part of, your heart is the key and you must protect your heart, your heart

All these star-systems have always been here, you are only just learning about yourselves 

You need to know that there is a war in the skies, this is Star Wars.

The soul-ar system is has gone from 3D to 4[5]D
 Serpent or servant of [god] bearer [the first council of Nicaea changed it], the 13th Zodiac Sign, the Serpent Healer and its role with the presence of the Nu sun. 

We all need to connect without our connection we cannot be a collective. 

Use this time to disillusion yourself from outdated dreams [visions] and circumstances and illuminate space and Magi to go to the nu horizon of change without the old programs.

We are the stars that came back to activate and bring the information [data]

[SAARE] Star

Your visions are being documented to use for universal records 
We are getting ready to enter the 13th sign, we are all the 12 house signs, man ruled was for 6,000 which is 6 days, the 7th day is coming up, their time machine is only for their timeline and is 10 earth-years which is only 10-mins.

 charging activated

Kodes have changed, look at that

The real meanings are coming out, many things that many teach you is actually inherited knowledge and cannot be spoken about and only shown, the Honey and Moon is sumthing that our ancients taught us.
A woman's monthly, is not just down to the reproductive system coming from a monkey, there is another reason, many truths are coming to you depending on what you want to know. 

 Odd energies lately.
Heavy. Thick almost. But not bad
Timelines collapsing probably
Been losing time a lot
I think its Monday but its Friday kind of thing 
Can't recall what happened to rest of week etc.

In this period we are going to see who is really vibrating and connected to source, those who are not die when the coronavirus comes to you door.

You have to be eating right [Ba] Khu and Kha and vibrating [frequency] must be hitting voltage levels, you will need to be beyond your 666 and 999, its that simple.

The Nubian Sphinx

KMT is a 3 sided kingdom, the one is the USA [West KMT] the royal city of Atlantis is Tampa Bey, Atlanta is the capital, and the Nubian panther sits down in Florida [Fluoride] which is 10 times bigger than the main sphinx because that is the mama, Tampa Bey is the only area that doesn’t have underground wires, fibre optics, their wifi is not in the air but in the ground, that area is under real bad negativity from day one. 

When they talk about 12 bodies coming back to 1, when a body becomes healthy or returns to pureness it becomes immune [Amon] A-Moon, when that immune [A-Moon] becomes healthy you become one, the hidden one, because you are no longer part of this BS,  the logo is the body and must not be messed with, you can have exemptions and they can take away from you, know the difference between being immune from sumthing and having exemptions from sumthing, sumone who is immune is righteous and sumone who is exempted from sumthing is still sick. 

Old wounds [physical] will start to hurt you, we’ve passed the 3 years and now shit will start to affect you.  
Listen to you, the word ear comes from the word earth and your heart is from the word earth
13 is balance, accountability, reflection.

The Gregory [Georgian] calendar is over, the spell is over.  

 Magnetic energy converted to kinetic energy causing motion, magnets the size of New York city and sum smaller on Nibiru.

The Electronics on Nibiru are Bluetooth, the screens are hologram, the 24 feet gauge wires are around the outside.
Nibiru is built like a piece of jewellery or charm, like a ring, one solid crystal with perfect cuts. 
The wires are like the trim, Nibiru is parked on the other side of the sun outside the asteroid belt.

There are 12 Nibiru's that were made in the fleet, Nibiru is like Air Force one. 
11 Nibiru's are active now in the Galaxy.

Feathered bird is the symbol
Nibiru is piloted by a interface chair 
Lock with a DNA Kode, meaning only a Rizqian can access
We Rizqians are sumtimes referred to as the ancients 
Most of our ships have this chair, like the Atlantic fleet and Anu fleet of Destiny
Size of jupiter
EN.QI means ruler of QI (key) Earth 
EN.QI [IN.QI] EN.KI is also Nimrod

Nibiru has a 36 mile antenna on the top, that can sent signal anywhere in the galaxy.
2043 [staying until] 

The Spanish or the English wiped out their entire civilization and kept these two who were infants and brought them to the UK. 

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