Monday, 30 March 2020

Infinite Darkness

Nothing is still sumthing, spiritual darkness, if you leave that up to the western scientist you will be led to [believe] that being in darkness is being in nothing [no-thing], nothingness is taught has being no-thing which is the wrong concept which is for a right concept and will lead you into infinite regress and you not finding a starting point or you not finding a beginning point
 [there are many different beginnings, many big-bangs].

Spiritual darkness may appear to be not playing out in the direction, way, that you’ve seen it aka your sea of water [currenSea] the current is not flowing in your way or favour.

Your sea of water is what you create [your Adam and Eve] your chakra, your light spectrum that turn into flames, that turn into water, into air and solidifies into earth that you manifest in your life whether be person, thing, place or circumstance or situation as a substance.

Here’s the thing with spiritual darkness, the sea of darkness comes from a place when things are not going in your favour aka from a 3D aspect utilizing this language that anytime things are not appearing the way you see things in your head or the way that you feel about it, you see it image [Magi] flame = fire = image, the way you feel about it = water = emotions = heart >> these images [manifestations] turns into imagery, pictures, motion picture, energy in motion [emotions] and is not going in your favour so they start to play out negatively [nightmares] will start to play out that your in a world that you don’t want to be in, it will play out that everyone is against you, separation in sum way, shape or form and if you stay playing that character in that role in your movie [motion picture or energies in motion] then the director can direct your energy into whatever(s) perspective and as you know we have a lot of directors [demons or negativity] out here in the third dimension.

Your spirit [Kaa] is without nothing, no shape or no form it is no-thing, darkness is just a collection of Hue(s) a collection of light and when a collection of light comes together and is not able to be separate or deciphered or is able to look at every definition or unable to separate each point [dimensionally wise] as far as a spirit utilising these lights, that is when things become cloudy.

One light, one chakra, one imagination [Magi], one feeling might be one temperature [when you are checking sumones temperature, each one of your chakras is running at a different temperature aka rotation, they are running at a different energy flow(s), that body of water (currenSea) is all going in different directions] and now its up to you to centre yoursCellsf so they can all revolve around your central body of water which is your individually and don’t get lost in that one so that you can rise above and once your chakras all follow all of your mentalities are deleted.

Spiritual darkness is the ability for a spirit to decipher and separate between all the chakras that they have created, all the lights, the ideas, feelings, emotions that they allowed the external world from spirits that are doing the same thing, affect them, and from what you are allowing your own creations to affect you from, because you are the creator [author] and not the creation.

When you add too much colour, you add too much vibration [frequency] you can decipher that with each chakra, each vibration, each idea, and if you don’t know how to separate these things by things like thinking that all these things are actually you, that you are these things and are not separate from these things, that you are not looking at it like its not part of your creation and that it is you then for the most part they are going to take over you and all the spirits that resonate with those shapes, forms that want to come into this realm of reality in sum way and utilise you can do so because of you not balancing, separating what is yours and what is not.

When you don’t know how to separate the rainbow and all the colours get mixed in together you end up being in your own spiritual cell [yoursCellf] aka your space-ship [Mekaba] relation-ship but you're unaware of how you created that ship because you think that sumthing outside of you created that spaceship.

So you live a life of blame, whether you want to place a blame on everything but you or whether you want to place a blame on why your circumstances, situation is the way it is and you are in need of sumthing externally and so you created a spaceship that you don’t even know you created and now you are in spiritual darkness.

When the spirit is in that darkness, to other spirits you still look like light, remember all is always creating, nothing [no-thing], once your not aware you are nothing and in all senses because you still have to be aware but if you are becoming aware of being nothing the way that western scientist teaches you then you are nothing, you become only aware of how much you don’t have, you think you are nothing which is their concept.

We are creating everything whether you can see it or not, whether its heavy or dense and if its coming into your reality or not, you need to know you are creating everything with that thought, don’t think that everything is nu up under the sun, because all that most do is keep on recycling ideas up, everything under the sun and that is why its nothing new, everything is in reverse, even when you watch the stuff they show you, it’s the same thing here in this matrix, same ideas, same energy, you’re the same, even when sum come out of religion they still have that guilty program, they still don’t even know why they feel guilty, now that is sum monkey sh9t, that guilty program is another spirit playing in your waters and changing your imagery [Magi] around and now your following their imagery and now you have lost your spiritual strength, hence how you got into spiritual darkness because you mixed all your colours, your vibrations and mentalities was all cloudy and you needed another spirit to decipher your rainbow.

So blue is mixed in with red and blue is analysing the circumstances that lead closely to air, the red is your passion, your desires and now they are mixed up and now your thinking [analysing] about your desires, purple is more Venus like, love, appreciation, your relatability into your pleasures [make sure you don’t over indulge into yourself] kings and queens wear a lot of purple because its royalty but they are the ones who overindulge into their authority, just keep that in mind and also there is nothing negative or positive about everything.

Innerstand that each vibration carries different energies with them, Orange represents optimism mixed in with a little yellow which is hapi [happy] with red which is passion = you being hapi about your passions and your more optimistic about them making you [know] that its going to work and you will overcome which means you create a Hor-izon [Hor-us].

What I’m trying to say, even if you are spiritual your still participating down here in the [3D] and you think you need more light and light is information, you think you need more from others in the spiritual and they can be demonic or angelica [positive or negative].

Overstand that when we are in spiritual darkness this puts us into a separation where we are not able to separate our desires aka our vibrations aka our colours and they come from our numbers our frequencies, the line of event that we are riding as a spirit [Ka’A] once you come up with an image [Magi] that is a line of event, that is a portal [line of event] and once you go down there we start to feel it, we start to breathe it, we then start to react to it with feelings and emotions [energies] you start to breath life into that image with energy from your spirit called Akh in KMT and off you go down that portal and that is you emitting colours down that portal and who told you to emit [time] colours down that portal in the first place for you to be in your own darkness [you].

The spirit likes to create but you need to be the architect [creator and not the creation] and you also need to own it, do not be a by-product or your own creations, think before you speak things into existence, know before you believe, watch your thoughts, regulate your thoughts.

Y-our thoughts [Ashu] are being answered now because we can see how the ancient ones and old ones are manifesting their mistakes and they are hiding them the best they can, the ancient ones are building us up for this thing to crash and you must watch what you are thinking, past and present and what you have been thinking while this paradigm is changing, the poles only move when there is a rise in consciousness, real consciousness, not 3[D] things but of the 4[5]D and beyond, we are being upgraded and receive new codes every cycle, match the frequencies through your tri-system, Soul [Ba’A], Mind [Khu] and Kha [physical body].


If i ask you for sumthing, this means i have a plan, if i don't have a plan then i will say, i want your plan, this means those that are listening to you will provide a plan for you during times of uncertainty all you have to do is ask [think-imagery], remember they already know what you are going to need and do before you do and each time you navigate through the road of least resistance the road to your destiny opens further.

 Hansel and Gretel left crumbs so that they could find their way home, many of you have been finding the crumbs that you had left a long time ago, together [to gather] we can crash the matrix, our ancestors are the reason why we are in this monkey sh9t, they eroded us to this point, not the orcs or the likes but our ancestors made the mistakes in this matrix and it is down to us to get us all up out of here, this is their manifestation but this will be y-our imagery [imagination] that crashes the illusion [program] once and for all.  

Spirit world is 360 and the Physical world is 360 = 720 [your kube of knowledge]
add NI.BIRU [Kode9] MaStar-Key 360 = 1080˚ Knowledge of Universe

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self

1080˚ Knowledge of Universe

Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic number 9.

Kuazar [Ase to you]

4 sides of consciousness [Kube] all is merging into One [Neo].   

In order to past the test [upgrade dimensions] we need to merge with the MaStar [Masters] plan.

The universe and all the star-systems [constellations] are getting ready to reboot the universal kode, this planet will be affected from within, from the core of this planet and then outwardly, a huge pulse will be coming in [image below show many of these quarter spheres satellites] and after the main pulse we will have cycle bursts at certain intervals, this is a very serious time in the hiStory of this planet and her inhabitants, there is no return only 9-spiral, the energy must be recycled with or without you, and nature [time] waits for no Womb(man).

We also have the planets that have to align for NI.BIRU [Root Chakra] to be the planet of the crossing [chakra alignment] as above, so below.

It is this year 2012 [2020] that NI.BIRU overrides the operating program not 2025 or maybe you are right but with all that is occuring there is an urgency about the installation of the nu program, the negative and disagreeable have the technology to nuke this planet and cause a holocaust like nearly last time but consciousness is increasing and hiStory only repeats itself to those who don't know it and we all know the hiStory and will not be making the same mistake, their poWRA is with us, this is myStory [myStery] myStar-y [MaStar].  

3days of darkness [do not go outside under any circumstances, that is a directive].

Big Trouble in Little China
This was posted 30.03.2020 but on the upload it says 03.03.2020

Watch yourself and check yourself.





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