Sunday, 29 March 2020


Sky People 

Sumone on the internet from Germany finally said that the virus is only attacking us [she was referring to us, has in Caucasian-European] and she went on that because we have been shit towards gods children we are being punished, she went on that the [blacks] are the first creation of god.

People know what is going on.

In my dreams [visions] last night I was reading stuff  I had written and there were words from others on how and what had taken place in the last 512 years, and it was all in detail and what took place with the people of say the Mayans, not the ones they show you today and what happened to the people of Guatemala [Guate-Mela-nin] who were 10 million strong, I also saw that there were millions more than what the west includes in their hiStory, none of these cities were separated nor the civilisations, this was a global network, no disconnection until the orcs invaded.

It was disturbing in places. 

Ulmex [Olmex] set up nine cities, civilizations, the Ul-Mex are pioneer buildings and come under the Annu-naqi. 

Most of these sites were destroyed from the late 1700's by the orcs who wanted a black-out on the ones before. 

The vision was showing me not to feel bad about what is going to take place, at least you have a conscious, for many are ready for showtime at the flick of a wrist, I do not condone what is going to take place, but I get it, I myself could not enslave others but many will do this, we are heading into barbaric situations.

Mother Nature is not showing one ounce of mercy on this planet, you all had an opportunity to merge in harmony with those that are already on the planet but you chose otherwise, you followed the mind, body and soul, when we were taught soul, mind and body, the body was always last to us but unlike you the body was first and that is why your women have boob jobs, dye their hair with chemicals, why they put plastic [silicone] in their body because they were going through sumthing, it’s called insecure and many of you are insecure about a great deal, their women are all emotionally off-balanced which leaked onto the rest of the wombman especially over the last 100 years.   

The devastation is going to get worse, the Ozone layer is being removed and [CV19] is just a cover, yes it is happening but is also a cover for the ecosystem [no more food, this is the first year of crop losses] that has finally been shutdown and that the Sun is going dark-mode [four sides of consciousness] and we have all the belts [star-systems] that are activating [the central immune system] and are connecting and are going to give off a burst [frequency] in waves.

The UVC and B-A is hitting hard along with the red-iron-oxide dust that is killing you also that they are trying to hide this from you, many will have chest, respiratory problems, all are breaking you down biologically from the inside out, the planet is in a different part of the universe and the sun also, this means the sun is going to be too strong for their suit [avatar] to walk around in, your governments around the world cannot tell you this, so in steps the CV19 is to cover what nature is trying to show you, the artificial races have bought into this man-made trend and are trying to drag has many as possible down with them, if they mention the sun, the Nubian races would start to pay attention to the sun and the entity on this planet does not want that, he must keep all distracted however the frequency has already moved past the artificial races already.

We never worshiped the sun, we knew we were multidimensional beings, not one carving shows us sunbathing, we already knew that Nero-Melanin was condensed sunlight and that the sun is a womb that poured souls [Baa] into this planet via the Nubian Wombman she creates the suit so the soul can inhabit, only the 9 ether Wombman was given that responsibility from [god].
You were the top scientists and geneticists on this planet, those put into slaves were not slaves but doctors, scientists, architectures, artists, engineers, electricians, computer tech, technicians, the north and south had a civil war [confederations] why because the north had 1 million skilled workers and the south had fuck all, these skilled workers could pick more than shit cotton, how did they move Vanilla out of Mexico to open heart surgery, you were in caves and were on all fours when we found you, so we helped you and what was their reward, hatred, telling us of your god above, you have lived good for 512 years but now [god] as a new plan.

All was left carved into granite, the stones hold frequencies, vibrations, they messaged the MA.RE [Mir] aka pyramids and they left data in our DNA, so that we would remember, recall when the time was right.

This is the Hathor [Greek name] but her name is Neteru Athyr, here we see the N.TU showing wombman how to give birth, this position is written in stone, on granite and was left by us in another life for the future you, so you would know what to do, today, man is a uniform [doctor] tells you what to do, how so, has man given birth before, they left you everything you needed to know. 

 You do not need direction for all is embedded within your DNA, nature does not have no fear, she is like let this monkey shit crash, only those with fear for this system are the ones holding it up, there is good and bad in all but that was yesterday, today you must be on the right side of the energy.

See past the 3D and not the vaccine, CV19, money, fear, we see all that is not from this planet dying off, that is what we see, we know she is going to create another suit for us and we can come back whereas your time is over and you must face judgement.

The internet adverts are talking about you boosting your immune system [im-Amun-e] system. 

Strength in numbers [pride] 
Why is it that the Honeybee, the Akir [Lion], the sun PAA.RE [APSU] and Nub [Gold] all share the same colour and that this is the Golden-Age.

Fat Boy Slim 

Look at this fat c99t, what he has done will affect even his granddaughter, the entire lineage and the governor who allowed this to take place, the planet, the animal kingdoms are ATOL protected, nature is going to give you sumthing that when she strikes out, we let her be, no emotion, Ayin for an Ayin, he feels like he contributed to this world when really he is carrying 3-4kg of undigested red meat in his fat stomach, fat c99t, he could have fed the whole pride for two days. 

You have no idea how much you are hated around the world, not just because of this image, where I am many tell me about the English, how they hate them, the only thing that was keeping order was your man-made laws, but the balance of power swings.

You slap a dog you can go to jail but kill a Akir and you are a hunter, you are a dead man walking.

Earth Changes
At 7:47 you will see footage of Kuwait and in the skies [at night] you will see a Akir and if you can really see, there are three Akri [Lions] watching from the skies, you are going to be on the
wrong side of this energy when they pull back the sky.

Bast [Sekhmet]
Kammu the Kat people [Khami] Khemet] 

This is a Roman practice to drink milk from an animal that is meant for the calf, Kats
don't actually drink milk, the KHMT never drank from animals or had dairy products or ate meat, this was taught to those who have animal DNA [223 extra stands] 

You allow this to be part of society and none of you have ever done nothing
about the genetic defect that affects the artificial races primarily, we are deleting this practice from this planet once and for all.   

The Akir represents strength, poWRA, the mighty, the Akir are not natural born meat-eaters and meat was introduced into their diets.
The Akir communicates in telepathy, so do we and not vernacular, we are returning to the original programs, the soul has all the intelligence. 

Her em Akhet [Sphinx] HER EM AKHET
Aka A-Set [throne] seat [pulpit] 

Napoleon who after realizing that this was a Nubian Wombman ordered his men to blast her ears, eyes and lips and crown off, she was too black for him. 

She was rebuilt in the late 1890's and remoulded into a transgender, its alright, the last laugh is coming to you, the Muslims [Arabs] are getting fucked right now.
You dug up the resting, this is how the world knew that this was not your people.

 Pitch Black is about you, we will be moving into darkness and only you will be able to see, the darker it is, is the better for you to see, you have a coating at the back of the eye that will increase during prolonged darkness, all those who have laser corrective surgery will not benefit for the true sight, the energy [light] goes to the retina [absorbs].

Project Bluebeam will be religion based [themed] let sheep follow sheep. 

Electrical waves 
[Waves of intention]
This is also the Ka symbol 

Energy streaming through to this planet, this sky is going to be pulled back and many will shit themselves, who goes to the mountains to hide or to the bunkers, from what, what are you running from, 3 days of darkness is looming for many and what is in the darkness will frighten you.


Earthquakes are going to be a real problem for many soon, real big problem.
Getting messy out there, frequency is resonating all the while, planets and star-systems [belts] are getting ready to send out one universal pulse that will continue, while this planet resurrects.

The shield that protects the Earth from soular radiation [energies] is under attack from within because the 144,000 and sum are conscious and moving the poles, man cannot prevent the inevitable, the energy is intensifying meaning the reversal is the beginning, the poWRA is coming from within. 

It’s time to wake up to the dangers and start preparing.

The Earth’s magnetic field [electromagnetic] protects the planet from dangerous soular and cosmic rays, like a giant shield, its dangerous if you do not have 999 and 666.

You have drastically changed the chemistry of the atmosphere and the ocean with your activities, impairing the life support system of the planet.
HuMans have built huge cities, industries and networks of roads, slicing up access to safer living spaces for many other creatures.

You have pushed perhaps a third of all known species toward extinction and have imperilled the habitats of many more.

Add cosmic and ultraviolet radiation [energies] to this mix, and the consequences for artificial life on Earth will be ruinous.

We are waiting for the soular system to line up and you need to be watching the sun and the skies and nature, watch her, watch the animals, the birds especially when they are singing for they pick up on the electromagnetic fields.   

They will say that CV is the reason for food shortages and not that we are in the first year out of three that there are crop losses, no grain or wheat or beans, no ecosystems because nature shut them down.

Whenever you see movies and alien invasions or takeovers those are places they want to shutdown because there is sumthing else going on, like NY, Cali and Washington, do the maths.

The USA were warned in 2011 not to move technology that they found in Afghanistan and the USA moved it, so they were blasted for over 2hrs at their underground facilities in Afghanistan, the Muslims talking is the footage that i saw back then not the guy talking, now think when we go live and they try and fight back, with what.   
Weather systems [cells] continue to destroy and take back, an entire waterfall in Ecuador gets swallowed up by sinkhole, this is not a one off, water and food is being taken away from you, say like those in Ecuador and the whole of south America are not who they are, for example Brazilians call themselves Brazilian, yet they speak Portuguese, do you know where Portugal is, yeah its over there, and others speak Spanish and yes Spain is over there, the South Americans are nothing more than left over Spanish or Portuguese and so on, Peru is Heru, the whole of the USA is Atlantis and that includes the whole of South America, so the land is going to be taken away from you because your father murdered millions and infected millions because they were diseased ridden, so today you are the offspring of these orcs and this means you are artificial and nature doesn’t recognise you, that means deletion.   


Tamil Nadu, Indus.
Tamil is Sanskrit writing
Nadu is Naga
Naga from India to Cambodia to Japan which is really Nepal

The Greeks changed the name to Mount Olympus, but it is Mt Meru [Heru] that the elite resided at in Indus. 

This is the four corners of the world, this is the four corners of the universe, pay attention to what the four Cobras are doing or the four Nagas.

ANU [Braham] Creator integrates this planetary hologram and the greater virtual reality composed of 12 [13] physical universes, created by the great mind [mother mind] and each with different vibrational frequencies, integrating the universal Dodecahedron are in correction.
Dodecahedron means a three-dimensional shape having twelve plane faces, in particular a regular solid figure with twelve equal pentagonal faces.
12 disciples aka the 12 Disc-Cycles in the sky aka the Sun-Disc going through 12 spaces aka Houses, the 13th is hidden, we are inside the groove.

13 NRG is here and this means time for the Purple Rain

 Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery


[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called [1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gama Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet.
[1] Haru  [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

All of this is produced through the 3tones of creation [1] HuHi [2] HeKa and [3] Sia.
And it gets so much deeper.

OM144 [TONE]
Radius, the dot in the middle is the 144,000 and the rest are around the dot [circle] sphere. 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Braham [ANU] 

Vishnu [EN.KI] 

Shiva [EN.LIL] 

Kali [INANNA] Aset 

Ganesh [Ghana]  

There were many tribes and castles [Kastles]

All this is Naga works, not Indians or Hindu and not the Buddhas, they were teachers, the Hindus were created well after, the Muslims came after and shit themselves when they saw all the works left by the Nagas and forced their kind to have no [god] before him, meaning the authors of the Koran or Islam knew that there were gods before man, there were many gods and sum where femi9.

Only the Annunaqi offspring were educated in knowledge, no one else.

Who uses the same architecture

Indian never ever won a Olympic medal until they used one of the Siddis, this was during the 60's or 70's, they claim that these people are forgotten but they are being deleted by the invading people.

All these beings are Nubian and where a global network, all civilizations were connected, Egypt is running or runs parallel with the Sumerians, they all were running at near enough the same timeline, there is no disconnection.

The Siddis are the Naga [Buddha] Annunaqi offspring, these people are not forgotten by their lineage but were forgotten because they are too dark and are NRG, the Indians are the invading force, they invaded because the Siddis are home, Indus is their home and to too are their practices.
India is going to pay dearly for mistreating the original people of that land called
Nagaland aka Nigger-land.

The Siddis are one of the offspring of the Nagas.

Pinkie tail

The Canine, the Pig and the Cow and the Monkey have all been used to correct the HuMan, with throwbacks appearing along with HuMan defects call rare disorders. 
30% of HuMans are still born with a tail, bow legs or spread eagle is from the breeding of the animals, the bow legs come from them, how can it be because she was sexed over and over when she can have a baby, have you seen how big the head is, and and has to come through the tunnel, well then.   

The real MJ was either clonned or killed or trapped sumwhere, however plastic and sulphur is alright for their avatar, Marilyn Monroe was one of the first plastic alternatives to which today we have silicone things everywhere.

Elephants don't have a menstrual cycle, primates do, why would nature do you like that, your reproductive system is not from nature but is from monkeys for they bleed when they hit their periods and that is where your cycle comes from, the Wombman is going back to them days for they changed your blood and the cycles and used the moon, when you never had none of these artificial things.

After the entity down here spliced the yunnan snub nosed monkey to get the Indian and the other snub nosed monkey to get the Oriental, they had just got their template [neanderthal] to sleep with the monkeys to create the Indians [Arabs] and then into the Caucasian [European] races.

We are in Karma season hence this last part of the post and over 1 billion Indians are on lock-down, many are going to passover.

Angkor Wat 

Shikara [Shi-Ka-Ra] Sanskrit name for MA.RE [pyramid]  

Ancient broadcasting station which was transmitting and receiving radio signals.

Ankh -kor

This Naga temple was used to contact the higher realms, the MA.RE [pyramid] complex looks like a technical drawing, a blueprint of a circuit, 7 Granite squares stacked.

Lingams can be cylindrical structures, they also house data, information. 

 With a Crystal [Quartz] rod that once stood in the centre, this was a broadcasting station which transmitted and received radio signals  

When the Ulmex returned and found out what the people were doing they closed down the circuit and moved the people 750,000 to Cambodia which is Khambodia from the Mayan lineages. 
Kushite was a civilized Alkebulan [African] Culture that expanded into Asia forming several civilizations of Nations and Empires, Afro Asiatic is now a language family that permeates race.
Kushites were seen as Nubian and Red people, Kushite is Kh-shite or Ka-shite.
Everywhere we find these Kushite Civilizations we find the Chi (X), and its spiritual concept. 
Their societies absorbed foreign races although they remained the ruling classes.

 From Negus
To Nigga

Ng = Nga = Ngai = Naga = Negus = Nagual
Negro = Niger = Nagar = Nigger = Nigga

Ethiopian [Aksum-Abyssinian] word for; Priest [King] or Ruler or Emperor, King = Ki-NG

In Meso-American folk religion, from Maya to Aztec, a Nagual is a HuMan being who has the power to transform either spiritually or physically into an animal form: most commonly the Jaguar. 
The Nagu; the huaca, compares to hetka [Hika] or the Ka [Kat]: as the animal double, or spirit itself.

The Supreme (God) in the spiritual system of the Kamba and Kikuyu of Kenya, the deity lives on the holy mountain KiriNyaga (Mount Kenya), quite possibly the Mountain of the Moon, where the ancient Egyptians [KHMT] originated from, which is near by the original Lake (Nyanza) Victoria (which is the Source of the Hapi river-Nile).

Naga-Land (a remnant city of Hindu-Kush);
City of Naga (sacred city in ancient Nubia, Kingdom of Kush).

The serpent, or snake, one of the oldest and most widespread ancient symbols world-wide, in 
Meso-American cultures, the serpent was regarded as a portal between two worlds.
Found in Egyptian, and the Buddha and the Naga primarily represents rebirth, death and mortality.

A sub-caste made by the Hindus and the English because the Tamil are too dark for them, ancient Tamil people who lived all over India and Asia Pacific, especially the original Cham people of Vietnam and tribes of Cambodian.

A racial slur, usually directed at black people, the word originated as a neutral term referring to people with black skin, as a variation of the Spanish and Portuguese noun negro.

Respelling of nigger (urban African-American speech).

Meaning the colour black - from 1550s, Spanish or Portuguese language, member of a black-skinned race of Africa.

The earliest use of the name Niger come from the Amazigh phrase, ger-n-ger,  meaning, river of rivers.
As Timbuktu was the southern end of the principal Trans-Saharan trade route to the western Mediterranean, it was the source of most European knowledge of the region.

The reason the descendant of the Original People say the N-word so much is because this is the only word carried over from the old world that we were left with.

From Ng we get Nga, furthermore, the glyphs that spell out Ng also transliterates to the sound and spelling of An-Kh. 
So from South West Africa to South East Asia we find many many names the root phoneme Ng. 
This also is not just by chance a random coincidence.

Ng is prominent in names like Nguni (amazulu) and many more Alkebulan names, including Angola, and even the copy cats like England. 
In south east Asia, Cambodia to be specific we find a place called Angkor famous for it's stone temple, as in Ankh-Heru, meaning Life of the Light. 

The monolithic structure is identical to the structure in Guatemala, Meso-America.

In fact, Cambodia is really Chambodia, as in the same Cham in the name Chem for Khemt-Kemet KHMT, in which we derive the word Ham as in Hamite, the neighbouring country of Vietnam even call their originals (the melanated) the Cham people.
These are peoples Google and Hollywood won't just show you up front.

It's no coincidence that we find Meso-American artefacts that mirror the Kemetic Conquest, such as those of the Kushite Kings smiting their enemies with the mace, the rulers in the imagery are melanated originals and had they not been melanated then they wouldn't have depicted themselves with a melanated skin tone, it's clearly obvious if they were lighter skinned people they had the paint to depict themselves in the lighter skin colour yet they intentionally did not.

There is more reason to believe that high science was brought to Asia and America and distributed throughout the ancient world, displayed in spirituality, language, architecture, culture and customs.


Look at the ears, Naga [Buddha] 

The Naga is the manifestation of Ngai also known as the monotheistic Most High.

Negro, Necro, Nekro = Corpse

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, 
Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic

Chakra Khan 

 Even though these 7 chakras have a very high energy, there are also other high points of energy around the world where the Ley Lines travel, these include:

 Bermuda Triangle
 Karachi, Pakistan
 Devil’s Sea Triangle (Japan)
 Mount Fuji, Japan
 Maui, Hawaii
 Sedona, Arizona
 Calgary, Canada
 Findhorn, Scotland
 Kiev, Ukraine
 Bali, Indonesia
 Easter Island
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Sarawak, Borneo
 Gabon (West Africa)
 Capetown, South Africa
 Lake Taupo, New Zealand

Hatti is the lungs of earth, along with the Amazon, they help her to breath for she is a living entity, she has a heartbeat, she feels pain, she carries emotion, and just like us she also has her own energy centres (Chakras).

The mechanics of the Universe and the Earth are being revealed more so in this timeline and is more prevalent has we start to delve deeper into the reSet year, all is being revealed.

All is connected, Universe and Earth, they mirror, everything is a reflection, we are connected.

The tectonic plates are going to connect and go off at once releasing the all-knowing energy.

Mother Earth connects through the subtle electrical current that runs around the entire planet, Ley lines are the veins of the earth and oil is the blood of Ki.

Just like we have veins that flow in and out of the heart, Mother Earth has Ley Lines, which are lines of energy that coil around the earth in a similar fashion as a strand of DNA.
Each ley line intersect are high points of energy, electrical charges.
These veins carry information, or energy from these higher vibrational points and carry them around the world, spreading knowledge and wisdom to all inhabitants.

The exact intersecting points are not random, oh no, these are home to sum of the most sacred [Iy] coasts-adobe (temples and monuments) in this world including the KHMT Mir(s), Machu Picchu, Stonehenge and Angkor Wat, whenever I ask those who have been, did you feel this or that, nothing, all these areas are frequencies, all are still on.

When you look into advanced civilizations like the Ancient KHMT(s), it is clear that they innerstand the energy and power of these energy currents, including the Ley Lines, given that they constructed them.

China they are known as Dragon Lines, South America the Shaman’s referred to them as Spirit Lines
Australia the ancient Aboriginals called them Dream Lines and in the west, we just refer to them as Ley Lines. 

The points where the Ley Lines intersect, are perfectly aligned with constellations.

Image is a guide and the chakras would have moved or are moving. 

Mount Shasta, California, USA
Mt. Shasta is part of the Cascade Mountain Range which runs from Northern California into Oregon and all the way up to the Canadian border.
Mt. Shasta is one of the most electrically charged mountains but the whole area is also buzzing with energy, this area was to be the base of Mother Earth’s energy system.

Lake Titicaca, Peru-Bolivia, South America
The Titicaca Stone is the geometrical centre for the Solar Plexus Chakra of Mother Earth, the surrounding area of Machu Picchu, Cuzco and Iquitos also have a very high energy.
Two Ley lines intersect at Lake Titicaca, these include the Male Great Dragon Ley Line which runs from Mt. Shasta to Lake Titicaca and the Female Great Dragon Ley line.

Solar Plexus 
Uluru- Kata Tjuta, Northern Territory, Australia
Uluru and an area called Kata Tjuta is the Solar Plexus chakra of the earth, these areas are sacred to the native Aboriginals today and not those who invaded, the Female Great Dragon Ley Line connects both Lake Titicaca and Uluru.

Stonehenge, England
Stonehenge as well as the surrounding areas of Glastonbury, Somerset, Shaftesbury and Dorset all form the heart chakra of Mother Earth.
Where Stonehenge is constructed is the strongest point of all of this energy, again, the Female Great Dragon Ley Line connects Uluru to Stonehenge.

The E.KUR Mir (Great Pyramid) J[H]erusalem, Mt. Sinai and Mt. Olives Middle east, no Africa, Middle East is political word jargon.
The throat chakra is one of the largest energy centres of Mother Earth, which indicates its importance at this particular time in our hiStory, like right now because the agreeable and positive are going to switch it on, it is also the only energy centre that is not connected to the Male or Female Great Dragon Ley Line.

The Third Eye chakra is the only one that moves, this is due to the movement of Earth’s axis, the Third Eye chakra moves every 150-200 years or every aeon.
These aeons are also lined up with constellations.

2012 [2020] we shifted into the age of Aquarius, which meant the Third Eye chakra is currently located in Western Europe near Stonehenge, when we shift into the age of Capricorn, the Third Eye chakra will move to maybe South American like Brazil, don't quote me because this is reSet.

Mt. Kailash [Kali]  (Himalayan Mountains) Tibet, this is the Crown Chakra of Mother Earth
Many locals harness the energy of Mt. Kailas on the night of the Scorpio Full Moon, which typically happens once a year in April or May.
For Mother Earth, this Full Moon marks the start of a new evolution and a new cycle of energy, as Scorpio is connected to the idea of death and rebirth but we are on the Orion [Sahu] belt energy now.

Many, if not all, have the negative sitting on these areas, like the Druids are governing Stonehenge and the Dharma lama is sitting on Kailash, tramps.

Even though these 7 chakras have a very high energy, there are also other high points of energy around the world where the Ley Lines travel.

Bermuda Triangle, Karachi, Pakistan, Devil’s Sea Triangle (Japan), Mount Fuji, Japan, Maui, Hawaii
Sedona, Arizona, Calgary, Canada, Findhorn, Scotland, Kiev, Ukraine, Bali, Indonesia, Easter Island, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, Sarawak, Borneo, Gabon (West Africa), Capetown, South Africa, Lake Taupo, New Zealand, now you know why when you come back from these places why you felt the way you did.


On the left-side you have a device that is created from 3 different components, consisting of the
[1] AUNK-Ankh [2] TET [3] WASS-SCEPTER.

This was a [poWRA] power device that we used to produce electrons which is the power behind the creation of the Atom.

Now take a Look at Ptah also called PaTar, Tar and Ta, and the Ptahites are the children of Ptah or PA-TAR called Tar-Babies.

If you look closely you can see Ptah holding the same symbol of pow-re, this is dealing with the creation of the first physical Atom known to man, the Hydrogen Atom hence Ptah is the opener of the way, from the spirit to the physical world.

 There are also 3 types of Hydrogen Atoms, [1] Protium (no neutron) 2) Deuterium (1 neutron)
 [3] Tritium (2 neutrons).

All through KHMT you will find workings in 3's, combination 3's, like the Puat NaTuRu called the 9 Ennead by the Greeks which is 3 Flags on top of 3 Flags on top of 3 flags making 9.

The triad of Ptah also known as the triad of Re deals with the science of the Sun-Re 3 positions for example.

This is ancient TaMaRe tradition worked by 3, they ate with 3 fingers and so on, this is where the Muslims got their ritual of Sunnah from Sun-nah.

The Setians are Judaism, Christism and Islamism, male superiority and worship, female inferiority and abuse, spook worship and factual blindness.  

[1] Atun (6am sun) [2] Atum (12pm sun) and [3] Amum (6pm sun) who are the scientific equivalent of the 3 Cosmic Ray or lights called [1] Ultraviolet LIGHT [2] Gamma Ray Light [3] X-Ray which are called the Cosmic light, or black-light and they correspond to the Paa NaTuRu (NeTjer) = Sedjet.
[1] Haru  [2] Asar [3] The Hidden One.

All of this is produced through the 3tones of creation [1] HuHi [2] HeKa and [3] Sia.
And it gets so much deeper.

OM144 [TONE] 

The Awakening of light

What if I told you there is no God outside of yourself
What if I told you the devil represents your lowerself and God is your higher self 
What if I told you Jesus, Allah, Yhwh and the tmh, deities are all allegorical, mythology and never existed
What if I told you, you don't need a saviour, you need to look within for salvation
What if I told you that even though I'm not religious and do not subscribe to the bible, doesn't mean I'm lost, evil or the antichrist
 What if I told you every mainstream religion has committed atrocities and murder and that all early converts were forced
What if I told you on the contrary of being evil, that those who do not subscribe to religion or just those who use logic, reason, Science and Mathematics and has contributed to this world
 What if I told you that, all of the most important events in the Bible are historically incorrect
 What if I told you, non-believers do not worship Satan and do not want to control over people who do believe
What if I told you that human beings did not need a book to teach them how to live righteously, that it's either in you or it's not
 What if i told you that nothing natural in the world need a book to teach them how to function properly
Then why do I need an instructional book to live righteously
What if, I told you that even if you weren't religious or believe in the Bible that you wouldn't rape and kill people(unless you are mentally sick)
 Those of you who believe that there would be nothing but murderers and rapists if they didn't believe in the Bible is basically, saying I'm a bad person but out of fear, I suppress these urges
 if you truly believe that if you didn't have the Bible, you would be evil, than you are sick and disgusting and your are a potential predator (especially if you can clear your conscious of evil deeds by simply apologizing) you are delusional

 Just think rapist and murderers allowed to spend all eternity with their victims
 As above so below. 

Heru>> higher-self >> Set>> lower-self>>  on the left and Set on right, lower and higher-self that’s all>> find the balance naturally. 

Dry your eyes

The planet must purge [remove] herself to reach the higher frequency, as above, so below, you must as well and you know this. 

Its after the AM here where i am and i am leaving out for a walk which i would never do, spirit wants me to so i-is inspired [in-spirit] go in peace.

Your Ashu is being answered now because we can see how the ancient ones and old ones are manifesting their mistakes and they are hiding them the best they can, the ancient ones are building us up for this thing to crash.

The sun unlocks your 3rd Ayin and they want you to not receive the raylight, we are turning into crystal water.


Melanin sits in the Carbon, this movie tells you who you are and why they are scared of you, they are searching for the melanin gene.

Your Ashu is being answered now because we can see how the ancient ones and old ones are manifesting their mistakes and they are hiding them the best they can, the ancient ones are building us up for this thing to crash.

The sun unlocks your 3rd Ayin and they don't want you to receive the raylight, we are turning into crystal water and if they keep you indoors you won't receive the sunlight and they want their kind inside to keep them from red-iron-oxide [UVC], they need the numbers to get higher, like the USA needs around 2500 or 2700 before you get lock-down completely. 

Get past your amygdala functions.

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