System Override
A head-jack is the term used to describe the data portal [port] created on HuMins who are connected to the neural-interactive virtual reality
known as the Matrix, a mixture of electrical and electromagnetic transmissions
using the Matrix [the 3rd eye system] and there are those who are
connected to the artificial Matrix and they are not connected to the original program
This is what the universe looks like, the bubble within a
great ocean, the planet is both one plane [flat] and a sphere [round], the
hemisphere runs around the top [dome] half a sphere that forms the sky [blue
orb] electromagnetic field] [blue lifeforce] as above, so below, and below is
the bottom part of the sphere [underworld] two half spheres making a sphere
In the middle is Mt Meru [Heru] in the centre Mt Zion
[trunk] from the centre you can see what shoots out is the aurora borealis that
bounces off of the dome [comes up and comes down the dome with that green light
that you see in the movie the Matrix that pours down with the kodes] and forms
our reality, that all comes from the centre and that is the Dark [Melanin] Sun
[RAHU] the light from the dark sun in the centre is what forms our material
Is the planet flat or round, the answer is found in the
extreme, they have you polarised and the answer is always in the centre, always
in the middle, where the balance is
So, the dome, which is the translucent cover, think of
this as the canopy from a tree and the centre is the trunk, so this is the tree
of life, can you see the tree of life
In order to go out you have to go within, starting in the
centre the north pole, you go through the ancient tree which were all laser cut
down trees are, when the orcs and the greys and the reptilians took over
These ancient trees [devils towers+] once connected our
heaven to the heaven above, we use to use the trees and the branches and travel
Once we fell into corruption the positive and agreeable
ordered the cutting down of the rest of the trees, they will grow back once we
go live again, sum are being readied inside the planet and will shoot out of
the ground, so what we have left is the magnetic north where all compasses
point even when you are in the south pole, your compass points to the north,
that should tell you sumthing
This is where everything is, the centre, the rim going
around the spinning top would be the ice-wall [Antarctika] and this whole
bubble exist with the dark [black] ocean, the ocean of pure energy aka dark
[black] matter, we are all formed from that because everything is energy and
everything outside is spiritual energy, for us to become solid we enter here,
in the centre
We are like what we are today because we fell so far from
Mt Meru [Heru] the magnetic mountain [look at the image,
a bubble in an ocean], the ice-wall [rim] and we are trying to move inwards, we
are on the Scorpion arm of the galaxy and we have moved into the Orion [Sahu]
arm of the galaxy, closer to the centre, once we get closer, home to Mt Zion
[dock] we go into a hyper-chamber to detox, then we can enter Mt Zion fully,
then you will be your true self and you then can travel through the [trunk] [Y]
into the other realms that connect to other bubbles [realms] that are all
connected in a system, we are trying to get to the centre but we must get to
the centre within ourselves first
Hemisphere is a Latin word Hemi = translates half [half a
dome] or sphere
Nu [Nun] [Amun Amon Amen] secret name [Nuit] [Neit] translates
energy of Nu, the deep, abyss
Nut [Mut]
Ma [Wa]
Kek [dark NRG-Melanin]
Dark energy, Dark matter, antimatter, what the Greeks
call Melanin [KAANU], this dark black stuff that secretes through your pineal gland,
that's in your ether9 skin, your ether9 hair, this black body radiation, pure
consciousness, undiluted, unadulterated dark consciousness is here, meditation
will connect thee
Your pineal gland expands, crown also
This is all about you finding yourself and finding
balance, all real HuMins are already in the centre, and everything is projected
outwards from the centre, you are in the centre projecting a part of you
outwardly, you are the t-ether and our souls are in the centre, the real you is
in the centre, you are not asleep, you are walking around and living, just like
how we are out here and just like the tether we are connected to them, whatever
they do there, we do out here but we do it in a messed up way, us, our real
selves [cells] are tri-ing to connect back here, they are living the real life
and we are a shadow of them
We are to connect with ourselves and active [wake up] and
break the matrix [illusion] to be nu bee-ing, Nubian is nu-being
Everyone has the chance to make it home [dock] to the
centre, resurrect
Don’t fear anything, don’t be afraid for there is no
death, there is afterwards an alternative, there is sumthing else, control your
thoughts and control your emotions
We are now one, no more masculine and feminine s-he is
now a full 9 [Femi9 Electron NRG]
Ankh the pathway to the Mystery Systems leading into what
is called the God Particle the Prime Particle
The Ankh is also in line with Infinity, where Heh
infinity and its opposite eternity Hehet, and NWN, dark radiation and its
opposite NWNT, anti-matter or and the resultant matter is analysed in creation
KAANU [Melanin]
Ankh is more than just its viewed meaning in life, but
the creation in life herself, ANKH Key of the Eternal
I understand that there is controversy of creating the
mnemonic ANKH to represent the Khemennu The Primordial Eight, however, it is in
fact the Eight [8] that created life, so
the mnemonics do not take away from this concept even though there is no proof
that the KHMT(s) thought this way but we can be sure the Ankh symbol is written
with the water sign (N) and the (KH) – whether this meant waves and particles
is another thing
The symbol the Ankh is 9 but could be 8, the Khemenu or
the Ogdoad, the thing is Amun is always [hidden] and we do not know if the
symbol was actually pronounced as Ankh or Nkh, so Since Amun is hidden let us
make that sound invisible and pronounce the symbol NKH for these purposes
NKH is a formula that includes the Khemenu KMT [Khami]
Kammu [Kat] for a number of reasons; the reaction of the 8 creates the light
that created life
In addition, the Khemenu are seen holding the symbol
sometimes all 8 or sometimes just 4 or the 8, and the that the Mdu Ntr of the
symbol contains the N [Wave] and the KH [particle-sieve] and these are quantum
physic properties of the duality of waves and particles
Lastly, the Khemenu appears in precreation, creation,
life, and afterlife scenes in text and in plate
Wherever the Ankh is translated in ancient KHMT [Egypt] literature
it must have the following insight, the Ankh is the Life Code; the Neteru(s) Infinities
or Chaos, Amun and Amunet, Nun and
Nunet, Kek and Keket, Heh and Hehet – the Ogdoad;
The Meaning of Life is no longer just a flat definition
but a multi-dimensional definition of the scientific and possibly spiritual
definition of how life was created itself
It is not just about phonetics, not about linguistics but
linguistics has sum bearing, the secret of the Ankh can be approached two ways
that lead to the same result
Ogdoad – the Primordial Eight and how these elements
resolve themselves into Life
The Mdu Ntru symbol for the sone [sound] N which is a wave
and the Mdu Ntr symbol for the sone KH which is a placenta [matter] – are key
elements of the symbol ANKH or NKH – Wave plus Matter produces the elements of Life
or the Supreme Particle
ANKH to open up the doors
Mostly, we don’t look at sounds having any mathematical
principles unless the definition says to look in that direction, example – the
word Kode – has a definition of sum puzzle
As an astute problem solver would look into the word kode
itself to see its origins, its use and so on+
The sone Ankh is a kode, let’s begin to see why
I will do it with the sones that make up the Ankh and
later look at the symbols, first the sones
Let’s look at the permutations that make up the sones
A – A, An, Ak, Ah
N – N, Na, Nh, Nk
H – H, Ha, Heh, Hk, Hn
K – K, Ka, Kh, Kn, Km
Well look at this, the sones combinations make are the
beginning to many important words in Ancient KHMT and even important words that
all languages stand on
From Kemet – I mean –
An, Annu, N, Nu, Nun, , Kh, Kek, Ha, Heh, Heka including creating the
words Amen, Nun, Keh, Heh and many more
The N.TU [Neteru] Ptah, has said to be written in its
earlier text Pet ta Heh
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia, we find that Ptah of
Memphis (An) is the ruler of infinity (Heh) and the Lord of Eternity (Tet)
Sm of these patterns make up the formula we are
discussing, Ankh or Nkh, some of these words find themselves in the
Cosmological space that I am discussing now
For example – the word combinations that make up the ANKH
also make up the elements of the name of the City of Eight where the Ogdoad
preceded -Khmn
In addition, we have AN – The City of AN – Heliopolis
where another creation story comes from.
We have elements of the soul Ka, Ah, of course, we have
the powerful sone that describes a wave or vibration – N
So let’s look at the Ogdoad itself, they are represented
by 4 pairs of primordial qualities, forces, or Deities [Neterus]
A = Amun-Amunet
N = Nun-Nunet
K = Kek-Keket
H= Heh-Hehet
If these are primordial creators or important forces then
their names would probably have primordial sones
Said or chanted together would be a word sone, this word
sound can now be described as the Ankh
Before I continue, I do want to make note that in many
Quantum Physics discussions, the God Particle or the Higgs Boson Particle is
associated with a sone [OM144]
I have a problem because of the difference of the
pronouncement of A sound in Ankh and the I/A of Amen/Amenet
Many of you have never heard the sone of Ankh nor Amen/Imen
pronounced in 1,000 years by an Alkebulan [African] native to the Mdu Ntr
It can very well be pronounced as NKH with the A silent,
additionally, the symbolic evidence is even more plausible
We see in the ANKH that water-Nile-wave glyph that gives
the N sound is also part of Nun-Nunet and even part of Amen/Imn
In addition, I have not found yet a Glyph that represents
the A sound in ANK, A as is AT
I have always seen it having the Ankh symbol and with the
N sound and the KH sone.
So there is at this point no proof that the symbol is
pronounced the way we pronounce it
In addition, earlier I have shown that the root sounds of
the Hehu/Ogdoad deities are used in other important Kemetic words as some root
The Secret of the Ankh is a pathway into the Mystery
Systems, the secret of the Ankh leads to the what is called the God Particle or
what is called the Higgs Particle but told in by the ancient people of the Nile
has Kek [Keket]
The Secret of the Ankh also is in line with the Infinity
Puzzle of Frank Close this where infinity (Heh) and its opposite nothingness
(hehet) and Nwn (Dark Radiation) and its opposite Nwnt (anti-matter) or and the
resultant matter is analysed in creation
KAANU [Melann]
The Ankh can no longer be viewed as just meaning life,
but the creation of Life herself
The Ankh represents the first key to the Mysteries, the
Creation of Everything
The Ankh represents the first key to the mysteries the
creation of everything the Ankh [NKH] means more than Life – it is the most
ancient symbol of a kode of sone [sound] and primordial [N.TU] deities, the
Ankh is actually the names of the Neteru or Ogdoad >> Amen [Amaunet] Nun [Naunet]
[Ku] Kaukhet Heh [Hauhet] – ANKH
At sum point the eight [8 is the symbol for infinite]
fuse themselves together bounded by Ma'at and Djehuti [Thoth] and a Neter Ptah
is formed out of this chaos ≤≥ [[[Elohim]]] ≤≥ [[[ATUM, SHU, GEB, NUT,
The Ankh itself has four distinct sides and one of them
is the loop Nun [Nunet], these four pairs are the children of Djehuti [Tehuti] and
Both Djehuti [Vibration], Ma'at [Order] and the four
pairs themselves have their own forces
Amen [Amaunet] is the hidden spark of life and its
opposite, Nun [Naunet] is the primordial unformed mass and its opposite, Ku
[Kaukhet] Kek is the qualities of light and its opposite, and Heh [Hauhet] is the
qualities of infinity and its opposite
NWN = Matter
NWNT = Anti Matter
Sekhem = this is the spark of life of yours
KAANU [Melanin] Ether
Amen Re = the Hidden One [the spark of life is not in all
humans or Hu-Mins, has you can see them around you]
NKH [Ankh] is her, the Femi9 electron NRG to which we have now restored with
Stay in Istal
It is what it is, we are increasing in every reality and you
can see this out here, destiny is unfolding with every cycle, time has sped up,
we are escalating, ascending, changing, evolving while in the midst of chaos,
you know we have to go through chaos first while finding balance
For those who have already plugged out you must remain
focused and grounded, watch what you are taking in, what you are projecting,
what is streaming into your space, mind and thoughts, many signals [kodes] are
covering the network and sum are not positive, remember we are increasing, we
will not be going back to normal
The positive and agreeable watch us closely and have been
changing the frequencies gradually until to the point that when sumone asks
you when did this start or when will this start, the truth is, you won’t know
what to say, when did it start will be an illusion, you don’t remember, good
The planet is spinning in an ultra-vortex number 9, the
MaStar Key NI.BIRU is the master-key, the overrider of the kodes that she
carries, she can rewrite the program or change it
You have to match the kodes, the frequency, the
vibrations, we go to source, and be in the
MindSet [Acoustic] KhuSet of 4[5]6D those stuck in the
3[D] is where they remain during this transmission, transition and transformation
Stay away from the 3D, it is what it is now
The spirit world has to merge with the physical world in order for love to stay, love and hate, positive and negative, there must be balance and this must be restored with or without you
Nu energy signatures means we are in a superior energy stream, stay balanced, its a jungle out there
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