What you will realise about the sone [sound] of the Ayin
(Ajna) is that what you are bringing into you what you call the 3rd eye, is
actually the 1st eye, the Wadjet, we also call it the eye of Buddha, the eye of
Shiva, also the eye of Braham, this eye has many different names throughout the
ancient world.
Amen [Amun] has the exalt same sone has the tone of Ayin,
there is a chant [OM]that awakens within you the laden pow-res of the Chakra,
the 7 major Chakra systems within you, the book of Revelation is talking about
this only, the awaken poWRA of the chakra pow-re-s.
The awakening system brings forth the problems that many
have because of the Karma [Kaa’Ma’at] that they have brought upon themselves
and how the Kundalini has to break through those threads of Karmic lessons, so
that you can raise yourself up and become the Karast (Christ), that is the
whole Science in this.
Out of the so-called Coptic Christians who were
established at least 300 years before the Roman (Latin) Catholic Church where
did they get the information from, right off the walls of ancient KHMT.
Abydos, Seti’s [Iy] (temple), Het Heru, the whole of
Ma’at, from the books of coming forth by day and night which is called the opening
of the mouth ceremony, hold on>> where is the mouth located at<<
this mouth is conjunctive with this Ayin.
When the Kundalini Nrg comes up your spine, the first
place the energy hits is right at the back of your head where they insert Neo
when he plugs in to the Matrix, this area is also called the mouth of (God).
Bible says, Jesus went up onto Mt Calvary, and has he was
lifted onto Mt Calvary, this was known has the place of skulls, Golgotha = the
place of the skull.
This is telling you were (Christ) was crucified at, the
reason why is that when the Nrg comes up the base of your spine is it crucifies
your lower nature, its stops you from acting beastly, it stops you having
emotions that we get wrapped up in; jealousy, envy, hatred, lust, greed, the
Nrg kills all that.
The Nrg bounces off the skull to the pituitary gland and
then strikes the pineal gland to awaken it, illuminating the whole Calvary
which is called the Calvary Braham where they say Jesus was born in a cave, not
in a manger, but that is the manger inside of your brain [organ] which is
called the 3rd ventricle, this means that that Calvary is illuminated with
white light, deep mediation will show you this white light with the opening of
the Ayin.
AT = Father
UM = Mother = Atom = Adam = Kadmon
Atum came and he emerged from out of Nun, the other
aspect of Nun is Nu, Nu is the Masculine form and Nun is the Femi9 form, you
know the signs of the Nun for they walk around cloaked in black, same like the
Muslim women and the Catholic Nun’s, they are trying to replicate the signs of
Mela9, the abilities to absorb the rays of the Cosmos, the Soular rays.
Nu = Universe = Nrg
Nun represents the primordial substance called space or
black matter or dark matter, so where was this darkness created in, and even
the darkness was created, the all is mind and everything in the universe is
mental, that means the mind produced the darkness and the darkness produced
reflected the light which brought it into manifestation [Magi], the darkness is
what produced the light, but the darkness was also created from the mind of the
all, the mind is the producer of everything in existence, there is nothing that
you cannot think of that hasn’t been produced, nothing.
A table, sumone had to think about it = light bulb came
on over their head, a great idea, they get the material but first you have to
draw it out, well that’s two-dimensional and then get the material and produce
it and bring it into third-dimensional stage, so that is the first stage of
1D = idea 2D= pen and paper, and 3D = right before your
eyes, actual eyes, everything in existence came from the same format,
everything you can see, touch and smell came from the same format.
So Atum emerged from mother Nun, the Nu, the mother
aspect from the primordial substance of the Un-iverse which is called dark
Atom has he emerged came forward an created a deity first
called Shu, now Shu, quote on quote is the first begotten son of Atum, but hold
up wait a minute, in your scriptures it talks about the second Atom, Jesus is
called the second Atom within your scriptures, New Testament.
Now that is deep because if the second Atom is called
Jesus, Jesus Aramic name is
YAW [SHU] WAH = Yah-shu-a Yawshuwah.
SHU dates back to over 50K years ago, that is two
precessions of Equinox, 1 great year is called 26,000 that the sun rotates
around the 12 house signs, the Zodiac, this means that this information has
been in existence for at least two rotations, two great years, not 2000 years
ago like they like to claim, this concept has been around for over 50K years.
YAH [Positive] and WAH [Negative], Positive is Electrical
and Negative is Magnetic, Positive = Masculine and Negative = Femi9, we could
go on but the Science is that *SHU* is directly in the middle, that reason is
because in your Bible Jesus is represented has medium , remember no one can get
into the father but through me, I’M the truth, the way and the light, how do
you get the truth, how do you get the light and how do you get the way.
The life is through your breath, the breath is life, but
KHMT told us that SHU makes the breath, Shu is the mediator within YAHWAH or
YAWWEH in the old testament, that is why Shu didn’t exist in the old testament
because Shu wasn’t the mediator yet because the Bible didn’t innertsand the
signs of breath and how to activate the formula of your Chakra System yet.
The Bible, Genesis is based on your Genealogy or the
Genealogy of ASET or ISIS, so, if you check it Genesis is talking about your
formula of your physical bodies, the early stages, the formula to activate your
Chakra System, being that Genesis is based on your Genealogy.
The only one who could anoint the body of Jesus once he
had supposedly past on was his mother or his wife, but it was Mary Magdalene who
was his wife.
Three Ayin’s representing the physical state, the mental
state and the spiritual state, we go further because the Ayin represent the
void of wisdom of limitless light, Ayin represents limitless in other words
SOP represents wisdom, same word from SOP we gat SUFI
(Sofa) same word they use in Arabic and AUR means light, the final stage was
AYIN SOP AUR in which formulated light in which came from NUN because NUN is
nothing but the Ayin principle or the triple stage darkness in which produced the
light or Atum, second born was Shu or Yawshuwah that is your Jesus.
Mary = Maya
Maya is all over the world in which they came up with
Mary, from Indus to Mexico to the Ulmec [Olmex] and even the word Mayan comes from
Maya, Maya itself is magic, it’s the illusion and the way in which you can use
your will power in order to manipulate that magic (energy) or any principle,
the power of will pow-re, lets say it like that, you will use your will pow-re
to manipulate any event that you need to do so, and by doing so you will use
the signs of the illusion because all of this is a hologram.
You have 76trillion cells in your body and each cell is
nothing more than a copy of your body, that is the sign of cloning, I can take
a hair, speck of blood, skin and according to science they can clone a whole
you, now the only way that this can be is if there was a hologram, you are a
Now what does a hologram need in order to survive, light,
bingo, you need light, when the AYIN is single the body fills with light, your
man said that Jesus, he was telling you how to draw in the Cosmic light, the
golden ray NRG and produce whatever you want into existence, he gave you the
whole manifestation in that one verse.
You got Shu, we got Atum, Shu sister was Tefnut then we
had Geb, Nut and we had Asar and Aset and Set and Nebthet, we got 8 and 8 is
the sign for infinity.
These are the 8 divided cells of Mitosis, in other words
the 8 divided cells that produce your physical bodies into existence, Mitosis
is 23 chromosomes imbedded within the sperm, then you have the 23 chromosomes
that is imbedded within the egg, when a man ejaculates within the female, the
chosen one (sperm) travels up her spine (that as8 is 9999), travels up the base
of the spine column through all 7 chakras (the chakras are (alien) implants)
receiving instructions of consciousness from all those immaculate light systems
and has the sperm comes up and takes each of those consciousness from what is
called Nero-melanin-centres or clusters, it takes this Nrg up to its final
destination (crown) the 3rd circuit in that illuminated cave that was mentioned
earlier by the pineal gland.
The sperm receives the spark of life that is within you,
the pineal gland is (God) called your divine soul, that is the aspect that is
within you, that is a pure facial reflection of you, yoursCellf, old testament
When Jacob resettled with the angel, he had seen the face
of (God) face to face, if you want to see (God) face to face this means you
must raise the Nrg up, the Kundalini Nrg, the pineal gland, when the sperm
reaches there it travels back down the spinal column and waits to be ejaculated
with the 777777777 = 9 x 7= 63 6+3 = 9, you know what 9 is right, at Nin9 you
start another cycle.
777777777 this is how many cells or gem cells, and out of
that many it only takes one, the chosen one to in pregnant, the chosen one enters
the egg, the tail breaks off, the chosen one blows up to the size of the egg,
the Nucleus, mitosis begins, the two, chosen one and egg become 4 and then the
4 become the 6 and the 6 become the 8, the egg, the whole process of Atum,
Atom, in which you are already a manifestation of all those 8 deities already,
so anytime you call on any of these aspects the only thing your calling on is
These 8 cells of cells are never changing its in your
body out of all those 76trillion cells in your body these 8 cells never change,
they keep the exalt program from the day that you were born to the time that
you past on.
There is a science also, Geb lays this egg, Geb = Earth,
Geb is known has the Goose, the Golden egg, Geb(s) another name is Neger or
Negar or Negal into Naga and so on+, which is where the name Nigga comes from.
So, the divine science is that you are the nigga, the
word pharaoh the name was originally called Negal which translates the house of
fire, Negal is the science of who you are, ancient text tells you that they are
also the serpent people, the serpent race, the people who were able to control
the Kundalini, Kundalini mean serpentine fire, you had at one time the ability
to control that fire (pow-re) within you.
The Kundalini Nrg, even at the base of the spine is 6,000
degrees Fahrenheit, the equivalent to the surface of the sun, yes, (do me one
thing research yourself before you write and ask me how eye know), that’s why
if you raise that Nrg up correctly your as8 will combust, this will not happen
to those with 999, Mela9, over the last 100 years many have spontaneously
combusted, reports are everywhere, there is a book called the Human Spontaneous
Combustion, everyone in that book where from one race within the species, they
all combusted.
You’re not using the word Nigga [Naga] because its
offensive but the sound of the word Nigga would tap you back into your original
physical being, existence, remember KHMT science is based on acoustics,
frequencies, sounds, tones, vibrations, the word is a frequency.
Africa = Afar-Ra-Kam, a Nubian body filled up with the
Nrg of the sun, in the 60’s the word Nigga was forbidden, 80’s and 90’s BOOOM
it was everywhere, this sparked consciousness because now many wanted to know
where the word originated, remember the word intent, the Nrg in which you use
words, words have weight because of the Nrg inside the word when used with
The signs of the Nu-mber 19
The Sphinx sits at a 19.3 degree angle on the E.KUR
(Giza) plateau, sitting at the centre of the earth, so they get that 19 degree
mass of the earth based on the Sphinx, at 19th degrees on the other side of the
earth was the Hawaii Islands.
With LAHMU (Mars) if you overlaid down a 19 degree angle,
which would involve a 6 pointed star, (I don’t have the logistics to show you
where the Sphinx would be) if you overlaid down a 6pointed star on Jupiter it
would be the same but at 19.5, and on earth it was in the Hawaii Islands, think
about that, Hawaii Islands, what just took place there, the science of the
Tetrahedron (6pointed star) is that if you laid the Tetrahedron on any planet
in this soular system at 19.5 degrees you will see an upswelling of Nrg, for
example if you did it over the sun you would find that most of the sunspots are
at this 19.5 degree angle (remember the sun does not rotate how NASA show you)
this upwelling of Nrg is symbolic, the same has this 19.5 degree angle in your
physical body at the base of your spine, in other words right above the crack
of your as8.
The Kundalini sits at a 19.5-degree angle in your body
based on if you overlaid a Tetrahedron over your physical body which is called
a Mekaba which is a light vehicle that brought you to this planet from the Star
constellation Sirius [Septet].
Chills up that spine is from the nerves which are attach
to your sacral bone, that as8 is mine, the sacral bone is a triangle bone,
inside the sacral bone is the Kundalini Nrg or what we call the serpent, the
serpent pow-re, the serpent force.
The serpent was never anything negative, you got that
because you were exposed to the Bible and you read that incorrectly, the ones
who have mastered the serpentine Nrg, don’t follow people like David Icke who
takes us off the track of who we are.
We were created with pow-re over the 9 adverse forces.
Any part of your body that is damaged is regenerated its
repaired by sound, crystals and magnets, there is nothing on your body that
cannot be repaired right now, remember that the original 8, Mitosis, never
changes, which is where the Kundalini dwells at because the Kundalini is where
the sacral bone is at and is also protected, the Kundalini is those 8 divided
cells, when its cracked open it releases this Kundalini Nrg, Atomic Nrg,
Atom-ic, Atum-ic, which you can reach at sub-atomic level if you mediate for
You are the masters of the Kundalini Nrg, St Patrick
kicks (pushed them off the cliffs) out the serpent race who were known has the
Atoms or Adders, which means serpent race, they were in England and went up to
Ireland, the Leprechaun people, the little people, the Twa people, the oldest
people on the planet who dealt with the science of meditation.
So within their practices, the first thing they focused
on was the illumination of this Nrg from the lowest level, because that is what
this is, base level to the highest sun level, once you get that level you will
see peoples (halo) over their heads, i-see you, the word Halo is from the
Greek-Latin-Roman word Helios which means sun.
AnuNaga, Anu = most high and Naga, you know.
When you bring the Kundalini on high you become the
AnuNaga, now many are Reiki this and Guru that and Shaman this and Yoga that,
all these people are running at 40-50%, you are built with full mechanisms and
operating functions, they are not, in fact sum of you are built with just the soluar
plexus that is needed and are running at 80-90%.
Now you know why they are afraid of you, why they are
afraid of the sun, why they cannot illuminate and called themselves the
The 3 stars in SAHU (Orion) is nothing more than the 3
glands in your brain, which is the design of the (Giza) plateau, everything
that exists is inside of you, they sit in the exact formation that you see them
in SA.HU.
SA.HU is the external of yourself, that is the only
reason astrology works because it is based on the HuMin body which is an
illusion out there and the real sh8t is here within you, and even with that in
mind, this is an illusion as well.
So, you need to know how to manipulate this hologram,
illusion and you can manipulate in any way or form because you are the all and
all and everything is mental.
So, its mental so it’s based-on consciousness, the
problem has been consciousness, 7 levels of consciousness or 6 and we go into
the 7th heaven.
Inter-personal consciousness
Life consciousness
Sub consciousness
Super consciousness
Magnetic consciousness
Intra-personal consciousness
Infinite consciousness
Each are related to the 7up chakra system.
The fall of man, man means mind, the fall of the mind,
the awakening of the pineal gland taps you back into your immortal body, your
spiritual body.
In ancient text it tells you that the Kundalini is half
asleep and is wrapped 3.5 times at the base of the spine, the science is when
the Kundalini awakens you will feel like a spasm at the base of the spine, that
is the rumble of thunder that is written in their book of revelations, the
Kundalini rises and burns off what is known has the etheric threads in your
spinal columns which is attached to 31 nerves all embedded within the spinal
column with two nerves outside of the
column called your sacral nerves, IDA and PINGALA, PINGALA translates white
serpent and IDA translates black serpent
[positive and negative].
If you have back pain, because the spasm is a sensation,
yours could be the Karmic pains of life.
The IDA and the PINGALA make 33 vertebrates and is your
33 Freemasons, your rights are 7 and theirs is 33 Scottish rights, 7 are
talking about the activation of those chakra systems and the 33 are talking
about the process of the illumination, that is all, simple, one is real the
other is bs.
The universe already has our journey planned out, you
just have to pay attention, intuition, she is guiding you, things that
shouldn’t be in your life will be destroyed and others things will be created.
As above, so below, that include this planet, what is
artificial will be destroyed and sum things will be created, in order to create
one must first destroy.
Naaga [Naga] Nagara [Ngr]
Indus [India]
Shiva [EN.KI]
Kali Maa [IN.ANNA]
Destruction and Creation
They destroy negative energy, you can go to them in Istal [meditation]
When the bell rings your heart and mind are aligned
Akir [lion] A-keer
Durga is [Hathor] Athyr [A-theer]
Akir [Lion] in Mesopotamia [Bast]
Unknown to the Western world till this day from Indus [Naga]
Kau [Cow]
Akir [lion] A-keer
Two eyes of Re [Uteti]
9 Puat [NaTaRu] Neteru
This is the symbol of the 9Puat NaTaRu Neteru-Nature
which is the also the original 9Re centres or Chakras, the Greeks call this the
9 Ennead.
Enuma - Nammu - Nammuchi – Nummo [Nommo]
Furthermore, the term Namuchi sounds a lot like the
Sumerian terms, Enuma and Nammu, also the Dogon term Nommo, the Enûma Eliš
[creation story].
We are in Kammu [KMT] Khami [Egipt] Egypt now and they
are having a new asshhole being torn for them, the last are the Muslims, the
other Rome [Roman] and the Greeks will also follow suit for what they did in
the online library, that includes the Middle East and the surrounding Arab
nations, a vital road [M4] in Syria was taken out overnight, a huge crater
appeared the next day after Russia and Turkey agreed to patrol the highway, the
Aunnanqi modified mercenaries are in Syria.
ANU [Braham] Creator integrates this planetary hologram and the greater
virtual reality composed of 12 [13] physical universes, created by the great
mind [mother mind] and each with different vibrational frequencies, integrating
the universal Dodecahedron are in correction.
Dodecahedron means a three-dimensional shape having
twelve plane faces, in particular a regular solid figure with twelve equal
pentagonal faces.
The Kundalini [Osumare] was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] and then taken to KMT and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India], the shitty Hindus of today are a gulf between the original connection [practice] and that is why today's Yoga [Riro] is just a glorified exercise routine for many and they have no spiritual connection whatsoever.
Corona discharges
Charged activated
Red/blue areas are under high charge and white/black is
Lots of energy around, two highly charged days plus planet
conjunction, sumthing is going to rip.
Italy is rocking and rolling, Greece then Italy and then the Muslims [Arabs] for dismantling KMT [Egypt] almost by chronical design.
Vatican in Latin translates diving serpent
Charged [black is extreme] quakes coming in, build up of energy must be released
Italy is rocking and rolling, Greece then Italy and then the Muslims [Arabs] for dismantling KMT [Egypt] almost by chronical design.
Vatican in Latin translates diving serpent
Charged [black is extreme] quakes coming in, build up of energy must be released
Weather systems continue to bestow the planet, the ozone layer is being removed at times on purpose, the hole widening to let the radiation [energy] in, harmful to many and energising to others and this planet.
This is the first year of crop losses worldwide, the eco systems were shut down last year into now, this means no more food full stop.
This is called coronal mass ejection [CME]; corona comes from
the sun and is given to you in the form of soul-ar stream or soular energy, which is on its way.
Ma’At principles [Law]
Universal principles [Law]
Man makes Laws to subjugate others but she gives us principles to prosper.
Space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that we find in the deep ocean we find
present [space] the SAARE [Star] is under water [CurrenSea] crystal waters
Etheric realms, holographic universe, jellyfish in space or water, sum of the dimensions i go to you have to past the jellyfish, sumtimes you go through them, pulsating energy.
Is this Atlas [Atlantis] or Venus [satellite]
[Atlas] Halley's comet which is Haile [225] Selassie, when he was reincarnated King Herod order the killing of all first born males in order to locate the son of the elite, he gave them [Albino Reptilians] 70 years of rule which has expired along with the 400 [500] years, so we have a lot in the skies at night.
Khaybet which they call Plasma [inside you] and Plasma translates; to mould,
Spites [spiritos] is from the Greek word spirit, spiral, to be inspir-ed is to be in-spirit
Kaa [spirit]
Plasma Eyes
He watches from his [MA.RE] he sees all, there is no hiding, no rock shall be left unturned.
[Atlas] Halley's comet which is Haile [225] Selassie, when he was reincarnated King Herod order the killing of all first born males in order to locate the son of the elite, he gave them [Albino Reptilians] 70 years of rule which has expired along with the 400 [500] years, so we have a lot in the skies at night.
Dogan [Kanaga] Ka-Naga
Same symbol
SA.HU [Orion] symbol
[Toroids] Torus [Taurus] stacked
Khaybet which they call Plasma [inside you] and Plasma translates; to mould,
Spites [spiritos] is from the Greek word spirit, spiral, to be inspir-ed is to be in-spirit
Kaa [spirit]
Plasma Eyes
Plasmatic eyes
Buma [Owl] Wisdom [Wise Dome]
Spiral galaxies, spirit galaxies, Khaybet galaxies
First four images show the sequence of contours of magnetic energy in cross-section
The Buma [Owl] N.TU [Neteru] (deity) supreme being is IN.ANNA [Venus] Ishtar.
INANNA is a MaStar teacher amongst many things.
He watches from his [MA.RE] he sees all, there is no hiding, no rock shall be left unturned.
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