With these last set(s) of posts is to tri and get it into
your head the things you once nu, we are the reminders in place in time to
speak to the hearts and minds to each and everyone of you to rise again has you
once were.
Many cultures have come into the motherland which is
Alkebulan [Sumeria] Africa and taken the concept and made it their own concepts
based off of the existing concepts and then look back and called it African
mythology and then calling their religions reality, making Alkebulan teachings
pagan and call them idol worshipers, taking what was theirs [inherited] and
making it their own after stealing it from the originators of civilisations,
you need to take that back so that you can vibrate up to the 4[5] dimensions,
only to find that you were obstacles, test-icles, test-osterone which is holding
many back.
As Atum-re says, you must let your [ego] go in order to
let your [ego] fly.
The papyrus goes back 10’s of thousands of years before
the beginning of your oldest religions of the heart being weighed, which is
Alkebulan symbology [symbolism] metaphor used to describe the transition from
this realm to the next.
They projected this papyrus onto the physical plane so
that you would have an inner-standing of what it takes to make it off the 3D
again, and just the mere fact that there is a judgement at the end tells you
that you are in sum type of prison because you must prove yourself worthy of
galactical travel once again, the Western indoctrination has lowered your vibration
and its time to rekindle a flame of purification like never before, we have
been here before and have to get this one right, you have to cut off anything
that is not conducive with nature has [gods] N.TU [Neteru].
Either you will or either you won’t, this is a test and
they want to see where your head is at, because fear will keep you here, which
is why many of the ancestors [spirits] are here to administer you divine love
that never stops and goes around and around [8] and its very tricky down here.
Every construct of religion has its day of judgement
where all the wrong shall be made right, you can subscribe to whatever religion
you want, just has long as your heart weighs lighter than that feather [Shu],
the positive and agreeable know that there is good among all of us and that
there is bad amongst all of us, there are things that they like about us and
there are things they do not to the most-high, they care not about your
philosophy or your explanations, they do not care if you subscribed to old
MacDonald had a farm, they don’t care if you have a religion, they just want to
weigh your heart, they want to look at your true intentions on why you did
There are many that walk around amongst you and think
they are getting away, there is a day that the Christians call, the day the
book shall be opened, which comes right back to the weighing of the heart [the
Amduat], the book shall be opened and your heart and you heart shall be placed
on the scale and your heart shall tell the tale and for sum of you, your heart
will bear witness against you, its not the act that will condemn you, but the
intentions of the act that will condemn you, you can lie all you want, but on
this day all lies will be muted out and it will only be the truth that can be
told and your heart will be balanced against the scales of Ma’At which
represents, truth, justice and order, that which is straight, which covers the
42 negative confessions of Ma’At which is before your bible and is to why Cain
was punished for killing his brother, which is why ham was punished for
committing homosexual acts, which is why Moses was told to leave KMT for
killing a man and this was before Moses received the laws [morals and values],
what laws were they following, you better wake up and smell the coffee.
Are you driving your Car or is your Car driving you [Kaa]
during this ride you call life and when you look out of your window that you
call eyes, this is a special type of Car because the doors are locked and you
cannot open it until the ride is over, you have two ears, two eyes and one
mouth which gives you the road to success, which tells you, you should look and
listen twice has much as you should talk for there are rules and regulations to
help you navigate this journey like the 42 confessions to which 10 of them where
taken, if you read the 42 confessions, you will see that they were based on
intentions, it is about your
intentions that you are going to be judged on, I have seen sum things go down
and most of he time it was based on bad intentions, I have not stolen, what was
your intention, over-stand how it works, each of you carry your own radio in
your mind and there are two beings that come over the airways, one is your
higher being and the other is your lower being, when you go to steal sumthing,
which you know is wrong, the higher you says, you know your not supposed to be
doing that and the lower beings says, do it, if you do what the lower you says,
you add weight to the heart chakra, you lower it a little bit more, the more
they can get you to lower your heart chakra the more they can get you to go
against the will of the most-high [you], telling lies lowers your heart chakra,
telling lies for no reason is the same has telling a lie and knowing the truth
and not telling the truth is the same, if your going to lie at least be
creative, lies that even a child can see through is pointless because what you
are doing is saying that my intelligence is less than a child.
All these things won’t help you and these things will
hold you back, most lies are out of fear.
When you mute out the higher you, and begin to listen to
the lower you, you become possessed because 180 of you is Cherubeem [negative]
and 180 of you is Serapheem [positive] and when you mute out the Serapheem and
listen to the Cherubeems you are heading for self-destruction because you did
this once before, the lower you is here to get in the way of the higher you to
where your heart becomes calcified and you shorten your lifespan and this is
why we see many dying today in a violent way because they are listening to the
lower you, there are two of you, go and stand in the mirror and within 19
seconds say, the real me is in the inside 3 times and what you would have done
is reSet your etheric all-light [all spark] purify your heart and let [god]
sit with you.
Let your real light shine to the world so that others may
follow and we can make it up out of here and to be giving out of love and not
giving for the sake of giving, if sumone has done you wrong, forgive them [this
is a hard one] because not forgiving them and taking that with you when you
leave here weighs your heart down even more, giving out of love lightens your
heart a tad bit more.
The goal is to raise your heart chakra to your crown
chakra, to make the connection where the heart and the mind become one.
ANU puts a seven fold curse on those who are cold blooded
killers, the premeditated ones who plot to kill their brothers, and the seven
fold takes your heart chakra right down to the feet, where the Cherubeem can
make you are wander, the way of a transgressor and for those who saw and didn’t
say nothing are just has guilty has him and you to will be held accountable,
meaning shit that you saw or your partner did or your brother, you will have
the same fate.
We have lost that one heart, that one love, that one
collective with one another and that what you do to another affects you as
well, am I my brothers keeper, how many of you today know what true love is,
before you can know a thing, you must first know what a thing is not, you must
know its opposite, what is the opposite of love, most would say hate and this
is why we lost our way today, because the true and opposite of love is not hate
it is fear because true love stands in the fear of danger, because fear would
run and hide, and true love would never say, you owe me, because love would go
without for you[self].
Stay on the road of least resistance, you will be tested
in these final days, stay focused and grounded, do not fall into your
Watch out for all the distractions, all of them, look at
everything twice, I cannot stress this enough.
Are you watching the finger or the message.
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