Saturday, 28 March 2020


ANU [Braham] Creator integrates this planetary hologram and the greater virtual reality composed of 12 [13] physical universes, created by the great mind [mother mind] and each with different vibrational frequencies, integrating the universal Dodecahedron are in correction. 

Dodecahedron means a three-dimensional shape having twelve plane faces, in particular a regular solid figure with twelve equal pentagonal faces.

 Mekaba [13]


The Passover is about change and nothing to do with the Jews of today, this marks the end of the old world and the beginning of the nu-world, the Jews and the [orcs offspring] are trying to rule the world when they are the newcomers.

The Passover is about change, alignment, the meek and the humble shall inherit the planet according to nature's law and not mans laws.

A Galactic spiritual consciousness awareness program, the Age of Aquarius, that is the Passover, the Denderah [Zodiac] goes anti-clockwise [backwards] the 13th house is hidden but is your higher frequencies, that is when your Zodiac stops and reSets, that is why the Ul-mec [Olmec] mathematical equation expired after 412 [512] years, which is the length of your Jesus and slavery.

The planet is at her highest frequency [vibration] 13 and that represents change [Passover] we move from the materialistic world to a realistic world; the planet is at her 13th frequency and is affecting everyone's psyche and many don’t understand about vibration and that everything is connected.

The truth is revealing itsCellsf

#psyche everyone is being tested, this is not my call, the negative energy have got to go, eviction notices have been served. 

I was listening to the radio and the guy said when this is all over we are all going out to jam, I thought, you have no idea what is truly going on and many think like you and think this is a phase and that we will be going back to normality, how his dream is going to be shattered.

Many simple have no real idea of what is taking place and that the world in which you knew is over, we have entered another level of the purging by this planet and her satellites.  

Everyday for all of this week between 8pm and 9pm for many hours they amp up the frequency, between 30hz and 50hz and we have a secondary kode [pulse] that runs at around 30hz, bigger numbers are due.

Weather systems [cells] and earthquakes are continuing to be released and soular [CME-flare-flash] stream continues to energise you the ether realm, it is the sun [corona] that is the trend setter.

Hot and cold temperatures will stretch out your immune system.

The Ozone Layer is being removed at times on purpose to let in the radiation [energies] the Ozone layer will be removed altogether at sum point and volcanic ash will be many peoples new Ozone layer, articles from 2018 don't count saying that the layer is healing, its 2020 be realistic.

Look at the size and design and weight, if you get this you must consider that nature doesn’t like you, like take it personally.

Say one week, the sun is blazing, two weeks, one month, month into months, that is over a billion on lockdown, reality is going to be very hard on many.

There is on mighty glow in the skies, they say its Venus, Atlas, may be it is the Atlantis Starfleet but that star is huge and just sitting there

Is that the Dome cracked in the windshield or chemicals attaching themselves to sumthing in the middle, a spiders web, or an eye, magnifying lens...

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun].

Gamma Rays  

UVC levels are increasing and will kill you, the rays are changing you from the inside out, you need 666 and 999. 

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

All is affecting your im-Amun-e system.

Divine Offspring

No more mickey mouse healers, lightworkers, the ones with paper certificates, those that work on the mundane 3D, Indigo energy was created in the 70’s [Flower] Rainbow [Indigo] Crystal.

If you have a certificate in working with stones, Reiki or healing work, please do me a favour and stop reading this page for we are in the 4[5]D, mainstream commercialised trends are over, the Zodiac is sealed. 

You cannot come out of caves 3-4000 years ago and claim to be a healer or lightworker when you couldn’t even invent fire or light and you emit sulphur, real attracts real and shit attracts shit.  

You need the 9 ether [skin] the 9 ether [hair] and 9 ether [soul and spirit] and a chakra system [alien implants] and you need brown [black] eyes for this is a soular [sol and arena] system and you need the windows to the soul to operate in this soular system before you can connect with the higher realms and not those stuck on the 3D.

Stay out of this phase because you have nothing to offer.

Heart [Earth] Charka

Spiritual Heart [Hati] Chakra [Green] the colour the life force and healing force energy looks like, Physical Heart [Ab].

There is an impact crater in Nigeria that took out over a hundred buildings that they said it was an explosion, the governor said a convoy transporting explosives to a storage facility in a neighbouring state developed a fault, hmmmmm, really, impact crater site with no rock [meteorite] but impact, logistics, technology, personnel, boots on the ground.

Impact craters around the world with or without impact and with or without craters.  

When your Pope was giving his talk did you see what was above his head in the skies, its not just the 13 bloodlines or the Albino Reptilians or the shit Greys or the Insectoids or the Humanoids or the Orcs or clones or the hybrids.

The being that created the albinos are beings like Zeus and Jacob [Ya’quwb] who are still under the Annunaqi, you also have the nine adverse forces and their offspring, the geneticist down here, his greatest creation is the Nordic who have features like blonde hair, blue eyes, they and the rest where created on the planet and are not from the planet.

The reason we have so many homosexuals is because many came of them came from an egg or test-tube, many recessive genes were designed to fold on itself and have defects which they class has rare genetic disorder, over the last 6 months the frequency is rising to rid the planet of these artificial life on this planet that their forefathers invaded  

This is not true, we have been blinded, the Mahabharata and the descriptions of nuclear war along with many other descriptions show that you are and were highly advanced beings, they are not, the Orcs offspring who they have been trying to emanate you since they got here.


Edith of England and Otto [Roman Empire before they went albino] 

The Kundalini [Osumare] is originally is from the Yoruba [Orisha] and then taken to KMT and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus [India], the shitty Hindus of today are a gulf between the original connection [practice] and that is why today's Yoga [Riro] Yuga is just a glorified exercise routine for many and they have no spiritual connection whatsoever.

There were at least 13 Buddhas [not real name] Ganesh is from Ghana.

Sambhu [Sambo] on the left Buddha [Buddhu] and Sam-b-hu and would have been from places like Senegal, Ganesh is from Ghana, and Confucius is [Kung-Fu Tzu]
Buddha means Enlightened and is not their true names for to say their name is to invoke the poWRA. 

All are NRG or Nagas 
There are no recessive genes in the foundational energies, to be a true Samurai you need [Nubian] Naga blood. 


Aisa [Oriental]
Aisan [Indian] Indus 
Malaysia [Mela-Asia] Himalaya [Hi-Mela-Asia] was created by the Nagas.  
Today we have recessive genes sitting in the Nagas place [position]

The Nagas [Buddhas] control certain realms, dimensions. 

This is y-our foundational energy but we are using nu-energy.

Repair Mode

We still have a lot to go through [motion] and 2020 = 4 and is 4 months old, we are in the 4th Dimension and that means the Quantum field 4.

The planet, she has gone into repair mode and the negative and disagreeable are testing the world, 4 months in and they are disrupting the energy in motion, the days [the day cycles] are speeding up, time is burning away and the planet is spinning [vortex] in a spiral number 9, so are you.

This story that we are going through has already been written, we have already been here before and this is why you are at ease with what is taking place around you because you already know what is taking place, this is why your emotions have been pre-programmed for this moment, last years visions are what is happening now, last year and this year feels the same maybe they are one in the same, the visions to me, were recall, sum of us have been here a real long time, so we are going through a Galactic spiritual natural back-to-true state of mind aka back to the original programs with upgrades.

The Passover is the exchange of the old world and the nu world or the old energy for the nu energy, for you the Wombman [universal mind aka mother mind] and man [HuMin Min = Mind] use your true abilities that nature gave you both.
My thing is because of the denigration of wombman in this final sector of our mystery [myStory] she has been held back outwardly and inwardly, many do not want her to reach her full potential, what have you always been afraid of with her.

Her strength [Baa] outweighs any energy for she is the ruling energy [Nrg]

The Akir [Lion] it is the Lioness that holds the family, that holds the territory, nature shows us this trend.

The true [God] is the mother [female] a wombman not only breastfeeds her children but she nurtures the world with her wisdom.

ASet wears the horn of a Bull [symbolism] so she takes on the role of woman and man.

Lucy, found in the 9th gate and was around 3.5million earth years old meaning that she was Nubian.

Mt DNA, it shall be the Wombman that is going to provide the love [live] Jove energy, Mtu [Metu] M.TU that gets us out of here.

Mitochondrial DNA is transferred from the 9 ether Wombman to the female of the offspring and never from man to offspring, only the female inherits the genetic kodes.
This batch of HuMins come from 300-350,000 earth years ago through one Wombmans gene [MtDNA] which is transferred from mother to first daughter only.

You do not eat the placenta that is borderline with cannibalism.

Back then the female HuMin had double XX and could create without the male HuMin [the HuMans hadn’t been created yet] because she had the XX Chromo-some.  

Chromosome [Chrome comes from the Greek word Khroma and translates colour] metallic 9ether [skin] melanin plus rare gold [375] metals, crystals [375], minerals [375] = 1125, this exoskeleton allows you to absorb radiation [energies] no melanin on the palms of your hands or feet allows you to retain and dispense UVC [Gamma], radiation and whatever Re is feeling, [CME] Soul-ar streams, flashes, flares are all energies for you and the planet.
[Some] Sum of, more, [different tones in colour of the 9 ether skin] Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Black, Blue-Black, Yellow, hence the term coloured people, variations with tones.
HuMin [Mind]
Wombman [Universal Mind]
Man came from Wombman

[Ish] man
[Ishaw] female
Zakar [male]
Nekaybaw [female]
Adama [Kadmon] Kadmin
These are just different terms; you are energy first because you are in an Avatar [Kristina]

The MTDNA goes back to the 9th gate where [Lucy] was found sum 3.5million years in the making, she has been here from day one, did the chicken come first or the egg, the chicken does not have any history on this planet and means its reproductive system had to be engineered.

NIN.TI [Ninti] one of the wisest geneticists among the Annunaqi created the female avatar first with femi9 [feminine] electron energy, when they record that the Nephilian slept with the daughters of men, they are referring to the Dogon Wombman.
The MtDNA also carries data, information and never scrambles, the kodes are storage files, memories and programs and time-capsules.

One of the DNA can mutate so that nature can correct hersCellf, nature has a way of healing her-Cells, Ninti introduces the XY through the mutated gene and in steps the male avatar the masculine energy, this is also in nature in her king-domes, planet, animal and HuMin, all is built off of the femi9 energy, your navel cord [marine] came from the wombman, the only way for Baa[Kaa] to get here is through the wombMan aka triple darkness.

The mans seed is the physical seed, he can have a child even when he is 60+ the reason being is he is all physical, she gets cut off around 40+ because she spends all her time in the spiritual world, the flesh is hers, spiritual. 

Your alien implants aka your chakra system is built off of femi9 energy so too is Mother Nature, this planet is a femi9 entity, the universe [Omega] is femi9 electron energy, even the child you carry in the beginning is femi9 electron energy, the original program was all femi9 for a long time, we still see her in the animal kingdom, she leads and this is what we are purging towards, many are being activated with different kinds of memories, emotions, all positive, many feel the change and many are still finding their way, the power of the masculine energy was introduced to balance out the equation [Maat 9to9tothe9th PoWRA] the energy had been too dominating and now the shift of energy is in earnest.

The planet is off balance and through our energy [emotions] that we have all put out there has affected the universal energy flow and they are not merging with one another because of the negative energy, its still repelling at times, he does not want you to regain your poWRA, that is what he is afraid of and why many of them are in your way.

She is the master key [Ma’Star] Mother [Ma] Mu Star and this change is coming through her, the key to this change [shift] is her return back to the throne [seat] pulpit [mind].

Natures Laws versus Mans Laws, only one outcome because she is wearing heals [heels].

You must surround yourself with deep thinkers, those on the 4[5]6 dimension, those that are spiritual minded, because those will be the ones you get locked down with.

Remember they are waiting for the numbers to reach a certain amount before it is world wide lock down, the eco-system has shutdown and the sun is turning into the four sides [cube] of consciousness [dark-nrg] that means this will be a four sided coronal hole [sphere and cube = 720 of knowledge] that is coming from the sun to the planet which is increasing the UVC [UVA] UVB 24hrs [even at night] and thus is destroying your from the inside out without symptoms and there is nothing they can do about it, the CV has mutated and is also taking many out, this means their supply was tainted and they have all contracted the three main viruses that have plagued man over the last 20years, Magic Johnson.
The entity on this planet is running out of time and he knows it, the radiation is killing many of his creations and will also take out sum of the 9 ether offspring, i would urge you to take an assessment of what is around you and the resources that you have.

To those who have been made isolated, this is for a reason, stay grounded and focus, nothing happens before the time, you have had seven years for a reason and 2011, you are being readied, do not be in the 3D unless you have to, the negative energy is going to backflip for dear life, do not feed him.

Regulate your thoughts and stay in control of the subconscious mind for the bridge is open and is picking up on everything.

We are close, we are far, we are in the moment.


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