Friday, 20 March 2020

Sleeping Satellite

Bali [Star-Gate] ground based entrance  

Ascension symptoms

Fatigue, motion sickness, stomach (sore), crown (tingling) on, wide awake (insomnia), hungry (immune system burning), vivid visions [dreams), nu dimensions, hearing the inner-pull, hearing what sones (sounds) like bassline, tones, ears ringing, one ear, the other ear, nausea, body temperature fluctuating, corona is an attack on your crown, you need to be in-tune, there are another whole bunch of symptoms going on.
Stay in nature to reactivate the 3rd eye, you can feel the change out here, the animals all know.

These signs that you are having, while in quarantine use this time to connect with your higher-self [Sakhu], to your oversoul, to your ancestors, connect with your spirit guides and with other like-minded, the 3D paradigm is over and many are losing their minds because they have no clue what is going on.

 The cycle of the planet is increasing 9-fold, face your challenges, it will get heavy for many, the choice comes down to you and what you are doing, not no one else but you, you have to step up into your poWRA, there is too much going on in the ethers and a lot down here on the physical realm, you need to step into the frequency (kode) and realise your full poWRA (potential).  

Watch for the numbers, the signs and symbols, your visions and dreams, your intuitive signs, the time is now, the time is now..

The sleeping giants (you) have been awoken 

Charging goes incendiary
Re(blue) high
White is extreme 

Notice that's half an hour after, they power up the ionospheric heaters and then turn them off

The kodes are asking us to step up and into your knowledge, much confusion is setting into the masses, stay in your cube.
Quakes are taking place, the ones that you had not seen before means the quakes are coming inward, they started outward last year to move inward, when you want to destroy sumthing you have to kill it from the inside.
Planetary alignment 

Why is the USA bombing Iraq

Three Ki [earth] portals, one over Mesopotamia [Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey+] one over Cambodia and one near Australia, the Annunaqi are getting the gates ready for usage, there are three earthbound entrances and exits, many off-sites ones also and portals that you cannot see dotted around the planet. 

Cloaked and watching, observing and listening, crafts read auras
Can you see the hologram, huge heads and eyes   

6 neutrons, 6 electrons and 6 protons = 18 = 9 

5G is a Level 1 Carcinogen

Respiratory [lungs] [CV] chest pain [breathing]

Clouds are moving in the opposite direction today

Italian army moves the coffins to other cities or you can read it like this, army moves in for the up and coming riots, this trend is happening around the world, full ML is between now and the 30th for wherever you are in the world. 

When you see images like this remember your previous visions, you have already seen this

Sumthing is coming in, sumthing physical.

Last 5 days, China, Turkey, Iran, Italy, USA have have the largest sightings of meteors, meteors are not just sum lump of rock, sum are camouflaged, tech, logistics, personnel, these sightings are not a coincidence.   

All weather cells, super cells have one of our br'others or siStars at the controls, sum are being remotely operated, sum of us are in the centre of this planet operating the crafts.  

 Kamatic waves 
Mexico [19th]  

Brazil [19th]

The sun is a multidimensional portal, the Brazilian images shows three suns and two vertical lines or a cube or triangle angle with a huge amount of energy [red hue] flowing from them all.
And the Mexican images shows the Ka symbol in KMT, these are energy wavelengths.    

 Heart and Organ Connection

Your Brain is a Muscle and that Muscle expands and contracts and is an Organ a musical Organ that resonates by sone [sound] which is frequency which is vibration.

Your heart starts beating after 18 days of conception, that means your generator starts pumping [electrifying] and is the first Organ in your body that is developed, the Pineal gland is also developed at the same 18 days after conception and this is your first eye, your physical eyes are not developed until you come out of the womb [portal].

The Pineal gland is the first gland to develop and the first Organ is the Brain, the Melanin is what the Pineal gland holds and gives to aid the other Organs develop, that is your connection right there, now think of those who have a calcified Pineal gland, there is no connection, they are born disconnected from source, no life force, this is their disconnection from the heavens, from connections like Septet [Sibtu] aka Sirius aka Syra.

When you come out of the portal the sunlight hits your eye [Wadjet] to activate it, your Brain develops within the 6 months of you being conceived in the womb, you can hear but you cannot see, so all your installation [programs] start in the womb by sone, so you start processing information subconsciously, your not conscious yet until you come into the world [physical], the heart and brain [Organ] are directly connected.

You see by sound [sone] walk by faith [Forever Always In The Heart]

You heart and brain must be in sync and that is why you say, now i-see.

Your Organ houses all your experience, how you got here, all the information that you gathered throughout your lifetime(s) but you have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind, you are not born with a conscious mind until sumone starts to teach you, the heart has its own brain.

You have neutrons in the brain that absorb, absorbs electrical impulses and that is where sum of your memories are stored, the heart can send signals to the brain that you are not aware of because you are not in-tuned with yoursCellf, both are electromagnetic and electrical energy and are connected to the universe, the subconscious is the underworld, is the spirit world, the pineal gland stays in the dark-world, the underworld, the pineal gland sees the true world and your two main eyes see the physical world, the world of the light and the world of the dark, so you have to come from the dark to the light.

When you put all three [tri-system] together and your heart is in sync and all three eyes you become the all-seeing-eye [360 degrees]

Heart [Earth] Charka
Spiritual Heart [Hati] Chakra [Green] that is what colour the life force and healing force energy looks like, Physical Heart [Ab].

Life Force = Love = Live = Live Energy 

Heal-thy [Healthy] Cells 

Reticular Formation

Reticular [Retina] activation, the unit is at the base of your brain where your memory is stored and is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind [world].

When you were a child you picked everything up fast, that is the subconscious mind because you are not conscious until you are taught things.

Khu = Mind = HuMin = processes [absorbs] data at the rate of 40bytes per second and the Sub-Mind processes [absorbs] data at the rate of 40million bytes per second, so your Reticular Activation system is like a blank tape and that is where everything is recorded.

Those that had laser eye surgery will not be able to activate.

They told us to teach your child the difference between right [positive] and wrong [negative] because the subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between right and wrong in other words the sub-mind doesn’t know what is real and what is not real as a rule and that is how the brain can be tricked, the sub-mind doesn’t know better and will submit to a lie [not real].

This is where you get cognitive dissonance from, a set of core beliefs, so many go against the core of the bran because of sumthing that was told to them and now accept has this being the truth.

The truth reSets your core belief because its already imprinted in your heart  

The Green-print to your HuMin Being [Be-in-god] being a god, is the love vibration and is all koded in your heart.

Both the heart and Organ [brain] are fully electromagnetic and electric energy [Chi life force] your heart is the most poWRA-full of all the Organs in the body holding more magnetic energy than the brain does, so when all are fully connected and then connected to your higher-self you create that high energy field and people will feel your frequency and will resonate around you because that is the field of love.

Ma’Star your emotions for they are tied to everything in the universe.

This is your lower-self, your old reptilian rod, tri-une brain [muscle] 

Dot Matrix 

 NTR [Ntr] Nature [Neteru] Nataru is a vibration that we need to match and within that vibration [frequency] she is communicating [talking] with us, with you, you need to gain as much sunlight [rays] as possible for this ray [kode] feeds your Vitamin D and the D stands for Dark energy, this is a melanin to melanin exchange, there are two emotions, one is love and the other is fear with 27 other emotions coming out of them two main emotions.

The world has shut down but has NTR shut down, has she, has the Sun shut down, no they haven’t, nature is still in control, she is letting you know this, check her commands, nature corrects herself [herCells] and that also means she is correcting us, nature will let no man take her under, stay connected.  

Keep your life force running. 

You are a child of the Sun [PAARE][ASPU] the sun is a sustainer of life, your life, Hel-i-os Biblos [Hell or Heli-um] Biblos [Bible or Biba] the sun doesn’t like you if you cannot take the ray-light and is hell for many and heaven for others, behind the sun is the Kaa world, the holographic [Kaa] world which is merging with the physical world in a 360 + 360 exchange giving us 720, with NI.BIRU we go to 1080 which is the 9th Dimension.

    The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]. 

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