Thursday, 12 March 2020

The Sixth Sense

The physical [Atomic] reality, the real outcome is setting in for many and to aid you keep a perspective on the changes without you flipping out, read this, the layers of existence.

When you are dealing with the five physical senses and the third eye which is the sixth sense [western science omits this from their science because the European-Caucasian third eye is calcified with sum at the rate of 40%], you have to over-stand how these sensors [ESP] operate within their own individual capacities.

Your five physical senses are meant to analyse and interact with you in regards to what you experience under, taste, touch, smell, see and hear aka the physical realm, your operating programs while you are out here aka the denser part of Atoms which make up this universe [Nu], your sixth sense is meant to deal with your consciousness or the electrical intelligence which permeates and gives these Atoms life, so your five physical senses deals and connects and is made up of physical Atoms, your sixth [Quartz Crystal] sense is the electrical intelligence which is stored in the middle of that Atom, that is what or where your consciousness is, your emotions and feelings are also senses that the western world chooses to omit because they also do not know what emotions and feelings are.

The physical reality has you know it is under threat and you need to be in alignment to what reality really is, the physical reality is nothing more than the refraction of light [simulation] being displayed to you based on you own state of psychological being [state of awareness], what is physical reality.

Atoms becomes Cells and Cells become Tissues and Tissues become Organs and Organs become Organ-Systems and Organ-Systems becomes Organisms, those are the Organisms that become Avatars for you to exist in reality.

Atoms [Atum] Adama [Kadmon] become consciousness individually as well as omnipresent create force or exert force, force becomes vibration and vibration becomes frequencies, and frequency becomes perception [ESP][Extra Sensory Perception, there is nothing extra about it for you always had this], Atoms are non-physical [90%] of Atoms are space and only [10%] of an Atom is physical, so with that in mind [Khu] how are you experiencing the physical reality, because of the frequency of vibration to which your perception, to which you are being perceived to be analysing through your basic five senses, if your eye is calcified then you are going to struggle in this phase.

Your basic five senses are telling your Khu what it [believes] it is experiencing based upon the five senses, so know that everything that you touch is existing on the outside of you and is nothing more than what you [believe] that you are interacting with.

Atoms create [exert] force through will and intent and through this force comes a vibration and depending upon the level of vibration given off, a frequency [this is why the Sun determines the physical compositions of organisms on this planet] [you need the 9 ethers for this application, 9skin, 9hair and 9soul-spirit] and other planets because each Sun [PAARE] gives off a different frequency.

Everything is made up of different Atoms and different Atoms give off different frequencies and this is the point of Chemistry [Khemet-Mistry] which is merging different frequencies to create different physical constructs that you can experience from a different objective from your own Quantum self [Cells].

This physical reality is being vibrated at a rate that you have never experienced before and many of you are going to fall short, even those with 999 and 666, you [believe] this is a solidified experience but yet, there is nothing really there [no spoon] and this is why the ones before us taught about emptiness, that there is nothing really there, there is no-thing really there, ask sumone with the basic five senses and they will tell you that there is, gas, you cannot grab gas but yet that gas can condense and become a liquid and a solid and now its tangible but yet at one point in time, it was intangible, so that question again, is it really tangible or are you really just experiencing nothingness from a different perspective of its own frequency because if its not there it can’t be there now, but if it is there that means it was always there [unknown and known] involutory and voluntary, [the seen and unseen]

These are the different deeper corridors of the Khu that many will not comprehend, you experience what you [believe] your experiencing, we are the avatars assimilating our own realities, even what you see that is taking place in this world today [programmed] we are projecting an image of oursCellsves upon the world and they are reacting to us based upon how we feel and think about ourselves as a race, this is why they had to control our education, what we watched and what our interests are, they had to write our programs and change us and lower the frequencies to dumb you down and for you to [believe] and not know, if we continued to will our negativity on oursCellsves this would cause us to be perceived in a negative light, that was to use your own will against yourself, that is what they had been doing to you in the last 500 years.

HuMin means creative fertility and Hu means the force of creative will, and also known as [Hu-hi] Huwa.

Atoms in your hand and a piece of wood [Carbon] have the same Atoms but yet your hand is a different texture, a different shape and a different structure and the reason why is because these Atoms are vibrating at a different frequency which cause them to be at different Magi [manifestations].

That is why they say Music is the universe language because technically we are one hymn [OM], that is the fabric of the universe.

You are one with the Creators and are just a different vibratory expression and now you have to inner-stand that you can manipulate reality based upon your thoughts.

Atoms exert force and the force is Magi [Manifested] [I-Magi-nation] by your Khu, by your third eye, your five physical senses aid you to keep connected to that [10%] of that Atoms that is physical and your third eye keeps you connected to that [90%] of that Atom that is non-physical and that [90%] is dictating what that [10%] of that physical Atom will express [keep in Khu that you only use 10% of your Khu consciously and 90% of what you do is governed by your subconscious Khu] [only 10% of your Atom is physical and 90% of the Atom is non-physical].

So once you stream into your subconscious Khu and you begin to cleanse yourself internally, you begin to emit a frequency that shifts reality how you want, do you get this, you can bend reality, all 144,000+ of you, I might get pulled over, that cup is going to fall off of the sideboard, you did get pulled over, that cup did fall, because you willed it into existence by putting that shit out there.

We are in a world that we are creating [I say we, for the sake of this post] whether you know this or not, is all the shit that is going on in this [their] world is our fault, no it is not, but in our own individual lives, worlds, yes, it is our fault.

Your psychological state of being, your emotional state of being is vibrating and causing ripple effects on an Atomic scale that which brings into existence what and how you feel about yourselves and your environment, if I like Green and you don’t like Green you are going to give off a negative vibrational frequency that is going to cause Green to give that back to you, the universe gives back to you what you put out, its so simple but made complicated because its so simple.

Once you can stream into both spheres of your Khu [the sub and subconscious] and begin to control your thoughts and control your breath and control the way you feel then you can control the formation and expression of the Atoms that you can control but also the Atoms that surround you aka you can control what surrounds you, and this is called your godly abilities and no other can do this but you, the 9 ethers, that is why Chemistry ends in a Mistry, because when they broke in KMT and read your things, they were like these people are a fucking Mistry, your Black Magic [Magi] they will never over-stand, and this is why you are as dumb has they are out here, you are made from the very substance that they are trying to maStar, do not underestimate the poWRA of yourself or your Cells, you are an Atom [Atum] Adama [Kadmon] that is experiencing yourself from a different perspective.

You have been tricked into allowing sumone else or being to exert your energy when you are the controller [your flesh houses your Quantum Khu and houses your mental library and light in a Atom and all Atoms are connected, what happens to sumone over there will be felt by sumone over here, that is pure science, a tree that gets chopped down in Kanada will affect another tree in Heru [Peru] because the roots are interconnected on a Quantum, spiritually and consciously and a Quantum mechanical level

Atoms gives off force that are based upon your Magi [Manifestation] and your psychological and internal intent of the being, that force becomes a vibration and that vibration becomes a frequency and that frequency becomes a solidified experience based upon the perception of the observer of those particular Atoms.

You are the observer of nothing more than different frequencies and vibratory states of atomic substances and particles vibrating, now you can begin to manipulate those Atoms.

If we think negative then that is what you will get, inner-stand that the universe is always working with us and you are just the one who is working against yourself [Cell].

 Time [emit] is running out, no more questions or answers or trying to live in peace, we are done with that, this is 2020 [2012], the equation is about to be balanced out, its over, there is a natural mystic in the air.   

Think your words into existence, use your poWRA wisely, mother nature, the universe are speaking to your soul, you asked for this challenge, unplug from the 3D or you go down with it, your better than the 3D and all those who will die for it, embrace what is taking place, do you still have 3D friends, do you still participate in the 3D.

The exact same order that many were created in is the same order that they are being removed off of this planet, Asians then the Arabs and then the Europeans [Caucasian], are you seeing what is going on, meteorites with no crash impact crater or with impact crater but no rock, come on now, incoming, they are on the ground, we are going live soon, when you see those that are on that craft you are going to fall where you stand, transparent [spheres] crafts are sitting there with Nubian beings sitting at the controls. 

Everything you see on this planet is created by the people of this planet from the energy that you, they are putting out. 

HiStory is only repeating itself to them, not us for we know the history and we will be damn if we let the same shit repeat itself, you asked for this challenge, nature and mother have no more room at the manger, this house is sealed.

We are hurting, come on now, we are all going to be judged, be judged for the right reasons.

We can end this monkey shit if you really wanted to, our extended family are showing you all the signs, the Green light is Ultra [purple] before the light reaches the planet, Green is life force energy, healing energy, this is being done with love, they are cleaning this planet up with love.

Who declares CV a pandemic but with just over 100 cases in 11 countries in the motherland, i don't think so and the ones in [Africa] are non Alkebulan, like they are Arabs and Chinese and Europeans, Caucasians, the motherland has a strong im-mun-e [Amun] system, you couldn't kill her with Ebola or HIV[AIDS], what you did to these people is coming right back at you infused with 9D blessings, remember we are at the point of no return. 

Coronavirus has the same symptoms has the one coming from the sun, the same symptoms has HIV[AIDS] Ebola and SAARS, but CV has mutated now and because they are changing and the red-iron-oxide dust and UVC is breaking their immune system down, no oxygen getting into the body or brain, the war might not actually be how you think, there might not be a war in the skies how you might think, in fact this is going to be an embarrassment to them.

Set her free, you have to

Your Krystal lens [eyes] are worth more than you know at this stage, your Melanin in your eyes are for protection [CV] all those who had laser vision correction have no protection.

Iran and Italy don't have 5G, i thought Italy were testing, yet outside of China they have the most cases, 5G will inflame because 5G messes with your immune system, but this is a intelligent virus and has been unleashed, however you look at it, nature has taken the virus over and this is aiding in the clean up because many are going to die, there is no return of your good days, its over and we have only began, look who is getting the virus, look around you, they made a virus that kills them instead of you, they made a pact with the devil and the likes, we didn't. 

FEMA body bags [plastic coffins-guillotines] are for them, not you, seriously.
Your famous and your celebrities, when they confirm that they have CV, this means they are going into quarantine aka bunkers, read between your lines.   

The rest is 13-up to us, the planet has docked, home is not Africa, now star-family want you to tidy up your room for its messy, the room is dirty, unkept, clean this room up.  

Zombie phrase 1 is impending  

Why are you washing your hands, what will that do, why is bleach and toilet paper top of your list.  
They are racing against time because the planet is being shut down by our star family so in turn the negative are going to shut down the world [not planet], what is the trigger. 
The messages are in your DNA, wake up Neo. 

2020 is 2012

We will be having earthquakes left right and centre, get ready, power outages and so on+ 

Active and counting. 

Feelings and Emotions

Its not just the NI.BIRU [NEB-HERU] Nabara system that is up there

Who dat

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]. 

Signs and Symbols 

When the Chakra colours collapse we get the Ultra [purple]

Dimensions next to one another, where there is light, colour koded, there is
sone, frequency, tones.

the Arabs [Muslims] have been in the on-line library that KMT [Khemet] Kammau, the Kat people for over 900 years when they invaded and stole KMT from the Greeks, the N.TU have returned and are taking back what is not yours.

State of emergency is your next move.

Transparent craft with Nubian beings at the controls.

The same beings that craved this granite block are back [Japan] 

They had 500 years and out of that they have had a 100 [dollar] years in control, from the early 1800's they have had a blackout on the real history.

Pterodactyl [Mississippi] 1864 

the only blackout now will be the dark-energy that is consuming this planet. 

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