The planets are called wandering stars [plaNET][plans-of-the-E.T’s]
and stars are recorded, PAA.RE [Sun] and SAA.RE [Star] the planets are beings
that fell from the higher realms just like us, they are wandering in the currenSea
Jupiter and Saturn are made mostly of gasses and are not completely
physical and NASA cannot land on the giants that are made of plasma [Khaybet]
all stars and planets are Khaybet based beings aka our souls [Baa] those stars
you see up in the sky are a reflection of your soul but you are manifested
[imag-ed] here in the 3D and your heart, that is where the real heart is and
your body is around it [same in space-water] heart [earth], the planets
themselves are plasma [Khaybet] beings.
Jupiter is a plasma being that fell not to the level that
we are but because we can see him, the planet fell, and what you are looking
at, outside of this planet is the spirit world, what they call outer-space is
the spirit world, we are a bubble in the spirit world, we reside in the spirit
world while they run this program [experiment] that this last batch of when we
are born, nu souls have come into this stimulation for a reason, because this is
sumthing that had never been done before, not just the Kadmon [Adama] projects,
the actual merging of the physical and spiritual realms together, they had been
creating a conduit between the spirit world and the physical world [realms],
this is a hard experiment but its working because the supreme architects [144000]
are working it, all these trials and tribulations that we had been going through
is the process of working out all the kinks and creases in creating this new
matrix [when you learn sumthing nu you create nu crease in your organ [brain]
All the planets are Femi9 energies and are eleventh-dimensional
beings that we are seeing from our third-dimensional perspective, they are
streaming into our reality still because we still have a connection to it even
through we have been cut-off, we still have a connection because we, cut
ourselves off.
All life in the universe [Nu] is spiritual, all life is holographic,
we are the only things that you call physical right here, right now in this
realm for this experiment, the experiment caught a virus and the way the matrix
is today was not how nature intended, so the reSet button had been deployed,
the rest is your hiStory.
Remember you are looking at these planets from a 3D realm
when they are in the holographic realm and so from our 3D perspective they are
all fallen down into this 3D world, which is a lower dimension, vibrational
h3ll realm, where all life has been eradicated just like what is taking place on
Ki now, but on a higher realm, they are still there.
The program is either being aborted or has run its testing,
for if our star-family hadn’t turned up we would have crashed on our projected route,
intervention still requires you to watch your emotions, your energy in motion.
Vernacular is the lowest form of communication we use telepathy.
Vernacular is the lowest form of communication we use telepathy.
On the elemental chart of matter as you know it, Zedes
would have no sum or weight, making them nothingness when weighed on the scale
of sum, to sumthing with weight by the law of measurement.
Zedes [Zeles] heat the planet by two degrees and we get Zedes,
who are without form or sum, as you know it on your seven-realm existence.
The first being the physical plane, the second beyond the plane of force.
Those two planes identify sums or the equivalent of
Man-infestation from the middle English infesten, to distress,
from old English infester from Latin infestere, from infestus, meaning hostile.
What is the link between manifestation and
man-in-festation, the definition explains itself, the word infest or
infestation means to be hostile and HuMan beings, for their very survival, have
to be hostile to Gaia or simply to mother nature in order to survive, that is, order
for them to build, they must destroy.
To eat vegetables, they must rip them from the Earth and
thousands of years of Man’s-infestation has resulted in the plagues of the
planet that has led to self-destruction by the mortal, this is not to be mistaken
with the [gods].
Manifestation is imagination [Magi] Magic], man is not in nature and by using the word manifest he is trying to force his way into her, and when we look at nature, we don't see him there at all, the word Manifest means hostile and he is, the word is Magi [Imagination].
Its centre contains the neutrons and protons.
So, you can see where they get the concept of [gods],
living in a spiritual; realm, other than the physical realm would link from the
material plane into the plane of force, onto what becomes known as the
spiritual plane, then the mental.
Notice, there are four planes, the word quarks or quantum
is from the number four and this is where they get their spiritual spook world
Plasma, plasmatic energy and exo-plasma, the word plasma
is from the new Latin, from late Latin, image [magi], figure, from Greek from
plassein, to mould, where energies and gases are moulded into images, called
To the religious community, spiritual or angelic beings.
It is all energy, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons
and those forces which make them up.
Humble [having or showing a modest or low estimate of
one's importance]
Humble [Humus] meaning ground [Humilis] low, lowly into
the English word Humble
"submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest,
not self-asserting, obedient," from Old French humble, umble, earlier
umele, from Latin humilis "lowly, humble," literally "on the
ground," from humus "earth," from PIE root *dhghem- "earth”
lowly in kind, state, condition, or amount," also "of low birth or
rank, related: Humbly.
I had a dream [vision] and the objective was me to be Humble, so when I searched this word, Humble, it makes no sense to what the
word actually means.
Bypass your earth senses, your operating programs,
sensory systems, taste, touch, hear, see, and smell, use your other two, emotions
and feelings, they are your sixth and seventh senses called ESP, when there is nothing
extra about them, sum beings without a soul don’t have ESP, that is why they
are classified differently.
Spiritual Death
Death [transitioned] is not as horrible as you been taught,
its that many just do not know how to take things to an extreme nature for an
If you have a nasty breakup with sumone [anytime there’s a
separation from sumthing that is a death, even when you want to stop thinking a
certain way you are putting to death those thoughts,
So, if you die from a relationship on a very negative
turmoil, then you will go to h3ll in that aspect aka go through all the trails
and emotional fuck ups, circumstances and drawing in the same type of
individuals in your life so you are living out that h3ll.
Now if you separated from a relationship in harmony or
agreeing to disagree spirit or both of you agree you wasn’t supposed to be together
and you ended more on a positive note than on a negative note means you went to
heaven in that realm of reality because 9 times out of 9 you are not harbouring
over old emotions and feelings and your imaging [manifestation] one of the best
relationships getting ready to come into your life, now just think about it
from an aspect of being born again after you actually die.
Learn how to die in peace and not rest in peace, once you
are resting its already too late and most of the time you were tired anyway,
that is why in most cases people don’t die in peace, their life was fucked up
Don’t damage your spirit or soul.
Phoenix is the Christos [Christ] Karast [KRST] Crystal [Krystal] NRG.
Seven Sisters are Femi9 energy [siStars] and recorded Kiymah
[Kee-ma] one who cover up the seven star constellation that they renamed
Pleiades but is called Kiymah, all are Nubians including the reptilians that
reside there and sum albino reptilians, there is nothing with blonde hair and
blue or green eyes only the albino reptilians, they covered the constellation because they are all femi9 siStars.
Dreamtime is connecting with the ones before through [Kry-stal] [Kistal] I-stal
[meditation] Istal, when you collapse the physical and merge with the spiritual.
On paper it looks like the revolution could be bought or
sold, like there’s no kode.
NWO is NOW is MML [Medical Martial Law] with 5G.
Milan is testing 5G, read between their narratives, this will go national.
Three sons are on the horizon
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re
[Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Space Highway is busy
Huge fleets are always over Mexico
Raccoon City
Hull wide open
Two crafts docked or in unison
Stacked crafts over Spain
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