Stock and prepare, that is all that you can do on a
physical and mental and spiritual level, its that simple, what will be will be,
for those who are experiencing similar visions [dreams] and the visions that
many of us had last year means that we are going into the next phase.
These visions serve has warnings and are very much about
the symbol and signs to lead you where you are supposed to be, you must tap
into the subconscious mind.
Thunderbirds are go, the Thunder Bird is synonymous with
our ancestors, our indigenous roots and they and many others are connecting to us,
listen in and watch for your messages.
For those who are tuned in, for those who are streaming
from source, lets get ready mentally, the population control via whatever, means
that what you see out here is not random and is not nothing new but is starting
to become mainstream because the powers that be need you now to go into panic
mode, they always wanted to control the masses and now they are.
This is not just biological warfare it’s the spiritual
warfare that is the last war, we’ve already won but, they will go out with a
bang because before you can be affected on a physical level it must first
affect you on a spiritual level but you have to give it permission.
Nothing can supersede your [will] not even the most-high
[god] the creators or the spirit guides, no one but you, however once doubt
enters the fray or you allow fear to consume you, then you allow or you give
permission for [things] to penetrate you on a spiritual realm to which you
start to feel it on a physical realm.
The masses are going to fuck things up big time, there is
too many of them, those that also say that they are spiritual are not, the same
words and practices that they have been doing for the last 4-5 years is what
they are doing today, nope, it doesn’t work like that because we are on a
different frequency.
Stand on your square [cube] and hold the vibration,
people are going to go crazy and I mean ape shit and you need to be prepared
because what your thinking is going to happen x100.
Shit is going to happen, I’m not worried and you
shouldn’t be either but you, you need to be worried, like really worried for
your in trouble.
The [Ka’A] of the land will offer protection for those
that need protection, the spring cleaning and purging has begun and what we are
seeing is part of the cleanse and part of the process and part of the releasing
and the letting go, is part of the upgrading, the house is messy and dirty,
this is the simulation of reality, for those that received the upgrades and
downloads your going to be alright but for those that are of a nervous
disposition, those that lose it over stupid things but act like they are strong
minded and so on, or those who deep down are actually not spiritual at all are
fucked and you don’t want to be near them for they will rub off on you and
affect your own frequency.
The harvest has begun, bad into worst into terrible into
horrific, no manmade machine, virus or man himself is superior to our creators,
you must keep the vibration [faith] the way forward is to keep the spiritual
technology, ancestors and spirit guides and Jedi maStars are on our side, the
unseen and seen, the involuntary and voluntary, know your poWRA, leave those who
believe in their poWRA.
You made it, you did the real work, you sacrificed and
gave up certain things and created certain things, you worked hard and you are
not about to give that away to sumthing so dumb with no purpose, remember what
that word [Corona] translates in Spanish crown [sun] and is what connects you to
They are attacking your Khu
And what are they attacking right now, the Ka’A, think
about things in the 4[5] perspective, you need 9 ether hair, 9 ether skin and 9
ether soul and spirit, you need brown-black eyes, you need 6 protons and 6 electrons
and you need 6 neutrons to start off with.
Separate yourself from those who are not spiritually
inclined, from those who have not evolved their Ba’A at all but think they
have, we are in a different dimension [4]5D and frequency and you need to match
that vibrational tone.
Algorithms are being picked up by YT and certain words
that you write on social media sites are being picked up, we are seeing a hug
spike on those who are trying to spread messages and aid those with the CV and
the likes, so the AI is working overtime to cease the messages.
Do not get caught up with the panic and distress of
others, don’t watch other people’s reaction or fears, your different and will
have a different outcome.
Your vibration [faith] is what will be the light that
takes you through their dark-times, that will be the difference and many will
stray in the darkness of ignorance and pestilence, your ancestors didn’t go
through what they did for you to be a dildo.
For those that spoke about what is taking place you are
going to be leaned on by others they are going to need you, don’t let them pull
you down because we are hitting that crucial time.
Take responsibility for the energy you are putting out
there, take responsibility of your frequency and stop blaming others but
yourself, you cannot hide from the universe, she can see you, your chakra
colours that you emit is what she and star-family are watching from the 9
When you walk in righteousness, nothing can touch you,
they will protect you all the way.
Whether CV came from a lab or from the sun with the
red-iron-oxide, it is here, this is reality.
The only people who will be moving around will be the military
and medical staff, that is it, the rest get shut down.
Remember what they are hiding behind the [CV] and this is
year one of crop failure, crop lost, major food shortages, before China went
into [CV] the people were protesting about food shortages before they unleashed
the virus, there is no more food, eco-systems have shut down, so this pandemic
was created because there are many other agendas behind this one, the beast
[USA] will be made headless soon and this spells danger, the clone is about to
be taken out, money [markets] have ended, you get the gist, your job is useless
along with money, let this shit go.
I have not had or Magi [manifested] anything for the future, ever, maybe that is just me or maybe that is a sign that we will not be going back to normality.
You have to realign your chakras, if your still eating
meat and dairy, forget it, when we realign on the physical realm the planet [chakras]
aligns also [seven tectonic plates] and they are going to align, this will make
you align your chakra system and the planets, [I had been talking to others and
this is the separation, they are not part of this and never was, blame me if
you like, I write the truth and a guide, you are not from the planet but were
created on the planet, there is a difference], we are both [earth and you]
going to activate, the NaTaRu [watches] protectors of Ki, the real earthlings,
those that share the same heart [earth] and this is when the quakes come, the
all-knowing-energy, and we are seeing this, we are moving from the 666 Carbon
based beings into Krystalline Beings.
When you stop eating meat and dairy your cells start to rejuvenate
themselves and now since the frequency is 13up, we are moving into liquid form,
the real [CV] is you getting your crowning, you need your eye to be open now,
to be asleep now will kill you.
I went to the supermarket where I am now and I was amazed
to see what people are purchasing, I need to be away from certain people and to
be around like-minded, like really like minded people who are on the 4[5]D and
you also need to for their frequency is too low and will never increase because
of the way they are thinking and operating and will affect your biofield.
Drugs are not going to work no more because of the frequencies,
those that still smoke or drink or whatever will not reach the highs they once
did because of the frequency changes in the dimensions, on the planet, 5G and
the G stands for generation, your brainwaves are different now whether you do
sumthing or not, even those who are not from the Kaa world know sumthing is up.
It is a race on who can ascend the fastest, when we move
into the Krystalline Beings, we lose the 666 and I think its 8 Atoms, and we
become weightless and that is your ascension, this is the rapture [I cannot
write it all because the page and YT and Fb are all being monitored] the rapture
is you becoming a Krystalline Beings [the Christ rising or being crucified] from
Carbon to Krystalline, but this will not be for everyone on this planet and for
sure none of the recessive races [you have to have seen your transformation
first, that you saw yourself has a Krystalline Being if you are a 9ether] not
all the 9ethers are going in that direction, do not get an ego when you see
this happen to your fellow siStar or br’other, that is just the way that goes,
hence why slavery started because there was and is a certain group of people
who moved in a certain way on this planet, you can sit in denial about it, no
one cares but your shit ego, pandemic is another word for panic, take out the
dem and that leaves you, they had to have an excuse to cover up what is taking place
in the spirit world that is merging and to collapse your dollar, you were warned
a long time ago.
Many of us what this construct over, we don’t want your
normal anymore, every system that they built we want it to crash while we just
watch from a distance.
You may think that they are shutting the distractions
down but it’s the 9 ethers, they are shutting it all down.
Crystalline [Krystal] Alline [Al-ka-line]
Crystalline [Krystal] Alline [Al-ka-line]
Multiple billions of Locusts are swarming through this
planet, we are in the first year of crop losses and the Locusts are here to finish
the remainder, Locusts are also carriers.
Cannibalism is returning full time.
Prisoners are going to be released around the world, you
know, pedo’s, those that rape women or children or men, murderers, serial, the ones who
are in specialised hospitals [secure] for a reason will out on the street and
those who hate this system, governments, those who lost sumone because of the
police, those that reside in rich areas are all at risk, you need to move from
the cities.
The number around the world of who have [CV] is much,
much higher, nature steps in and takes over the [CV] and adds her weight behind
your cause, originally designed to take out the native, indigenous, and those
deemed poor and she reversed your poison and now the [CV] is attaching itself
to you, the total opposite of what man wanted.
Stay away from social media and talking with dildos, do
you still have a tv, what about the people that you keep, try not to deal with
the panic people, work with those on the same page, it will make your cycle
easier, play dumb, stay away from shit people and those who you cannot serve or
those who cannot serve you, know the difference between 3D and 4[5] Dimension
because that is the dimension or degree that you will be operating at.
This is the smallest energy dispersion recorded in the
four years in monitoring earthquakes, 7 according to official information, when this happens it means sumthing is brewing.
7 buoys mysteriously activate in [event mode] covering
8000 miles in the southern [Australia] hemisphere [tectonic].
Australia plasma NRG
South Pole [North]
ABZU [South Africa] sinkholes, what is going to happen in the south.
Sacred Fire [Khaybet][Plasma] Tetrad
Sacred Fire
Omuriro Omur’Angere
Ⓧ – Chi – Kh – Ka
heART – eARTh – heART
Mir [Pyramid] = Fire in the Middle
Ⓧ was a glyph that originally
represented 4 concepts
1st: Glow [As in Aura]
2nd: Terrain of Cultivation [To Plant]
3rd: Place of Righteousness [Temple]
4th: The H-e-art-h [A Fireplace]
Note, a Hearth is the floor of a fireplace or ‘Chi’mney;
operating identical to the root chakra from which the Kundalini ignites.
To MaStar One’s Ⓧ Chi, is to master one’s
wavering Aura, One’s terrain of cultivation, One’s place of righteousness,
One’s Ka, Spirit, Christ within, One’s breath, One’s hearth; from which the
kundalini ignites and the fire breathes.
Spirit-Energy [The Ka = Chi] is the metaphoric
explanation of Ⓧ [the hearth], while the sacred
fire of Omur’iro Omur’Angere is the literal practice of Ⓧ
the hearth.
This teaches us that ‘Sacred Fires’ were the first Holy
Shrines, even the word Pyramid has been translated as “Fire In The Middle” and
is the evolution of the H-earth itself.
Ω = Shen = Ω = Kemetic
申 = Shen = 申 =
ש =
Shin = ש = Hebrew
Pay attention:
S is for Shen, Sin, Sura, Sara and Spirit.
know that Abraham and Jesus had never ever existed and Hebrew-ism is esoteric
conceptual framework.
Also, note that Taoism derived from Kemetic Science and
Alkebulan [Africans] civilized East Asia.
Abraham and Jesus, they are both merely masterpieces of literary conceptual
framework, both names are merely signs and symbology.
Shen [Shenit] the male and female Ntorotu of 9hair collage
Odwirafo Akhan
Odwirafo means [Purified person], Odwira [pure], and fo [person] in the Akhan Language of
Ghana, the Twi dialect.
Akhan means [First] or to [begin],
taking into account, that's the name of the bother Odwirafo Kwesi Ra
Nehem Ptah- in full, who Akhan teaches about.
Ganesh is from Ghana and is a Naga [God] not Hindu who the Hindus stole the Naga works and even stole Sanskrit which is Tamil writing, Hindus today invented nothing, just claimed it all.
The Dutch were in Sri Lanka in colonial times and under the British sum years back they destroyed the Tamil Tigers, the darker-ones with Melanin where taken out on purpose, under Churchill in 1943 they also murdered at least 4 million of the darker-ones like the ones called Bengalis [Ba-naga-ladesh] now the Chinese are building a city that will be destroyed real soon.
Churchill also hated the Indians, he said that, they also murdered the darker Nagas called also Hindus today, not the ones we see today, but their namesake, millions because they had the melanin, when the British gave India back to Indian they made them call them Sir when they addressed the British and Sir stands for Slave I Remain, to which you are.
India [Asian] into [Oriental] Asia is NAGA land.
Culture thieves
Hari Krishan is the little black boy or blue boy, blue is the life force, and or the underworld [spirit] and black or brown is the living man [alive] life.
Hari is from Haru [Heru] and Krishna is Avatar [concept]
You cannot steal what is not yours, today we have stupid people out here talking and practicing trash, nature is the overseer and will end your man-made construct.
Murdered for being too black, too strong
all that were murdered over the last 500 years are here now.
I write all this so you have a full over-standing as to why this world is being destroyed by the Anu-Naga, these are their offspring, the Nubian children are the offspring of the higher ones that you have spent the last 500 years denigrating, murdering and raping, sum other races did the dirty work for them and will also be dealt with including the Muurs that sold out the other Muurs, so when you see certain countries going down that you didn't think would is because they colluded with the enemy.
They, you, are going to be wiped out from creation.
I write all this so you have a full over-standing as to why this world is being destroyed by the Anu-Naga, these are their offspring, the Nubian children are the offspring of the higher ones that you have spent the last 500 years denigrating, murdering and raping, sum other races did the dirty work for them and will also be dealt with including the Muurs that sold out the other Muurs, so when you see certain countries going down that you didn't think would is because they colluded with the enemy.
They, you, are going to be wiped out from creation.
It is 13 degrees negative [minus 13], today in 2012 [2020] we
have a nu 45 on the turntable, also in the mix on 90.6 is the black-sun
[conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Rahu, he is sitting behind the sun, pink-sun
[crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and
Ratan is the sun we know right now which is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra].
The master of ceremonies, the MC is Nature who will be
hyping up the crowd aka the masses with her healthy linguistics.
Impressive symbol, master display, a force to be reckoned
with, the pioneer builders of this Soular-System and many more have returned
and are sitting pretty in the skyline.
Binary into a Tri-system, we have four-suns in the
sky-line making us a Tetrad-system.
Krystalline Shields
Rainbow colours are Chakra colours holding frequences, where there is light there is sone [sound].
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