Saturday, 14 March 2020

Mech 9

[They] were left in charge of the supercomputer in the laboratory in Shamballah [Shambhala-Naga and Buddha name-domain] Agartha, the name of the computer is Mech.

Shambhala teachings of when the world declines into war and greed and all is lost, the King will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish the Dark Forces and usher in a worldwide Golden Age.

This final battle is now.

The Shambhala an extra-dimensional or spiritual [holographic] reality on the etheric plane, a spiritual centre where the governing [deities] [Buddhas-Naagas] of Ki dwells as the highest Avatar of the planetary Logos of [Ki] earth, the mainframe interface.  

This computer has a hard-drive data base [server] centre that is 15 square miles in length, this computer was reactivated in 1904.

The hard drive is far more advanced than your hard drive on the surface, instead of data being stored on a disc, the data is stored on huge crystals, it is Bluetooth connection Wi-Fi [no wires], and also Bluetooth circuits or CPU that can process Information 9x faster than the speed of light.

The EKUR [Giza] and NI.BIRU [NebHeru] also share the same numbers [frequencies] of the speed of light, the computer circuit [Ekur] coordinates and NI.BIRU travel are the same numbers which are 299,792,458, and that means instance.
Linked to Sahu [Orion]

This computer has millions of years of Information [data] saved on its hard-drive, the computer can look through time backwards and forwards [9D hologram].

Also, an inferred X-ray scan, and can be used to control the weather, cause volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquake and tidal waves, cure and cause viruses and so on, it also can make in 3D [printer].

Mech can also transfer [download and upload] thought from person to person and message [thoughts] can be inserted to your organ [head] and destroy files or you with the push of a button.

Mech also has every star map in the galaxy save on its hard-drive, the space and speed is faster than computers on the surface and work off of yottabytes which is 4 [Quantum means 4 and that is 4D] level higher than a terabytes. 

One [1] carrot crystal can save up to 100 yottabyte and their hard-drive system has crystals the size of a small building.

Most of you have 3G[4G], which is four gigabytes on your phone, which is very slow compared to this supercomputer, your computers on earth work on a number system call binary which is 1's and 0's base on 2's, this computer works off of a nonary system which is 1's and 0's or 1's and 9's base on 9's, this also makes for much more complex ram-addresses.

Mech can translate any language on any of the planets and the ones in the Galaxy, this computer also sends out air traffic control signal for the incoming ships [crafts], those who don’t pay attention are usually shot down by the HuMans.

This computer has an in-built red button or switch that if pushed will cause the centre sun to blow up in 24 hours.

Mech gets its poWRA from the centre of the sun which it uses 514 gigawatts, that is like 500 lightning bolts at one time.

This computer can hack the CIA and FBI or any government agencies very easily and without them even knowing and was used to remove money and shut down CIA satellites last year.

They can make this planet jump forward and backwards in time, they can cut the oxygen or gravity off in any area on the planet and also can change the axis from 23 degrees to whatever they want and also can crank up the moon and move it anywhere in the galaxy, because the moon has an old style advance kinetic motor inside it.

I would have liked to have written more, but you get the gist about why this post was written in this way, i-want peace, this is the final battle.

This is a simulation, a program, a holographic universe.

Nubian people are coming online [Telekinesis] EMP-athy [Telepathic PoWRA]   

Vernacular is the lowest form of communication we use Telepathy.

Spiritual is holographic.

The etheric cord is the umbilical cord [silver cord for the mainstream] that allows you to talk with the creator(s) when in Istal, there is sumthing you have to take to allow you to speak with them, 7 minutes i had, it was sumthing else, we are going online. 

You have access to the Mech 9 for you give out the commands, get ready for the physical world is going into survival mode, we have to in order to crush the old programs, the low energy fields, have no fear but have self discipline.

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