Monday, 2 March 2020

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

whiskey tango foxtrot [wtf]

02.03.2020 Western [Gregorian]
02.12.2020 Western [Roman]
02.02.2012  9th Gate [Ul-Mex] Olmec [Abyssinia] Askum [Ethiopian]

This is a Mathematical [Ma'at] equation [Ma] W[M]

Ether is the 5th element, its what binds the universe together [to gather] and you, Nature [Supreme] uses 4 elements.

We are going live, did you add up the numbers, the universe's energy signature number 9, the vortex will increase in anyway but loose, the highest number is nin9, watch the incoming, stay grounded, focused and balanced.

Today the Roman and the Ulmex both agree, today equals 9, the Gregorian is lying, yes lying in wait and time waits for no manWomb, the energies [radiation] and the Kosmic [dark energy] that will come in officially will make many go offline, like real bad, watch peoples energies and intentions, trust you only, the energies will not be positive for everyone, chaos is in the cards, time is speeding, merging, stay in Istal, stay at number 9, spiral 9 [45bpm]

Melanin [Dark Magi] Kek Matter [Maat] evolves every 3-5 years, we are inside that groove.

This is 9 ether activation, 9to9to the 9th poWRA .

Triangle [Pyramid] MA.RE [MER] MIR strongest shape, form, NRG [eNeRGy] in Ma'At-Maat-ics.

Digital route frequency of this cube [universe] is 216, the program is being configured an element of the computer mainframe [hard drive] and the virtual drive.     

Watch your self and check yourself.   

Amazon is Skynet

When the soul-ar flashes [flares] hit Ki, parasites get destroyed, protect your biofield with Lemon, Honey and Ginger, many are spontaneously combusting, Honey is crystalized water, and will  provide a crystal shield within your aura aka your biofield, shit just real.

Frequency is vibrating, nu energy signatures yesterday are filtering through

Blue-Green life force energy sphere 

Sun Portal

HuMans said that it would take a 100 years to melt but it only took one summer, billions of water,
 Greenland is by the North Pole; Antarctica is in the South Pole.
Perfect laser cut ice sheet floats gently down the lane, nature had help, same laser cuts for ancient works, sites, texts, sum are from a million years ago and many said wow and this image lets you know that whoever gave you the wow factor are here once again, there are no straight lines in nature, really.  . 

Costa Rica [crafts stacked and reading you] 


Supply and demand

12.3million Sea Dragons on ship heading to the West
Nature put them there, not you
Tic toc 

Huge plasma strike, energy going to the planet

9to9to the 9th poWRA

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