Friday, 21 February 2020


Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] the radio waves that are being read out in the Kosmos, the energy of Nu, means that there is sumthing coming in.

Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] is a Sun [PAA.RE] system within the Sahu [Orion] star system, there are 100’s of galaxies within SA.HU, Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] and Re [Ra] both have dimmed of late.

What is taking place is a complete network connection, you see the Orcs and offspring and other beings, the Greys and all the rest of the other beings out there have taken residence not just here on Ki but throughout this universe and so the connection that is merging is for all the suns in this universe to come online.

There are 720 main suns in this universe with 7,200 minor suns, remember this is a holographic computer program with many, many different types of simulations, programmes.

The 720 suns will be connecting with all the planetary bodies [energy signatures] and are going online [soular flare, flash, burst] and they will create one energy field that will delete all artificial life that is within that field.

The energy of Nu [deep, the abyss] aka the Universe and is going to light [online] up and the 144,000 aka the resonating frequency on Ki. 

Empath [EMP-ath]

The electro-magnetic pulse [EMP] will not be coming from Russia, China or anyone like that, the EMP will be coming from Nu and from the ground, the core of Ki [plasma ball].

Its only underground where you will be food or underwater, that is the only way out for many.

The radio signals are coming from the deep, the abyss, and are getting stronger every 16 days sumthing incoming, this is deep space radiation [energies] frequencies.   

China is the World Market and they have just bailed out, that means the stock markets have crashed and that means your markets have failed.

China is the world market because they produce everything, the USA has no production, every stock market in this world is dependent on China's market full stop, the Federal is about to crash. 

That is why they shut down all the car plants all over Asia, all American car companies, their profits are made in Asia, you already own all of the cars, those are burgeoning markets just coming out where people are actually buying shit.

All products of every company including StarBucks is made in China, when you see China shut down, that means the World Market has shut down, China is the engine that drives your economy [electronic con] world wide. 

Remember, the people of China were protesting because they already knew that the food was running out, for months they had been on the streets and then Coronavirus and then shutdown

The stock market already crashed and they are pumping money from what is basically all their dirty drugs money and [plunge protection money] and just printing money to keep the matrix going, they are doing this in every stock market right now, and their time just got shorter, tic toc 

They don’t want you to panic or to tear the world down until this is on their terms

You have to fight the right fight this time.


For over 6 hours and then another set of hours the data has been blacked out or the machine was unable to record the frequencies coming in, you will be up because the organ [brian] is taking in frequencies that the muscle is unable to process, hold, outdated windows programs will not be able to run the nu programs, energy lingers, the soular streams [flares-flash] will be strong.

#agitated #confusion #bodypains #sadness # suicidal #offline [watch your space]

Major release from the south and north poles [electrical and magnetic] plus strong soular winds, streams, flashes, flares, soul-ar [arena], Ki will be humming [Om] tonight, energy lingers. 

There is no alert if you are 9 ether, Green is healing life force energy [Green - heart chakra] bypass warnings, remain focus and stay grounded, the planet is amplifying and so are you. 

Rumours of a M9 and the electromagnetic maps going down and the manmade German Schumann blacking out, sumthing stirring. 

Charging initiated [red-blue] under charge and black means are you ready
Caribbean is on lockdown, last 3 days.

Low numbers, energy contained [21.2.2020] = 9 with 9 earthquakes in the last 24hrs according to official information M5.2 in Alaska being the highest

Sitting Duck

The horn of Alkebulan [Africa] is now engulfed with the Locusts, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi, South Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

Pakistan, India and is approaching the border to China, where around 100,000 thousand ducks are waiting sent from China.

People report their biblical scenes as giant swarms of locusts are so dense, they darken the sky.

France and many places around the world will continue to fall apart, weather systems [anomalies] continue to plague the skies and land and you, they used to say no condition is permanent, sum are permanent.

No winter means that the planet has heated up, she only needs to be 2 degrees above your normal and that is enough to create Zedes, we are not returning to your normal. 



Kanada = incoming, logistics, equipment, tech, personnel, this is not a meteorite, asteroids can and are satellites camouflaged at times.
Green life force energy.  

Taken sumwhere in the USA, 45 right angled craft, triangle craft just sitting with the clouds and is a huge Mother. 

The Chinese people are not stupid, they are very realistic, are you, 20 mins worth of months of change, sum real good footage in here and that footage over Syria looks like they are building the crystal sky cities, Syria, Iran and Iraq are scared land and the star-gate is over Iraq, amazing footage.  

Eye [Lamp]

Don't shoot the messenger

The higher beings calcifield the artificial races [recessive genes] eye and in many cases the eye was reduced, stay true to the eye and always follow the eye. 

Stability [Welfare]

Inside the mind [Khu] of Asaru [He who has seen, The eye] [ Greek name Osiris] the Alpha[magnetic]  and Omega[electrical].

The concept was that each one of you that you are a Djed [Stability] pillar in this great fortress, your chest is the volt, and your tongue the key.

The chest is the HuMin species, every one of us, the chest can be amplified and stabilised [HuMan emotion] it can be read, measured.
When the HuMins are distressed the chest will light up like the godfather, when the HuMins are kool with a K, there is stability.

What this tells us is that the Omega cares deeply, look at the Tjet symbol, and translation welfare, that is us.

Asaru has instructed Thoth [Tehuti] to leave records explaining how important you really are, you are part of a collective that is one, a conductor of energy, not just within but has a collective we are raw poWRA, positive poWRA that holds energy, you have a role to fulfil so let your light shine through and lets light this chest up.

The Djed served many purposes like electricity, current [this is us has a collective] the Djed pillar represented Asaru(s) backbone or spinal column [33 vertebrates][Jacob's ladder] Kundalini, us.

Kundalini keep in mind the spinal column is the carrier of the energy [Kundalini]

Djed (Zed or Sed) Stability [you]
Tjet translates Welfare [you]

E.Anna [9]

i-9 [i is the 9th letter in the alphabet]

You possess that key, for the key doesn’t open the door, you do.
What key locks and unlocks the inner- door of E-anna, 
Re or Ra [Atun, Atum, and Amun].

What is E-anna, the abode or E = Iy = temple, coast, isles, abode, of Anu, the Tama-reans use Annu.

What governs this abode, the three great realities,
 What are those three great realities, the three points of a triangle [Mir or Mer or MA.RE] each point of a pyramid aka triangle is 45, that equals = 9 [4+5= 9] x that by 3 = 9to9tothe9th PoWRA [Ma’at].

What are they,
there are four: the right knowledge, six: the right wisdom, and eight; the right understanding, I have travelled three, five and seven, now I hold the key, that is between 1 and 9.

360 degrees is 3 + 6 = 9, and the cipher is naught, and the 9 is aught, to become the first person single, the total being, called I and I is the 9th letter of the alphabet, 3 sets of 3 gives you 9.

One 1) knowledge 2) wisdom 3) understanding
Two 1) mental 2) spiritual 3) physical
Three 1) the doer 2) the knower 3) the thinker

Man is a triune being, the number 9 is expressed by 3 times 3.

You have nine principles that are:
1 Ka, this is the spiritual you [double]
2 Khu, this is the mental you
3 Khat, this is the body you

1 Ba, this is the soul you [strength]
2 khaybet, this is the plasmatic you
3 Akh, this is the etheric you

1 Hati, this is the physical heart of yours
2 Ab, this is the spiritual heart of yours
3 Sekhem, this is the spark of life of yours

All of this was brought into the person as being twofold, or double.

The two points of existence:
1) birth and 2) death
1) mind 2) spirit 3) body
1) air 2) fire 3) earth 4) water

2+3+4=9 again.
What does this all mean i-hear you whisper, in ancient tamare, for each A’aferti (Pharaoh) to protect him/herself against demonic enchantments and utterance of spells, words of poWRA, at birth each being was given two names at the naming ceremony, the big name and the little name, or the true name and good name.

He or she kept his or her big-name secret and he became known by his little name, so should it be with each of you.

If someone masters your sacred name they become your equal, thus the doorway to the nine principles of you are opened up, and you become spellbound in this world and the next.
You are worthy.

You have three [tri] Iy [temples, one on your left and one on your right and your body is a temple], that is three, when you look outside yourself, your done, finished, all is within and many of you are simply not going to achieve, whatever you are.

Many of you spend too much time on the body and that is all you will be, once you come outside of yourself its over for you, it’s the whole tri-system a w-hol-istic approach, watch yourself and check yourself.

Listen to 45bhp = 9 [spiral up] and not 33bhp = 6 [spiral down]

2001 was when the powers that be on this planet had us stuck between dimensions 3[4]D parallel worlds with the towers, this planet [2013] 2020 has now moved into a higher frequency, we had and are having a process period for sum.

You cannot see the 4[D] because it is a holographic program and they are outside the 3D world; we are in the 4[D] but many cannot or will not see the dimensions.

The 3D world goes does down and the 4D world goes 13up.

Circles [sphere] 360 of life 

Where life ends, life begins, this planet [energy] will never die, life will be here after you, life existed before your creation.   

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