Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Holographic Heartbeat

Wages World YT

Just sum comments about the frequencies from the last 6 days, sum will be offkey [offline] while the nu energy frequency adjusts and increases, this is the Photon and Plasma energy from the ground and from the Universe, the Kosmos, all sending in the energies [radiations], we are inside the nu energy cycle, the shifting of air [space] between your ears, one side, the tones are coming in and are being heard.

Sumone knows who this person is, your son, your brother, what would you do, times this kind of behaviour [Cancer] say 7 billion Humans/Humins and say 1 million men like this, say it was your dad.
Why i say this for thought is because nothing can be done about this here on this planet, this is a gene defect or is it, this is animal to animal technically, what if he does that and comes home to you for the evening, what if that was your partner and now its bed time, and you never knew, or did, sumwhere.

Nature is deleting the artificial, what she never created, sum will say no that's not right, number one rule, you need a Baa to be here, this is a soul-ar [arena] you need one to be here, if you don't have a Baa, you are going to deleted, what soul does this.
read the link
 Australian Cannibal Animal Hannibal

Nu energy signature again, what does that mean, this frequency is unknown to the average and to the knowing this is higher-sCellsf activations. 

Istal [Meditation] is key

Chakra energy all the way, this is a beautiful image, for these are symbols for you to know that you are in good hands, these are signs, patterns, frequencies, vibrations, if you listen carefully you will hear. 

The Hearts Intuitive Intelligence

Most HuMins know what it feels like to be in state of harmony of flow where our heart and mind are working together and there is a genuine connection with others involved.

Its easy to [love] this experience of synergy but often this happens by chance rather than by design or attention, wouldn’t it be nice to produce this flow on the demand on our day to day communications, challenges and with this planet and the people you come into contact with.

When we shift into a coherent state the heart and organ [brain] operate synergistically, two systems that merge into one, you grow and learn how to activate and sustain synergy between the heart and the organ and prevent fixed patterns along with increasing our mental [crown] clarity and discernment capacity.

When we do this our creative soul-utions become more accessible providing us with more intuitive access and flow.

Coherence techniques

All you have to do is simplify a process for an intuitive connection to the souls knowledge, the souls wisdom and guidance, unfolding who we truly are.

The Ab is energetic is a access point for a natural inner technology, the hearts intuitive intelligence which can elevate our communications, decisions and choices to a much higher level of effectiveness.

When you come [genuine] from the heart our feelings such has gratitude, compassion, appreciation this [love] naturally increases the hearts coherence.

The term energetics is used for the systems you can’t see or touch but those with a soul can feel, our thoughts, emotions and intuitions.

The heart poWRA’s the mind, they are energetic exchanges and underline our thoughts and emotions, their primary drivers are biological systems and have a poWRA-ful influence on our behaviours and choices and results, the intuitive energetic heart is with the inner-voice, the flow between the heart and organ which in this matrix many use a small percentage because of your alter-ego that overrides the intuitive suggestions.

Access to our hearts intuition varies among people

Slow down and allow the energy to flow

Allow your mind and heart to connect naturally.

[what is the objective with what was written, the interpretation is your own] 

Your organ [brain] is a receiver, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge [knowledge is energy], strength and inspiration. 

Heart [earth] chakra.

Baa [Soul]
Khu [Mind]
Kaa [Spirit] 
Akh [Etheric] 
Ab [spiritual heart] Ib 
Hati [physical heart]

Earth = Heart [same letters]

Dark energy of the sun [sol] soular plexus [vitamin D is Dark energy encrusted with Nub [Gold] Nubian, the coming of a Nu Being is what she is referring to, as above, so below.   

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