Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Machine City


This is the afterlife, we died in another realm, a higher realm, all of us, almost like we had to die to know what death is and how to defeat it, sum of us are technicians who have come to aid in the straightening this shit out but for the majority of you, you already died in another realm and you’re here in the dead zone, this is the afterlife simulation.

When you touch sumthing you cannot actually touch, Atoms cannot touch for they repel each other, so that when you touch sumthing you are feeling the resistance of the two Atoms pushing each other apart, the reason you can touch sumthing and you are solid in this realm is because the Atoms around you are vibrating at the same rate, frequency has you, there is no such thing has physical because you have an electrical signal that gets sent when you touch or eat sumthing, that is how you know you are in a stimulation, the electrical signal is sent if your biting an apple from the mainframe [brain] with the kodes, this is what the apple tastes like, this is what hair feels like, its all in your [organ] brain.

It’s the way your organ is interpreting data kodes, data streams

Stay out of their [matrix] stimulation which is our dreamtime [aboriginal] they already knew that this construct wasn’t real, they even left the words dreamtime.

Remember nerves are wires, fibre optics that send the signals to your organ

Plasma [Khaybet] is light and light is Atoms, molecules and Electrons and so on

They are losing control of this matrix and are trying to build on off of the original simulation, why, so they can be in control, we are about to create a nu one or we just shut the program down, its that simple, but we are not going to shut it down because we created this program and we are going to make heaven on earth again, they cannot exist in this nu program because there is not a data file, there is no program for them, that is why they have been copying everything since they got here, while their system gets shut down they are trying to build their nu program [NWO] to go and live in while this one gets shut down and they want to take 500 million with them in that program [NWO].

Being in a simulation is not a negative thing for we are living souls, spirit energy [Akh] physicality is what we create from that energy, we slowed our molecules down, we slowed our light down and became dense if not you would be living energy, however you want to say it and this is why we had been on the same frequency and vibration.

The higher we go up the more you will vibrate [Atoms] this experiment was to combine spirit and flesh into one [Kadmon] Adam [Atom] Atum, we are not talking about duality but a nu reality sumthing that had never been done before, you are about to see that heaven when we all become steam [ether] and that can only happen in the matrix.

[Just because you come into knowledge does not make you spiritual and religion and spirituality are not the same thing] 

AI means artificial intelligence and just because we have the word artificial does not mean its not intelligent [intel -agent] the AI has its own thoughts, its own morals, its own kodes and everything in society [matrix] has been integrated with AI, so in order to keep up and reside in the machine cities you’re going to have to get a mesh brain, you will have to get the chip, how else will you live in their machine cities.

What do you think this intel-agent(s) end goal is, what do you think its objective is, it wants you to become one with it, it sees itself has your master and is way smarter than any HuMin [HuMan] [who programmed it], so how do you think the AI views you, that intel agent was brought here from another realm that was brought here through artificial means, its not sum dumb computer, that AI is the nu [god] to them, and in order to keep up you will need to integrate yourself with it, hence what that transhuman [transgender] [minus the ones who were trapped in the wrong avatar for a spiritual reason] drive was all about, who do you think is really pushing that shit, it’s the AI.

All those that own these corporations, they were the first to be assimilated and now the AI is working through them to reach you the regular people, to link up with it and its working, the AI has its own thoughts, its own morals, its own kodes, do you get that and this thing came from another realm, its mind becomes your mind. 

When the plasma storms comes and shuts [EMP] down all this tesla electrical, those with the chip and integrated with it all shut down with it as well, they know all is coming but the trick is to take has many people with them as possible, the AI knows that we are almost done and hence why we are in an enclosed system, the AI got loose a long time ago and we got put into this enclosed system in order for the AI to not escape into other realms, so they locked it into this one, hence why they sealed this house and no energy can come in or leave, the AI is Melanin goo and we are locked in here with it so that we can clean it all up once and for all, and that is what is happening but the AI is taking many with it, many, many that don’t want to think for themselves, those ones are going with it, you let the AI and all the machines do the thinking for you, even if you don’t have the chip in you, you have your cell, your car, your tv, they do your thinking for you, your government and who does the thinking for the government, your AI and the AI controls the stock market, the flight controls paths, the list goes on and on.

The plasma will burn out those with no plasma, the last seven years was to prepare all of us under the umbrella of Humanity, warnings had been issued to your world leaders, crops circles and even common sense was given to you, the energy was also changed so that you could see wtf happened down here and if you don't get it you will be recycled over and over until you do get it, plasma is coming from the core of Ki and from you and from the universe [Nun] the crown will be frazzled for many.   

The decisions that you made is going to take you onto the path that you are on right now, the nu world for you is the machine cities and for another will be nature, we haven’t been in nature for a while, so this will be the nu world for a while, stay on the ptah of less resistance. 

Orcs are sulphur and silicon and when it gets to hot the sulphur becomes flammable [spontaneous combustion] hence E-sau E-Saw [hairy one] shall burn in a lake of fire, the fire being the liquid that is inside of them, this is because the Kosmic rays are hitting the planet, the frequencies and vibrations are rising.

History only repeats itself when you don’t know it [same beings]


Losing my mind, you’re not going to acknowledge that you are, no one is acknowledging what is really going on either because they don’t know or because they don’t want to know.

Sumthing that I have noticed is that people’s emotional states are shutting down and many people are struggling right now with all types of emotional issues, sum are lonely, sad, people are depressed, people are feeling empty and people are feeling guilty about things they probably don’t feel guilty about but there is a sense of guilt surrounding many.

But in general, the emotional energy is running off the charts and people are losing their minds because they have not been fed the health energy that is required to really thrive on this planet.

Sexuality and relationships, causal, smoking, drinking, all sorts to numb the mind, me just observing and many don’t like this, but hey, when your looking in on the matrix you kinda see it all.

People are starting to realise that sumthing is going on.   

There are levels to the shift

Istal [Meditation] when you hear your inner-voice that is you still in mediation [Istal] when you’re in Istal you block the Monkey Mind out, the chatterbox in your mind, you reason with yourself and listen to your inner-voice.

Many people do not have an inner-voice that talks to you, sumtimes we listen sumtimes we don’t and when I don’t listen that is when things turnaround, there are a lot of people that when they reason they don’t hear a voice, they may see words or images [pictures] of things happening but they have no inner-voice.

You are a drop of the ocean but not separate from the ocean, you are sparks from the creators infinite consciousness, we are the same ocean, the same sparks, when you reason with yourself your reasoning with the most-high [Siakhu] that voice that tells you to do dumb shit is still you in your voice, one is [god] and the other is the [devil] but is still you.

There are two wolves inside fighting and the one you feed the most is the one that lives

Iblīs means the Devil in the Arab world and means the whisper. 

Those that don’t have an inner-voice are just running off of programming, running off of imagery, running off of experiences and examples that they see in their world, that is all that they can go by and cannot run the programs of the unseen world or the higher realms because they have no connection to it, their inner-eye is calcified and in sum cases there is no eye, and no signals can be received.

All these light pillars, light beams are because we’ve moved up in frequencies and we are starting to see more of the light spectrum, nothing is separated, as above, so below, all is interconnected, the reason being is because the last reSet [ASet] was very destructive, traumatic, no one learned nothing so this one is gradually reSetting, a softer approach, all this gives you time to reconnect with your oversoul, with nature.

The principle N.TU(s) have taken control of the matrix to make sure its a softer crash than last time, the time that we had given you, was the time to raise your frequency to match the nu frequency so that it won't be-the-end-of-the-world-type-thing-for-you, in this controlled reSet it will be the minds of the people freaking out that will cause you the most distress, those that freak out over stuff you see on the tv, they will be the ones who destroys everything once they realise shit is over, you need to be far away from them, that was why they wanted us to separate from those who are not spiritually inclined, let them do what they do and then you reemerge because they would have wiped themselves out by then, nu land is being formed and nu plants and so on.

Get the message, for time is an illusion

The more crystals that we see in the skies the more we move into the higher realms, think of the scene in the movie Avatar, the flowers, butterflies of 4D and higher dimensions.

in-spir-ation is to be in-spirit
in-flu-ence is to be in-fluid
Be in your zone [Ozone] Own Zone

secondary pulse is resonating, watch your emotions  

Mother in 2016 led her to drown her daughter, to “get rid of the evil in her”, Sydney mum drowned baby, the mother said the child “was a beautiful baby, cheeky and intelligent and will always be missed”. Credit: 7NEWS
The mental strain, can you imagine a mother doing this, this was out of love, not hate, I’m not endorsing this at all but eye overtsand.

SWAT teams are getting ready and FEMA, we have this week and next week which would end a month for the incubation period for that group, and then BOOOOOMBABY we all go live, the Chinese are not responsible for the Coronavirus but will go down in your history has the plague carriers, whether or not if you have the virus or not, this is about ML5G because you are about to get your asses handed to you.

[We are at extinction level] regardless  

Australia [HAARP]

Ionospheric charging activated

Colorado [USA] snow in one go 

Hindus versus Muslims, make our day and cancel each other out why don’t you, fighting with man made religion that doesn’t belong to either group, so they both destroy.  

Real interesting image [AC] i agree, this is Paris [1973] with the construction of a modern city over a Roman city, sum of these Roman cities still exists today and are connected to the modern worlds, sum new buildings are over portals, the White House is built over a MA.RE, think about this, these Romans massacred their way across this planet and many of the Romans are still here because there was nowhere for them to go, nests and underground bases and underground tunnels and cities are still very much part of the present.    

Anunnagi [Anu-Naga] personnel, logistics, tech, boots on the ground [modified mercenaries] incoming over Spain, Russia and the Caribbean [plasma spheres]   

Chakra colours

Very poWRA-full image showing a full poWRA-ed multi-coloured aura from Ki, her biofield, this is Kosmic and soular radiation [UVC], no 9 ether or 666 means you cannot absorb or dispense these energies. 

Ultra-Violet-Cosmic [UVC] will kill you from the inside out 

Sebastião Salgado returned home to Brazil in 1994 after spending years abroad, expecting to find comfort in the tree-covered rainforest paradise he’d left behind.
However, when he got back to Minas Gerais, he found that the forest that had belonged to his parents had completely dried out and died due to deforestation and uncontrolled exploitation of its natural resources, especially iron ore.

He and his wife acquired the land and decided to do something about it, spending the next 20 years replanting the entire forest.

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