Friday, 14 February 2020

The 3rd Coming

Khu Glitching 

Thinking, speaking and visualisation [imagery] Magi [manifestation] are what you need to create what you need, avoid your negative thought patterns.

Your emotions [energy in motion] are playing the ace-card in your Magi [manifestations] watch what you intake, what you speak and what you think and feed the mind and sub-mind with, reverse all thoughts that are negative with positive thought straight away, the moment you feed or extend the negative thoughts then it’s over, with the flick  of the wrist, switch it up,  look at the people you keep, watch your words, don’t feed the mind, now you are I AM and you need to create.

Your have to fight the system and obtain what you really want.

You have sonar [sone] just like the Dolphins [echolocation] we are all connected and intertwined.  

Your i-magi-nation is what fuels the word manifestation your Magi is magnetic, move away from 3[D] thinking into 4[5]D thinking, you the indigo were brought here for the 2020 collapse, so watch what you are thinking.  

In order for you to have that creativity you need to be in the 4[5] dimension.

Nothing has ever happened to you that you have not visualised or spoken or thought about in your life that you didn’t Magi. 

Scroll One 
[19 x 18 = 342 =9]

The Essence of the Supreme Beings, we call on the Supreme Beings to break the spell [illusion]
by way of these facts [Order] Ma'At. 

Come let us go down there and unify their tongues into one language, the one true language of their past and dispel of the diversity and confusion [Babel] that scattered them across the face of the planet Tanen [earth].

To break the spell [illusion] they must speak one tongue, so come let us give them back our and their only true language.

That everything in their minds that they will imagine [Magi] to do, they will be able to do.

So, come now ye Neter and let us go down, as Anunnaqi and perform this great ceremony of the resurrection of the dead [Gods], for they have been dead for long enough.
Their imprisonment before the blinding light of misinformation must end.

The light is not the truth that can dispel the ignorance you are more apt to be blinded by light than you are by darkness, the state in which the elders dwelled when he and they said, let there be light [Genesis 1:3] Uwr = light [flames].

This was not merely the creation of the Sun, but also the creation of a great city of Chaldea in northern Babylon called Ur, the same word as Uwr [Genesis 11:28] aka a huge craft [light].

 Is this Babylon of old, no, its that time again for the great city to rise in the heart of the beast, called Babylon the great.

Baby [Babel] and Elon words together = Babylon
It is time to fall, from the great city, the new Babylon or Bab-El [doorway to El]

The sons of the Green light [Ultra] have come in these last days, and with their arrival comes great trials and tribulations, for this is the great and dreadful [Yaw-re] day of fear.
The signs of the times, the seven great thunders.

The clock of destiny ticks on and nature manifests her judgements out of darkness, the unknown, the unseen, the un-apparent, yet the ever existing, man is light and woman is darkness.

This is a day of great fear, fear of the weather, fear of viruses, fear of plagues, fear of wars, fear of death, fear of famine, fear of deformities, fear of enslavement and subjection by the luciferins, sons of the morning [mourning].

These plagues are not coming, they are already here.

This planet is heating up, she is in survival mode while she cleanses herself of these viruses, this is a natural in-built safety mechanism. 

How do we know that the positive and agreeable are here, by their number 9, 3 times 3 and by their works. 

The planet is descending into chaos and out of chaos comes order, that which is straight, balance.

9 to 9 to the 9th PoWRA [Ma'AT] 

Breaking Generational Cycles

There is a reason as to why we came back here [reincarnation] there is a reason why you have been activated.

In your previous lifetime, you may not have been so activated has you are now, or has spiritual as you are now or has poWRA-ful has you are now, with you being activated [woke] especially if you were at a young age, for sum it was too soon and for others it was too late.
So with these reincarnations and the one that we are currently in now there is sumthing going on with us rising and ascending back into our original state, many people are called, few are chosen, many do pick up the phone and by you stepping up you are going to aid your bloodline, your ancestors and the universe reach a nu height of knowledge, this is why you are here.

So, take action in each cycle [day] and unlock the other part of yourself.

Your family are still asleep and are not going to step up to the plate but you are and this is where the generational curse comes from which is not necessarily true, we have been held in bondage by the elite of this world but we are taking our poWRA back.

Aquarius cycle, you are highly advanced and are technology as a spiritual being, now ask yourself, what are you going to do for the Earth [Ki] Tiamat [Tanen] what are you talented in, unlocking the other part to you, what are your hidden qualities, what are your hidden gifts that you possess that have always been with you.

You are here to raise the consciousness of the planet and the consciousness of others.

No one in my entire family has reached this height before, when you ascend, with that comes back your poWRA’s.

Do not ignore the call, they need you, that is the main reason you are here because you are aiding them evolve on a whole nu level. 

Corsica [formation] 

[t-ankh] you [LG] when I read back I will see this over and over again,
I needed this from you. 

Bombogenesis [Bomb-Omega-Genesis] 
Both are rotating in the universal number 9

Charged and activated
Red/blue high charge
black/white is extreme

Energy retention continues, according to official information, there was 11 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24hrs, with the highest M5.5 in the Southern Ocean.  

Betelgeuse is on, the signal is reaching the planet 

Nu frequencies signatures are in the universe

When you hear strange sounds know that is your trumpet sounds.
UV and Kosmic radiation is very high and you must watch your health
High winds, Shu and sumone else, she is forcing the issue around the world.

Mexico, creatures, beings, enetites, that you know not of are all going to be seen.

The Moon is also rotating like a clock and is out at the same time has the sun on a 90-degree angle. 

We are all dealing with these alignments [square] we all have to learn from what these energies are tri-ing to teach us and that who we associate with, may not have positive intentions and on a flipside don’t be putting yourself out there to be putting yourself in a way to associate yourself with too many people, places and things, mentally, physically or emotionally, sum people will come into your space and go too far while in your space, then the penny will drop for you that you allowed a sneaky person into your space, these are the negative forces in this present times with the house signs that we are in, Sun and Moon are in business, everything that is behind closed doors gets exposed, people will come into your life who are based on your own ideas, shape or forms, be careful out here. 

I think the middle east is in Africa [Syria] if only the people knew that the Annunaqi are in Syria and that is who your government are really fighting, Syria and Iraq freezes over.

Syria is part of Mesopotamia before the Arabs [Muslims] invaded, Mesopotamia [Utnafishtim] is in Alkebulan [Africa], there are three main Ki portals, one over Cambodia and one over Australia and one over Iraqi, the other two sumtimes move and they close at certain times, the USA had a five year plan to disrupt the planet and bring us to where this planet is today has in Syria, Annunaqi genetically modified mercenaries are in Syria and are there to protect the star-gate for the Annunaqi will come down through this star-gate that is over Iraq, the mercenaries are not eating women or children, the locals have seen them, the mercenaries are eating the soldiers after dismembering them, the Annunaqi do not eat HuMans [HuMins] in doing so this sends a strong message out to Reptilian leader Putin and the likes, the Moroccans soldiers were eaten and this prompted the USA to withdraw for fearing of spooking the USA soldiers.

the clones are in charge   

NebHeru [NI.BIRU] Nabara 

The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAA.RE [Sun].

East Africa especially Nigeria are going to be punished, famine in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia is looming.

Planes and cruise ships are stationary with those incubating the viruses, its not just the CV that they have unleashed.

China is going to bomb their people and blame sumthing else on it, sum stupid basketball [famous] player [person] is going to be taken out real soon again, tic toc, another meteorite strike is due.
Coronavirus is getting boring to read about especially the people who keep posting when sumone farts over it, take me away from this monkey sh9t.

Slapped Ham

Don't watch too much of their posts, it will blow your mind wide open

Slapped Ham2

Slapped Ham3

So, let me get this straight, Australia are in a serious drought and on fire and during all this, their government sell the water for around $450m to the shitty Chinese, ok then.

The European Australians are on fourth and fifth generational thieves, I mean farmers and that is it, time is over, your own government are clearing the land, do you see what is going on.

Lets make it clear no HuMan had a hand in creating this planet, nor the plant or animal kingdoms, if you hadn't noticed there is not one plant or animal that requires HuMan intervention to survive, yet the HuMans need all three for his very existence.
Money made from trees to purchase water, what a dumb world that is being destroyed.

Animal trainer is animal conditioner because you are condistining the animal to
do HuMan things, no animal needs HuMans to survive, but the HuMan needs them to survive.

Is this what nature intended

Hapi earth-day [ILU]

Four Lynx's mum and three of litter, they must be in an area where no man is

Resonating Frequencies 

Mir [Mer] MA.RE [Ziggurats] are all activated, we are dealing with tones, sones [sounds], 
vibrations, frequencies, acoustics.  

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