Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Green Flash 

What does a green orb mean, the orbs often carry messages from the spirit world, these can be simple or complex truths, depending on the individual.

A green orb may carry a message about a person's need for healing, this can be spiritual, emotional, mental or physical healing.

Another possible message is that the spirit is there to deliver a healing to the individual.

A third interpretation can be that the spirit orb is bestowing the person with the ability to heal.

The elemental spirits communicate in the form of green orbs, their love for nature and encourage obtaining a oneness with nature.

Green is healing life force energy and the heart Chakra [earth]

Life Path Number 4
= 9 + 2 + 2
= 13/4

Your Life Path Number
= 9 + 2 + 2
= 13/4

Your incarnation [birth date] was not random, you chose the date and the contract

Your Life Path Number is about putting all the pieces together; it is a builder number. 
Those with Life Path Number 4 tend to be good organizers, practical, diligent, and persistent in their approach to dealing with day to day activities.
You are a realist, and your down to earth nature, decisive actions, and perseverance, all make you that much more likely to succeed where others may fail.
Be wary of being too stubborn, rigid, and even becoming a workaholic.

YAWN, sorry about that, i-know i'm here to navigate, put together [to-gather] and present, to evaluate, be honest in what i present [the eye of Heru can be activated and they watch through you], to make use and to serve. 

 Erase and rewind 

I hope my ex is happy and healthy
I hope old friends I have outgrown are doing good
I hope everyone that has done me dirty has learned their lessons
Anybody I hurt; I apologize
Forgiveness Is Important and so essential for the spiritual journey and life in general
So, let go and make peace and let the universe take care of it
Focus on the new things and new opportunities.

Siberian Ice 
Diamond Krystal

Nature is using the animals and the plant life to deal with the artificial races, the animals are attacking the HuMans.

This boy is from Indonesia and the Swordfish jumped out into his neck, what are the chances of that, Indonesia is sinking for a reason, the capital is already underwater, the crabs in Brazil closed the beach because many had to go to the hospital after getting pinched, sum sailors [whaling ship] had to jump ship in Japan and the Orcas [OrKa] [Dolphins bigger cousin] attacked them and torn them apart.

Massive swarm of 40,000 bees attack police and firefighters in California

Are these animals [insects] under natures orders or do they know what is taking place, what about the Locusts or the Crows, they are becoming aggressive.    

Italy and Turkey are trembling [Turkey have swarms taking place]
More on the way for the Romans and Muslims, eyes open for Iran and Turkey and North Korea.
 All these earthquakes distort the electromagnetic [gravitation] of this planet.

Heru [Peru] floods out, Heru have been holding water for a real long time
Water, the seas are restless, this planet continues to tilt and adjust, the currenSea is charged.

Tennessee, land moving 

All chakra energies, the electromagnetic fields are under constant pressure to allow the radiation, kosmic energies, soular energies onto the planet and through you, harmful to you if you cannot dispense the energies. 

Magnetopause [electromagnetic fields] develops one, two, three points of impact from intense
kosmic wind plasma and still absorbing multiple waves of incoming energy.

Kosmic energy is radiation to many and harmful, I cannot stress that you need the 9 ether and 666 start-up packs for the radiation or Kosmic energies are changing your molecule structures from the inside out, you will become sick, stomach, head and the symptoms of radiation poisoning is the same has the Corona Virus because they are the same, the radiation is getting closer and the radiation is coming from the ground also, if you are HuMin then you can absorb the radiation and dispense what you don’t need through your palms of your hands and soles [souls] of your feet and that is why you have no Melanin there, if you do not have the above, stay at home, plug out. 

The planet is hot and even in this so-called winter many are driving with their windows down and they are sweating, sum are wearing shorts, the energy coming from the ground is killing them and they have no defence against this, even their so-called snow is not sticking to the ground, have you seen the amount being dumped around the planet, many underground nests and bases are heating up because the energy is coming from the ground and is killing their eggs, the demise is inevitable, kosmic energy is dominating everything right about now. 

Secondary pulse [particle] energy is on, we are beyond 7.89hz and this means many cannot function, your organ [brain] cannot take higher frequency waves.  

Chemical planets, refineries, pipes and all going up in smoke, land moving, star family sending out a message 

Reptilians are going down [fuck the gas story that only affected her] 

Nepal have received two M9’s in the last two or three years for a reason, the Hindu animal sacrifice ritual does not come from this planet, and what [god] is this for because this goes against universal laws, so we know she didn't endorse this.

The blood goes into Ki, this is scared land and is on her ley-lines.   
The festival in 2019, 2014 and 2009, up to 250,000 animals were slaughtered.
The Kau is scared to us and they know this.

There are those who honour all life and there are those who do not, murder the plant and animal kingdoms and its nature that you are messing with, she will pay you back the compliment.

When the Ul-Mec returned and saw the then Mayan and they had been shown how to blood sacrifice, the Ul-Mec [Olmec] removed the Mayan and sent them all to Cambodia.

No one explains these towers [Bennu] or the mountains or bases that all were built by the Naga aka Anu-Naga or these towers in the above images 

This is Kailash aka Kali and Shiva statues going round this entire structure [MA.RE] are also present, if you were at the base of this structure you would be a mere speck in this image.

Dalai [Reptilian] sits on a billion dollar industry and there is no difference from those that go to Mecca [MeKKa] or to the wailing wall in Herusalem or Egypt, these are money makers and energy draining points.

The Nepalese come under the Mongolian people and are an artificial or recessive genes that is going to be destroyed, huge fleets are on stacked up on the ground in the Himalayas and is the reason no planes are allowed to fly over there, in their movie 2012 where did they leave from, the 
Hi-Mala-yas [Hi-Mela-nin -s], pay attention. 

When the Crows arrive, this is an Omen to you and an Amen to others, 
is death in the air or is that 5G 
Seattle [USA] 

You will have to buy sum more printing presses their Dow is down -906 points
Buying gold and the likes is what they promoted last time they had their depression, buy it because it feels like the right thing to do, right. 

The Dow Jones is built on the back of selling Cattle and Bonds, those HuMins that were placed in Bond-age, all they have been doing is printing money to keep their reality afloat, the coronavirus needs to go nationally so they can pull ML, without that they have to keep things functioning without the average person knowing any different, but we know. 

Mankind [a kind of man but not quite] must prepare for the pole shift for this is your last breath, retrograde is going to hurt you. 

What lies beneath the man-made screen

Crafts just watching, waiting, reading, sum of the star family are on the ground doing fieldwork, they are cloaked while on the ground looking at this monkey shit.

Around 4,000 tons of 1080 [9] poison is dropped on New Zealand since 2017 and is enough poison to kill 60million people, the quantity increases, harmful to dog but not to HuMans, that doesn’t make sense given that the HuMans share DNA with the dog.

Their government who is dropping the poison said its to kill deer, yes its to kill you all dear. 


Mount Roraima, Auyantepui, Venezuela-Brazil-Guyana [at the time one land mass]
These are our towers [trees] that the orcs and off-spring lasered down and this is how we fell; this is how they reduced the planet to 7.89hz. 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] SAARE [Star]  

NI.BIRU is a threat to all those who should not be here full stop, they are the destroyer of all that is artificial and all that is disagreeable and negative, if you have noticed, all those that are shitting themselves know this to be true, that Neb-Heru is the biggest threat to you and your very existence not to this planet or this soular system, the Mekaba is a MaStar key and has changed the kodes, so when you read the destroyer or threat, think about that, reintroduction was in 2012 to this soular system since then they have been following protocol, the Mekaba will not be smashing into this planet. 

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