Thursday, 13 February 2020

Nu Age

The all-seeing eye of Re

A long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self-exploration, self-gratification, self-expression, prime creator brought energies and essences of life, an extension of its-Cells-f into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that they had.
Four of common radius for the eye of Re.

When there existed just one transcended, completely unknown and unknowable divine being, who was exclusively spirit, nothing material about him.

In eternally past, this divine being generated other divine beings out of hims-Cells-f, has personification beings out of his own characteristics.

He was eternal, and so eternalness itself came into existence has its own divine entity.
He thought about himsCellsf and so his thought came into existence has a distinct being.
He was alive, so life came into being.
He was all light, no darkness, and so light came into existence.
He was wise and so wisdom became a divine being.

Sum of the divine beings themselves, in pairs generated yet other divine beings.

Eventually the heavily realm was filled with such divine beings.
Prime creator said to these extensions of itsCellf, go out and create and bring all things back to me [source].

Right eye of Horus
Double tetrahedron [know what it looks like]


All this took place before there was any universe, there was only a divine realm, but a cosmic disaster occurred, one fell from the divine realm.
One of the Elyon(s), fell from the divine realm, leading to the generation of a different kind of divine being, one that was not generated from the divine realm but from outside of it.
Elyon translates, these beings.
This was shaping an imperfect being, called by different names.
Ultimately he is the creator god of the negative race, this Yahweh [72] did not know that there were others, he had never been to where they had been before, the divine realm, he ignorantly proclaimed he was god, he simply did not know that there were far superior, supreme gods than him in power and knowledge, these superior beings had dwelled where he had never, the divine realm.
Yahweh began to generate other imperfect divinities and together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a prison for the Elyon that fell.
HuMin bodies [Khat] were created to house sparks of the divine being.

Yahweh translates from Neb, Yahweh, Elohyeem [title, rank, there were many].

This brings us to Ki, this is not the ultimate creation of the divine one.

Sum of these gods are master geneticists and designed various species, some animals, and sum created humans without light, conflict arose.

That is why light is information, these entities beam out light, and Ki became their territory, Ki is a trap for light and so Ki became a territory.

Ki became a certain frequency band, they rearranged the DNA and kept the HuMins and HuMans broadcasting at a limited frequency band.

This frequency feeds them, and keeps them in power, they keep Ki at a certain vibrational frequency, while they create e.motion-al turmoil to submerse themselves in it.

There are beings who honour life before everything else and there are also beings who do not and do not understand their connection to life.


The goal is to allow the divine spirit(sparks) that are scattered around humanity to escape this material world and to become reunited and to return to the realm in whence they came.

Ascension will bring about when you burn the truth, who we are, where you came from, how you got here and how we can return.

Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this knowledge cannot come to us through natural means for example by looking around at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world is the creation of an inferior deity, and nothing in it can tell us what we need to know to escape it.

You need to know this, for the comic energy is at its capacity levels, the living reality is re-entering and merging with your dimension.

Awakening to your history, you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a HuMin being, but from the point of view of a Supreme [Neteru] Being, they see the collectiveness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realities and connect the whole picture, the whole history.

You hold the history [hiStory] of the universe within your physical body, what is occurring upon the planet is literally the mutation of your physical body, for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point or it will be a computer that can house this information.
The firing of the koding [energy blasts from the universe aka Nu] and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming intense, reason being the evolving RNA [DNA], which holds the kodes.

When you have 12 helix of the RNA [DNA] in place those helixes will begin to plug into the 12 Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up into whatever realties that you enter, because you are a member of the light family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer aka Mekaba, this is your purpose. 

Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original planners penetrated the planets shield, they bombard Ki, however these must have receivers [you] to receive them.

We have had protonic energy upon the planet Ki, she is being cleansed, washed by protonic energy.
Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form of light that can manifest physically is protonic light, this is atomic level.

The whole soular system would be going through this high radiant belt of light.

Meditation [Istal] is key connect.

The process has begun, all living things will emit light, it’s in your hands, body, trees rock, all particles are emitting light.

Darkness will cease to exist.

For those that understand the principles of Metaphysis of light, this matters greatly, light is not sumthing that helps you see, and not just a sensual thing, light is connected spiritually, to spiritual development, en-lighten development, purity, sanctuary, will move, upgrade, DNA, biology, conscious upgrade, all change, the Mekaba changes.

These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create chaos and confusion for sum.

The ultimate tertiary in a society is not control by martial law, it is control of the manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it do not even realise that they are in prison, they do not even realise that there is something outside of where they exist.

Merkaba, chariot of light, chariot of spirit, the preferred transportation vehicle of the Supreme Beings [you], the higher order, they are spin vortexes of light, the HuMin body, the frequency of the body can be accelerated, it can be spun into a vortex of energy so that that it ultimately it manifest its 7 coloured rainbow light, the perfected HuMin is the HuMin that has transformed themselves into pure light, pure love.

Merkaba is another name for your soular body, light body, the Merkaba allows oneself to travel anywhere, instantly.

The vibratory nature of this soular system is rapidly changing during this completion and we now have the poWAR to MerKaBa travel and return to our source.
We are spiritual beings, or a Baa  [soul] currently here to change this monkey shit, having had a HuMin experience.

In the beginning, you were a fragment of the creators’ infinite consciousness that was broken off moments ago as a soul - as an individual unit of consciousness.

You were given a simple mission, to go away and experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the universe, learn and advance your knowledge and wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the source, after having a complete innerstanding of all that is.

On a personal as well as on a global level we have been feeling the effects of Venus bringing forth significant events to adjust our feelings of love and femininity [femi9].

This applies to both male and female just as the Ying and Yang does.

Things will be stirred up again beckoning us to reflect deeply, knowing where we need to go and what we need to achieve prior to the closing of the time frame.
Also more 9 ethers [lightworkers] aka Merkaba are emerging and more than ever people are seeking out this type of healing energy.
You might want to add this to where energy will envelope everything and everyone.


Hand-in-Hand goes the elements of creation.

Eye been purified by Water, set ablaze by Fire, and resurrected by Ki, and raptured by Air, allowing my Baa to rise to the poWRA of its Ether.

High-five to those who became alive, by awakening their all-seeing-eye

The Healing Eye

Chakra healing colours, crystal water shield around the Moon

Kanada [the NI.BIRU system is in there] 

Nu energy cycle [nu cosmic kode] powerful downloads last night, are you up at night now and around 3am and 5am, ancestors are talking to us, they are in our visions [dreams] they are sending light-kodes, symbols, signs [numbers] we are separating from you, you the quiet child, the quiet mind, you can hear the nu frequencies, sum still hear the high pitch but now its like a sweet sone of Morse Kode, you were quiet has a child because you were in Istal, you made quiet for a reason 
its restless out there because many know they have to leave the Matrix, data [information] light is knowledge [energy] is being sent to us [radio signals], many galaxies are watching us, watching this one. 

The energy has moved past the artificial races, we know this, many are still taking images of the three suns when that was in 2012, many are on the 3D and don't even know it, we have left all those who remain on this world and do not tri and reach them, only the ones who seek knowledge. 

We only [free] ourselves when the energy is ready, we and the positive and agreeable are following protocol, this will be in waves, we all have different purposes at different stages. 

72,000+ ships are in the skies now.

The force-field of NI.BIRU continues to heat and charge this planet that you call climate change 

India [shape] 

Alwar factory [India] takes a hit from a meteorite, another chemical factory goes up in smoke, 
the Galactic Federation and allies and alliance led by the Annunaqi and Neteru know your every move, this war will be over before it ever began.  

Turkey, and Iraq then you go to say Stockholm now and no snow and this winter [Ki has tilted], poles. 

Antarctica continues to melt, the underground volcano is melting the ice at an alarming rate for many, this is so Antarctica can come back online, the carbon water also has to go sumwhere.

M7 for Russia and M6 for Japan, volcanoes are activating, earthquakes are still low, means energy is building, there is a large submarine volcano that has formed off the coast of Madagascar and is the biggest fusion chamber ever, its been forming since 2018 at least, the ring of fire is nothing to the underground volcanoes and supervolcanoes that are activating, these are hidden dangers.

Heat, water, weather systems, hail, the list goes on and on are still taking place even if its not happening to a place near you, rest in the comfort that yours is coming. 

 Australia landslides mean land moving


Broken spectrum 
Dark rays coming from the sun, the centre of the sun

You cannot serve two MaStars, Adama is a project and many beings are involved from the Annunaqi [AnuNaga] and those of the Galactic Federation, the original beings [9 ethers] come under Kadmon [upfront] and this is a genetic experiment, they are created from the planet whereas the other species, the orcs offspring are made on the earth, the Greys are servants to us and to the orc offspring, they are [gods] to them, not us, the greys have no real power but to the orcs and offspring they do.

Many galaxies are watching us right now, they are sending poWRA this way, all eyes on Ki.

If you have to do this remember you are not connected to source, blocking messages that speak to you in your language is not from source, source speaks in symbols, signs, numbers, patterns, shapes, kodes, frequencies and vibrations, you are being remotely guided by the albino reptilians and greys, many of you are in trouble and this is why you don't get the messages in their meaning.  

Vertical portals, they are like the light beams that we see mainly in Kanada which is the Greek word Atlantis, this images shows a pure bright light shaft, it moves and shimmers, the dimension moves and shows intelligence, maybe its a portal, maybe its a window. 

The spirit and kosmic are computer programs

The Kaa is holographic 

the holographic universe is a program simulation

The Colour Purple'

They are waiting for our return and they have been waiting for the return of the Golden [Nub] Ones, they know the change [frequencies] is here, get ready for that Purple rain [Gamma radiation].

Remember Ultra is Green when it hits Ki 

[U]ltra[V]iolet [C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu [Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays].

The highest tri-ad is the tri-angle with the eye of [Re] in the centre, and the three points of the triangle represents [Atum] Atom [the undifferentiated one], in the kreation.

The full disc appearance of the sun in the morning, [Atun] the unique one in life.
The full sun disc at the highest point of the day.
[Amun] the hidden one, at death, sun at its last full disc before setting, and making it through the underworld, or netherworld.

9ethers can absorb and dispense this radiation, hence why the palms of your feet and hands are white, no Melanin.

Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] Masculine
[Nu = Vibration] Nu[Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration.
E = mc 2 In the equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body.
Omega = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron

 What does it mean, it means Einstein and his crew could not over or understand the concept of the unseen, the involuntary, that sumthing exists that cannot be seen.

If you do not have 9ether or [666] or Melanin [Kek] you are going to die for Gamma radiation can be absorbed by one group and the other it will kill them. 

No one leaves, this dimension had been sealed a long time ago, no energy can escape, they want to leave, sum think they are going to the Moon, they have been kidnapping people for a while, sum have been taken back to Zeta, sum are underground and sum don't even know they have been kidnapped, many are going to be food, the powers that be are only taking a handful of people and will dump the rest, Trump knows he is to be taken out, either they kill him or the clone but he is leaving, they all have to. 

There is no space program moving forward, that ended when they were warned to come off of the Moon [NASA] NSA is different and have operation going on with the Moon and Mars.  

No one can fly over the Himalayas because huge fleets are sitting over there that belong to the negative and disagreeable.

Whoever tells you that separation is an illusion is incorrect and will imaged [manifest] and experience examples of your spirit needing to be separate in sum way shape or form.

It is 2020 now and you need to know that concept came from religious people that taught and preached for the sake of inspirational purpose but comes from lostness aka another version of convincing yourself that sumthing in front of you that is very real is an illusion and sum how the illusion became real

To a lost HuMan [HuMin] Baa [Soul] that does things to make you feel good but without actual sense behind it, don’t get lost its 2020, pay attention to what is coming out of your mouth it just might be old and outdated and won’t get you nowhere but a false good feeling for the moment, and fuck your feelings in 2020, shit will get you nowhere but stuck in the house.

The problem is as spirits we keep tri-ing to become one using the light we are lost in which creates cataclysms disagreements and all the stars inot clashing but you live with your head backwards so you do not know what you say or do [forgive them father for they know not what they do], this energy is where philosophy comes from aka a spirit [Kaa] thinking for [self] cell.

Our natural state is emotionless beings [specific genetic codes of vibrations consciousness-light] but still have the ability to sense [become conscious of or to become aware].

Due to the fact that we are infinite energy having a physical experience our vessel was created to engage in this existence so that we can feel and have emotions but the same phenomena forces that shapes our flesh also shapes our whole existence that's why a spirit or spirits can enter into your vessel and override your emotions at any time.

If you know thy true self then the spirit stays for a very brief second then exits but if you don't have control over thy true self then the space [universe] that you dwell in allows that spirit or spirits to start manifesting your space into their own space based on the emotion or emotions that allowed the entrance.

We live in a world of shape shifters and spells casters aka influences and deceitfulness.

Know thy true self [cell] you are the sun that sets in the centre of the universe and your chakras are your emotional orbs [planets] that is reflected in the sky.

What we think, speak and our habits become sparks of tangible light [life] aka stars that illuminates our space.

Emotions [energy in motion] is bad only if you have no discipline or self-control. 

Not plenty of planets, since that was taught through school and books but plenty of planets as in parallel universes, nothing is beyond our skies but what we see in our sky is a specific vibration kode to this realm of existence.

Yes we are just a spec but not in the sense of how we was taught about space, we are just a spec in hydrospace [Darkest matter/water] so look at it as parallel universe with interchangeable counterparts.
So, when your vessel is asleep your infinite energy travels to explore its next transcending.

Spirit needs no sleep, nor food.

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