Sunday, 16 February 2020


Energy in motion [emotions] don't get lost in your thoughts, the dwelling house, watch your thought patterns, don't think negativity, switch it up when you do, speaking and visualising is basically you are creating your reality, your manifestations start with a thought which is a wave frequency, this thought has no other purpose but to exist, it does not go away, its energy, you have to switch that thought into a positive thought right then and there, practice, don't talk about it in a negative way, if you want to express what is going on for you, watch your triggers, watch your words and tell what you are going through, but with an outcome that you are working towards, change the way you speak and that is how you change the manifestation.

Open your spectrum of thinking.

Triggers are coming in for the height of February, every single emotion that this Leo energy is pulling in is about action, a lot of relationships will be ending, people talking out their ass, people who have been taking shit for the last few months, years, will not no more, many will be going into their higher self, through the pain barrier they have had their transformation, you needed all that pain, all that hurt and to see people for who they really were and now that this Leo energy is coming in, this was to get you to put into action so that you go into your higher-self.

Fault Lines, volcanoes, we are seeing them become active, even the underground and super volcanoes are getting ready to go live, we are waiting for all these quakes to go off to release the energy and the information of the all-knowing, we are about to get access to the Akashic records and more information about our past lives, energy is building to release the energy, your chakra system is link to the tectonic plates, the tectonic plates of Ki are chakras and that is why they are called fault lines, because its your fault, and when these plates are activated they release information that has been stored for so long and they are brewing and that is what is taking place now and is about to release, a lot of people are going to die and pass onward, there is nothing to fear if you know who you are and know that this is just a body that you are in and that the spirit can never be destroyed, energy can never be destroyed.

The all-knowing information is going to open everyone's eyes to the truth of who they are, their true form, like for example, our family members, sum are different beings, sum of our family are not from the same star family, hence sum of our experiences, the toxic experiences come from them because its like they put two or three star families together to make them stronger or you were to make them stronger, yes blood holds but your star family will always be different, sum of choose to incarnate with a different family, sum of us chose our mothers, sum chose their situations especially if you are indigo.

When you receive a certain amount information you cannot exist in this realm, the all-knowing means that we go from only using 11% of your organ [brain] to 100%
CPH4 is produced when your pregnant at 16 weeks, which allows you to use 100% of your organ, a man can have a child when he is in his 60's+ but the female is cut off at around 40, the reason being is that she spends her time in the spiritual and the man is all physical, Lucy [Lucifer] she was a he first until the masculine was introduced for balance.

CPH4 has more poWRA than the atomic bomb, now we know why they are pushing for abortions, this is where they get the material from for the atomic bombs, you the ether wombman are producing it for them at 16 weeks, CPH4 is the energy that is used to form the spine in the fetus and the spine is << what >>

CPH4 is blue [life force] you can access all of the dimensions that you have created because in effect you are a quantum computer.

Wadjet [eye] Kundalini, there is so much that they have withheld from you, its deep that when all is revealed it will set you free, when you open your chakras and your eye, view and see everything again and the data will be different, you will see all messages.

Be comfortable, be you and do what you are supposed to do.

Sacred Position

I’m breaking generational curses
You do know what you want 
Hack the matrix

Dear external drive, eye t-ankh you and salute [Italian meaning] Ase

Wicca WombMan 
You were the original Wicca [witches] and they infiltrated your Magi [Magic] and reverse the Magi on you, you are the original oracles, Wicca [WiKKa] translates Wise Women, I had made a huge mistake in my own life, the Salem witch trials, now I know why you [beloved] sent three my way, I nearly succumbed on the last one, t-ankh you.

Voodoo is a French word, Juju [Benin]  

The black looking hair, I get it. 
501c3 [Churches]

Look up Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaid],

 and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-cane] old school energies are here. 


Parts of the UK get battered 

Syria, Iraq and Turkey are frozen over for a reason

Dimension, portal opening or craft, and second set of images are of what is
above the rectangular object.

All these crafts are huge

Crafts sitting there on guard 

Underlining kode running for the last two-days, shift is taking pace once again, i can feel the space between my ears shifting in air pressure and the tones, get ready.

Seismic movements today 15/02 still low 
According to official information, 19 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, according to official information, the highest intensity reached M4.7 degrees in Taiwan.



Same message

Huge Mothership over Mt Shasta


Alright, here we go, now we start to see the real separation, the sun coronavirus [coronal] cannot kill you if you have 9ether and the [666] and or your vibrating at the right frequency.

Now and the next 2-4 weeks for the USA

Coronal means the energy around the sun, the sun is a portal, we have been seeing these tiny lights going in and out and around daily, this is nothing new, the coronavirus is taking a lot of people out who are not raising their frequencies, look at the age group and races that are being deleted, look at their lifestyles, look at their frequencies, 9 ether, indigo, rainbow, crystal, lightworkers, children of the sun, your frequencies are near enough the highest and since the frequency of Ki is rising as well means that for example, drug addicts, drinkers and so on won't be able to get high because we are high already with the nu frequencies, they won't be able to get any satisfaction from whatever anyone is taking, they won't be able to get their fix, stay away from those toxic people, be careful, this is not a game, the Leo energy is not playing, people are doing sum fucked up things to the people they love.

Stay away from these people, they will bring you down with them.

If you have received blood [blood transfusion], you are going to die if you are 9ether, animal blood means you die when the UVC and UVB goes up.

Sungaze at sunrise or sunset, the rays download into your DNA, watch out for the sun simulation.

Locked and Loaded

Watch for the distractions that are blinding you from the truth.

The most poWRA-ful weapon on this planet is the Khu [Mind], you must separate and elevate, the war is for your Baa [soul], they know who you are and that you are the [Christ] energy.

Your minds eye is the most poWRA-ful tool that you have [stay off of the 3 Dimensions].

Please don't sleep on this super food
A very slow growing mushroom, Chaga has been known to have much more potency than other medicinal mushrooms because it is so long-lived; therefore, more concentrated often with pharmaceutical grade healing constituents.
As one of the most powerful antioxidants on Earth, Chaga is also a su­per adaptogen, giving the body what it needs to return to its natural state.
Chaga acts as both a soothing anti-stress nerve tonic and a powerful cancer fighter.
The list of purported uses of Chaga over the centuries is long and includes prevention against many of the top killers in North America today including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and obesity. 
Chaga is also known as the mushroom of long life.

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