Monday, 17 February 2020


There are only two colours on Ki, that is Black [Nubian-Naga] and White [Albino-European-Caucasian] Black and White is on a census form, Mexicans don’t have to tick beige and Chinese don’t have to tick yellow, therefore these two colours are a status, the rest fall in-between   

Europeans specifically and Chinese and Asian people are not HuMin Beings, now before you do the running man, this post is not based on opinion, this is from Western Science using their own findings, research before yourself, read the post in its entirety first

Genetics is what we are focusing on yet again, there is this [thing] where two Nubians can make a European, this cannot be done, we go back to the Neanderthal gene, they have that, around 4-7%, let’s go with the 7% for the purpose of this post, this makes the European 93% HuMan and 7% Neanderthal

When you find a dead Frog, the Frog goes into the Amphibian category [tray], when you find a dead Snake, the Snake goes into the Reptile tray, when you find a dead Lion or Kat, they go into the Feline tray, when you find a dead Monkey, a Gorilla or Chimp they go into the Primate or Neanderthal category, today, you cannot have sex with a Monkey and become impregnated by a Monkey, so therefore you have no biological connection to the Monkey naturally, so how did it evolve with sumthing that it cannot reproduce with, with that being said, Darwin’s evolution fits the European and not the Nubian, it is false for the Nubian, why do we care, because the Nubian is the natural energy of this planet, it is survival of the fittest for the Europeans not them

How did the European on the DNA scale [7%] get Neanderthal [Monkey] DNA, but yet they cannot reproduce with the Monkey and neither the Nubian, this is not a natural occurrence, this is through Genetic Engineering [Gene splicing]

Anything that is Genetically engineered suffers from what is known has Hematological disease which is when a mother tries to kill her own offspring
Hematological disease is the bodies natural safety mechanisms, the father Rh positive and mother is always Rh negative
Rh stands for Rhesus Monkey [Blood], 90+ of the Europeans, was and is still Rh positive and the gave [infected] the rest of you all on Ki

Monkey Blood [Rhesus] how did you get Monkey flowing through your Monkey ass veins when you cannot naturally reproduce with the Monkey, the reason being is that the Nubian race was 100% Rh Negative until 6000+ years ago, until they came into contact with the Europeans

The Nubian had zer0 percent Neanderthal DNA in their bloodstream [this batch], the European was also created by extraterrestrials aka the Albino Reptilians

This is why the HuMans still have a tailbone and that 20% are still born with a pinkie tail
[DNA] Nubian and DEA [Celestial ingredients] 
DNA [Caucasian] Prokaryote [225 extra animal DNA]

Stem Cells
Rhogam shots
Organ harvesting
All this is why they are still here

Hematological dis-ease is known to be contracted by genetically engineered animals, for example, the Mule is a cross between a donkey and a horse and the Mule suffers from Hematological disease, so we know from Western Science that animals or organisms contract Hematological disease after being genetically modified, engineered, this is when the DNA of two separate species are spliced through a process called electric fusion or electric shock, their natural bloodline or bloodstream does not acknowledge the bloodline or the genetic material of the foreign species and the female of that species tries to reject or kill off the off-spring by killing it with red blood-cells, when this happens this is called Haematological disease [Hematological], genetically engineered animals, the European race suffers from Hematological disease, this is a red-flag

Did you have the Rhogam shot when you got pregnant, this is why you had the [Rh]ogam shot, with Hematological- what it does is send red blood cells across to the Placenta to destroy the baby, the Rhogam tells- suppresses the immune system to let it grow, chill-out, because the mother identifies that this is a foreign species this is a red-flag and the body is saying wtf is a monkey doing in my body

Next up is Antigens and blood types, there are 8 blood types, O-negative and O-positive, A-positive, A-negative, B-negative B-positive and AB-negative and AB-positive, what you don’t know is that the A and B antigens have only been introduced into the bloodstream in the last 6,000 years, this means 6000+ years ago everyone on the planet was O-negative 
 Antigens are toxic, so who brought the infection into the bloodstream

The A+B came into the bloodstream when the O-negative [Africans aka Sumerians] came into sexual contact with the Cauc-Asian, the A antigen is dog [God] canine aka the wolf's antibodies in the bloodstream and the B is Monkey aka primate aka Neanderthal antibodies in the bloodstream, so these are actually contaminations in the blood that has contaminated and converted your blood type

So, before everybody was O-negative on the planet until the Caucasian, now everyone is A this and B that because we have animal antigens in the bloodstream, the European after being genetically modified by extra-terrestrials and have introduced a circulatory infection that we all suffer from today

Blood types are denotations of origins

Today, if you are African [Alkebulan] and you go to the doctor and they say you are O-type or A-type this does not mean you are Caucasian, you cannot have Caucasian in your family tree, it is not possible

The O-Negative is called Mitochondrial [Eve Gene] DNA, the MtDNA exists outside of the nucleus of a cell, once DNA becomes coiled up in a cell is then called a Chromosome
If you are not Nubian [African] you do not have the MtDNA gene, if you are not [African] you are not 100% HuMin, you are 93% HuMin Being and 7% Neanderthal [HuMan]

When you see your results from Ancestory.Com and they say to the 9 ether, your Grandfather is white, that is impossible, the European MtDNA comes from animal DNA and that DNA can never override the original genetic koding of the Mitochondrial genes, it can affect it though by infection and this is where we get Rh positive monkey blood and all that means is your blood is infected and does not mean you are Caucasian, two Caucasians cannot give birth to an African and two Africans can never give birth to a Caucasian because they are Neanderthal, the evolution theory is Mickey Mouse on ice

You do not have white in your family you have an infection in your bloodline, you get your blood and DNA passed down from your mother, if your mother is Nubian [black] then you are of African blood or if your mother is European [Caucasian] they you have European bloodline

If you are Nubian and you don’t have O-neg, then sum where like your granddad or great-granddad infected the family bloodline on the level of the circulatory system, causing not to be descendants but diagnosed with the blood infection thus you have been cut off from certain genetic memories and cellular memories of our ancestors because your DNA stores all [phenomena] that you experience as well as spiritually and mentally and psychological inner-standing that you experience in your DNA that you pass down to your grandchildren, this goes on throughout the generational daughters [Mt DNA is only inherited through the first daughter of the family] layers and now they have memories, cellular memories of their predecessors of their grandparents civilisations, the memories come from the mothers

Your memory is stored in your blood

All non-Africans were not all engineered, hence why sum Europeans hold the O-neg blood type, we have been swapping bloodlines but there is only one royal bloodline

The Illuminati [Albino Reptilians] and Greys carry a bloodline but is not from source, they have been usurping the Africans genetically and biologically from this planet and this is why you can go to anywhere on the planet and know, that once there was Africans but they are not there now
Like Japan, today there is no Africans but 6,000 years ago there was, go Egypt and today there are Muslim Arabs but yet the Muslims dig up bodies and all are Nubian, this is called genetic supplanting

Your bloodline is what makes you divine, the O-negative is part of the Kosmos, this does not mean you are not divine if you are not O-negative but you are still Nubian, its just means that sum where in your past your granddaddy went AWOL, raped or willingly sexually reproduced with the Europeans and today you carry the baggage of that, you carry the blood infection

The dark midnight Africans that you see have virtually no hair growing on their skin, they have condense sunlight [Melanin] that does not produce hair, their hair is made from steel and grows out of the crown chakra, the Caucasian hair is the same follicle has a dog [God], this is a Western Scientific facts, so read and research, this is not my opinion, I’m putting this together for you to see the bigger picture that you will get if you read the post in its entirety, how do we know that the European introduced monkey and dog and pig DNA into the bloodstream 6000 years ago

This by biological trace was not in Sumeria 6000 years ago, Africa and Sumeria are actually one place, evolution does not fit all, in May 2013 the Australian Ancient Research Centre for DNA released data, saying that they had traced the white DNA or the European DNA and that it is no more than 6000 years old, research this first, look for the article, they have only been here for 6000 years and in poWRA for the last 100 years, that is how long its taken them to get this far and the Nubian have been here for at least 3 million years [Lucy found in the 9th gate]

Jacob [Ya’quwb] or [Ya’qob] which translates Supplanter, Jacob grafted the first European that is partially true, and Zeus who are both Annunaqi members, Yacob is a Hebrew word that means supplanter, that they are saying is that sumbody supplanted a race of people on earth, yeah Jacob was one of them that did 6000+ years ago, if you look at history it starts at 6,000 years ago, they don’t show you no-more history after that because that is when theirs started, that is when they were manifested on this planet

In their Bible, Genesis, all the creation stories start in Genesis, Genesis is an extension of the word Gene, Genesis is also a genetically engineered creature in a movie called Resident Evil, Resident Evil takes place in a city called Raccoon City

There is a cloning facility underground in New Mexico known has the Dulce Base cloning facility and guess what the facility underground is called, Raccoon City, a cloning facility, genetic engineering, with reptilians down there, humanoids, sum of our br’others are down there also, hence all the above activity in the skies, Dulce base is near area51, the Bible starts at 6,000 years

Genesis, Chapter 30: 25, this tells you the story of Jacob separating Laban’s flock, there was no letter J back then and was Y, so Jesus was Joshua [Yoshua] and Jacob's name was Yacob,  Jacob is Yacob in the Bible, remember Yacob is a Hebrew word that means supplanter, the story of Labans separating speckled and spotted flock and killing the black flock and leaving the white flock is actually a subliminal story of the albino reptilian extraterrestrial genetically manufacturing the Caucasian, this is why everybody is created in the story of Genesis including the European

Reptilians created the Europeans

Messiah [Mes-she] the head of the illuminati is called a Pindar, Pindar literally means the Dragon or the Lizard, the 13 bloodlines of the illuminati are all extra-terrestrial, Queen of England, in Greek her name Elizabeth translates I Lizard birth, in your Bible you are waiting on the Messiah, but the word Messiah in their text means the Lizard king

So when we are dealing with genetic origins we have to deal with them in there fullest, you cannot get the European from the Nubian because they do not produce the Neanderthal and Monkeys cannot evolve into sumthing that they don’t have, Monkeys do not have Neuro-melanin, Monkeys do not have a pineal gland or reptilian parts of the brain, how can they evolve into sumthing that they never had and evolve into Europeans and the Nubians [New-Beings] give them sumthing that they never had also, it doesn’t work like that

The first female French astronaut, her name is Claudine Haignere, NASA deny that she was on their team, her role was alien DNA, when she got to space she met the reptilians that she was breaking the kode for, advancing their DNA, when she returned they had to strap her down upon arrival, her words were that she had to warn the world about what was going on, they took her out and destroyed her lab, her job was to studying alien DNA, her role was studying alien DNA, do you get that, she found out that there is a genetic race of extra-terrestrials who are genetically manufacturing a race on the planet, they took her out 

The leaders of this world all mislead all, they are not loyal to their own kind, spraying them also and modifying the food and so on shows that they have affiliations with their own kind, we cannot say it’s the elite, it’s the government, who is flying the chemical planes are their own people, they are not just lying to you, they are lying to you also

The Book entitled the Ringmakers of Saturn, ex NASA guy, Norman Bergrun, read that book, who is the 7ft beings that get off a ship at Saturn, what complexion did they have, these words are his own words in that book, they know who you and they are, remember the government stopped funding NASA and started funding Darpa and commissioned Darpa to make intergalactic interstellar weapons which are satellites that are surveillance over the planet Ki [earth] because NASA had seen a mile fleet of two different extraterrestrials on their way to Ki, NASA front-woman, Trisha Chamber in 2016 said that extra-terrestrials were real, when the reporter got up and asked her had they thought about telling the American public and she said we thought you knew, we made enough movies and television programmes, now ain’t that a bit9h, she said, I thought you knew, she is right, the People of the Planet of the Earth, a tv show that has reptilians in the show and they even use the word reptilian

You are the Neter [Nature][God], this planet has been infiltrated, the European is just a genetically modified suit that is being used as a medium for shape-shifting beings because the reptilian does not have enough carbon content to live outside in the sun at this particular time due to his heat, this is why they have all these underground cities and cloning facilities for whenever they come here they use a bio-suit [greys are wearing a bio suit also and sunglasses [lens] over their real eyes which are human underneath], they need the bio-suits to come up here, the bio-suit aka the flesh of a Caucasian

Due to the ferocity of the Sun, Karmic cleanse of the Sun, everybody is getting exposed

Queen Elizabeth shape-shifted live on CNN, the CIA deleted all the tweets after, all of them but many are still out there of her break-dancing, people didn’t even know each other but tweeting the same image, even the NSA when they saw the mile-long fleet intercepted the electromagnetic radio frequencies of the fleets communicating with one another and where attempting to decode the dialogue

 Mankind is a kind of man, but is not HuMin

One is animal [Sulphur-silicone] and half man, the other is part-deity and part monkey [Metallic]  the extra-terrestrials use to splice Europeans, they took a Albino because a Albino is still 100% African, a Albino is like a car with no paint on [Melanin], so you are the same car, just without paint, the OCA2 gene is a gene that tells the body where to place Melanin, the OCA2 gene inside of the Albino is defective, its been turned off, so they took the DNA from the Albino knowing that the OCA2 gene is defective and they spiced it with the monkey and the wolf [dog-God], this created a Human like or a Mankind, a kind of man, this is one step for Mankind but not quite Hu-Mim, this kind of man will always be trapped on an animal plane, why would you create sumbody that is trapped on an animal plane, because the European was manifested to dethrone her, to destroy in the name or for that extra-terrestrial, so you create sumbody that can never get above the beast frequency, that is why they say the European is a beast because he is trapped on the animal frequency, the European can only access two-strands of his DNA because he cannot get past the 1st light of density, anything past 1 density of light gives him cancer [second highest rate of cancer in the entire world is in Israel, who is in Israel, where is the first], cancer, so he is always and always will be trapped in his lower self

This is why Europeans have no empathic relationships with anything, they will mow down a forest, take out trees, cities, they will hunt other animals, they will destroy oceans, they will destroy the bees, the air, they do not value life or other life because they have no spiritual connection with anything in nature because they are not natural, they are trapped in their lower self, all that higher self and heart chakra does not apply to them, when you look at European history it is always savage, because they are trapped in their lower self, they were biologically crated to do what the fu9k they have been doing for the last 6000 years or so   

You have to get a reality check, you are in the world of the reverse, when we met the European, he was crawling on all fours, he didn’t even have a language and your telling me he is building satellites and spaceships, he is now Chief Medical Officer, wtf, are your serious [John McEnroe], they have no plausible history, when we were building Mir(s) they were building sh9t piles to start campfires with, come on now, be real, how did you go from cave to doctor, they just got smart out of nowhere and started building by themselves, no-no, who are the Illuminati

Every story around the world have passages about fighting Dragons, Knights fought the Dragons we know this, then we have the Chinese that fought the Dragons, the Aztecs fought the Dragons the Africans fought the Dragons, they called them the Draco

We went through the Draco constellation system to get to the Aquarius-Age, sum of the negative Dragons come from the Draco constellation, so when it says in their Bible, the son of God [Dog] will come back or pass through and cut off the serpents tail, this is taking about the Sun passing through the Draco constellation [cutting the tail], we are in the Aquarius Age and all will be revealed

All what I have written is out there, they have to release these types of information because we are in the Aquarius Age and the Aquarius Age is a higher frequency of light where the reptilians can no longer hold their shape-shifting form and are being spotted, the age of knowledge, the Europeans are getting sacred, whistle-blowers are blowing because they know there time is up, General Mark Miller, tells them that they are going to be dealing with little green men, Arizona Wilder who they took out, one of their own after she spoke out about what they were doing in the illuminati, she spoke out how they like to eat the children because of the fear in their blood dispensed in hormones or how about Philip Schneider who was a CIA contractor, who they zapped three of his fingers off and eventually they took him and his family out, look up these examples if you don’t have nothing better to do with your time

If you are African and your are O-negative then you are good to go, if they taught you this in school then they would have to tell you where they are from and they are not willing to do that and that they are not HuMins and that the evolution [1883] [3/5 of a man] theory is complete bullsh9t

Many strands on both sides created, many refining points and deformities

Esau [Iysuw = Hairy] and E-Saw = the hairy one [hirsutism]
Hu = the force of creative will; also known as Huhi and Huwa
Min [Mind] Khu 
HuMin creative fertility
HuMan a kind of Man [Humanity]

First [HuMin] Lulu Amelu or Abd [template]
Cloned version was called Aqins now called Homo Sapiens [part deity and park money]

Different conditions, various breeding and seedings were necessary with different earth beings, apes and reptilians and extra-terrestrial beings, beyond earth beings

The Lares [Simians] were already here on this planet, the Annunaqi used them and the chimpanzee and the Gibbon and Orangutans to shape characters, by splicing the genes whereas the Caucasian just slept with the monkeys

Two forms of Australopithecines [Australians] that could walk and were erect Homo and Homo Erectus, the smaller ones stood 4ft tall, Genus Homo where your pygmy tribe, the Homo Sapien comes after breeding with the Annunaqi

Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhesus Monkey, Canine [Wolf], Pig and Cow were used, most of the females were used in the species and just mated with the animals as opposed to the Anunnaqi who was taking strands of DNA.

Negroid, Mongolian [Caucasian, European] in that order

IVF and test tube means that many of their species dies or develops complicated genetic problems that they class has rare type of condition, test tube means that the mother didn’t choose the gender nor was the baby covered with the mothers protective oils upon leaving the womb or was the head shape designed upon leaving the womb
-the gene folds on itself [Sodom] when created from a test tube and hence many can mate with an animal

777 = 21 is [Gods] perfected creation
3x3 and 9 = Neter [Netu] is the Supreme organic precision creation 

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