Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Crown Centre

Crown [Control] Centre

The planet is extremely hot and so to are the oceans hot, the weather is offset but its not really, the planet is reSetting herself, this planet is going to be 90-degrees all year round and the North is going back under ice, the volcanic ash is going to unite and block out the sun on a portion of this planet for the four quarters of this planet are also being separated into two sections, if star family wanted to just kill this planet off they could but they are methodical.

Where the artificial races are residing is where the most is happening, warships, weather systems are over their heads in warzones.

The animals are turning on them, star family are talking through nature and nature is talking through the animals to you, the animals [marine and insects also] are acting suspiciously towards them.     

Trump or the clone has been telling the truth and trying to warn both sets of people, he is going to be the one who welcomes their god [lizard] who is on his way here out of the Moon or ground, whichever one, it is to this planet that he is being readied to be revealed to you.

Their being that is on this planet has been playing with genetics [splicing genes] and creating artificial life, this thing has been on this planet for thousands of years, imagine that you are 29 and stuck at that age for 64,000 years, do you know what kind of system you could create on this planet, this is all this entity was doing, using y-our energy against us so this thing could have immortal life, that is all that this is about, him, he fell from the divine realm down here and hates it here.

Listen carefully to the link 

 When he says the humming sequence, is that not what we are experiencing now [OM] Omen [Amen] Amun and when he says ever since we received the alien signal months ago [16 days a signal is being received on Ki], look at the way the crafts uncloaked, same right now, they used Regan because the lower level people do not know what they look like, but those at over the level 38 [top secret] know and NASA and Putin and the likes, they go on and say that they only want the Nubians in the USA [Atlantis] why them because the Nubians in Atlantis are completely different, he said 25MG per square inch of Melanin on their skin, what does this tells you, you cannot make this shit up, is this not what is going on in real time now.

Coronal = Crown 
Novel [means laboratory] 

Its in Egypt where the Muslims are [recessive genes] its not in Alkebulan [African] or South America, the North is going under.

The Coronal virus has mutated from what it was when they unleashed it.

Watch this link, this woman was a man at one point, but what s-he is talking about effects everyone and s-he is giving you a warning, listen for the first 17 minutes at least. 

Medical Martial Law cannot be pulled like how the rest of the world is going to go, in the USA, watch the link and pay attention to what Celeste is stating, listen to what s-he is saying carefully, when she talks about the constitution, there are two-ways to suspend your constitution and that is by one, a terrorist attack or two, an outbreak [pandemic] that will bring in the military, the problem is that in the USA, there about 42million Nubian beings and the rest are a mixture of people 400million, they cannot pull off what they have done in China, China is shutdown, locked down and nothing is going in or out.

Remember years ago we saw the FEMA camps being set up, do you remember the plastic containers, you could fit three bodies on top of one another, do you understand what is going on now, do you think they would rage a war that would make the Nubians join in sum sort of unison, would they risk the war with the Nubians, they want them completely divined while the other races start to die off, they don’t want the Nubians to have empathy or feelings while this is taking place, what would you, would you help them, what if you have mixed race children, what if the FEMA death camps are for you or what if they were for him and her, Chicago and Atlanta are twin energy fields [states] and they are going to fight all the way. 

The planet sits in a soular system and absorbs radiation at a very high level and you need to be able to absorb and dispense the radiation [energies] if not the radiation breaks down your immune system, why would [god] make one race able to absorb and dispense the energies and the other unable to, what type of game is he or they playing.

Red skies mean that is red-iron-oxide dust, the radiation is going to reveal who they really are and many will go back into their Neanderthal state, sum people cannot even look in the direction that the sun is shining let alone come out in the sun without sunglasses.

All these homes around the world have been burnt down, land gone, the Amazon, floods, eco-systems, marine systems and no one says nothing and everyone continues to lie and hold up that lie even though you can see that this movie is over.

7 years of tribulation with the finale of judgement now in real time.

You have to start telling the truth no matter how stupid you seem or if people are not ready to hear that, why, because the time is coming up where the truth is going to be revealed with or without you.

  There is a lot so called psychics on the internet, all of them seem to come from the Pleiades, sum if not all have sum eastern European background, they say that they have a message or that they have been asked to past a message on, they are Albino Reptilians. 

Palms [Plasma] the energy that you hold [Khaybet] and comes out of your hands [Palms] and the Soul [Baa] Sole of your feet.

Plasma translates to Mould 

Raiden [Mortal Kombat] is Radiation [Plasma], you control it 

Sum people here are a failed reincarnation and may be an evil spirit literally trapped inside of the human body, or people that tried to escape their spiritual contract by suicide.
This may come in the form of certain people with disabilities, handicap, restrictions, they can be
energy vampires, those who are needy or have shi9t constantly happening to them, watch who you are giving your energy to and why.

The entire Karibbean is under threat

Tennessee [USA] land moving

Saudi Arabia

Not a Meteorite or fireball, plasma ball, incoming, tech, equipment, boots on the ground.

Forward facing with scouts, probes in tow

12 earthquakes recorded [19.2.2020] means pressure is building

78hz+  is way too high for many that are use to 7.89hz

Remember this is a scan of the Universe and the data is interpreted into this graphic, the nu frequency signatures are active, they are humming, this is the OM sequence Omen [Amen] Amun [Amon], this will be unknown to many, the signals are being received to Ki and her receivers.

Electrons are in the soular storms, if you have 6 electrons you are good to go

The electromagnetic fields opened at certain times, nu colours and frequencies are streaming in, blue is life force energy, green is life force healing energy.

The electromagnetic field, the Van Allen Belt, the Ozone Layer is being opened on purpose by the positive and agreeable to let the chakra radiation [energies] into Ki and to you, many will not be able to absorb or dispense the energies.

Rhythmic Frequencies

Moon shield   


None of the star-family are channelling to you, if anyone tells you that, this is their family who are talking to them or you are talking to a low vibrational being, or an entity, you are not talking to our extended family because they communicate through Neutrino[Neutron] beams meaning when your asleep, when your spirit [soul] travels, soular travelling, no one speaks in English except low entities, low vibrational beings and the reason they don't do this is because y-our oppressors do not have access to this technology.

You are the planetary ascension
Objects around the sun or this is part of a huge craft.

72,000 war-crafts have assembled, 960 war-planets are here in multiple dimensions, 340 of which are visible to you. 

5G is being tested

All of the dimensions are coming together and there is nowhere from them to hide, all entities are being seen.

All this flooding or burnt out land means that you are not allowed to come back to your home, this is call displacement, this is a permanent condition.

The August eclipse in 2017 was the game changer, the eclipse from the west coast over to the east coast of Atlantis and 33 days later [33 vertebrates] the entire world changed [33-degree angle].
Since that eclipse look around the world today, there was a wombman in the sky her and just the sun and 12 stars and the moon under her feet, do you know her.

Know what is going on, many are still posting sun-dogs and cloud-filled crafts and how to open your pineal gland without realising that their gland is calcified anyway, the energy has moved past the 3D.

We have alignments taking place, LAH.MU [Mars] is in the groove also for the 9th house, nu ideas and then sum+ for spirituality and education [learning more, wanting more around knowledge and my Kaa] and balancing moral and experiences, basically an audit, you will clash with others during this transit.

Mercury retrograde, there is a lot of negativity on the planet, reflection is in this field of the retro, the energy signatures are, save your data, messages, close files down and delete, Mercury deals with information, communication, contracts, reflect over life, Mercury also rules over the central nervous system, many are feeling the agitation, people moving around, fast, car crashes, accidents, aggression, your supposed to do an audit and thinking about your next move, self reflection, what do eye want to next, watch the signs for they will come to you.

But your not supposed to do nothing during this grade, things will happen during this retro, small things will get on your nerves, watch your emotions, you will be tested, face off and don't step back.

     Energies are tense, small things will flair up, watch your emotions, stop doing too much and sit down, that's how you mess up, watch your nervous system, we've a way to go, shadow period and then we go full blown but don't sign nothing during this period, it might come back and bite you later.

Watch yourself and check yourself.   

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