Saturday, 15 February 2020


When you are on your spiritual journey, real relationships are almost non-existent because on your spiritual journey there is really no one else there but you.

On the flipside if you tri, it seems like you are using spiritually or astrology to get into relationships  but then when you come across mundane people how else are you supposed to know where they are spiritually, moral of the story [from experience] is don’t get involved with anyone that is not on the same frequency that you are on, no matter how long you have to be in hermit mode.
Your spirit matters more

This is a [soular system], Baa [Soul] Khu [Mind] and Kha [Body] the Kha is last, not everyone has a
Baa, you need one to operate in this dimension, Baa translates strength, shout out to all the Shesnu [MaSem] Mason households, stay focused and grounded, its the only way to get straight to the Kaa [Spirit].   

The physical is an illusion and so are they.  

If your area of residence is freezing, keep in mind that tomorrow [according to the Julian calendar] we will be entering a new energy cycle, this new colossal energy portal will cause the massacre on the planet to become greater than what it is already. 

Also, we will benefit from this as this energy cycle will push us into a new life cycle much closer to immortality and invincibility.

We have to start grounding with our palms open to the sun, this is an ancient prayer [Ashu] they tell us to when we should have our palms open so the sunlight [rays] kodes can give us vitamin D and the D stands for Dark Matter and grant us our wants, do not follow mainstream when it comes to the ancient ways. 

Many things are happening around us that we will simply not be able to control and the way forward with that is to always be prepared and have your spiritual armoury on.

Always have your shields up, when sumone says sumthing to you or sumthing comes into your space, in a split second, ask yourself is this a 3[D] wave or a 4[D] wave, you are ascending and many are not, you need to stay in the 4[D], its that simple.

Like these meteorites, people, things, circumstances, situations are coming out of nowhere to steal, extract your energy [if you are not attracting] people out of the blue are showing up.

The revolving door means you are a whole other world, be careful, it’s a jungle out there it’s a whole other dimension with anything or anyone is being manifested.

Use discernment, use your gut-feeling [soular plexus] your intuition, bypass your earth senses and use your feelings and emotions.

Stay in your higher-self, if you stay down there where they are roaming, they can get to you because you are not wearing or maintaining your armoury, the whole entire suit and not just sum parts.

Is this situation or circumstance or person or place or thing 3[D] or 4[D], throw a perspective on it because it could save your energy [reaction and response] step back and go about your business, no more Cameo roles [back and forth].

Be aware of your surroundings and when people switch up, the negative are jumping bodies, the energy has shifted and you will sense this [feelings and emotions] when you are presented with a nu environment, its not in the same place that you are, the battle is real in the field.

Move in silence
Isolation is a bi99h 
Self-aware [Self-resilience] 
Watch your reaction and response
Trust no one

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