Thursday, 6 February 2020

Ground Zer0

Your destiny has already been written but you have to unfold the ptah [path] now depending what choices you make is dependent on how you reach your destiny.

Astral [Astro] is aStar
Disaster [Disc-a-star]

Even though the Annunaqi and Galactic Federation and Alliance and Allies have assembled, they are not here to save anybody, including their offspring.
Many have been taken to NI.BIRU [Neb-Heru] and many are in Shams just outside of the planets atmosphere, sum [9 ether Wombmen] will have to remain here on Ki, in the physical, so that Kaa(s) can be incarnated.

You have to save yourself, ascension comes down to you, you have to become one with it, one with the Matrix, understand it, know it, feel it, these angels [Arc], these [gods] N.TU(s) are inside you, you are them and they are you, you were created in their likeness, you were created in their image [imag-e] [Magi-emotion] [Magi].

You have to bring them forth by thoth [thought] brought forth by your words, by your actions, by your intentions, by your deeds, you have to trigger them by your thoths and they will come forth through you for they are in your bloodlines, if you don’t trigger them, the other adverse forces are also present in your bloodline, the sons of LuCellifer and we also have the reptilians in our bloodlines, both positive and negative, that is why it is taught, that the journey is within, you have to make that journey inside to bring the divide, the agreeable [god] or [goddess] or guardian in your DNA out [outward].

You can be taught data [information] but until you apply [all] to every aspect of your life, then you will fall short of your true potential.

No condition is permanent, you change the conditions and by having a kode you set the conditions in which your ancestors come forth for if you are residing in your life in any which way, then you will have a any-which-way results, why is this important.

When all is said and done, you are judged not has an individual, but has a family, your entire lineage is judged collectively into one source, one blood.

They are waiting for a certain amount of you to come online [144,000] to raise up, if she falls I fall, if he falls, you fall, its not her or his fault, its our fault [fault lines], why, because you have not come online, the frequency isn’t secure yet [have to fight the right fight this time].

You have to live this life and you must have a kode, many of you do and many of you do not, if you see wrong you must correct it, if this thing fails it will be because of us all not because the orcs gave and done you wrong, not because you were in bondage, not because your daddy drank or your mother left you, no, it doesn’t work like that, if the 144,000 do not come online the Annunaqi will simply step back and if you really check it they are not intervening, they are waiting on you, do you see them just sitting there watching, listening, and reading us all day long, sum of things that they are witnessing they must be doing the running man in disbelief

Wise Dome Tehuti [thoth] walk in the light of the sun, as if you see all.

Assume that sumbody is watching you

Do not be at a lost has to what to do, many are like this, but you know what is happening around you.

You are working towards perfection by way of your actions, your deeds, your intentions, your works.

French Savoy, Savoie, from the Roman name, Late Latin Sapaudia meaning noble, and links us to the 99 attributes that links us with the 99th N.TU [Neteru] deity which is Amon [Amen] Ra.

Spiritual and physical perfection, you take on the Khu [Mind] of a [N.TU] not read about them, you view from [gods] eye, see in their perspective.

You are here to better your lives, be aware of yourself, the company you keep and the people you allow into your space.

Is there a difference between nothingness and supreme darkness, yes supreme darkness has intellect within it and that it says in your bible, the world was a void and darkness, in nothingness is the intellect to say, let there be light, there are positions where there was no intellect and the beings that where there were not intellectual, void means void of light [life], that light is in every HuMin that comes into the physical world that spark is the light and light is data [information].

You have positive and negative elements that must be balanced out if not they will be misused and in sum cases taken away or reduced if not used correctly, you must only evoke the positive.

How, seek positive thoughts, positive works, positive actions, in other words, instead of saying, Oh ancient ones give me sum money, you say oh ancient ones provide for me, saying give me sum money means you have a plan, provide means I want your plan, your bible says in Psalms 23, the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want, that means if I don’t have once, that means I’m not living for my own personal desires, I’m living for a greater cause, he maketh me lie down in green pastures, why green, because green symbolises life force, healing energy life force, he leadth me beside the still waters , he leadth me in the ptah of righteousness, all of this is leading me on a ptah of the straight ptah, that which is straight [Maat], you do these things for the Most-High and that is Sakhu [your higherself] = ascension, he restoreth my soul, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for your Rod [crook] and thy Staff [fail] are with me, now why do I walk through the shadow of death, are we not living in the daytime of death, but if I am here and I say, guide me on the ptah of those before me, which way am I moving, backwards and if I’m moving backwards it means I cannot see, you have to trust in your guide, your guide has to guide you into the world of the unknown, trust in that if your guide can make it through these tests, then you can, so I fear nothing because I want nothing because you have the most-high [Sakhu].

The guardians, the Neteru [Nature] Neter, who A.NU [ANU] sent them, and if I start looking outside of myself, you will come off your ptah.

That is all of us, collective.

Soular Biology, the Nomos introduced to the species the laws of self-preservation, these Nomos are agreeable reptilians, the Nomos introduced the laws of self-preservation because we live in self-destruction, so for example, the Dogan’s or the little people, Tahites [Ptahites] the primitive people, they were taught, don’t hate yourself, don’t eat yourself to death, don’t sex yourself to death, don’t drink yourself to death, which today are all of the things that now kill us, we do things that are destructive to our bodies and yet we know its destructive to our bodies and yet we do it, you’ll say, I know this isn’t good for my body, and you do it, sum even put plastic in their body, they do things by little and that little grows and grows until it destroys you, the Nomos taught, that body is your temple, that is your E-Anna, that is your fortress, that is your Abode of A.NU, that is your temple of ANU, and you must protect that body because it was leant to you, it wasn’t given to you, it was leant to you in order for you to be on this planet so that you can pass through the different schools and degrees that was necessary for your journey back into and through the universe.

If you damage that body, you also damage your etheric body, the etheric body is the eternal you, the Nomos taught you to protect that body.

That not only includes food, its what you listen to, what you see, what you intake.

The Baa [soul], the Baa is refuelled by the soular-plexus, the poWRA is from the Khu, you were taught that LuCellifer was created of the slowest fire, what fire burns slowest, the soular-plexus, so you are part of these positive and agreeable, you must invoke the positive because both Ma’Stars await you, both sides of her nature is inside and what helps you invoke it is the Khu [Mind] which is the jewels of the soul, the Khu is where the poWRA is, even the soul has a lifespan [the soul is for 1000 years in nature], the Khu is the eternity.

Your soular plexus is emitting energy, or light, what is called an aura in religion, its what their man Jesus, put a halo around his head or what the Romans and Greeks call a halo, a double sun aka aura, this aura permeates from you for up to 12ft, has you vibrate you will see these little specks of light, [think of those images posted, like the one above, with the sun and the shield and the little pyramids inside that shine up] what quantum physics call free energy, that energy is all around us, it flows in you around you and in you, what OB1 talks about [force], when you meditate [Istal] or chant you draw these energies towards you, and is called the pure Green light, which is ultraviolet light or ultralight which here on Ki is Green or the Green Ones, remember you have seven chakras that are circulating in a direction producing either a negative or positive charge that you pull this energy in, to do great things but the Luciferins see all this and to reverse the Green energy, they must send negative energy, opposites attract, think about who you be with, who you let come into your company and who you keep.

They said that the frequency would once again change in February, amping higher,  holy shit, they meant it, sumthing came in and was by design, straight parallel lines either side shows intelligence, it looks like a vortex left behind, the whole right side is illuminated with poWRA, even before whatever came out of the portal, the womb.

Soular stream is in

Double spheres [Kanada], strong poWRA is
being emitted.

Yes it’s a reflection and not raindrops, yes lens flaring from the reflection, of what


Judgement Day is coming, a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.
[World Wide] Zombie Apocalypse.

Captured, an open-dimensional-portal at the Popocatépetl volcano, you are facing the most interesting point of craft sightings as the Annunaqi and the Galactic Federation and Allies and Alliance lay down the law. 

Crystalised Shield 

Plenty of spiking, watch the energy in motion 

M5 Israel [here we go]
M6 Philippine x 4 
M6 Greece
M6 Japan 
11 quakes for Tennessee [USA] in one month

Of the total of 3,464 tremors [for that region], about 398 have been reported as senses in Puerto Rico between December 28 to today.

Mexico 2407 earthquakes since January 5th.

Charging activated [white black] is extreme [west coast] needs to be on alert
River run red over the world

 A lot of accumulation energy in the last few days
Loads of weather systems playing huge roles around the world, nature's forces step a degree or two. 

Moon and Venus 

Philippine Red-iron oxide [pink] radiation  

Cloaked and Dagger [operation blue-beam has failed in many quaters]

Australian town on lockdown after 'biblical bat-tornado plague' hits.

Weather anomalies [systems] continue to rain down on this planet
Notice how Australia are not mainstream no more, or California, its China and basketball players turn to hold the media baton, the UK had a radio-controlled Muslim the other day, whose turn is it next week.

Huge craft [USA] 

Natures frequency waves 

Red eyes, lit eyes [moonshine] and dead eyes are all no soul, no soul is present.

MaStar Tehuti [Thoth] Wise Dome

When unto thee comes a feeling,
drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,
examine thine heart and find if the feeling
thou hast has come from within.

If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,
banish them forth from the place in thy mind.

Send through thy body a wave of vibration,
irregular first and regular second, 
repeating time after time until free.

Start the wave force in thy brain centre.

Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.

But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,
be sure that a force is directed to thee.

Only by knowing can thou overcome it.

Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.

Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is poWRA.

Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.


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