Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Total Confusion

Out of Chaos will come Order, that which is Straight, Balance and Justice [MA.AT]
Nine to the Ninth [NTH] poWRA of Nine 
Blue and Red gives you Purple [Ultraviolent] Crown Chakra 

The planet is consumed in Cosmic [Nun][Maat] energy [radiation] pressure and during the 24hr cycles the planet is being penetrated by radiation which is chakra energies, planes are dropping out of the sky when they go through these pockets that are breached in the electromagnetic field [van alien belt] magnetic field [all the same thing including the dome which is coming down and only went up when the frequency fell] as we get closer to the final frontier 

Nun [Nu] Nut [Neit] translates the abyss, the deep, to weave and is talking about the energy in what is called the universe

The planet is not the size NASA show you for she has expanded and is able to take the energies, NIBIRU is supporting her along with the seven siStars energies, the speed of the soul-ar wind or flare or flash is not important to the 9 ether but is to the 6 ether because this will add to them going off-line

Read all data in chakra energy signatures, "nice display" is changing both the 6 ether and 9 ether on a molecular level 
You cannot play with the Colour Purple 
NTH domain
Prince and Jimi Hendrix warned you already about the Purple rain and haze 

These images and more have been coming from the Northern hemisphere and tells us that the entire Northern hemisphere is closer to heaven [haven] than what many think, the planet is going up via the trappist system towards Sirius the [Godhead] and means we are rising in dimensions 4[5]D+
The word Radiation means to emit beams and these are energy beams coming from the higher realm 

Earthquakes are and will be popping off, the tectonic plates are the planets chakra system 

Purple and Blue and Red and Green all are chakra force energies, when we see these energies [radiation] in the four corners of the planet we will be in one dimension 

the four corners are merging into one 

The yellow side is from the sun and universe, the planet is taking the energy and on the right and behind the planet is Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] who is the MaStar key and is reversing the energies right back into the planet

Now if you look at the front of the planet you will see there is no pressure, how is that possible, who or what is blocking the pressure and maintaining its incoming     

As long as you have a chakra system, the 666 and 999 and you are watching your diet you will be in a better position for the frequency will become unbearable for many, 7.89hz for thousands of years and then within the last week we get 300hz, 450hz and 500hz and then BOOM 1200hz
We will hit 1200hz and more real soon, the 7.89hz people cannot function any higher than 7.89hz and those days have gone and so will they, they will lose their minds, watch yours  

We are not in the same soular system and we are also in the 4D and the lower planes of the 5D and many are beyond, the event that will get everyone’s attention is on the horizon

She is connecting because they are talking about the pulse [wi-fi] signal coming from this planet and Sirius as the two draw closer and closer [dimensions] together 

The white dog had a rat on its neck, how comes these people didn’t keep the dogs inside

Heru was incarnated on the 25.12 and we are in Heru and Maat currenSea called Re Harakhate or Heru-Khu(pyramid)-Maat] and this is war energy, this is destruction energy, things are going to ramp up very significantly and NI.BIRU is referenced the Destroyer and is the destroyer of all that is negative, disagreeable and artificial to this planet and soular system 
Its still 2012 [2013] until April 1st
These M earthquakes have to be coming in at the M7 [M8] range 

Notice they cut the camera just when the tentacle was about to hit and BOOOM it was going to light up like the Godfather
You will not be allowed to leave this planet and infect other planets, why’d you think the dome went up, this planet still has mysteries to be told, places where man hasn’t stepped foot on before, and besides, this house is sealed and no-one or other being is leaving without authorisation

Re is in exile and was always in exile, three higher beings control the poWRA from the sun
The sun is a KAANU [Black] hole [Womb] with Plasma streaming from this hole, around the hole are cities, docking stations and is a multi-dimensional portal, for behind this hole is the holographic world 
This is a close up of the Sun, to the holographic code that the universe is made out of

Ratan [Rahu] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or APSU [Sumerian] 
PAARE [Sun] 
-and are the same thing

Listen very carefully to what the viewers are saying
Did you see the skies in Mecca [Mer-Ka] and they are still praying and I would like to know who the fu9k are you still praying to with skies like that

Total Confusion is coming and will be done on purpose, stay grounded and focused, stay rooted  

Lets get rid of the words fireballs because they are not on fire and are not balls or spheres, look at the colours, BOOM sones are these shuttles, camouflaged asteroids or meteorites containing logistics, tech, personnel breaking the planets atmosphere 

Crafts shape shifting over what was known as China, Star family along with the Federation have sumthing special lined up for Chinas leaving party
China in their southern states is turning into an ocean
The Chinese can see these crafts on radar and there is nothing they can do about it, ab-sol-utely nothing, man does not control the skies and therefore doesn't control this planet, only the world in which they will be destroyed in, China are not the world worst polluters, that title belongs to the USA military, Navy
China has a new horizon, you can see whatever is beyond the sun is getting real close

This is the USA military radar, they can see the crafts, fleets

Albania and Kosovo
Water is everywhere around this planet
China and Turkey are doomed and are getting battered for a reason

Coming and going through the portal 


The wheel of destiny spins onwards  

 Fight between Zeus and Typhoon
who >> Typhoon 
When the Albino-Greeks first invaded KHMT the SEMU [priest] of KHMT were still present and the Albino-Greeks asked the SEMU(s) who was in change before the Soular Dynasties and the SEMU replied a whole bunch of other [Gods]

Those other [Gods] where called the Babylonians and Typhoonians and is where we get the word Hydrogen from [Hy-Dragon] Hy [Ty] 
Zeus is still a Annunaqi [Anu-Naga]
Dragon [Serpentine energy] 
The Great Mother 

Quantum fusion
Heru is on the Horizon
Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] Mekaba 
Horizon are two words together Horus and Aten [Aton]
 Re Harakhate means Heru and the MER and Maat combined energy and this means war [PoWRA] 
the currenSea is charged and about ready to go to another dimension
Go in peace wherever your spirit takes you, worldwide cut-out is coming so we don't have much time to dwell 
Buckle up for we will accelerate 

Martand [Iy] Temple, Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir, Nagalan [India], on the plateau above the 
Kash-mir [Kash-Muur] Valley, 1870
Check the HuMan at the door arch for size, why is the arch so tall
All Iy [house, abode, isles, coastlands] are built on the lay-lines of the planet 
What if the J was a K on Jammu to make Kammu, the children of Mu   

These symbols are crafted into Granite and Granite holds frequencies, sum if not all had Nub inside of the crafted symbols, like an inlay, these symbols the Nub [Gold] would react with the Nub in your 9 ether [skin] and the KAANU which is intelligent, you hold memories for this data was taught you over and over for thousands of years to hundreds of generations, the Grantee holds frequencies that vibrate within you
Nothing is stronger than Diamond and time
Re would charge the stones and you thus fusing you with this online library, you would stand in-front and scan the barcodes [symbols] and the subconscious mind would know exactly what you were looking for 

Hieroglyphs [Heru-glyphs], Albion Greek word, Hiero (sacred), Glyphs (carvings)
Which is describing a picturesque script, and Cuneiform is also a mere script from the Albino Greek word Cuneus meaning (wedge)
Cuneiform is old Persian [text] and old Persian text is Abyssinian [Ethiopia] text    

Red is NI.BIRU and the Blue is Earth 
Red and Blue gives you Purple and is the colour of Plasma 
Beryllium atom, appearing [4] on the Periodic table, has an atomic number of four on the sum of things
Yet, on the un-sum of nothing its – 4 ether as opposed to matter 4
The element is identified by the initials [Be] 
Ether is any a class of organic compounds in which two hydro-carbon [Hydrogen] groups are linked by an oxygen atom, from middle English, upper air from Latin aether, Greek aither, note that ether is identified with oxygen, one of the principles in breathing
Ether sits in carbon

 Plasma from plassein and means; to image, to figure, to mould, where energies and gases are moulded into images called Etherians
Plasma [Khay-be-t] Be is Purple and you cannot mess around with this dimension 

Back to Black [KAANU] 

Read all data [colours] in energy and you will go further

 Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA]
NRG is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE
which is a part of the 3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]
9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra] 

See the grid around the sun [portal] 

Whoever controls the skies controls the planet, whoever can create a crop [message] on a planet and the ruling class says fu9k all about them, controls the planet
Planes fly around 8 miles high [40,000ft] and above that is Star-Family and full crew and own that dimension
That image on the left, see the crafts in formation, attack position, ready and able
We have not seen a Pleiades [negative ones] crafts in the skies since the arrival of the Galactic Federation and Alliance and Allies and all those involved in the planet, the three kingdoms and the Annunaqi is here led by the Neteru 

Plasma is taken from the Sun and is transported to Ki where the crafts create a super-cell or a huge masking cloud and dispense the plasma to sections of the planet where she needs it the most, Diamonds or Damon in the ground and gems reflect the energy around the planet, Nub [Gold] stores the energy and Nub is also a conductor 

 There are three mother triangle ships that travel with the sun throughout the day and sit just in front of him, these crafts are on duty and along with other crafts are guarding the multi-dimensional portal which along with SA.HU is the only way out of here, there are tons of grounded crafts over by the Himalayas and in Area51 and more places, in the movie 2020 they left from China aka the Himalayas, they will have to make a break for it soon and when they do, the Federation is waiting for them

Man has his toys and boys will be boys, however we are in Mothers domain now and she wants you to put away your toys and tidy up this fuc9ing room [house] 

Femi9 Electron NRG 

Crown Chakra shield, all the planets are getting one and so are you so that when the plasma is full blown all is protected 
Image is from Austria 
Why isn't this front page news

These are your signs and symbols

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