Monday, 4 January 2021

Short Circuit

 Johnny Five

Seven circuits of the Organ [Membrane][Mem-brain] brain
You have to get out of the circuits
Don’t block the life-force energy through bad diet, the force cannot radiate correctly and will shut down your creativity
When you tell yourself, think of, sumthing negative, the brain cells react to what you think and set the parameters, don’t dwell over things, let them go

Do not stay in second circuit mentality or you will leave this planet going out backwards
All is based on what you know [believe] and allow yourself to know [believe] in

This is the Alpha system that we are in and is a holographic dimension, mercurial, whatever you [believe] creates your reality, you create your own discomfort, its all your own choosing, this is a relative reality and not an ab-sol-ute reality 

 There are laws that permeate all dimensions, which they talk about in their Bible, ruler-ship over all mansions, in my father’s house, mansions are dimensions, in my fathers house, there are many mansions [dimensions]

This is absolute law and anytime you move into dimensions, you have to obey those laws, but on a relative sense [reality] you have been shut down and your reality is based on chemical realities that are written upon your genetic structure

These systems we have out here are over 450,000 years old, Lucy who was found in the NRH gate is now estimated to be around 500,000 years old and that she didn’t even originate from this planet  

 When you look at the Aboriginals and their genetic count, they have 42 + 2 chromosomes, we all don’t have the same chromosomes, there is 42 +2, there is 44 + 4 and there is 46 + 2

So, depending on how many chromosomes that you have and depending on how many chromosomes that you are able to activate will determine your reality and capacity to MaStar this dimension

Research now shows us that there are seven races on this planet that are divided based on their chromosome numbers 

The Aboriginals [Ul-uru] who have 42 +2 contain at least 350,000 years worth of information in their chromosomes, the Aboriginals have been researched on the most for that very reason, when you think of Jurassic Park, think of the Aboriginals as well

 We have 12 sets of double helices not 2 sets, with most people only activating ¼ of a single double helix and is a reason why they have that kind of life that they have, limitation, do not let anyone indoctrinate this to you, if you do, is because you have a relative reality that is not in alignment with absolute truth  

 Most people don’t activate the seven levels of brain function and many will stay in the first, second and third circuit and they never go beyond the third circuit

 Whatever you focus on, will expand, whatever you appreciate will be multiplied and given double unto you, this is absolute universal law

Pull in your energies, given all poWRA to yourself [your-cells] and stop disseminating to others or to anything that is in the third dimension


First circuit is the equivalent to the reptilian brain [Triune], Zoologist and Biologist know that when an Ovum is fertilised on this planet, everything starts out the same, there are states that we get locked into that are only transitory, so we have to be aware of how deep this goes, brain stem activity is the same has the reptilian brain 

The animal kingdom is where we learn all our sol-utions

When we see an egg fertilise and multiply and it first develops you cannot tell the difference at the same particular stage with any animal until the Ovum develops beyond that stage

Do you know that you also have the same ability to actualise any activity that an animal can do on this planet, you have the same capacity, where are those cells, that information is logged into your brain

If you take Magic Johnson or Jordan, who can jump and leap around, hang in the air, those settings come from animals and you can actually access those features yourself and more, those codes are present and prevalent and physiologically present 

You can be unconsciously competent and your responsibility is to be consciously competent, unconsciously competent comes from the right brain but you have to be able to transfer that to your left brain which will vary for many, this is left and right brain hemisphere integration


Reptiles have a 3rd eye

Whatever a reptile can do, you can do and that is only talking about brain stem and not the brain itself
Reptilians primarily stay by themselves and they only come together for defence and mating  

The state of consciousness that the reptilian deals with, what is safe and what is not safe, those are the two main perceptions that determine their entire life

 You can see this when you are with people, when you go to their homes, what they say and do lets you know what they are locked into and what they actualise

Research now shows what chemicals keep you in these actual states   

Second circuit is the insect, the brain capacity of the [medulla] insects come together because they know by actualising, they are able to have a quality of life that is more comfortable than if they were by themselves, insects have no emotional bonds to one another, they agree and complete whatever activity but failure results in death if the activity is aborted, all you have to do is watch the ants

The second circuit means we have individuals who interact with people for the benefit of an increased quality lifestyle and to give themselves meaning, if you get stuck in the second circuit function this means your sense of self [cell], your personal desires, the things that you might want to do for yourself will all become subordinate to whatever the group says 

Your Labyrinth  

Alcohol works on the first circuit and drugs work on the second circuit, third circuit deals with the intellect, the Avian, the bird brain mentality and third circuit is cerebellum

The data is out there but you have to be conscious, bypassing your education and your belief systems, social norms, morals, 3D cultures, trends, and letting go and accepting what is real and what is not

 Fourth circuit is emotions, feelings, this is the capacity to know aesthetically what is happening anywhere in the world, fourth circuit is condemned for you to fully function in this society, Tina Turner even told you, what’s love got to do with it, meaning she is telling you that your decisions should be made from the third circuit and not the fourth circuit, the fourth circuit deals directly with the heart and knowingness, this is the centre were divine intelligence really resides

Decisions should be made from the heart [which is linked to the mind] and not from emotions, the brain gives you all the information first and the final decisions come from the heart space, never from the head or the third circuit

We have individuals who are unable to express their true emotions and are truly locked out of the fourth circuit

Marijuana can move you into the fourth circuit naturally, real Marijuana is hard to come by, most of today’s Marijuana is not pure or has been doused in things like Paraquat [THC molecule] which is toxic to the fourth circuit or to the brain

 Fifth circuit is intuition, which is pure knowingness, which is the capacity to proceed past, present and future at the same time 

Sixth circuit [temporal lobes] extra-sensory hearing, where you can hear anything in the world and anything in other dimensions and where you can begin to see into other dimensions and thus you can access the seventh circuit and utilise, based upon your physiologic structure, you are able to use and access the full entire electromagnetic spectrum, has we know it 

This is a distorted perception that I AM giving you and an elucidated version was in the movie, Lawnmower Man, they gave him externally all the neural transitive which means that they gave him the liquid aspect of the thoughts that are necessary to activate all these different levels of the brain [organ] [muscle]  

 Every thought that you have is a chemical reality in your blood, and therefore determines not only the quality of your physical body but also your entire life because we are dealing with electromagnetic attraction

So these neurotransmitters have been isolated for the last 20 years especially the ones on emotions, the neurotransmitter for lov9, joy, peace, harmony, the frequency of vibration of the Atom, so exposing sumone to a particular sone, colour, and particular frequency of light will actually create neurotransmitters that will put a particular person in a mind of thought, so depending on your environment and who is manipulating it, you could be put into depression, you can be put into suicidal thoughts, violent thoughts, they have already done this to many, they have taken blood from many, many people and are 50-60 years in front of this planet, organ trafficking and child exploitation and slavery is nothing to what they have been really doing 

Ulmec [Olmec] flute 

We are in the era of technology and you need to be technology astute, do you know what the Hubble telescope is and if not, why not, do you know that ¼ of the landmass in the USA has disappeared, but you know about who is sleeping with who, you know about your employment description, you know about nothing that is relevant

This is the era of the knowing, not the era of believing 

 You have to know what your purpose is and while you are still committed to earth you have to gain more unless you can access six and the seventh circuits then you can fly

 You have to know where the areas of stability and instability are in you, so that you can have a foundation to work from, you know about food and clothes but you must have information [data] knowledge, light  

You have to know about yourself because there are those who know who you are and can MaStar you, they can go right back to your beginning for they know where to begin, but they do not know how it will end

 By not wanting to advance or evolve indicates that you are stuck in the first and second circuit and for those stuck in the third, at least they want to learn, know more, you need to know what is universal law

 The fifth circuit will let you know certain things, and guide you to source, positive and negative

 Learn about neuro-anatomy and MaStar each one of those circuits, your brain is a terrible thing to waste 

KAA.NU [Melanin] is intelligent and is directly connected to neurons [6 protons] 6 electrons[6 neurons] which means the 9 ethers skin is an external brain, it’s the biggest organ on your body, for those shut down in the first and second circuits, their quality of Kaanu is low and are now part of this problem that is around-ish, the darker you are the more gifted you are, that ether is pure intelligence and I don’t mean in a western educational meaning, your ether can heal you, make you, create for you

Watch your diet and what you take in [in the mind]

 Wombmen, you have got to go deeper and further, this is your time now, we are in your realm, in your energy field, you are the physical expression, embodiment of the divine life-force energy, and what that means is that in this dimension, the Femi9 energy must always exist, her energy can never be destroyed, her energy must exist or there will be no life [force] where she does not exist there is no life, when Lakshmi was in his kingdom there was prosperity, when she left, all kingdoms would crash

S-he must be protected and preserved

 You must have the life-force energy to direct and create, there is no two-ways about this

 Many millions [billions] are not going to make it, not because this is their destiny but through ignorance of universal law [MAAT] 

The atmosphere is changing and your body needs to be able to take the new atmospheric changes, the air is changing and you must be able to receive the new elements and activate the new information and a willingness to occupy your place in space

 Let go of the 3D for that world does not exist anymore, why do I still write these words is because the universe cares deeply, s-he will give you what you want but you must come to source, bring yourself online because anything less means you go offline

 Control your thoughts for they are keeping you at bay with yourself, its your own thoughts that are condemning you, its only your states of consciousness that is controlling you

 Your body is the first alter 

These are interesting times for those who have nothing but the willingness for you to connect to universal law and order and to literally leave Egypt [KHMT] and to take your rightful place in space and time   

This energy can transform, it can mutate, it can reproduce, it can heal, the list goes on, sexuality and reproduction are not necessarily synonymous

There is a whole science where you can experience the Creator(s) through sexuality (energies), this is a scared art that only certain men and females are taught and is inherited, you have to be able to be with a person, merge with them, and then totally separate yourself from them without no attachments, you will always have the connection 

It cannot be spoken about, only shown 

You are what you are waiting for 


These two images are the same thing, taken over Russia

The discharge must be so different to see, that array of radiation, emitted energy beams, with its multi-purpose energy, yellow, pink-red, green. purple, all are chakra energy for you and this planet, regulate your body and absorb this energy, image taken over Iceland

5.1.2021 and we just hit 1200hz

4.1.2021 whatever energy is hitting the planet according to this graphic means we hit 500hz, over the last week and 3 days we have been experiencing spiking to levels that they are trying to hide, who is sending in this higher frequency, remember we had 7.89hz for the last couple thousand years and now BOOOM 500hz that is a huge increase and this many people are going to be bailing out of here

We have never had 500hz in your history, this is very significant  

Plus the soul-ar energy that is incoming 

The HuMan instruments cannot record what the higher beings are doing 

What is up with the different readings with the Schumann from Russia and Italy 

You can hear the frequencies now in your ear(s) at times, the shifting of sone

CME will be hitting the planet in a couple days, watch yourself and check yourself, the data is being withheld, there is a lot of energies coming into this atmosphere, plasma [Khaybet] is hitting this planet and they are not registering the information, we have had a direct hit around the 31st and a major hit yesterday which resulted in the reSet [timeline jump] many had a migraine and sum people were jumpy, offline, I heard the frequencies throughout the day and today, communication is taking place, plus we had the backend of the full Moons, DNA [DEA] is changing, make sure you make space for time for you

Soul-ar winds are still about but the CME that is coming in will be a poWRA-ful exchange  

Wednesday will be interesting

 Expect volcanos, earthquakes, land moving and more to take place, it is still 2012 [2013] 2020 according to the Ul-mec [Olmec] Mayan and NTH gate mathematical equation until April 1st 

Booms are also coming from incoming meteorites [asteroids] camouflaged craft capsules that contain tech, equipment, logistics, personnel, reinforcements, the sone comes from the re-entry into this planet’s atmosphere

The physical war has to break-out between man 

There is an attachment to the sun

Coming out of the multi-dimensional portal

This planet is surrounded and so to the sun, that portal-gate is completely guarded and so to is Sah [Sahu] Orion, both gates are heavily guarded 24hrs a day, NI.BIRU came through SA.HU, these are the only two routes in or out of this system 

Think of the laser gun that the USA have against this type of technology that these higher beings have and this came from their craft

No one is leaving, this house is sealed and we are all in for the complete [9] duration, buckle up your seatbelt Dorothy because Kansas is going bye-bye 

Unknown origin about the picture but other than what you see in the sky

Space invaders, huge fleet, many have assembled with the Galactic Federation, Alliance and Allies, led by the Annunaqi through the Neteru on Ki, the guardians, providers of this soul-ar system and many, many more 

what colour is this sphere, is it bright, white, grey, metallic grey 

Crown Chakra shield 

 The wonders are in the skies, in your sight, all is changing around you, stay grounded in what you are thinking about, know that you are part of a grand change that must take place in order that we upgrade, and that she can breathe once again, we could not continue on this projected route or she would have crashed, we have an outcome with this ptah-way

One day you will wake up and the world will be different, we want the change in frequency 

 Shi Chong
Shī Chéng
Chi Kheng
City of Lions
Flooded city [by man] in China [Chi-na] Shi-va 
All these islands are man-made
China is a part of Nagalan [India] and Japan is a part of Nepal 

Three different civilisations all depicting the same theme, what is it about the Bull [Baal]  

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