Saturday, 2 January 2021

Beloved of Set

We are not Ma-Stars because we rule over Ma, we are MaStars because we rule over self [Cell], so when I say ISLAM [I-SELF-LORD-AM-MaStar]
A MaStar I AM Lord [Neb] of Ma [My] Cell [Self]
You have to MaStar your Cells [Self]

Ma [Metu] Mother Netu [Nature] NTR

Valley of the Kings 

A’aferti [Aa-fir-tee] The Choice (Pharaoh)
Malaa-ikat [Ma-laa-ee-kat] Messengers or rules

It should be Valley of the Messengers because there is a Fe-Male among them 

There is old and modern and there is ancient Egipt [Egypt] Khami [Khemet] Kammu 

The Aswan damn covers over 200 [Iy] that the West didn’t want you to know about
They moved the Iy of Abu Simbel, Egypt

A whole bunch of [Gods] ruled before the soul-ar dynasties called the Babylonian, Typhoonian [Hydrogen][Hy][Ty] Drogen [Dragon] 


Other stones were used by the Romans who also added bricks, stones to the Sphinx, they weren’t repairing them but getting ready to claim the sites as if they created them, like the Greeks and Muslims 
[Egypt] Aegyptia [Alexandria]
#Necropolis of #Thebes, #Egypt
Ancient computer chip
Atum-Re, the new coming [God], Atun-Re, the high [God] and Amun-Re, the setting [God], from the three great triad provinces or sites, set up as H.T.M; [H] [Annu][A.NU], to [T] Thebes [Luxor] [Nu-Amun], to [M] Memphis [Tattu] in Tama-Re of the west
-the place to learn secrets
Memnon [Ras Tafari] Makonnen aka Halie Selassie
[Ge'ez] ንጉሠ ነገሥት, Nəgusä Nägäst [King of Kings] Negus [King] 
E.KUR [A.KUR] [Gaza complex] translates, final resting place of the Lion [Sphinx]
Iy pronounced as E, the Sumerian word for abode, house, and even misused for temple, but in actuality means the coast land, isles
Ekur [Akur] translates, Mountainous house or abode
A-keer [Akir] [Akur] [Akiraat] translates Lion, from Lyra 
Rain collected found to be around 8-10,000 years ago, rain didn’t fall in the Nile River, so that would mean that the structure is at least 10,000 years based on the collected rainfall, however we are dealing in the million years ago
 The Mississippi River and the Nile River are on in the same, West Tama-Re is Aztlan [Atlantis] aka the [USA-Kanada-South America- all of it, and the Caribbean]

Hatshepsut [Hatshep-Sut]

Set [Sut] Sothis [Sirius] Septet is the oldest primordial [God] N.TU [NTR] Neter [Deity]

Hatshepsut [Beloved of Set]

Set [Sut] Sothis [Sirius] Septet is the father of Hatshepsut 

Hatshepsut is the only Femi9 principal that we see at this scared site, she is the wombman who was King, one of the most poWRA-ful Fe-Male(s) to walk this planet 

 The Masonic [Messianic] goes to the male and even in mythological history, but you must understand the roles, the male is only a vehicle to carry out the Femi9 energy 

 They say to the Scarlet Wombman, all poWRA is given
Which means Nut [Nu][Nun] [Neit] had it
Nuqta [NUQ.TA] translates dot 
Ra Herukahuti [Re Harakhahte] is the male warrior half, but he gets his energy from the battery, keep in mind, we see the Car and we think it’s the Car that is driving, but the Car is only a vehicle that is using both carbon from the battery and car-bon from the gasoline [petrol] which is the other half, the Femi9 half, the most latent form  
So, when we hear the Masonic thing, we are not talking about the male, that’s just his department to carry out a certain deal, but through the online library they say, you have Heru [Haru] Horus who is the male counterpart and after this war, MA.AT [Ma’at] is established and MAAT precedes that
Its duality
The Messiah seems great and all that but is a great task and is a subordinate role in the first place because in the end, there will be nothing left but the unseen realm, just Nut and Ma’at
All we have been trained in is the supreme, the Masonic, that that is the only bridge, he said I am the bridge, I am a gate, I am a doorway, I am a way over troubled water, not the paradise which is the end all and be all, the un-manifested unseen realm which is the Femi9 principle, just like the womb
We have incoming energy that was brought about by the Dogon Sigi ceremony in 1994 and [White Buffalo] and [Jupiter and Saturn] and the KHMT Amenti

During 1993 and 1994 they counter-actioned by bringing out the movie Stargate and in the movie the Stargate killed Ra in the movie, many think that the gate and the whole movie is evil but is far from it, the 9 ethers should pay attention for that is your ancestors’ stories

Same with the movie Species, its not really Alien but rather its extra-terrestrial which means beyond the terrestrial, then you also had Independence Day and the Arrivals, all these movies had the ether element in them, all these movies were released in the summer solstices to counteract against the energies that had been building and all are fighting the universe and the universe is Nut [Nun] Neit and Nu and Nu translates the energy of Nu, also the Abyss and the Deep, which is made from ether and so are you, this means he is talking about you in all and many other movies since then

Jurassic Park was a movie about cloning DNA, in Russia they already have their Jurassic Park up and running, Dinosaur comes from the Greek words Dino meaning terrible and Suars meaning Lizard and these two words are talking about the Lizard beings, the Reptilians [terrible lizards]

Dinosaurs are part of the reptile family

This was about DNA cloning of ancient [Nubian] people 

Clones don't know they are clones and think they are the actual person-being

There are other movies dealing with the Messianic Trinity and the book of Law, another is Batman and Robin

Inside the Batman and Robin logo you see Robin inside Batman in the middle, this is a symbol

Batman is a symbol for Melanin [KAANU] and represents the inner-consciousness, which in KHMT they symbolise with the child and finger in their mouth which is the most potent part of the Melanin un-manifest

 Re Harakhahte 

Robin [the Falcon or Hawk] or any type of bird represented the manifested which would be Re Harakhahte which is two forms of Christ [Karast] and those two combined brings on MAAT

The Messianic word for male and female and Christ and the manifestation of balance and order is Harmakhu [Harakhahte] Har = Heru [Ma = Ma’at] Khu = Pyramid [Me-ka-ba] MIR [MA.RE] MER

And all means the unity of both, word made truth

Batgirl represents MA.AT which is the w-holy Trinity

Before the Messianic Trinity, you had Isis, the Femi9 Osiris aka the [God] of the perfect black [melanin] and Heru who would be the manifestation or the Messianic part but is still part of the w-holy trinity

Who are Batman and Batgirl and Robin battling, Ice-man the Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy

The movie with all three, Batman, Robin and Batgirl was dealing with the Messianic Trinity, which was talking about the Christ [KRST] energy basically in three forms fighting Mr Freeze aka caveman

[6 ether] and Poison Ivy who is the Devil who groomed herself and got everyone around the world following her ass 

All books of Enoch [Kha-Nowk] are from Ethiopia, except the book of Kha-Nowk that comes from Hungry and Yugoslavia, they couldn’t put Kha-Nowk’s books with the New Testament because one its older than the New Testament and number two is that it comes from Ethiopia, Bila means Book in Ethiopian, and number three, its so precise on who is going to be destroyed and so obvious that they couldn’t manipulate the scriptures, so they had to leave it out

The Old Testament was written 700 years after the high priest of ancient KHMT died who they called Moses who was the priest [Semu] of Amun Ra, the version to get is the translations by RH Charles which is the prophecy

 In chapter 11-13 in the book of Kha-Nowk [Enoch] it says, Kha-Nowk went to Azazel, Kha-Nowk is KHMT Tehuti, the library of Alexandra did not hold Metu Netu scriptures, they held writings from Sumeria and from all these Nubian [Iy] that houses all these texts, remember they never viewed themselves has different people, tribes, clans, they were one under one knowledge, just told in different ways, so Kha-Nowk who is Tehuti, who is a great warner, is speaking with Azazel, he is talking in the future and telling Azazel you will never have peace, [they are talking about what is currently taking place now, in mythology they are talking about one current that is evil and the other current that is positive that is in both the 6 ether and 9 ether], you will never have peace, a severe  sentence will come out against you and you shall be bound [this is eschatology, in the future, as in now] 

Azaz'El and his son Samm'El fell also in frequency  

 And you will neither have rest or mercy nor granting of any petition because of the wrong you have taught and because of all the works of blaspheming and wrongs and iniquities that you have showed the sons of men

[talking about what you have showed the 9 ethers in the 3D Matrix world aka the USA] 

And I went and spoke to them together continues Tehuti [Kha-Nowk] and they were afraid, fear and tremblingly seized them [he is taking about the USA today, the belly of the beast] although they must go on and keep building to seem that their rule was forever, [Kha-Nowk is talking about the ruling elite, those particular people is who he spoke with]

Tehuti is the MaStar scribe, the MaStar divine recorder, he is recording Law and this is how this war is playing out, by speaking it into existence [word made truth] word made Law

 They came and asked me to write in petition that they may receive forgiveness and take the records and petition to the Laws of heaven [Sirius], they did not speak because of fear nor did they raise their head or eyes to heaven out of shame that they had been condemned, said Kha-Nowk

 They know they cannot hide from the spirit world [holographic code] 

 Kha-Nowk goes on and submits their application for forgiveness and he says that he went to sit down by the waters, southwest banks of Dan-Dan by Mt Hermon [this is talking about a spiritual place where the energy reaches a certain plateau also called Mt Olympus, Mt Olives, Mt Meru, Mt Zion, all this is talking about is the earth going to a certain particular realm

Kha-Nowk goes on and says, he read out their particular petition until he fell asleep [he was bored]     

 It goes on and says that their petition was rejected from heaven 

 The Bible only gives you fragments and in sum cases there are paragraphs against one sentence in their Bible, for example at the [Iy] of Isis they recorded sum Gnosticism which is later day Egyptian Coptic, which the Greeks also had sum of, the Romans come in and make Christianity out of the Gnosticism but because they copied it, they created sumthing later on that was sumthing greater, they might have one or two passages on sumthing but the whole information is in an earlier material 

For example in Gnostic, the Apocalypse of John they will go through 30,000 years of history in 6 pages, sumthing that the Bible fails to go to in and just might have one sentence, the Bible cannot go back to authentic, for truth is in there, Gnosis means the original knowledge or knowing

The ancient text holds the greater information and you have to take the ancient knowledge and apply it in todays currenSea, its ancient physics that are explaining things now

 Within days of Kha-Nowk writing his books he is taken off of the planet, at the end, which is now, we are in the hour, in the moment 

Metaphysis mind will take you further  

Many of the ancient artifacts have many purposes and were made in different fashions that man is only able to replicate today, there is a huge gulf time between 10,000 years ago and 450,000 years ago, the Akur is at least a million years old, one of the Kings lists in Sumerian recordings is 241,000 years old, Ra when he first sets up KHMT, this place was in a whole different dimension on Ki [Earth] 
How primitive man is today and how man has been cut off from this ancient knowledge
Inside this Buddha artifact is a spiritual skeleton, as described by Western science
If this was made from metal then the tests could not have been carried out through the MRI, this indicated that the CT scan of this Buddha artifact is made from clay

So where does this spiritual skeleton come from, who was really inside 
Khnum [Kha-num] is the Moulder [to mould, build] he builds, under guidance from Tehuti with Aset, which Khnum builds Asaru [Osiris] a new body [Kha] from clay
Cells and Atoms, which you are one of, split into many things by Re’s command, And Such Is The Rule Of Life And Energy, Khnum, the clay fashioner, the flesh of mortal
Buddhas are from Senegal, Ghana [there were at least 8-12 of them] and come with the Nagas

Are you telling me that that artifact was once "alive," -yes 

Wooden female anatomical figure, Muurs, European

The torso of this figure can be removed to show the intestines, liver, stomach and a basic representation of the lungs and diaphragm 

6 little ceramic pigs,1 male, 1 female, and 4 piglets
China, Han Dynasty, Han [Hannibal] Hanuman

Transplants, 98% of all 6 ether transplants are coming from animals for they cannot use the 9 ethers   

Because the melanin now kills them, its too high for them just like how they cannot take too much melatonin for the overdose will kill them and they cannot use other 6 ethers because they are mutating beyond the realm of what they were before, the organs reject even faster and this only leaves the animals mainly in the ape area, they had been breeding millions in the USA, animal transplanting was really big during the last 20 years

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a Pigs valve for over 30 years

 Made of ivory, foot sandal, they say its Roman

 Be conscious of those who are not part of the conscious community 

We have incoming Messianic Heru current  

I heard a radio frequency type communication in my right-ear last night that lasted so long I actually fell asleep to it
See the break in frequency just after 9pm on the Schumann 
These readings can also include the soul-ar energy that is incoming
There will be adverse effects but if your good-to-go this is good 
Plasma [Khaybet] means to mould, figure, image and connects with the dark-energy [Kinetics] [Kamatics] they are charged particles in the atmosphere and is 99% everywhere, you have Khaybet within you, it in your blood and goes yellow when air hits the plasma in your body 
You all have access to the Akashic [A-Ka-Chi-c] records which is a melanin [Kaanu] computer mainframe, everything is on it including your own files  
Hold on up right 

Manipulation of the DNA strands, watch the event, loads of symbols, signs, messages 
 are you checking the graphics [holograms]

Oklahoma craft
Purple backdrop


Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

The Moon and friend 

The Cube is not travelling alone, there is a whole group in there 


Aethers [ether]  

South America
The scout orb looks like Wall-e girlfriend Eve, the updated version  

The Yungay region of Peru [Heru] was the scene of crafts in March 1967

Spirit holder [fire] plasma 

Yes sh9t is going to happen, it has to for this monkey house to end 


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...