Thursday, 14 January 2021

Love tuning

Renewed interest

I listen to the radio a lot and use YT and Fb to keep an eye on the 3D and of late the Dj’s on the radio stations that I listen to have a renewed energy about them
I notice that they have come away from what the news is telling them and are going back to words of wisdom to their audiences
Their words are positive without the rhetoric type of words of wisdoms, almost like they are going back to basics reflecting the reSet that we are going through
We have had substantial energies and plasma hit this planet and none more so than the 300hz [450hz] 500hz [1200hz]

Energy lingers and there is a natural mystic in the air and I can feel it within those who are still plugged into the 3D
These energies had been coming in waves because had they come like how we had last week we would have probably pitted out but the energy of Nu and Maat have been patient with us all, correcting the adjustments accordingly
 500hz tuning
The calibrating continues, the love frequency, love tuning, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the musical [muse] mathematical matrix of creation
More than any sone previously discovered, the love frequency resonates at the heart of everything
The frequency connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiralling reality between heaven [haven] and earth
As above, so below
What is taking place inside of you is taking place above you
Let the Love 528 music play inside you
The love frequency is the original trend setter note of the original KHMT musical scale, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient Semu and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles [magi] and produce positive vibrations – healing [fine tuning]
528hz is fundamental just as the ancient Pi [Phi] and the Golden Mean evident throughout the natural design
Acoustic and Cymatic [Ka-MA’at-ic] measurements show 528hz is essential to the sacred geometry of circles and spirals consistent with DNA structuring and hydro-sonic restructuring
528hz resolves to a 6, the icon for physical manifestation, that is, 5+2+8=15; and 1+5=6, the symbol 6 reflects the spiralling down from heaven into the wholeness of earth
The love frequency can be fundamental to broadcasting all matter and energy into reality according to the laws of cosmos
Definition of the love frequency is DNA-repair, love can heal you
528hz is known as the [Miracle] tone which brings remarkable and extraordinary changes
Dr Joseph Puleo analysed the meaning of the tone using Latin [Nubian] dictionaries and hidden entries from Webster’s Dictionary
The Mi tone is characterized as;
[1] An extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known HuMin PoWRA(s) or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause, esp. to God
[2] A superb or surpassing example of something; wonder, marvel [1125-75]; ME <L Miraculum = Mira [Ri] to wonder at
Fr (French): sighting, aiming to hold against the light (gestorum: gesture; movements to express thought, emotion; any action, communication, etc. intended for effect
These resonating frequencies are being traced through their man-made machine and means more than the planets heartbeat, what affects her affects you
The most-high are changing the settings and are watching our emotions has they direct us towards another level, we are rising as we meet the frequencies

Stay on point and do not abort your Ptah, for you have come so far, we are within sight, we have been at these gates seven times before and we are going to go through them this time full stop
The planet and soular system, universe, galaxy, cosmos is correcting itsCellsf   
1000% keep it Ra(w)

No one can be blamed on what is to take place, this is inevitable, cause and effect
What we are going through is the result of the abuse of mans power and for you letting him have his wicked way

The whole world will bear witness, the whole planet will bear witness to the takeover of the most PoWRA-ful energy known to man
-and she is not playing 

It has to end to begin 

Lights out
Power is going to go out, either the planet will trip out or the powers that used to be will cut the tesla electricity which has never been upgraded since the 1940’s when tesla constructed their grid and all the worlds grids are stacked onto their main grid, basically when teslas grid goes down, the worlds grid will go down


Mute the sone and just look, the energy comes in and filters into the Crown [Chakra] of the planet 

How do you cleanse your Aura, by having pure intentions and pure thoughts
[we are not talking about lusting after your old school teacher]   


The Rhesus Monkey, what was created and what we call, the Rh Negative, now, one species within our species have the Rh Negative, another species within our species have the Rh Positive, full stop, that’s it [this is why you have to have the Rh-shot] [Rh-o-gam]  

 Now currently there is an organ war going on, Ice-age is looming, ww3 is looming, it will be one long war, many are going to be trapped indefinitely, many are going to die, many will be wounded

The Rh Positive can give blood to any of the sub-division races full stop, the others cannot, commodities are changing places, watch and see, you remember the movie Repo Men

Millions of people today are walking around with transplants from monkeys 

 People are going missing for a reason

 A man-made earthquake took place a number of years ago, 130K were taken out, during that time heavy organ trafficking was taking place said the PM for that disaster zone

Former Pennsylvania Governor had his heart replace [they said heart valve from a pig] what genetics was the heart from, how can Arnold Also Schwarzenegger have a pig’s heart for decades, put that in another species within the human [humin] mantle frame and they die, their body will reject it

You are the Universe and proper breathing techniques will vibrate your body to a level of magnetic electro-magnetic energy that can reach out and touch sumone like AT&T

What is #HU

#Hu is a part of the highest triad triangle with the eye of Re in the centre and the 3 points of the tri-angle represents;

Atum [HaRu] the undifferentiated one, in creation, and a symbol of the full-sun-disk in the morning sun Re

Atun [Asaru] the unique one, in life and the full sun disk at its highest point of the day at 12:00 and 12:01 in the afternoon and a good time to get your vitamins D and B

Amun the hidden one at death, the sun at its last full sun disk before setting and making it through the Underworld or Netherworld called Amun-Ta (Amduat) [Amenti]

The positions of the sun [Re]

Atum [Haru] Hika
Atun [Asar] Huhi
Amun [Hidden one] Sia

In KHMT #HuHi, which is #Hu or #HuWa was the personification or utterance with which the creator PTAH or PaTar or TA was seen as the creator of physical world and guardian host of technology in representation of the TE-KA-NU or TEK-KA-ANNU known as the Ben-Ben [Bennu] stone that the Albino Greeks call it the Obelisk

#Hu is the utterance or tone, the vibration and pulsation of existence and that, which comes to existence within the sacred breath

#Hu is the tone the creator calls things into being, with #HiKa #HeKa and #Sia
#HuHi is one of the creative forces of will that constantly accompanies #R

[Re] is the source of life, the sustainer of life, the provider of sustenance in this world, the Eternal

How does the centrifugal relate to wombman

Woman the centrifugal force of [Hi] affect her body by way of her sexual organ the Pum-Pum, she (pum-pum) is a pushing or receiving force whose effects are shown with the stages of the Moon and how the female-goddess is affected during each of the Moon phases

This pushing force is seen during delivery when she pushes the baby out her Womb as she breathes in and out
As a rule, every 29 Days from the onSet of puberty on a woman is to menstruate for 7 days in order to purge or purify the body of Impurities
This occurs just as the Moon completes its cycle around the earth every 29 days
The female-goddess menstrual cycle follows the cycles of the Moon if she is Intune with Nature with Nature (the physical realm)

Mono [Moon]

Originally woman menstruated in one of the phases of the Moon, which are New Moons, first quarter Moon, Full Moon and last quarter Moon
When the Moon cycle changes this change happens according to the seasons, so does the female goddess menstrual cycle-circle  
This occurs 4 times a year during winter- autumn (Atum), summer and spring and once concept-ion takes place the entire menstrual process stops and results in 9-month pregnancy

Positive and Negative is correctly called Masculine and Femi-Nine in KMT it was called

Humim creative fertility
Man means mind

The Moon will be going because since it was positioned here it has been messing with the 9 ether wombmen, you never had periods before, why would nature do you like that, it is the 6 ethers who have the periods because only primates have periods  

The beauty of Infinity
Grand MaStars

Grand Architect of the Cosmos Hotep translates, peaceful, tranquil, satisfied or I-em-hotep or Imhotep, He who comes in peace

Grand Architect of the Universe Tah [Ta] Earth [Ptah] translates, Opener, One who opens the way, the Grand Master Flash, he put the G into Gaia

 Grand Architect of the Milky Way, Milky comes from Cow, Cosmic Cow [KAU] is A-theer [Athyr] (Hatha-Hathor) Aset way, double bubble

The universe is adjusting her rotation so that she spins [spirals] counter-clockwise which means life [9] the pole positioning that no one knows will be an indication along with you, you will know the affects on your central gravitation 

The Arabic word Malaika translates Angel, appearing in the Qur’an 88 times, the Arabic word Shaitan [Shaytaan] Satan translates Devil, also appearing in the Qur’an 88 times
The Quran states that the number of months prescribed by Allah is 12 months, the Arabic word for month is Shahr
This word Shahr appears in the entire text of the Qur’an a total of 12 times

The Muslims are in KHMT now for a long time after beating the Greeks, Islam is using Ma’AT-Ma’at-ics (mathematics) to complete them

The word Malaika comes from the word Malaa-ikat meaning messengers or rulers 
This is a Burka= Ka, Mecca= Mer-Ka, Kaaba = Ka and Ba, they kept the words, Soul [Baa] and Spirit [Kaa]    

Any word that starts with or ends with Ma [Ba] Ka Ra [Re] Ta Na finds its root back to the KHMT online library  

Mantras and Ka-ntra Kanas and Kasas are KHMT in origin, the Chakra is the same thing, learn about the Prana the Chi, and Sekhem, learn about the Djed Pillar, the Eye of Heru, which is the 3rd Eye Chakra, Ptah represents the Djed Pillar as well the human body stores the Sefech Ba Ra [the seven energy centres of Re] (Chakras)

New-age people say Namaste and we don't bow to no-one, Na-Master [Kneel to your master] you can always tell those who read a Yoga [Riro] Hatha book and now they are Namasted out, ssssSSSh

There's that woman again, lets stop her and break bread with her

How are you, my name is Bowban, Hi my name is Caria, oh Caria means Beloved right, yes it does are you Muslim
[under my breath I'm like h3ll no] No I'm not, but I know things
Do you mind me asking how have you been received wearing heels around here, everyone is looking at you, well Bowban, frankly darling, I don't give a damn, [on my word she called you darling, she likes you shouted the sub-mind] well where should I go, what should I do- I reply, Caria smiles and even though I cannot see her lips, her smile, her eyes light up

I impressed her twice, knowing the meaning of her name and we have both seen Gone with the Wind

The Shaytaan in me wants to take her back to my abode and sacred her down with everything she is wearing including the Burka [but how will you kiss her says the sub-mind] 
I watch the wind blow against her number 8 Kha and the sub-conscious mind watches me watching her and then starts messing with me [you like her and she's halal-says the sub-mind] -making me look at her heels, tights, the thickness of her legs, damn I should've have looked at her number 8
I regain eye contact with Caria and she knows I just scanned her but lets me be

Lets leave here and make sum energy, [I give into the sub-mind], Caria looks into my soul [eyes] and replies, 10-40 
[10-40 means silent run, no light-siren, fight in progress]

We walk away but not too together, without drawing attention but Caria(s) legs have gone viral in the 9mins that we had been talking, we discreetly move in case they try and stone us or her cousin texts her uncles or brothers or cousins and they all turn up

We make the abode, that's all the Malaika wrote...

 Iran before the revolutionist aka man [Islam] 

  Sugar water 
You learned sumthing new today 




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