Sunday, 10 January 2021


New Age

The all-seeing eye of Re

A long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self-exploration, self-gratification, self-expression, prime creator brought energies and essences of life, extension of itsCellsf into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that the creator had

When there existed just one transcended, completely unknown and unknowable divine being, who was exclusively spirit, nothing material about him

 Four of common radius for the eye of Re, atoms arranged in definite pattern, learn about the Atom, attraction

 In eternally past, this divine being generated other divine beings out of himsCellsf, has personification beings out of his own characteristics

 He-r was eternal, and so eternalness itself came into existence has its own divine entity

He thought about himself and so his thought came into existence has a distinct being

He was alive, so life came into being

He was all light, and so light came into existence

He was wise and so wisdom became a divine being

 Sum of the divine beings themselves, in pairs, generated yet other divine beings

Eventually the heavily realm9 [Sirius] was filled with such divine beings

 Prime creator said to these extensions of itself [Sekhem], go out and create and bring all things (experience) back to me (source)

 Right eye of Horus

Double Tetrahedron (know what it looks like)


All this took place before there was any universe, there was only a divine realm, but a cosmic disaster occurred, one fell from the divine realm

 One of the Elyon(s), fell from the divine realm, leading to the generation of a different kind of divine being, one that was not generated from the divine realm but from outside of it

Elyon translates, these beings

 This was shaping an imperfect being, called by different names

 Ultimately, he-r is the creator (God) of the negative race, this Yah-weh did not know that there were others, he had never been to where they had been before, the divine realm, he ignorantly proclaimed he was god, he simply did not know that there were far more superior, supreme gods than him in power and knowledge, these superior beings had dwelled where he had never, the divine realm9 

Yahweh began to generate other imperfect divinities and together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a prison for the Elyon that fell

 HuMin [HuMan] bodies [Kha] were created to house sparks [Sekhem] of the divine being, they do not create the soul [Baa]

 Yahweh translates from Neb [Lord], Yahweh, Elohyeem, Baal, Adonis, Neteru are titles, ranking system, there were many different Yah-weh(s) like 144 [72 positive and 72 negative] of them and the word Anunnaqi translates theses beings

 Sekhem translates Spark of life and is talking about you, your spirit side [energy]  

 This brings us to Ki, this is not the ultimate creation of the divine one, but a lower Neteru

 Ra [Re] is a rank, the highest rank, Re translates creative will, to make (with the suns Rays), Ki is a creative zone, so any-being within the group could come and create and they did

 Sum of these gods are MaStar geneticists and designed various species, sum animals, sum plants and sum created HuMans and HuMins without light

 Conflict arose

 That is why light is information, these entities beam [radiate] out light, and earth became their territory, Ki [earth] is a trap for light and so earth became a territory

 Earth became a certain frequency band; they rearranged the DNA and kept the HuMins broadcasting at a limited frequency band

This frequency feeds them, and keeps them in power, they kept earth at a certain vibrational frequency, while they create e.motion-al turmoil to submerse themselves into

 There are beings who honour life before everything else and there are also beings who do not and do not innerstand their connection to life


The goal is to allow the divine spirit sparks [[Sekhem], that are scattered [Diaspora] around to escape this material world and to become reunited and to return to the realm [Godhead] in whence they came

 Ascension will bring about when you burn the truth, who we are, where you came from, how you got here and how we can return

 Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this knowledge [knowing] cannot come to us through natural means, for example by looking around at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world is the creation of an inferior deity, and there was nothing in it that could tell us what we needed to know to escape it [3D]

 You need to know this, for the cosmic energy is at its capacity levels, the living reality is re-entering and merging with your dimension

 Awakening to your hiStory, you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a HuMin being, but from the point of view of a Supreme Being, they see the collectiveness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realties and connect the whole picture, the whole hiStory

 You hold the hiStory of the universe within your physical body, what is occurring upon the planet is literally the mutation of your physical body, for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point for it will be a computer that can house this information

 The firing of the kodings (cosmic energy from the universe) and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming intense, reason being, the evolving DNA [RNA] DEA which holds the kodes

 You have 12 sets of helix of the DNA in place and those helixes have begun to plug into the 12 Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up into whatever realties that you enter, because you are a member of the light family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer, knower, these and more and is your purpose

 Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original planners penetrate the planets frequency shield [electromagnetic field, dome, magnetic field, van alien belt], they bombard earth, however these codes must have receivers [you] to receive the codes

 We have Protonic energy upon the planet earth, washed by Protonic energy

Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form of light that can manifest physically is Protonic light, this is Atomic [Atum] level

The whole soUlar system would also be going through this high radiant [radiation] belt of light [beams]

 Istal [Meditation] and Muse [Music] is key connect

 The process has already begun, all living things will emit light, it’s in your hands, body, trees rock, all particles are emitting light

 For those that overstand the principles of Metaphysis of light, this matters greatly, light is not sumthing that helps you see, and not just a sensual thing, light is connected spiritually, to spiritual development, en-lighten development, purity, sanctuary, and will move, upgrade, DNA, biology, conscious upgrade, all change, the light body changes

If your partner practices Yoga, Reiki [Riro] and you don't, s-he is already at advancement level, she knows about the light body

 These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create chaos and confusion for sum

 The ultimate tertiary in a society is not control by martial law, it is control of the manipulation of conciseness through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it do not even realise that they are in prison, they do not even realise that there is sumthing outside of where they exist

  Merkaba, chariot of light, chariot of spirit, which is the preferred transportation vehicle of the Supreme Beings and their is called NI.BIRU, the higher order, they can spin vortexes of light, the HuMin body, the frequency of the body can be accelerated, it can be spun into a vortex of energy so that it ultimately manifests its 7-coloured rainbow-light a full body of a spectrum of sone, the perfected HuMin is the HuMin that has transformed themsCellaves into pure light, pure love, and manifests has the rainbow body

 Merkaba is another name for your soular body, light body, the Merkaba allows oneself to travel anywhere, instantly

 The vibratory nature of this solar system is rapidly changing during this completion Kode9 and we now have the poWRA to MerKaBa travel and return to our source [home]

 We are Spiritual Beings, or a Ba [soul] who had the Hu-Min experience and now we must return to source, where all things meet

In the beginning, you were a fragment of the creators’ infinite consciousness that was broken off moments ago, as a soul-ar being, as an in-divide-ual, unit of consciousness

You were given a simple mission, to honour your soul-contract, to go away and experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the universe, and to learn and experience what is one of kind-love, to learn and advance your knowledge and wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the source, after having completed your passage, your Ptah [path] for you are the Opener of the ways

Final resting place of the [Ekur][Akur] Lyra [Lion] aka Sekhem [Aset] the Kat people in Kammu [Khami] the 9 ether Lion, your blood runs through the Lions 

Semktet [evening boat of Re] Sekhmet 
She is one of the energy centres [9] of the Chakra system [13]

Semktet [evening boat of Re] Sekhmet
Energy vortex 

 They came for the Lions the last time and they will come from the Lions once again, however this time you are not alone 

Sekhmet translates The PoWRA-ful, Mighty 

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