Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Hot Commodities

 Wa-Set [Luxor] the town of small windows [soul] 

Bennu [Ben-Ben] to shine, to rise
Called Obelisk by the Albino Greeks from the KHMT root word Bennu
Where those Arabs are standing is the base of the antenna [wi-fi] tower [Bennu], the A’aferti in the background is to scale 

Big Ben was built under supervision by Benjamin [Ben-Yah-Min] Banneker 

Wa-rit Karnak [gate] I don't remember seeing this gate 

Sceptre [El] Hiq  
Gilded gold-plated wood inlaid
Charged with metals [gold-gems]
Wood is a el-ement 

Gold [Nub] is a conductor and holds energies [charges]

Sealed and stamped
All rope knots and sailors knots from KHMT

 Seal of approval 
[not sure whose signet ring this is or who that being is but does have the KHMT crown] 


These are not just sum fancy jewellery accessories, these metals react against the 9-ether skin which contains gold [Nub] minerals, crystals, your body contains plasma
These bracelets and more are also devices, like for example these devices dematerialise matter, and is to why there are [hidden] rooms that where not really [hidden] these beings could walk through the walls that other beings could not

Other devices are in museums and private collections that they cannot utilise because they do not have the right ingredients [DNA] to activate them 

Watch the movie District9 he needed the DNA to use the extra-terrestrial technology

You know the elite owe you one for putting their kind in museums 

These devices protect the being, this is Magi [magical] PoWRA

Dub [Scarab]
Kobra [Uraeus]
Neteru [Soular disc]
Neb [Lord] 

 The original site for Abu Simbel [if that is the real name] was moved, but the original site was cut from one stone area [bedrock], this being a hill, this dome was a formed hill or rock site

The inner chamber in the centre aligns to the same similar formations, for the purpose to enhance the spiritual energies of the milky-way that are cosmically connected throughout all creation

These are not burial sites or tombs, we will use the Sumerian word for House [Iy] pronounced Ee and translates abode, isle, coastland and can be used for the term temple  

This is an online library, the whole area is a frequency 

Uteti [the two eyes of Re] 


The European and Arabs invaded KHMT and the rest followed, and broke into scared sites and stole, robbed these scared places and they dug up dead people and displayed them in museums that they charged money for many to see when there was plenty left out for you to see

These sites all have CCTV and Ra watched you when you broke in

The two eyes of Re [Ra] are all over KHMT and are real cameras and he watched you all the way

Uteti [the two eyes of Re]

KHMT the area went live sum 450,000 years ago, the A.KUR [Sphinx] is over a million years old, the online library went online when the frequency cut-out sum 5,000 to 10,000 years ago 

Birds do not fly, they create an electromagnetic flux

Soular shield [halo] the conscious shield [activated] plasma shield 
All planets will be activated [shield] when they enter the Sirius realm [your heaven] via the trappist system 

Double sphere [BUGA] radiated energies 

Energy flow in the atmosphere (electrons), Blue [life force] Waji (Green) healing heart life force energy, Yellow [Soul] energy coming through the crown of the planet [the centre]

Can you see that cube [square] on the left, this house is sealed 
Turquoise with Blue and on the left is Purple coming from the outside realm [dimension] that yellow curve is the dome, [electromagnetic field], ozone layer, van allen belt, when that belt goes down the Purple energy [radiation] Ultraviolet rays will penetrate the planets core which is made from plasma, this is plasma merging with plasma and is the ether realm aka [Gods] dimension 
NI.BIRU is on the left and behind the sun, NI.BIRU is magnetic   

Read all date in energies, the arrows to the left are being pushed straight back into the planet, this is radiation [energy] that is coming from the universe hitting the planet and going through her and out the left-side and then being reversed straight back into the planet, this is from millions of miles out and then reversed back into the planet, a force stronger than the planets can only do this 

The energies come into the planet [like the graphics above] and stream through the crown of the planet and into you and your chakra system takes what it need, you take what you need, this is not sum fancy light display 

Your DNA is interacting with light [sone] and your Kundalini [serpentine] energy, stay away from the new-age rhetoric

NI.BIRU is the MaStar key and is the MaStar chakra  

There will be positive and negative feelings with how you are feeling right now, to move plasma around do Thai Chi to move the energy around 

If you notice anybody whose body is putting on weight, their joints, fat ankles, fat arms-elbows, if you can rule out Gout, all this and more is because the energy cannot pass through your body and out of your hands and feet because your joints are blocked, those with 3-4kg of undigested meat in their stomachs and more are sealing their own fate, your body must be able to process the plasma

We are under a charging right now which will result in blackouts, volcano+ activity, the usual, sumwhere will be getting it of the charge reaches oh-sh9t mode 

Remember things are happening around the world and you may have been good all this time but know that yours is coming

That was a deep one in Greece
M6 Virgin Islands
M6 x2 Syria 

right across the equator [white is extreme] 

Charged atmosphere and dead fish in [Mexico] 

Tsunami(s) issued, we should be having the same has last year but with horrific outcomes

 We have been in the last three years in the making when the earthquakes start coming inward that is a sign, a sign of what, your turn is coming up, Greece and Italy and the Arabs invaded KHMT and will have to be punished

Everywhere is earmarked for different punishments according to their involvement 

Norway [No-way]

Snow and more snow on the way in places 

 While the world continued on their day to day, little did sum know, they were being watched 

11.2.2012 [9] 
2013 [2021]
Planetary alignment
Earth [Moon] Mercury [Sun] Venus [NI.BIRU] Jupiter [Saturn] Pluto [9]
Moon is nearly in full power mode

The USA had their asses kicked in Vietnam the first time round, the Italians had their asses handed to them when they invaded the NTH gate and the Europeans [mainly the French] had their asses handed to them in Haiti 

Ancestors abandoned you when you abandoned them, you chose to use guns and fought them with the physical rather than your own advanced weaponry, do not make the same mistake this time round
 Voodoo Magi [Magic]

 False teachings meant that we lost all of our ancestral knowledge [energy] and wisdom, Voodoo is the birthstone for manmade religion

 We are connected with the universal force of nature

 The word Voodoo, when the children of the Moors [Muurs] from Europe where enslaved their teachings where taken away from them including Voodoo, Jùjú [Maji] Obeja+ and so on, if they practiced this, they were burned alive, hung or burned at the stake, the Salem witch trails comes to mind, that was all slaves, Moor [and sum were mixed] offspring, the children of Mu, they were practicing their ancestors rituals and were put to death, the Roman [Latin] Catholic church and Christian Church destroyed many Moors, this was the Moors [Mu-Muurs-Moors-Maurs] ancient spiritual science known has Voodoo

 These individuals were doing nothing accept using holistic herbs and natural energies coming from natural plants from this planet to heal themselves and to heal love ones, so instead of the Jesus alternative they were using holistic remedies to remedy love ones and to heal and connect with source and they were using the poWRA of their lineages

Voodoo Ray   

The French term Voodoo comes from the French word, Vaudois, Vaudais and Vaudoux, the word Voodoo does not come from West-Africa, the term Voodoo comes from the French, it is the French Moors that created the French language, when they came to Haiti and the French Moors where enslaved, they were transported to Haiti, they changed their spiritual science to the word Voodoo

 Now what does these terms mean Vaudois, Vaudais and Vaudoux, all three words translates sorcerer and sorcerer is from the root word source

 All that sorcerer means is that you are going to the direct source and the direct source is nature [Neteru] 

Clone Wars

The clones are doing the rounds, they do not have to be your rich and famous, they are your son, partner, wife, they are 40-60 years in front of this planet and what they say they are rolling out, has already be rolled out sum 40+ years ago

The clone doesn’t know it’s the clone and thinks it’s the actual being, they are glitching, look out for former habits because the clone is still a man-made computer, use your intuition

Buying shares in the top 100 companies, investing in Gold, stocks, minted coins is a big YAWN out loud, body parts, sexual favours will be the currency of the day, water and food with be a rare commodity, your body parts will become a commodity, there are millions of people walking around with organs from animals, there are huge monkey breeding facilities in the USA for organs that are but into the 6 ether
Sum clones have machinery and body parts
Orangutans can be treated with 90% HuMan medicines and this means this is how close you are to them, not the other way around because they were here before you  
You cannot put silicone or pigs fat [Botox] in the 9 ether they will die, they cannot but organs into the 6 ethers from the 9 ether because its too powerful for the 6 ether, there is a real push fro organs before the planet reboots, if Arnold Schwarzenegger can walk around with a pigs heart for over 20 years then this is nothing new, what was the donor cards really about
Commercial uses for the organs includes is the radiation [energy] that your organs produce, the atomic bomb is made from aborted foetuses
Organ trafficking is a billion dollar market 

The world's first programmed android was invented in 1773 by SS-witzerland with 6,000 moving parts


2021 Android 
they are already in the 3D world 

Binary sun in Kanada

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