Natron deposits are sumtimes found in saline lake beds
which arose in arid environments, that makes up most of the historical salt
So, we go to the periodic table has found in KHMT, they
are the Alchemist (Chemist) Khemist, KHMT
In western modern mineralogy, the term Natron has come to
mean only the sodium carbonate decahydrate (hydrated soda ash)
The English word Natron is a French cognate derived from
the Spanish Natrón through Latin Natrium and Greek Nitron [Nitrone]
This derives from the Ancient KHMT text [NTRY] Natron
Natron refers to Natron Valley in Tamare in KHMT (Egypt)
from which Natron was mined by the ancients for many reasons
The modern chemical symbol for sodium [Na] is an
abbreviation of that element's New Latin name natrium, which was derived from
Throughout ancient history Natron, has had many practical
applications that continue today in the wide range of modern uses of its
constituent mineral components
Historically Natron was harvested directly as a salt
mixture from dry lake beds in ancient KHMT and has been used for thousands of
years as a cleaning product for both the home and body
Blended with oil, it was an early natural form of soap
It softens water while removing oil and grease
Undiluted, Natron was a cleanser for the teeth and
mouthwash, now you use fluorine (poison) instead of Baking Soda which is
3rd eye treatment, Natron goes into your nervous system via your teeth,
it seeps through, but instead you let the fluorine seep through into you and
calcifies your pineal gland
The mineral was mixed into early antiseptics for wounds
and minor cuts
Natron can be used to dry and preserve fish and meat
It was also an ancient household insecticide and was used
for making leather and as a bleach for clothing
Natron was used when the elite went soular traveling and
when they left to go Sirius, Natron was used to preserved the Kha [body] organs
which were stored in the canopic jars, which are symbolic of Heru [Horus] 4
children, all stored in Natron
The mineral was used during the embalming process, when
the elite where away for extended travel like soular [astral] traveling, the
Kha would be plugged in to the Kha charger called the Neb Ankh and all organs
removed including the brain
Entrusted Anubu would prepare the Kha for storage with
Natron because it absorbs water and behaves as a drying agent
Moreover, when exposed to moisture, the carbonate in Natron increases pH (raises alkalinity), which creates a hostile environment
for bacteria
Natron worked to preserve the mummy in 3 ways;
Dried the moisture in the flesh thereby inhibiting the
growth of bacteria
Degreased, removed moisture-filled fat cells
Served as a microbial disinfectant
Natron, to enhance spiritual safety for both the living
and the dead
Natron was added to castor oil to make a smokeless fuel,
which allowed KHMT artisans to paint elaborate, remarkable artworks inside
ancient Iy and Mir(s) without staining them with soot
The Mir (pyramid) texts describe how Natron pellets were
used as offerings for the Aaferti (pharaoh), [N]
Ceremonies required two different kinds of Natron sourced
from northern (Lower) which is Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, and southern
(Upper) which is the whole North end of Africa, including KHMT (Egypt)
Natron (Nitron) can refer to the original Greek form of
the word Nitre, whence we get Nitrogen to which you have in your system along
with plant receptors for you are a plant based being
Nitrogen is chemical bonding
A finish applied to certain firearms
Nitrogen is a constituent of every major pharmacological
drug class, including antibiotics
Many drugs are mimics or prodrugs of natural
nitrogen-containing signal molecules, for example, the organic nitrates control
blood pressure by metabolizing into nitric oxide
Many notable nitrogen-containing drugs, such as the
natural caffeine and morphine or the synthetic amphetamines, act on receptors
of animal neurotransmitters
Nitrogen,7N, crystal structure, hexagonal shape for
nitrogen, like Bee hives
In modern mineralogy, the term Natron has come to mean
only the sodium carbonate dehydrate (hydrated soda ash) that makes up most of
the historical salt
The English word Natron is a French cognate derived from
the Spanish Natrón through Latin Natrium and Greek νίτρον Nitron
This derives from the Ancient Egyptian word Nṯry [Natron]
Natron refers to Wadi El Natrun or Natron Valley in Egypt
[KHMT], from which Natron was mined by the ancient Khemet [Egyptians] for use during
astral rites
The modern chemical symbol for sodium [Na] is an
abbreviation of that element's New Latin name Natrium, which was derived from Natron
Nitrogen [7N]
Crystal structure
Hexagonal crystal structure for nitrogen
Baking Soda
Is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number seven
The Four SeaSons of Her-U [Heru-Ur]
All messengers had two, three names, your secret name,
your street name and your mainstream name
The afterlife divinities [Genii][Gimel] they had Iy
[house, adobe, isles, coast-lands] and correspond to Amseti, HA.PI, Duamutef and
Amseti or Amsu or Amse translates the procreator [Femi9]
Hapi translates the digger, the senses
Duamutef translates the shaper, He who foresees
Qebehsenuf translates the Purifier of the soul [Ba]
Heru [Haru] Hari and Horus by the Greeks
Heru the Elder
Heru is Osiris [Asaru] and Asaru and Aset and their parents
The children of Heru are also known by other names
As such, they are descendants of the creator, they
represent a quadripartite emanation
We see them on Blue Lotus on which they emerged from the primordial
waters; they are sculpted from Nub [gold], wood and stone Neb Ankh [sarcophaguses,
casket] and amulets
Assimilated to the arms and legs of the deceased or the
four pillars of the sky
The four the hard-way are thus able to carry the
deceased, to bring them to the astral boat and to manufacture for them the
ladder by which they can ascend to the sky
The children of Heru standing on a Lotus
fixed according to a precise order, on the corolla of the
open blue Lotus
Amseti (humin headed), Hapi [HA.PI] [HO.PI] (head of a baboon), Duamutef
(head of a dog) and Qebehsenuf (head of a falcon)
Aset, Tehuti, Anubu and Heru
At the dawn of time, in which four energies impregnate
the primordial Lotus floating on the abyssal waters of the Nun [Nu] Nut, the Lotus from which will emerge the soular child, and thus creation
It is an Ogdoad [Nomos] of 8 creatures, there were four
pairs, one pair for each of the genetic changes
All laboratory experiments dealing with genes, the total
changes appear every 4th generations
KHMT creates the Choice [Aaferti]
The four pairs [8] are Nun and Nunet [Heh and Hehet] Kek
and Keket [Amun and Amunet- whose secret name is Niu [Net] [Nut] and Niut
The four were divided, two stayed with their father which
means they were assigned for eternity, so that the country will be prosperous,
and so that the turmoil be quenched [Book of the Dead]
So they have a geographical connotation with regard to
the whole area where the dismembered body of Osiris had been scattered, and are
therefore connected to the reunification, the reconstitution, resurrection of
This is the reason that they are also connected with the Wadjet
[Udjat] eye, the symbol of the complete and final reconstitution of the Neteru
[god] Osiris, and who regained his life; but also with Heru, whose physical
integrity had been achieved by the loss of his eye
All the higher beings are standing or sitting on the seat
[dais] of consciousness which is the cube of 720o
The Lotus and all vegetation come from Osiris [Asaru] and
the inundation of the Nile river from which all plant life stems, death and resurrection
The waves on the Lotus are waves, charged water
[currenSea] electron
Hati [Haty] your physical heart] Ib [Ab] is your holographic [spiritual]
heart = the internal organ of the heart in the hollow of the body that forms
that which the KHMT called the Shen, and which would correspond in the
modern terminology to the stomach and to the thorax
The Ib nearly fills it completely, you have a separate
brain in the stomach
The role of the four energies of Heru are involved in the
reconstitution of the interior Ib
Aspects of anatomical practice
During the mummification for when they left the planet
full stop, all the organs are extracted and the brain
The Book of the Dead gives their specific roles of each in the holographic world, the four are bounded to the unseen world
As a child, Heru is the infant child
Side-lock called the Infinity-lock, he is depicted with
this thumb or finger by his lip and this is a symbol that means the inner-consciousness,
the innocent roaming
You are the Heru [Her0]
This information represents lower and upper KHMT [Egypt]
and the galactic information is that this is a Ghoul [Goa-ual] Nomos bloodline
and also the Bird represents the ancients
Most of the A’aferti (Pharaoh) descend from the Ghouls [Nommos] bloodline and goes all the way back to the Neter Amsu [Min] whose names
translates [holder of the mystery] on Ki
This is the headdress of a Kobra and at the back you will
see the Kobras tail or braid and is a representation of the Nomos [Ghoul]
There are different braids and is not to be confused with the infinity braid
or the Mother NIN.TI braid, the braid over the right ear is for the wombmen,
the Ghoul warrior braid comes out of the top of the head [crown] and represents
the Kobra tail and Ghoul [Nomos] bloodline
Ptah also designed a special helmet to protect him and
others from the telepathic onslaught from other beings, his Blue helmet
protected him from advanced being who used thoughts to create and destroy and
to control your mind
Spanish for brain is cerebro [cerebrum] and Ptah helmet
is a machine used to amplify his thoughts, his telepathic abilities to observe
sum beings’ thoughts and all HuMin thoughts in the world
And he could use cerebrum to locate any being in the world or Yahweh but not on their warriors so that other system laws couldn’t use them
to control them
Path [Ptah]
Ra was a keen planer and had a real in-sight
into the HuMin psy-che Psy = soul Che = Chi] than the other Yahweh(s) and is the reason his
closet counsels where children [innocent roaming, inner consciousness]
Ra did not tolerate failure, he also made sure that the
Ki children couldn’t rebel, Ra was a ruthless leader because he cared
The Ghouls interbreed with the HuMins which resulted in
more organ [brain] capacity, higher senses and sum of the Ghouls knowledge
Ra would come through the star-gate to check on his
projects to which he left Ptah in charge of and the Pharaohs where all Ghoul
The Ghouls mixed with the Afar tribes hence the word A’aferti A-Afar-ti] there was a great
rebellion against Ra and Ra destroyed them which ended the Ghoul reign on Ki
[earth] but the seed remained throughout the 9 ether wombman which expanded
over 2000 light years with the centre being Sahu [Orions belt] Septet, so the
Ghoul practices continued and mating and beings came and went through the
Ra did not wipe out the 9 ether wombmen has many also had HuMin
avatars and could pass has HuMin
Ra wanted the star-gate to be buried and did so for 4,433
years until 1928, the gate stayed in an Egyptian warehouse until 1938 and in
1939 the USA didn’t want Hitler getting his hands on the gate, so they moved
the gate by ship to America but the ship crashed off [they sunk it because no one can use it but Ra for he has all the codes] off the shores of New
Jersey and keep in mind the canopic jars that Aset and Asaru were in was also
on this ship
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