Whoever controls the skies controls the planet
This image is mirrored and tells another story
The Colour harmony
You see that beam
that beam and these images are showing the same thing
Crown activation [shield]
again showing the same thing
The sun is releasing soular energy that works positivity and negatively, these are chakra energies [codes] radiation that you absorb through your pineal gland and your soular panels aka your huMin [huMan] eyes, the sun is not the same in the four corners of this planet
Energy is penetrating this planet and you
full white spectrum that holds all frequencies
Snow falls around the world, Northern hemisphere is going
back under its ice-age and is sum of this snow to combat against the planet
heating up- is it real snow, fire is coming from the ground
earthquakes are occurring
sink-holes [vents]
Grid failure in Pakistan
Lights out at the Vatican
Mobile generators in Washington DC with powerhouse run by
Europe, the separate state from the USA and is run by London
Multiple black-outs around the world
Once these two financial hubs go down, they will abandon ship
EMP [worldwide blackout]
That plane fell 10,000ft in 60seconds, do you know how
fast that is, the field was open and BOOM that plane went through and the plane
was cut-out,
We are already in darkness
Image from Madrid, sumthing on the left and right side
Plasma poWRA
The field buckles from the pressure of energy
Where the arrows are coming from on the left and are being pushed straight back into the planet, who is on the left
When you see the sink-holes think of them has vents, and
the Egyptian [Muslim] army going off to fight CV, look again at their weaponry
and the Israelis, the war that is to come
The Annunaqi modified mercenaries are on the ground, the
sheer numbers of meteorites [asteroids] means that many shuttle capsules
containing tech, equipment, logistics and personnel have reached the surface of
this planet, there is ancient weaponry, machines buried along with sites that
will be used by the Galactic Federation and Allies and Alliance
Rising higher and higher to heaven [Sirius]
Soular Disc
Ka-Maat-ic waves, all the same symbols, pay attention
We have had another CME event with plenty of data [4hrs+]
missing or deleted from their websites, coronal mass ejection is soul-ar energy
[radiation] and is absorbed by those who have 6-electrons, 6-neutrons and
6-protons 666 [999] merge 6 and 9 = 8 and a soul [Baa] for this is a soular
system, called a flare of flash by western scientists but is a stream of energy
from the sun and that is called soul-ar energy, you have condensed sun-light or
sun-rays in your skin called melanin by the Greeks and KAA.NU by the online
library called KHMT
You are made from the sol [soul] sun and are being
energised by the sun for this is your soular-poWRA
You have the same KAA.NU in your hair and eyes, in your
body, the very ingredient [ether] in the universe and they respond to the code
This is called soul to soul, from one sol to another sol
The sun is the sustain-er of all life
None of their man-made machines are recording the real
data either because their man-made machine cannot or simply because they don’t
want you to see wtf is really going on out there, it says 55hz at the moment
Pressure is building by the rear of the planet and she is
being hit every 1hr 20mins, who is doing that, every 1 hour and 20 minutes- who
is doing that, you should be worried, tin hats and lead or 27,000 miles deep
concrete structures cannot save you from the energy [radiation] and the word
radiate means to figure, to mould to image and is being used by the higher
beings and you, this is supreme poWRA
The gamma radiation is coming from the galactic centre
because we are traveling at a cylinder pattern
The planet is being hit by plasma, plasma is in your
blood, its in you and makes up the core [sphere] of the planet
Red and Blue makes Purple
Khaybet [Khay-be-t]
Beryllium atom, appearing [4] on the Periodic table, has
an atomic number of four on the sum of thing
Yet, on the un-sum of nothing its – 4 ether as opposed to
matter 4
The element is identified by the initials [Be]
Soup Kitchen
Geb, symbolic of earth [the body], and Nut, symbolic of
the sky [the mind], she begot Asaru, symbolic of vegetation, Aset, symbolic of
red blood cells, corpuscles, Sut-ukh symbolic of ignorance, and Nebthoot,
symbolic of white corpuscles
These two Asaru and Aset begot Heru, symbolic of the sun
in the sky
Also, this Asaru and the wife of Sutukh, Nebhoot gave
birth to Anubu, symbolic of death
This copulation is what bred the jealousy that caused the
death of Asaru by Sutukh
Breath, called Prana, called Hayah, and is simply wind or
Rawuh [Roakh = Roo-akh = Akh, this is the etheric you] as in Ruh which in time
becomes inscribed by theologians and philosophers as spirits from spiritos,
which is wind or breeze, air is wind and breath and that is life
Spiritos or Sprites from the word Spirit which is intelligent
Kaa translates body double
Sub-atomic means beneath Atum, the KHMT son of Nun and
his female counterpart Nunet
Ether is any a class of organic compounds in which two
hydro-carbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom, from middle English, upper
air from Latin aether, Greek aither, note that ether is identified with oxygen,
one of the principles in breathing
Ether sits in carbon
Plasma from plassein, image, figure, to mould, where
energies and gases are moulded into images called Etherians
To the religious community, spiritual or angelic beings,
it is all energy, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons and those forces which
make them up
The strong nuclear force binds Quarks together to make
protons and neutrons
Without it, there would be no atoms [cells] and universe
[body] world be a Quark fog [spirit]
Strong nuclear forces holds Quarks together to make
protons and neutrons [red and white blood corpuscles]
The planet is a neutron sphere
When protons and neutrons didn’t exist, the universe was
a soup Quarks [souls]
The strong forces carried by particles of the physicist
called Gluons, because they act like the most perfect i-magi-nable glue
The 7-siStars are with us right now, the seven siStars of
A-theer [Athyr] Ha-thor
Kiymah [Kee-Ma] Ki [Ma’at] One who cover-up, the
seven-star constellation of Pleiades
Kesiyl [Ke-Seel], fool, stupid fellow; also the name for
the star constellation Orion
Sah [Sahu] SA.HU [Orion]
Supdet [Septet], Sibtu [SIB.TU] that which shares the
18th and 19th galaxies, the link between the two
You call her Sirius and whom the Greeks also call Sothis,
having two satellites [moons] and he-r siStar system Mirzam
Seven is heaven, we are on the cusp of the
[siStar-godhead] the heaven [haven] realm and travelling through the trappist
system, she is cleansing the planet, the soul-ar system, the universe, the
galaxy and you down before you can enter her king-dome
The universe is Omega [Femi9] and we are in he-r realm
Th element used in the formation of stars and the most
abundant and simplest gas in the universe in one of the many fuels of the
stars, the light of the heaven [haven] Sirius and the Earth [Ki]
All elements and substances in existence came through
hydrogen to this side of matter [NWN] from antimatter [NWNT]
In the stellar cores, hydrogen is converted into helium
and other heavier elements
So it is, with ether [1] you have energy darkness into
ether [2] you have subatomic energy
At ether [7] you have spirit [Kaa]
At ether [8] you have soul [Baa]
At ether [9] you have [God]
For 90% of hydrogen’s life-time, this is the main
activity of a star as a HuMin to reproduce its kind
This period of burning hydrogen at a consistent rate
designates it as a Main Sequence Star, a light star, a light sun, and is the
ether state
There is a dark star, a dark sun, the Black [KAA.NU] Sun
Kundalini [Shiva - Chi-va and [Shakti - Ch-ak-ra] Chakra, the energy of the divine balance between energies
Are you dreaming, of what, where are you, who are you
with, how do you feel, what kind of journey are you on, do you know where you’re
going, do you know where you are coming from
How comes the Aboriginals are depicting the seven-siStars
and they are over there and the Dogon are over here, wake up Neo your dreaming
Draumr [Dream] [Visions] i-Magi-nary events seen while
Wandjina [Dreamworld] Dreamtime
The Astral [parallel] spirit worlds [realms] dimensions
are places where all things meet
The unseen [seen], the involuntary [voluntary]
You have seven smaller eyes by your minds-eye that allows
you to see seven dimensions at the same time, its 9 in total
One of six found in Aztlan [USA] that they were buried
back immediately after taking images and analysing the ancient technology, covered
in Sanskrit and Hieroglyphs and Sumerian symbols, fusion reactors
On LAHMU [Mars], and the image has been dubbed all over it but you can still see the shape and outline
The craft looks sumthing like this
Fight the right revolution this time
In their Bible the words Chosen People is mentioned over
2,500 times and yet the word Jew isn’t even in their title or anywhere in their
Bible full stop, Israel is where they say is their land yet the highest rate of
cancer in the world is in Israel, that means the Sun [Re] doesn’t even like
them and Re is the sustainer of all life
Poland is where they are from, this is where the poles
used to be and is returning, pure ice, the Jews are the nomads of this planet for
they have no land
Over 600,000 of their kind was murdered by their own kind
and not the 6,000,000 that they wanted to promote to gain sympathy for their
fictional stories in their Bible, they had to create those camps to match the
suffering of the people in their Bible and take it away from those who were in Diaspora
and yet that was in the last 100 years and their Bible is from 2,000 years,
this doesn’t make sense
This is not our battle and you are to step down from this
field, they don’t even follow the Jesus rhetoric but yet you do
This is their war not yours, they are fighting for the right to be on this planet and you are fighting for your planet and the right to exist on your planet
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