Friday, 15 January 2021

the Great Escape

Think first before you do things, engage with yourself before you make decisions, you are not like the 6-ether for you have the Kobra on your Crown [Purple] why because the Kobra represents thinking, your pineal gland, you are not European, Caucasian so don’t think like him

The Bird on the Crown also represents the 3rd eye, take flight
Coming into self-realisation will make you frustrated but you must put that to the side because time is pressing on, detach from this 3D and all the people that are in the 3D, remember we don’t have to be here in their system, we can leave
It’s a beautiful time to be alive in, to be witness to the Great Escape, Star family are in the skies, on and in the ground, there are 10’s of thousands of ships above us and in the dimensions that are merging, dare I say millions of ships in this dimension and the ones merging
Around 6am this morning I saw a cloud [craft] pacing across the sky, so I focused in and the cloud slowed down, I said [thoth] you’re from the Annunaqi, the Federation, Alliance, Allies aren’t you, if you are, give me a signal, the front part of the cloud flashed in a mild purple, I said I saw that, I saw that and the cloud continued and shape shifted along the way until the cloud dissipated

Your man Trump has less than 160hrs left in office, that is less than a week before the belly of the beast is unmanned

Sumone posted China is at War or we are at war with China
China already own more than $21billion in infrastructure that includes ports in the USA  
China and Russia are less than 10 miles away from the belly of the beast and the 6 ether European Americans will be fu9ked by their own people, China already owns your dry ass, you'd best make friends with the 9 ethers who will be leaving the USA that you are fighting for because where else will you go, the very people you have murdered, raped and denigrated, you will need them 

Eagle [USA] Dog [Europe] Bear [Russia] Lion [Africa] China [Dragon] India [Korba]

I posted this yesterday, I watched an upload and this guy had a huge Tri-Angle ship with seven smaller ones beside the main craft and was very low to the ground

None of the huge crafts including NI.BIRU are travelling alone, none of them and most, if not al are being manned by Fe-Males, Wombmen are at the controls of all these huge crafts

When you see these crafts always check the areas, and the ancient areas

Your Pedo's also use these routes to ferry children between their homes 

This craft is showing just the hull part of the craft, there is an outer disc above the one you can see, the footage shows the true extension of this vessel that is 20 miles wide, this is only the centre of this craft and you can see the pattern in the middle of the electromagnetic turbine [device] and would look sumthing like this [just the turbine] 

And is the same device that is used to create hail-stones, hurricanes, tornados and all comes from ships, remember you are in a dome and everything is being controlled the most-high, the most-highest of frequencies

You’ve seen many [hole-punched] crafts just sitting there, scanning

Here they changed the format of the craft in the video and you can see the [blades] of the electromagnetic turbine and in the footage the wind is blowing coming from the craft above 

We are being watched in every 24hr cycles, they are so big they can download instantly and are scanning in AU.RA and listening, observing you all the while in entire cities, states, one craft over the USA was the size of Texas and there were three of them

 You are connected to sumthing so supreme that there are no English words to convey this, especially to the 9 ether wombman, you are connected to source full stop, this type of craft, planetary body isn’t even in this atmosphere [dimension] but the crafts pole is interacting with ours magnetically [electro]

Its Alkebulans [Africans] at captains’ log, not Jesus or Allah or Muhammad, there is a guy on fb who posts words like, Jesus is coming and we look at images like this and you cannot merge the two, one is 2,000 years ago and one is a day ago, be true to yourself for once in your sh9t life

The lie is going to hurt billions of people and that you have murdered the real [God] since you got here, we don’t have a [God] you do

 Many are hoping for a major disaster so that the truth will not surface, it will not play out that way, Amun is the Hidden and all that is Hidden is going to be revealed before this Wendy House is completely destroyed 

Do not accept MF who are pretending to be from source, they will appear in your leaders of this 3D world, they are not your kind at all, these are the negative lizards, its their last stand for they have no planet to go to next and this planet is not their planet either

 The 9 ether is created in their likeness, remember that when they reveal themselves to you

 Watch David Icke [negative lizard] in an interview with Arizona Wilder formerly Jenifer Greene who is dead now, listen to what she says, she works for the Ashtar Command but what she talks about got her killed, however listen to what she is talking about

There are holographic, animal, nature, shaped crafts in the skies 

Van Allen belt, electromagnetic field, dome, toroidal field and magnetic field are all the same thing

This planet was left under surveillance when the dome went up and now that this planet has docked the higher beings that were watching this planet are home also and the ones who stayed home are waiting for you, they see you now, they see the state of you and the state of Ki [earth] and they are talking about us and Ki, they are real pissed at the moment with what the other defectors have done to you and this planet

 There is no need to feel sorry or beat ones self-up about what has taken place, now is not the time, do not use the European love and your emotions, this is the time to be at your strongest for now you know there is an alternative, you are armed with knowledge of self and this alone makes you stand out from the others

Nature [Metu Netu]MTR NTR is not cruel at all, the hardest thing for a mother to do is let go of her children but if she doesn’t do this the child will not evolve, the 6 ether is still going to the place that the 9 ether is going, we are all going to the same place but there will be concessions along the way

 Mother wants you to take flight and the only way to get you off on your travels is to set you free

Your Baa is taking flight [activation] but your physical body has let go

Showtime is on the horizon

The colour white or bright emits all colours from the chakra system 

Can you see that 

The Moon and friend 

East coast [USA]



Ice crystals when the planet is baking hot in the atmosphere, that doesn't make sense, 
these are light particles 

Look at those crafts over Hong Kong [China] tic toc 

Pink-red canal 


Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA]
NRG is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE
which is a part of the 3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]
9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

You are being changed on a molecule level, both the 6 and 9 ether for different reasons
watch your diet 
The air is thinning out 

Many people are going to die, have an open mind, you will always have the connection but its the attachment that binds you, you have to let people go so they can continue onto their Ptah-way, yours is coming soon, don't be selfish, let them go or you will keep them here in the 3D  

Look at the arrows on the left of the sun, in a wall, not going nowhere, this is a place where NI.BIRU waits and watches, all energy [radiation] is being pushed straight back into the planet on a 24hr basis 

Earthquakes are the planets chakra system and the releasing of energy
All those underground cities, bunkers must look like Syria today
Pressure makes you mad, frustrated, crazy, chaotic and out of chaos comes order, balance, its the only way to get you up out of here, ride the wave, fight the right r-evol-ution this time   

The soular disc [sun] on mans graphics and models show that the sun has been blank in the disc for 12 days [this is according to their models and we know that there are main ships up there that are triggering the soular streams that we have received]

There will be an increase in AU.RA [Aurora] coming up by way of patterns, what we had in the last week and week before is returning and will be increased and here in the next 48-72hrs

You must be prepare for worldwide black-out [EMP] 

This is why I'm posting a lot because we will be saying goodbye, for the power will cut-out real soon 

When you read solar wind or flare or flash or CME that is soul-ar energy [radiation] you are made from the sun and therefore this is energy for you, those who are not from the sun need to buckle up

Right on cue
That was a reSet or a reboot
The planet is accelerating
The right hemisphere went around 2:30am and around 20mins later the left hemisphere of my crown also went, downloading is at full capacity, the streaming is so fast 

Incoming [16.1.2021] 2012 [2013]
NI.BIRU is right behind this planet and the Universal codes are in front of this planet which equals 100% pressure  

I don’t follow him, it’s the footages from the public that is of interest, Rap the News talks too much
When the other viewer shows the blue light, when he spanned to the other side you can see the red sky, red and blue gives you purple and that is energy of the most-highest beings, the NTH dimension, it’s the crown chakra energy, gamma radiation is breaking down anything that is not natural to this planet 

Star family are showing themselves in places

We have to go to source and we have to activate, they are not going to do this for you, they don not need to come down here and sort out your room, they can do that from a distance, remember NI.BIRU and the Ekur complex share the same numbers, traveling light speed and the coordinates and this means at the flick of a wrist they can change the settings, that is too easy plus this is a learning zone and there are many lessons to be taught before this simulation is deleted and replace

You have to take down what was installed into you by the 6 ether, you cannot have old programmable settings with the new windows program

Lake Victoria is now poisoned, this is where France was importing their water from and makes you wonder where Evan really came from as in the tap 
There is a method to this madness 
This is not a dress rehearsal 

When you see certain buildings going down you do not know what other purposes they serve including hospitals, nature is not playing with you, this [year] is 16 days old and will increase in destructions, she has given you enough warnings, NI.BIRU will amp up the charges [codes] 
Earthquakes, volcanos, land moving, sink-holes, adverse weather, Booms, you name it is normal but sumthing more is incoming
Washington DC is run by the UK and is the powerhouse of the USA, when DC crashes that means the slavery financial hub is over, tic toc the body is going to roc 

There are so many crafts guarding the portal
Scout crafts in toe 

Sustainer of all organic life 

Keep your shield [crown] up
watch what you are feeding the soul, mind and body, keep your tri-system functioning 

The eye of Alkebulan [Africa], a giant who once roamed the planet 

HA.PI [HO.PI] incarnation AA 

I still think about you my true IN.ANNA [Beloved]

The Aaferti [pharaohs] plagues are on the horizon
Osiris [Oser] Asaru [A-sar-u] Sar [Sars] 
This is the point of no return 
Thy Staff and Rod, they protect me 

Sabbatical Order 

the seen and unseen, the voluntary and involuntary 

Because we are confident in the V-ictory of Good over E-V-il 

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Smiling Faces

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