Evol-ve for this story is being told
The planet is receiving pure undiluted energies [radiation] and the dome [electromagnetic field] magnetic field, ozone layer, van-allen-belt which are all the same thing is the only shield that is protecting all life, its a thin line between Lov9 and Hate but the two must merge for we are in reSet mode
There is a difference between natural radiation and
artificial radiation, natural radiation is energy and inside the energy are codes
and artificial radiation is designed to disrupt these codes that are coming from sources like
the sun and NI.BIRU and the Galactic centre that is touching the centre of the Kosmos and that is Ki
There was a period on this planet that we were able to
withstand 100 times the natural radiation that we are receiving today, if there
is a five-g tower near you, you are going to have to bring that sh9t down, the
tower is going to fry you and those around you from the old to the young from
the inside out, slowly but rapidly
The chemical dispensing is to hide the crafts and
planetary bodies that litter the skyline and to defer the codes that are coming in, but man is no match for beings on the 9th dimension
The Aunnnaki [Annunaqi] Annunagi [Nibiruians] and the
Draconian [Albino Reptilians] go toe to toe, sum footage a while back, shows sum of the
Draconian crafts fleeing the moon, the activation of your space-force means
nothing really to the Annunaqi and the likes because they are hundreds of light
years in front with technology
All Musk and the likes are doing is tracking the
movements of NI.BIRU who is that ever bit closer, hence the Draconian are
fleeing the moon, there is a double moon up there in sum places around the world
Credo has passed and is an ZU.LU [Zulu] South Africa
[AB.ZU] Abzu elder, he was an guardian [RIZQ] and when he passed the Nibiruians
would return and they have to this planet, they are on the ground and in the
Meteorites, asteroids, many are camouflaged shuttle, pod crafts containing personnel, logistics, tech, equipment, when they break the sone barrier upon entry into this system you hear them, just before they reach the surface they cloak and that is all she wrote, if they were all rocks why don't we see these rocks, no one is taking any pictures of rocks because there are none
They faked the moon landings because the reptilians [negative and disagreeable ones], the
Draco’s were inhabiting the satellite aka the moon, NSA went 9 years before
NASA, the NSA informed NASA who then faked the landing with Stanley on
A war broke out on LAH.MU [Lahmu] aka Mu-urs [Moors] Mars
[Lahmu] and Lahmu is in front of us and what takes place on Lahmu happens here
on Ki]
Before HuMins where created on Ki, they were being
created on Lahmu, conflict arose between the positive and agreeable over us, they
nuked the planet and forced many to go underground on Lahmu
EN.KI [INKI] and EN.LIL were the cause of the conflict
and it is EN.LIL who nuked Lahmu
Sum left Lahmu and came to Ki and created their avatars
Sum of the Annunaqi ANU sent from NI.BIRU [heaven] to come
to Ki and when they came to Ki sum where made into another group called the Neteru, there were others, they were Mighty Men, they were giants
Your are giant, ask an Ant
Sum had locks and that is why Hollywood features them in
their movie Predator and even the predators craft is accurate
The Anunnaqi bred with sum of their lineages and that
offspring became the Nephilian and the Nephilian slept with the daughters of
men, who those daughters of men are the Dogon wombman, there are no other races
on the planet at that time, Zeus and Jacob had not started the Albino races
yet, the Nephilian were the children of the titans and the HuMins today many
are the grand children of the Titans the Tinans are part of the Annunaqi which means
these beings, which are a branch or group within a group that come, they are a
group who are an event or a group of beings (these beings Elohim)
The atomic [nuclear] bomb nearly wiped the planet and all
life out last time and it will be the atomic weapon that will have the last say
for both sides have the bomb
There was a treaty, an intergalactic treaty between the
Annunaqi and the Draconian which has been broken, many artificial nuclear sites
have already been deactivated on this planet
Fleets are over the planet, be mindful of project
Bluebeam because sum of these footages show a huge amount of crafts [lights] in
the sky and my thing is they have been assembling since 2012 and are not here
for entertainment, they are here to calibrate this planet and would not spend
endless time just sitting there, there is much work to do, why would over
72,000 crafts and over 300 war planets be sitting in and out of this dimension,
why would NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara and the other planetary systems also be
present in the skyline, this is not an invasion but a reintroduction
All that needs to be destroyed has already been scanned
and mapped out, they are precision planning and number 9 in completion, meaning
there is no room for error, they do not make mistakes
The Draconian and offspring are going to be annihilated
[disintegrated] they showed us last year when they disintegrated their
The Draconian can also get in their crafts under project
Bluebeam and cause a staged invasion and make the world think that it’s the
positive and agreeable when it is them, why, because they don’t need you no
more and take-out cities or move people [DEW] which is what they did with
California and Australia and with the Amazon
If the Albino cannot have the planet why can anyone else,
if we cannot reside on the surface of the planet and have rulership then why
should anyone else, that is their Die-Hard attitude, but no one is listening on
those on this planet in their matrix, they have already been to see the King in
the North the reptilian commander Putin, they have already had discussions and
we are at advance action, which is fu9k you, you are going to die
The higher beings are patient and are in the sky [ska]
but this cycle has cut-off points
You see the planet; she is one of a few in the entire cosmos
that is able to sustain such complex organisms and she is the apple of her
daddies’ eye and she will not be compromised
The inter-dimensional gates opened in 2012 and here we are
once again 2021 [2012] and these inter-dimensional gates are once again, wide
2000 = they purchase 10 years in their time machine which
is 10mins with [9/11] and now the 10-year loop has looped back on itself and
that is it, its over, no more looping
When the 9 ethers come together, they accumulate what you
call Ka’A NRG and that is why you are on lockdown, come together [to gather] they
become a cell and cause a pandemic and they know this, if your powers that used
to be wanted to they could just start killing the 9 ether but at this stage to
kill one amplifies the others and quickens the rest
The energy in the rays of the sun, in the pulses of
NI.BIRU and strengthen by the universe, we become a conduit between the 9
ethers and the planet, two-way into three-way, all harnessing the same thought
process, the same Kaa energy
The Ka-systems and the Chakra system was installed into
you the 9 ether and you have to make use of this poWRA for its within you so
that you are never without, you will have the ability to break this cycle
[physical] once and for all, do not caught up with mainstream themes, stay
connected to the server Sigu (Tolo) Septet [Sirius]
Sudan [Nubia] check the height
Same image
You have the heavenly host, you have the Elohyeem, the
Serapheem [Cherubeem], the Nephileems, the Ghibbore, all of these are terms of
beings that were supernatural, and are recorded as gods, angles, or mighty men
Elohyeem [These Beings]
Serapheem-Cherubeem [those who are near]
Ghibbore, Gibboreem [Mighty Ones, Giants]
Nephilian [to fall down]
Goliath [Albinos]
All these are beings are from the same group of beings
that came here
Neter [Supreme Being, Guardian]
Neteru [Supreme]
Netert [Supreme Being, Female guardian]
Ntchr [Neter]
Ntchru [Neteru]
Nature [NTR]
This group are individual, in-divide-ual, but are still
part of a group, part of the Ether, the personification of the
deities-spirits-nature of the elite called the Neteru, the highest ranking
amongst the [Gods], whole, they represent principles, and its level is 9D
Ether is what many call the Matrix; it is with form and
is without form
Ntchr [Dark-Matter] Ether [Melanin] KAANU [Matter]
The Ntchr is the [All], everything that the HuMins mind
can conceive is part of the Ntchr, and everything that is incomprehensible,
invisible, and even inconceivable is also part of the Ntchr
The Ntchr is in plants, the air, the mountains, the
cosmos, the volcanos, the smallest microorganisms, the water, her heartbeat,
the thought and even your dreams
The Ntchr is all time and space and yet not yet existing
in time and space, this is also an aspect of the Divine Dichotomy
It is the infinite All or the infinite One, the Ntchr is
nameless, hidden, formless, indefinableness, infinite Konsciousness, a
self-existence, self-perpetuating force that created energy
Its self-intelligent
It is intangible and yet it breathes it life in all of
us, again it is pure Konsciousness; it is intelligence underlying and
supporting all matter and all existence
The Ntchr is the parents- Father and Mother of existence,
the Ntchr is eternal; infinite and endures forever
The Ntchr cannot be understood in its totality for its
very essence is unknowable to HuMins and HuMans in this physical form
The Ntchr is everything and everything is part of the
The [Creation] of the Universe is mental, held in the
mind of the All [Collective Consciousness], the greater intelligence, the
Ntchr, the Ntchr is spirit and is in their 9 ether avatars
And the Nephilian slept with the daughters of men [the
Dogon wombmen] and you are the giants of this planet
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] these beings
Elohyeem [these beings]
Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beem] those who are near [SerapheĆm]
Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Gob-bo-reem] Mighty Ones, Giants
Nephilian [to fall down] fell in frequency [7.89hz]
Whose getting a foot massage
Why are these stargates around the world so tall
Kim Jong Il, there was seven giants in attendance, you can see one in-front of the soldier
The Dinka people of Sudan are tall in Alkebulan and maybe the tallest that we know of
They are still here, different heights and sum of the others have returned
He's under water using a breathing apparatus
That is the symbol of Ishtar [INANNA] at the front of that car
Everything on this planet comes from a source
Those are tree trunks
The US have rolled into Syria, Syria [Lyra] is part of Mesopotamia which is Annunaqi holdings, one of the three stargate is there and will be used for the elite to come through, the war begins and ends in Syria for the gate, the Annunaqi will use the gate to bring down their kind, all involved will go to war
Electromagnetic tribune is producing this cloud effect from the base of the craft
Mars Muurs [Moors] LAH.MU is an exotic version of KHMT
The signal is stabilising
The resonating frequencies are being omitted
the 22nd saw a strike every hour on the hour, this month Napthali is far from over, it is still 2012 [2013] until April
The Khayebt [Plasma] event is on the horizon, the east coast is a hot spot, a lot of people are going to die from this current
This is a holographic reality
The radiation [energy] is on the planet, Cancer is rife among people, call it CV, Flu, its radiation and just means the people who cannot take the radiation [energies] and means you are low vibrational, this does not means your crazy or evil, 6 and 9 ether will both be in that bracket
You have seen the colours in the ska [sky]
This is a civilisation destroyer
Virginia has loads of bases in the USA because the energy field is lower and is a good spot, we only keep an eye on the belly of the beast because that is where the negative and disagreeable reptilians have their HQ as in NY
Atlanta which is the capital of Aztlan [Atlantis] will become a beach, look at the purposed map of what will happen once the event sets in motion
Mississippi will split wide open for Aztlan is rising and Lemuria is coming up by the Hawaiian islands
Plasma attracts, so if your in cities, near electricity [static], metal, the plasma attracts so watch your mind
Mississippi Burning [can you hear the dead, they are talking to you has they are also being raised up]
You cannot hide from the plasma
All energies operate by Law [Maat]
You will be where you are supposed to be
Purple [Red and Blue] the NTH dimension
This is a electromagnetic plasma event [hence two suns in the sky]
NI.BIRU is a the magnetic-sun, and Re is the electrical-sun
Don't be wearing sun-glasses [Ray-ban]
Vibrate on the 5D and watch the synchronicity flow with you
Stay in-touch will your extra-terrestrial family
Tension is mounting and they has per-usual are reducing the M+ figures
South America is getting it hard, the locusts have
entered Brazil, the locusts are here to eat the genetic food, so that you
M+ are still hitting the planet [remember they will be
downgrading the quake] sum of the damage indicates M7+ [there is always a
sister strike sumwhere and may contain in 3’s]
Re is letting off nearly daily
When sumone transitions, this is sunrise [born] and sunset [died]
Nucleus is made up of Protons and Neutrons;
P= Positive and N=Negative
Which are simply souls [Ba] and spirits [Ka]
Scientists can never admit this
Sum of us are old souls with old eyes
-and have been here for a long time
Masculine and Feminine, there is duality into [Gods]
kingdom, we entered this world with nothing and you shall leave without
nothing, you take nothing with you from this 3D world, for this is not your
I stayed down on the bottom floor, stuck in four walls that I wouldn't recommend
Stay focused and ground
To know you are one with the frequencies is that everyone around you us talking the same frequency, our lives are integrating, or minds are one
South America [USA and Kanada] is Aztlan aka Atlantis which is West KHMT
One land mass
Mexico [Ul-Mex] Olmex
Global Network
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