Conserve the energy that you have built up and use for a
more worthy cause that will enhance you, evolve you, don’t go backwards
You have made mistakes and that is how you learned, so
let others make mistakes and learn
That cube shape on the left [showing more] is holding the energy in this dimension, there is a healthy amount of Blue and Green which are both life force energies with Green [Waji] being healing heart-earth energies resulting in Turquoise and on the right coming from the tripe blackness of space is the NTH dimension, the place where the ether resides, the Purple Haze, this is Red and Blue resulting in Purple which is Ultraviolet rays
Their man-made instruments are either crashing with the
new readings or they are hiding the readings or both
Triple waves
This is about Plasma [Khayebet] which is the Heru [MAAT]
The AU.RA is on the dark side of the planet and many of
you know there is no more day and night time [no beginning of days, no ending
of nights] and is building over Europe
This is Waji [Green] force energy, this is coming from
sumthing very powerful to cause the AU.RA over the dark-side [night time] of
the planet and its only NI.BIRU [magnetic] that is on that side of the planet
Anytime you see Red in the graphics subconsciously you
will think of danger, alert, reference Red against your chakra system, its only
danger for those without a chakra system
The precision number 9 CME is being readied, this one will not glance or miss by miles, this one will hit and it will be lights out and darkness on, the frequency is being amped up
70hz into 100hz and today [27.1.21] 65hz but that spike goes up to 100hz
There will be adverse effects, headaches, no sleep, madness, violence+
Double bubble
NI.BIRU is all over the LASCO satellite footages, the
cube is cloaking and moving about this soular system like the Merkaba owned it
and as perusal there is data missing [hours]
Soular wind is soul-ar streaming and is for those with a
soul and is concentrated on the right of the planet, NI.BIRU on the left and Re
on the right, this is constant pressure
The Northern lights are coming from the North poles and are interacting with the poles of NI.BIRU, but once we see the lights in all the four corners of this planet, this means this dimension is now sealed
3x M5
26 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours near Spain
Tornados, hurricanes are laden with ancestral energy, weather systems are fuelled with emotions and continue to batter
parts of the planet
Electrons are charged
The central sun is made from Plasma and is the core of this planet, what is causing the lack of Oxygen in the waters
Parts of the world is descending into chaos [purge] with the amplification of the frequencies, ultra-violent is violence
Russia is led by the king of the north, the reptilian commander, there is a much bigger fight on their hands coming up
When sh9t gets really real they will flip the switch and cut communications around the planet
If the slave goes to war, they will win
Tornados are made up of ancestral energies, nature does not like you
Fuel [the planets blood] is being destroyed at a rapid pace around the world
Locusts are here to eat the genetic food and are under orders from the Aaferti [pharaoh], I saw the Arabs bagging them up [to eat]
The USA people have guns, the rest of the world doesn't, you cannot disable the USA people with USA soldiers, that is why China is sitting on your borders
Truth is, they didn't ever care about you, they will kill their own people
Touch my son and I will kill you..
and she is still smiling, her spirit energy is so strong and she is pretty, her smile is infectious, her story touched me
Snow to blanket the USA, parts of the world are seeing high levels of snow, is it HAARP are they trying to kool the planet or is this the result of the poles moving, times are changing [charging]
Frequency Modulation
Alkebulan [Africa] is not immune from Nature, she is
pissed off at you also
The Dragon [Chi-na] is being turned into an ocean, the Bear [Russia] is freezing into death and the belly of the beast [USA] Eagle is watching them both
The lights go out on the negative symbol in Washington, DC.
Is Washington DC not under Martial Law, think about it
The Eagle and the Dog [England] Europe is next
Washington is not part of the USA but is the financial hub that is run by the UK
When the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
When the dumb follow the dumber
This is what a child receives during child and adulthood
42million+ foetuses [children] were aborted last years and these are one ones recorded, remember each foetus is still life [spark] and the spirit world is full [plus all the abortions from the last 100 years which could bring that figure up to 500milion] with those who were aborted, there will be repercussions for wasting life for both the male and female involved
Sum of these drugs are needed for the 6 ether because DNA had been upgrading in the last 50 years at least
Purple Haze
Ultraviolet holds ether, its plasma and plasma means, to mould, to figure, to image and is where the etherians reside, this is the NTH dimension
There is a craft into this [weather cell]
Weather systems of all kinds will be amped up and will get your attention, many will begin to realise that nature hates you
There is picture distortion but not from the camera, only within this sphere
Structures [Castles] in the Ska
Nature reminding you who is the author of the three kingdoms and it is not man and machine, she will have the final say in this outcome
You are being changed on a molecular level, you are mutating
Diamond in the rough
Moon shield
Plasma shield, Soular shield, every planet is getting one and you
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun]
is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis and is a dark force
field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the
red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU
are the same system [binary]
The Universe is conscious, are you
Han Soular
Ka-bon sits in KAANU [melanin]
Asaru [Osiris] is Flanked by Heru, Khonsu, Sokar [Seker] and Montu
Ska [Sky] Soular [God] Neteru [NTU]
Heru [Horus] Haru [Hara] appearing in many different,
hiStory is one of the most extensive of all KHMT [Egyptian] N.TU with so many
different aspects
He is all these avatars and more that the roles in
question are closely interrelated, and so they may be overstood as different aspects
of the same divine persona
Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] means Lord of the Ska [Sky]
Heru is Lord of Ska, the soular aspect of N.TU [God]
Falcon [Ba-uz] the celestial Falcon, whose right eye is
the sun and left eye the moon and he has at least four other guises
As Horakhty (Harakhty) [Heru of the two horizons] Heru is
the [God] of the rising and setting sun, but more particularly the [God] of the
east and the sunrise
In the KHMT text, the transitioned Aaferti is to be
reborn in the eastern sky as Horakhty
Eventually, Horakhty became a part of the sun [soular
dynasties] and was fused with is soular [God] as Re-Horakhty
Heru [Horu is the Hawk-winged sun disk which incorporates
the passage of the sun through the sky and into the netherworld [underworld]
Amduat [Amenti]
Horizon the word comes from the Albino word Horus and
Aten [Aton] names put together
There is no daughter in the triad of Osiris [Asaru],
there is Asaru, Aset and Heru and this is because she is standard, every [God]
has a bellybutton and means they came from a wombman
The divine child Heru represents inner consciousness,
innocent roaming, the Cobra and the Hawk
[Bir-d][NI.BIR-U] are different types
of consciousness that you the HuMin have also
Consciousness is a long Albino Greek word, its KAANU and
there is positive [NWN] and negative [NWNT] aspects to your consciousness
Sokar translates to silence
his Neb Ankh is solid silver
Astral traveling with the Birds-eye
[Who is doing all the shooting in a public library]
This is what the Sphinx looked like before Anubu was
replaced with Aset
Below is the Tjet symbols and the Djed [Sed] symbols on
this Arc [Ark] covered in Nub [Gold]
This conductor is being guarded by Anubu
Tjet translates Welfare
Djed [Sed] Zed translates Stability
Kundalini energy
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