This is what Ayahuasca [A-yah-u-as-ka] and looks like when
you see the herb in its natural format, the spiral is that of the DNA
We are in 3rd eye activation and you must keep
your first eye functioning
In ancient Khemet [Khemu] Khami [Kammu] and pre-Islamic
and the so-called middle-east this is the herb that is used to protect against
the evil-eye and was used to magnify your telepathic abilities to receive and
transmit data and the Latin name is Syrian Rue and belongs to the koffee
[coffee] family
Koffee was first introduced to this world by the
Ethiopians [Abyssinia’s]
Ayahuasca is used for the treatment and prevention of
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
Melatonin and Melanin are the same thing, when Ayahuasca
is prepared correctly, will amplify the production of Melatonin [DMT] which is
the opening of your true-first-eye [Ayin] which is your pineal gland which
needs certain herbs and Syrian [Lyra] Rue does this
To purchase the correct herb, go to Iranian stores where
they call it Esphane
Syrian Rue [Ayahuasca] has concentrated light, lift
sumthing that is heavy before you put a piece in your mouth and then lift that
same weight again
In North Alkebulan [Africa] the symbol of Ayahuasca is
the sphere [circle] with the dot in the middle and was also used by the siStars
of the [Amazigh] Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon =
Amazonian, the word used to name the South Aztlan [Atlantis] rain forest and
the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra
Aztec is from the name Muteczuma who was the last emporia
of Mexico Mutec-Zuma [Az-tec]
Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told
the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali
tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and
today are called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-mec and out of them we get the
Muurs, Mayan is the name for their text [writing] system
The dot in the middle in astrology is the KAANU [Black]
Melanin Sun, the sun-rays within
Ayahuasca will also reduce bacterium and fungus
production in the bloodstream
20% of the 6-ethers have Melatonin [DMT] production
[produced at the base of the skull], their 3re eye may also be calcified or
limited and also limited without the 9-ether hair and 9-ether skin
The preparation is key and once prepared correctly can be
placed on the 9-ether skin over your implants [chakras] for activation
To know without knowing
What happens with Alkebulan [African] Rue [Syrian Rue]
Ayahuasca, the herb puts you in a wavelength and your Khu [mind] becomes in
sync with the pulse and breathe of Metu Netu, with Metu Ki
In other words, the over-thinking [excessively] that we
do is terminated, its called the Beta-state and I have been writing about the
resonating frequencies that is occurring right now and this is a great tool, I
have sumone I know who she is well versed in Ayahuasca and stays with me when I
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
Aka the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
It is going to go offline out here real soon and you must
have the crown under your poWRA
You will become stressed because you are not functioning
from your first Ayin [eye] and you are functioning from your false eyes [3D]
and your falsified operating system
Your operating systems have been upgraded and for those
who are struggling you can use the Ayahuasca if prepared correctly and if you
have the full 9-ether and you know sumone who can supervise you
The way people think is now obsolete, you can see this
with the gulf between you and others, and you are to become intuitively fluent
and this will [save] you, knowing without knowing
Those who use intuition, those who rationalise, those who
use the analytical left hemisphere [brain] and merge it with the right
hemisphere, those that use their primal superior knowledge over the 3D that
once imprisoned them are the ones who are going down the spiritual Ptah, so all
this that you see going on will not affect them
You can use Ayahuasca with to-ba-cco for a 101
Ayahuasca is known has the vine of the soul [Baa] and is
a spirit [Kaa] herb
You will not see colours or go into altered states, the
6-ether has fuc9ed the usage up with their intervention and do not posses the elements
to process the natural enhances
Controlled usage and the correct preparation will not
have you seeing things that are not there
Tobacco was used for the opening of your awareness of
your heart, to come into awareness of your heart, and not how you see many
using tobacco today which is a mutation of what tobacco was originally used for
Tobacco is also part of the herb family and is a hot
plant that was used with water and when you match the two with your body you
would have flying [levitation] dreams [visions]
You would drink around an ounce and this experience was
so beautiful, you see Ayahuasca- it will take you to dimensions that you have
never been before and bring you into alignment especially during this stage
Nicotiana Rustica is another tobacco that I use in tea
[your lungs are not built for the intake of smoke] add honey to sweeten, stay
indoors, don’t keep people around you that will take you off your Ptah with these
ancient tools, herbs are sacred and so are you
One bundle to one gallon of water, boil and let it simmer
for 12 hours preferably with music playing
Do not take if you are pregnant or if you are on
medication such has high blood pressure tablets which you should know the
difference between high-blood pressure and the Kundalini rising, you must be
herbal cleansed before you start using these types of tools
Like with any of the ancient tools, do not use if you do
not know what the fu9k you are doing, there are other entities in these dimensions
waiting for your dry ass, do not use if you lack the vital ingredients
These are tools to quiet the Khu [mind] and for those who
use herbs to work with your body these are ancient tools that you can use
during this phase during the electronic pollution that is emitting from the low
vibrational frequencies
Allow yourself to raise above these frequencies that are
harmful, such has your sh9t cell phone, if you are sitting on a cell phone that
is within the last 3 years, just read this post and leave it alone, if you have
a flatscreen tv, just read this post and leave it alone, if you still eat meat
and dairy products or boiled Egg with the males seaman still in it, just read this post and leave it alone
Many are feeling emotionally stressed and there are many
who are a walking timebomb, take it easy and start off nice and slow when
dealing with the ancient tools, take sum when you are good to go and go
sumwhere like the beach or park, nature, the plant [herb] is a singing plant
and you are made from plants, you get it, like for like, reduce the smoking
You are all in your own Ptah of initiation or what they
call the Hero’s [Heru’s] journey and all data is on-going, many go out with
certain data but if you keep on evolving you don’t expire, you must change with
the research, so if you know that religion is bullsh9t but still participate or
you still stay good mourning [morning] then you expire, you cannot know
sumthing today and still carry it with you tomorrow, you are going to expire
If you have out-grown sumone or sumthing then you must
evolve past it to raise higher if not you expire because energy does not stay
the same wave, if you have done that and know that then it becomes data,
because you have already done it, but if you keep on re-presenting the same
data then it becomes a religion, a theology, on fb many still present the same
images of NI.BIRU the second sun, many still show cloud formations, many still
show their leaders doing fu9k all, many still present the same data, there is
no learning or progression, you get trapped, you must keep going, you must
serve yourself for your own Ptah-way, even if it means losing favouritism, for we are in final destiny and this means change, you are setting
yourself up for the next time and you don’t want to come back down here and start again
with the same shi9ty limitations that you just had plus more sh9t lessons
This is a learning zone and you are here to learn to the
point of becoming a house of light, don’t disappoint yourself
While I have been writing on this blogger page [and
before on G+] and doing the research, I have also been going through my own
When you get to a certain plateau your light body [Kaa]
will go to another place, when you go through the air-port scanner [radiation
machine] your radiation [energy] won’t show up because your light body has gone
sumwhere, this is the true essence of the term light-worker and not the new-age
Keep this in mind because they will be scanning you in
AU.RA, they are looking for AU.RA energy [radiation]
Did you watch the Melkeb upload with the tesla car
showing people coming towards the car that was registering on the computer but
no-one was there or was they, that was other entities, same principles
Your body goes through seven dimensions and you are not
who you were 6 months ago especially if you are conscious and you have aligned
yourself with certain energies
Kaanu [black] Kats will disappear in and out of these
dimensions and you too will disappear, because of this physical world that is
still about we are in and out, you will be one place and think your in that
place but you are actually sumwhere else
This will be crucial in the next moment and to avoid them
watching you, materialise yourself
These tornados come out of nowhere and resemble nuclear
bombs, hurricanes that are not on radar but are there in the physical
Be aware of your surroundings and be aware of
distractions because we are changing dimensionally
The spirit will put people in your Ptah and it is you who
is to accept them or not, we cannot judge no more, you see Ganesha who is
Ghana-Eshu, children accept him and adults will reject him, fat belly elephant
head and seven arms, that is the adult but children accept Ganesha straight
It’s the left-brain prison that holds you and you must
de-program yourself, by not judging, this can free you and trust me, there are
many who will be bounded not just from this life but in their next life because
they limit themselves
You do not have to be on shut-down in your mind to please
the status quo who in honesty may well be fronting themselves, honour what the
spirit is telling you and not what the left-side of your brain is telling you
Be real in this field
When the Muurs were ousted from their homes [like Spain]
they started robbing their belongings back from the invaders and took to their
ships, this is where you get the word moorings, and they were then renamed the
pirates, why does Johnny Depp have dreads in the movie, who really was Black
Beard, four Pirates of the Caribbean [Karri] and there is a Nubian presence in
all of them and in the last one they were using Voodoo, why is Port Royal the
pirate capital in Jamaica that was summoned to the sea and yet today, Jamaica
is inhabited by 98% Nubian people, why was Port Royal sunk, where did that M9
earthquake come from
Isis [Aset] Nebt-het [Nephthys] and Neit [Nut] (another form of Sekhmet) when these three gods come they determine your destiny and normally in the tarot cards they are depicted with all three in a circle like a tornado, when the three come they determine the judgement
War is coming
Life is what you make it
You can't escape it
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