Friday, 29 January 2021


Do you hear that, the primal sone [sound] Om that is calling you to your destiny, s-he is calling you home 

Let go, for she is with us all the way until your last breath, you were never alone and she will never abandoned you [F-a-i-t-h]   

Cause I feel that when I am with you 

What’s the Khu

Continue onwards with your spiritual journey, you have to, you’ve come so far
Its your mentality that is crucial at this stage for this is the mental [crown] stages
Learning to regulate what you are taking into your mind, what you are allowing to resonate within that mind of yours, this is the internal battle, the last battle
Khu [Mind]
This is your war, the war that you will overcome once you regulate the mind, all is based on your own experience, what I write comes from my own experience at times and we are individual but with a common theme
Don’t give up, you’ve been here before, you’ve had tendencies before about bailing out of here for lesser reasons, you’ve wanted to give up many times before throughout your life
Manic depression [bipolar] is a depression of energies and lingers around your crown chakra which houses the mind, control the mind and you control the energies
The energies coming in needs you to merge with it to become one with her
Your mood swings with the energies, with what you are thinking about, all and more causes the organ to vibrate and is only vibrating according to what you are doing with these thoughts and energies
You have the poWRA to overcome and to achieve your full potential
You must trust the process if you are on this spiritual Ptah-way, the Ptah demands it, if you follow the process you are midway away from reality
You Set your mindSet, you are the operating function of your own reality
When you have negative thoughts, what are they, where are they coming from, stop them in their tracks, reverse them, reverse the energy, the sub-mind will fu9k with you, it sees and knows everything, it knows all your real thoughts, the ones that don’t surface but are very much underlining your energy on any given cycle [day]
One minute you are up and the other second you are down, find that balance, isolate those thoughts and work on them, the energy is in waves for this very reason
she knows already, its you that has to come to source
The other day I wanted a sign, I felt really low and BOOOMBABY all the 9’s came in, the highest number in the universe is 9 and when you get a number 9 this is a direct contact with the universe, listen to her for she is listening to you, each and every one on an individual basis and on a collective basis, your have your spirit guides, you have the ascended MaStars, you have your intuition, you have your experience, separate what does not serve you in all aspects
Are you grateful for the things you have around you today, did you drink a glass of water, had a meal, are you in the comfort of four walls, let them know that you are appreciative of these small but big gestures, have you noticed that sum things that are happening to others are not happening to you, do you know why this is and are you grateful of this
You need to let them know that you give a sh9t of these small [big] things out of respect, honour and gratitude, these are Jedi MaStars that paved the way for you to be here, call out their names
Many of you have your lineage guiding you, call them out and let them know that you care and that you acknowledge their contribution in your life [Chi]
This planet cares about all her creations and that includes you, she created the plant, animal and hu-min [hu-man] kingdoms along with Mother Nature and between the two of them they continue to enrich your lives despite what is taking place around you for you
Let them know that you acknowledge their gift, the gift of life
Its important that you give gratitude, this is a very important tool, you will find out about that one day
The spiritual Ptah is the journey home, you are putting things back together [to gather] you are 
re-membering, re-setting which includes re-establishing connections, remember the past, present, to make this part of your future
The re-turn journey home is the evolution and all you are doing whilst down here, is to evolve the mind, it’s the mind that is so key down here and the very reason why you chose to come down here and complete this passage
You are the are the one, you were the one chosen because you are already prefect and it is the hu-min [hu-man] state that is not perfect, you get that, not you, it is your hu-min [hu-man] state that holds all the flaws but in your true state you are perfect
You are worthy, come from your heart for the mind and heart are connected
Faith [For Always In The Heart]
These blockages that surface create the blocks that cut you off, know them and isolate them
Do you know or do you believe, believe means you do not know, knowing comes from the heart because the heart energy backs you in your thoughts
Denial is the most predictable of all hu-min [hu-man] responses
Know [believe] in yourself
Know thyself  
In yourself [Cells] you find [God] the most-high, the most-highest of frequencies, eye put my trust in [God] which is already in me, which is you, trust in your cells
You see you’re a metal that is unrefined, precious metal with dirt on it that is going through an alchemical process
Sol-ace is not isolation 
Give comfort to your soul
Find a natural space for yourself [cells]
Your cells are vibrating with these energy frequencies and needs the space
Has you grow [evolve] the dirt starts to be wiped off and you will begin to glow, those rough edges gets smoothed out just a tad bit more so that you eventually can reach your ultimate goal and that is to find your way home   
Inner-stand your real value, over-stand this recycle period and what it means from the whole picture, what you and many others are working towards
Let go of what does not serve you for its harming you and only if you are on this spiritual Ptah, you will have to or you cannot merge onto these frequency waves
This European word Lov9 does not work for them and does not work for you, do not take on the word Lov9 but take on the spiritual energy that this word is based on
You cannot Lov9 anyone else if you do not Lov9 yourself first [if you do not have the right energies then you cannot serve yourself let alone anyone else]  
This process is harsh, it’s a harsh reality for many, those so called mainstream spiritual leaders are being found out, those who deem themselves has spiritual are being found out, let them be, its not your problem
Those who are being used as a tool for others have a harsh process, you are being used for others and so your process is harsh, but what doesn’t kill you makes you
Khayebet [Plasma] means to mould, to figure, to image, to shape, and this is what is exactly happening to many, you are being shaped into what the higher forces want you to become, should you choose to accept the pressures of these energies
So, these pressures [de-pressure] are heavy because you have a very poWRA-ful potential and this is why it may be extreme out there for you because it’s the heat [the alchemical process]
Don’t watch other lanes, sum have to come back down here, sum have not completed or even started on sum of their job descriptions, and sum have other reasons that are not your own, if you are a mother this will be a test of your strength especially if you have children because they are not going where you are going, all ends and begins here
This process is very heavy, painful, draining, and right when you think you’ve overcome, you get put back into the heat, its relentless for many not because you are a dildo [for sum yes] but for you its because your really good at what you do, you are very resilient and the [Gods] like you for that
When Sargon stepped up, the [Gods] liked him and called him Nimrud, the rebellious one, you are Nimrud because you rebelled against the false light, the false energy  
Ki is also going through this transition herself, she is not at her full potential either, she merges also as we go up in dimensions, she merges with her higher-self just like you are doing
There are parts of the planet that are in 9D already, sum in 5D already but we are for sure are in the 4D plane and the lower level of the 5D plane
You have poWRA over this mundane 3D world and many are starting to realise this, they see through this illusion every day and that number [wave] grows and grows, even in the ones that created it and those who participate in it all know its just an illusion, the wave will force them to submit and for them they will have a mental breakdown  
You know you have a purpose down here and it does not fall into the 3D
If you have purpose then you have a reason, find your passion and you will find your purpose
You know what is wrong with you, just admit it, you talk to much, you try to hard in the wrong areas, your vain, you lied, you choose what is blinging, you love your body, the list goes on, just be honest about your sh9t life that you created for once in your sh9t life for these are the things that you need to overcome, this is what is called your shadow [see posts about your shadow work] you cannot move forward with the energies without doing the work, only if you are on the Ptah-way home does this post apply to you
Look at the parts that make up yourself that is feeding the lower energies, the lower forces
Eye might write a lot and seem to know a lot but believe [know] me, I held and hold sum real issues and they are a constant part of my life, but with each time they surface I am able to identify them, i-know them, i-owed them, i-know where they are coming from and I have learnt the hard-way to overcome these things 
Sum of you will be pulled out for a spiritual MaStar to examine you, to guide you, this does not mean you are still not in the heat, watch out for guides along the way
I learn on the job
There is a movie called Flight, starring Denzel Washington and part of his problem was that he had to admit to himself that he had a problem, this is the acknowledgement that you have to self-realise, yours may not be drink, you know what it is
Its is the healing that the higher-self [Sakhu] is interested in, not the pain, we are in the healing zone for Waji [Green] force is all around us, Waji energy is healing and life-force energy
This is the heat that surrounds us, its burning off the dirt, you can see it happening not just with you but in all that we see around us
Are you a victim [if you said yes, leave this page] get over yourself and move along
You are not what happened to you, you are greater than that
Trust the process and let the energy transform you
All I am doing is pointing you in the right direction, that direction starts in the mind, don't take it personally, you want to ascend out of here correctly don't you, well then 
Be a warrior and not a worrier 

Says 70hz [100hz] but the magnetic fields show a hit of around 1200hz and we have40hz strikes also 
They have changed the measurement readings
The dome is the only thing that is saving many from reality, the shield is being hit continuously 
We should begin to see an increase in activity, because tonight there is a double alignment between Earth, Sun and Jupiter, and on the other side will be Mars, Mercury and the Sun
Because of this, there should be an increased amount of M+ earthquakes

Spain is getting ready for a new assh9le
Another 10 earthquakes have been recorded in these last few hours the strongest of magnitude M4 [M4] M5
Since Saturday, more than 480 earthquakes have been recorded in this seismic swarm in Granada Spain, the strongest of magnitude M5 

There is pressure being applied to both sides of the planet, at night and during your daytime on a 24hrs basis
All this pressure is building and must be released
Full poWRA Moon [the deathstar will be under its own full power mode] 

With these coronal holes streaming radiation [energies] daily means you are activating
Regardless of the weather, even if its dull, grey outside the UVA[UVB] and UVC is still hitting the planet
You will know you are activated because what you see going on around you is not happening to you

She [universe] will keep showing you signs if you're open to it
Activation is in waves
You have a code that is embedded within you to go-off at a certain time and for sum it will not be activating this life-time, these are radiation codes

There is a pattern to this madness, there is a method to this madness 

Stay away from those who fuse is lit, they are a time bomb waiting to let off, when you see this, get out of the way 

Fatigue, shortness of breath is really one and that is because the air is thinning out [red iron oxide], foggy thinking is because their heads [skulls] are getting bigger and the organ [brain] is shrinking which is a result of UVC radiation and is mutating you on a micro molecule level >> UVC is mutating you from the inside out 

Damage to kidney, lungs, heart, liver and nervous system, you central nervous system controls your vessel, the reason your vessel is being affected is because sum of you share 96% of your DNA with a natural violent animal [violent-violet] [ultraviolet]t he skull and brain is making them revert back to who you truly, naturally are, an animal 

Heart and lungs, this is where many are mostly at risk because you are in survival mode from day one, you deal with the most stressful on this planet and you are the planet, so what she feels so do you

The sh9t food that you eat, your diet are playing a huge role, many are bailing out of here because their vessel cannot process the energies [radiation] 

Damage to skin, the 9 ether has no damage to their skin which is really called ether [condensed sunlight-Kaanu] research dermatitis because that is what the 6 ethers are suffering from right now

See your cell phone, if you left it on charge all day, your cell would be hot until you took it off charge, same with your body,  the cell is constantly absorbing the energy and cannot dispense the charging, this is what the 9 ether does, absorb and dispense radiation [energy], this is what the 9 ether does when they comes to the sun, the 6 ethers absorbs but cannot dispense and thus their body is breaking down and they have skin damage, black spots, skin cracking, red sores, bleeding, blisters+ anger issues, violent outbursts 

Is this not the same has Chemotherapy, this is radiation, what is the sun, radiation, you are a sphere of plasma [radiation] you have a nucleus [sun] within you, this is where they get the nuclear bomb from, they are using radiation to sterilise planes right now

Radiation is coming from the sun and that is called Corona and Corona means Sun in Spanish, the Sun is correcting the equation 

Red-Iron Oxide
UVC radiation is mutating you on a micro molecule level, this is mutating you from the inside out

Purple Haze 

From Kanada to Russia and North Dakota and Alaska are all reporting these energy beams coming from the higher dimensions, these energy jacks [pillars] columns are coming from the higher fields 

They filled this sink-hole up in the USA and nature just reopened it 

50 sink-holes are in Croatia in 2021

Tornados are coming in with pure devastation but leaving in total silence, you will not be able to live comfortably for your duration left on this planet, she is smashing up this Wendy House and there is nothing that man can do to stop her, she is pissed off  

South pole is hot and the North pole is ice-ice baby 

Either that bird is perched on a craft or is glitching in their  Matrix

Deja vu 
Neo; Oh I just saw a cat and another cat just like it
Trinity; this happens when they alter the code 

A glitch in the Matrix or a sign that this world is an illusion based on an artificial reality controlled by a master mind that manages everything through a secret network called the Matrix  

No one talking about these recent monolith structures anymore, this is the latest installation, is it real, look at the ground 

Shields up

Disney's first Mickey Mouse cartoons, were originally set to be in the public domain by the end of 1984

In 1976, however, U.S. Congress renewed laws, extending the original 56 years for copyrights, to 75 years (max)

As the 2003 copyright/public domain deadline approached Disney began to lobby

A few million dollars later in 1998, without telling the public, having any public hearings or any debate – the copyright law was secretly changed again, by a further 20 years

As it stands, Mickey Mouse (and the first cartoons) will not start to come in to public domain until 2024

Subliminal messages, if you didn't see them in their movies, means their Micky Mouse sh9t doesn't work on you 

Portal wide open 

Gunner warship over Kanada, taken last year

Elon Musk and crew are trying to leave the planet, how when you are surrounded and outnumbered 

North England 

This soular system is on lock-down 

Electromagnetic turbine 


Aten [Atun] Amen [Amon] Atum [Atom]

The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re

[3] AMUN Re = X-RAY

U.V. - GAMMA - X RAYS are 3 forms of Black-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside this soular-system

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays come in 3Wave-lenghts, being [a] ALPHA WAVES [b] GAMMA WAVES [c] BETA WAVES the 3hands or TRIADS of RE

Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC

There are beings at the end of these energies, your Atoms [Atum] are changing 

Grand Architect of the Milky Way, Milky comes from Cow, Cosmic Cow [KAU] is A-theer [Athyr] (Hatha-Hathor) Aset way, double bubble

Nu [Nut] Mut [Mu] Ma the heavenly realm

You die an original and not a copy 

Same images 

Same images 

Tamare N.TU Khefe-re [Khefera or Khafri] which means appearing like Ra, symbolic of the dub scarab beetle

 And the scarab beetle rolls a ball of mud, the germ of life into the form of an egg, and out of it creates life, and then moves it across the skies as the sun

 This was symbolic of the creation of the first male Shu, your Adam and female Tefnut, your Eve or Hawwah

 Shu is the light or fire, as in the sun, and Tefnut is the water or moistness, as male is a dry creature and woman is a moist creature, in their reproductive organs, and Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Geb, who is known as Seb, meaning time, and they also gave birth to Nut, the wife of Geb, the earth deity, which are the parents of Asaru and Aset, Sutukh and Nebthet

 Khefera is an incarnation or attribute of another form of Ra or Re

One land mass

15,000-Year-Old Bison sculptures are perfectly preserved in a French cave


This is nothing to do with a funeral or burial, this is a conductor of energy, this is for astral projection, when the elite went to other dimensions, expanses, realms, para [offsite]

The shield in Nub [Gold] the body is on a charge while they are away

Go in peace and let peace guide you home 

Babatunde Olatunji

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