Saturday, 29 February 2020

Serpent Abode

We are entering the 13 house [hidden] which was only discovered for the West in 2009, this is a tropical planet and therefore the Western horoscope format is flawed and never made sense, the commercialised zodiac is now over, we won’t be leaving the Aquarius belt for a long-time and retrograde will be on the planet for a lot longer, if you check it, we are now actuality experiencing the real end-of-the-year aka traveling through the 12th house [the 13th is hidden] the shadow death period where we shed the things we have no use for and all the things we [wished upon a star] shall past in the actual nu-year aka the birth period towards the end of March into the 13th house, the hidden shall be revealed.

Nasa have changed your Zodiac, the Wests, December is a Roman word and means Decimal and is the 10th month, that means we are in the 12th month now [March] going into the 13th month, we are reSetting and that also means the Dendera is also reSetting.

Those who have brown eyes but no 9 ether [skin] or 9 ether soul and spirit and no 9 ether [hair] have never been connected fully and those with all the 999 the inner-eye is functioning at around 70%-90% whereas those without a full 999 are running at around 40%-50% we know this from the Vietnam war when all autopsies revealed that the Nubian soldiers eye was fully functioning while the Europeans [Caucasians] was calcified, not all, but the bulk of their race.

We are not in the Dendera that you know of anymore.

Denderah [Den-De-Rah] the hidden house is called by the Greeks Ophiuchus who is depicted as a man holding a snake, as the constellation splits with two other smaller serpents that are counted has one, that does sone familiar, the Greeks and the Romans talk to much and mislead over the scraps of knowledge that they were able to decipher themselves that was either right or wrong and the knowledge that they beat and tortured our ancestors into giving them, I’m not using that name Ophiuchus, for that is not the original recorded names, none of the names are the recorded names and their real depictions or meaning like Pisces is a fish but is two because we came from the sea and broke into one that stayed in the sea and the other stayed on the land, its too long to go through the entire sign system and their true meanings, all you need to know today is that we are being readied to enter the 13 house.

There is a difference between a Star-System and a Star-Constellation, star systems get [Magi] manifested out of star constellations and star constellations get [Magi] out of galaxies and galaxies get manifested out of universes.

Four fixed-stars [not three] that got created out of the Milky Way are [gods] who created the Dendera wheel themselves, they created a soular system at 360 degrees at an angle [angel] they created a sphere reality, the four [gods] spilt at each 360 degrees at 90 degrees each, west, east and south and north, [big dipper] one set was called the equinox and is a lower form of the yin and yan using four elements, fire, water, air and earth, they agreed to use 3 parts within the 90 degrees bring it down to 30 degrees and with each 30 degrees they mixed their elements up [equinox and solstice].

Everything is dealing with the heart [balance] healing [purple represents balance] pay attention to what is around, your heart is connected to the sun, we see with the heart and see with the ears, there is a kingdom that they cannot see or reach, they are cut off from a realm that they were never part of, your heart is the key and you must protect your heart, your heart

All these star-systems have always been here, you are only just learning about yourselves 

You need to know that there is a war in the skies, this is Star Wars.

The soul-ar system is has gone from 3D to 4[5]D
 Serpent or servant of [god] bearer [the first council of Nicaea changed it], the 13th Zodiac Sign, the Serpent Healer and its role with the presence of the Nu sun. 

We all need to connect without our connection we cannot be a collective. 

Use this time to disillusion yourself from outdated dreams [visions] and circumstances and illuminate space and Magi to go to the nu horizon of change without the old programs.

We are the stars that came back to activate and bring the information [data]

[SAARE] Star

Your visions are being documented to use for universal records 
We are getting ready to enter the 13th sign, we are all the 12 house signs, man ruled was for 6,000 which is 6 days, the 7th day is coming up, their time machine is only for their timeline and is 10 earth-years which is only 10-mins.

 charging activated

Kodes have changed, look at that

The real meanings are coming out, many things that many teach you is actually inherited knowledge and cannot be spoken about and only shown, the Honey and Moon is sumthing that our ancients taught us.
A woman's monthly, is not just down to the reproductive system coming from a monkey, there is another reason, many truths are coming to you depending on what you want to know. 

 Odd energies lately.
Heavy. Thick almost. But not bad
Timelines collapsing probably
Been losing time a lot
I think its Monday but its Friday kind of thing 
Can't recall what happened to rest of week etc.

In this period we are going to see who is really vibrating and connected to source, those who are not die when the coronavirus comes to you door.

You have to be eating right [Ba] Khu and Kha and vibrating [frequency] must be hitting voltage levels, you will need to be beyond your 666 and 999, its that simple.

The Nubian Sphinx

KMT is a 3 sided kingdom, the one is the USA [West KMT] the royal city of Atlantis is Tampa Bey, Atlanta is the capital, and the Nubian panther sits down in Florida [Fluoride] which is 10 times bigger than the main sphinx because that is the mama, Tampa Bey is the only area that doesn’t have underground wires, fibre optics, their wifi is not in the air but in the ground, that area is under real bad negativity from day one. 

When they talk about 12 bodies coming back to 1, when a body becomes healthy or returns to pureness it becomes immune [Amon] A-Moon, when that immune [A-Moon] becomes healthy you become one, the hidden one, because you are no longer part of this BS,  the logo is the body and must not be messed with, you can have exemptions and they can take away from you, know the difference between being immune from sumthing and having exemptions from sumthing, sumone who is immune is righteous and sumone who is exempted from sumthing is still sick. 

Old wounds [physical] will start to hurt you, we’ve passed the 3 years and now shit will start to affect you.  
Listen to you, the word ear comes from the word earth and your heart is from the word earth
13 is balance, accountability, reflection.

The Gregory [Georgian] calendar is over, the spell is over.  

 Magnetic energy converted to kinetic energy causing motion, magnets the size of New York city and sum smaller on Nibiru.

The Electronics on Nibiru are Bluetooth, the screens are hologram, the 24 feet gauge wires are around the outside.
Nibiru is built like a piece of jewellery or charm, like a ring, one solid crystal with perfect cuts. 
The wires are like the trim, Nibiru is parked on the other side of the sun outside the asteroid belt.

There are 12 Nibiru's that were made in the fleet, Nibiru is like Air Force one. 
11 Nibiru's are active now in the Galaxy.

Feathered bird is the symbol
Nibiru is piloted by a interface chair 
Lock with a DNA Kode, meaning only a Rizqian can access
We Rizqians are sumtimes referred to as the ancients 
Most of our ships have this chair, like the Atlantic fleet and Anu fleet of Destiny
Size of jupiter
EN.QI means ruler of QI (key) Earth 
EN.QI [IN.QI] EN.KI is also Nimrod

Nibiru has a 36 mile antenna on the top, that can sent signal anywhere in the galaxy.
2043 [staying until] 

The Spanish or the English wiped out their entire civilization and kept these two who were infants and brought them to the UK. 

Friday, 28 February 2020

Borrowed Time


On the original Ta [Tiamat] planet and with the original Matrix, with the original simulation we had the original avatars and they were called HuMin, updated, upgraded supreme model.

In this matrix you are not supreme, you are a small model, no different from the orcs avatar.

You have been shut down to your supreme mainframe, meaning you lost your connection to the game, you lost your connection to who you really are, you lost the connection to you, and who is playing this game.

HuMan is a hybrid between man and animal and Hu comes from the [god] that did your genetics on sum of you, sum of you have one of his names in your DNA [YAH] and Mankind is exactly what the name describes a kind of man is another creation, when the fallen began to experiment they said, let us make man in our likeness and that was because [WombMan] was already there, you get this, the Sumerians are recording the Anunnaqi, that means the Sumerians [Alkebulan] = Africans were already here.

And then they said let us replenish the planet, that fucked us over, replenish means re-plenish, the matrix was already there, the fallen destroyed our original matrix and built there own and replenished it with their corruption.

You are the original WombMan

The Norton antivirus [Kosmic energy] has been applied to clean up the hard drive, our matrix was infected and has a virus, the antivirus is you, certain elements were added into the Norton to which the program is deleting the corrupted files.

This is not Humanity or Mankind or HuMan user friendly to you the HuMin, they where created to wipe you out, they fell into our realm, part of their chaos and destructional clean-up team is the Mankind and Humanity and the HuMan, Atlantis and the likes were also destroyed, this is from other Anunnaqi(s), a battle from within, back then that was the original matrix that you ran, you ran that program, you were the genus and was never cut off from source, from your higher-self [Sakhu], its just you sitting in the higher realm, playing a video game and your in an avatar playing the Ki [earth] game [HuMan experience] the game was supposed to be enjoyable but they turned it into a corrupted disc, but the antivirus or antiviral has been deployed and uploaded and they are wiping out the virus.

Your seeing viruses wiping out viruses and your crying out for these viruses, just let shit be or you go down with the corrupted files.

5G, there is an actual virus and there is a man-made version of the virus, the coronavirus fucks up the oxygen in your body, if you have high oxygen in your body and a high alkaline you will be good to go, the 5G works on the same frequency has the oxygen [molecules] the 5G shuts you down so that you cannot absorb the oxygen in your body, so that the virus kills you without trying [immune]
Man is WombMan, there is no separation only with the West.

These HuMans are supposed to die off, how do you think they were able to write Revelation or get this virus ready or have FEMA ready and the likes, they know that they were going to be deleted.

How did you think we are going to get the matrix back, there is no holding hands and sitting around a fire and singing kumbaya my fucking lord, h3ll no, you have to take back the matrix and only then will star-family intervene, you have to wake up and see the illusion [matrix].   

The Lulu Amelu or Abd is a template but is not you, the cloned version is called Aqins, again not you, Homo Sapiens is what the west calls you, you’re a neutron sphere.

The fallen are still part of the Annunaqi under the name Nepilian who began to sleep with the daughters of men, the daughters were the Dogon women [the artificial races have only been here in the last 10,00 years and even less than that] and these stories or records were rewritten by them and told back to you in reverse.   


A giant indoor farm in China is breeding 6 billion cockroaches a year. 
Here's why, the world's largest cockroach farm is breeding 6 billion adult cockroaches a year [2013] and using artificial intelligence to manage a colony larger than the world's human population – all for medicinal use. 

And in the same year 1 million cockroaches escape, they said that this breeding was for traditional Chinese medicine [really] Shark Fin soup, Rhino horns, Elephant tusks, Bear bile and over a million Chinese in Africa and in the Caribbean, they are the virus, the cockroaches, the same organism that spreads from one area to another, consuming every last resource in its path before moving onto sumwhere else, not one cure have they cured, their medicine is based on them given that they are the offspring of the dragan, serpent, snake, lizard reptiles, they eat what reptilians eat, they even eat dogs and aborted foetus [reptilians eat their offspring also] this is a sick part of the recessive races genes and needs to be deleted.

This is not traditional medicine because you go against nature, and you cure fuck all. 

China comes under the Mongolians [Genghis Khan] first shotgun is [Yasuke] both are Nubian
The Chinese that we have today were sliced or spliced with the Uranus snub monkey. 

Rose-wood, the Chinese are causing this trees demise, high prices for the endangered plant, they pay for a tree with money that is made from the tree, do you see how stupid this matrix is, kill the supply and the demand and the plant lives on, takes a 100 years to mature to which you won;t be here for when s-he reaches that age.
China the cockroach with other races doing the same to natures, this planets resources. 

Their king is going down 

19 Koreans shot dead with coronavirus [head official of the Korean coronavirus also kills himself] and the same virus wipes $5 trillion from the London stock exchange, Monday and Tuesday: $1.7 trillion loss, Wednesday and Thursday: $1.3 trillion loss and Friday: $2 trillion and counting

All recessive races will contract the coronavirus, all recessive, sum of the ether will because they have compromised themselves. 

Nu resonating frequency for Ki, these tones are deadly and will take many out of their reality, buckle up. 

Charging initiated


These are not fire balls but plasma orbs and these are camouflaged rocks if you like.
Meteorites [camouflaged] shuttles containing, personnel, logistics, tech, equipment, modified mercenaries.

They are coming in all over the planet [perimeter fence]

This is the StarGate that is the link between the 19th and 18th soular systems. 
Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] is one of 8 major [PAARE] suns that is linking up to bring us online


The UK is about to be battered again, all this water fills up the underground bases, tunnels and then the water builds up to surface level where more water is then added so that as above and so below means that no one or being can return to their comfort zones, all change. 


Its like that went into another dimension 


Taken from footage and the diamond portal opened and the craft went through

Looks impressive but is old like that old man, what a waste 

Tule Tree, with the largest trunk diameter in the world. 
In Santa Maria, Tule, Oxaca, Mexico.


We are now in actuality experiencing the real end-of-the-year aka traveling through the 12th house [the 13th is hidden] the shadow death period where we shed the things we have no use for and all the things we [wished upon a star] shall past in the actual nu-year aka the birth period towards the end of March into the 13th house, the hidden shall be revealed. 

Use this time to disillusion yourself from outdated dreams [visions] and circumstances and illuminate space and Magi to go to the nu horizon of change without the old programs. 

Nu kodes [frequencies, kosmic or gamma pusles, bursts whatever they want to call it], these are nu rays [ra-ys] that you will be experiencing.


Stop reading the Synthetic Wavelength post.  

Thursday, 27 February 2020


He watches

Seen over Mongolia [China] 5 SAARE [Sara] Stars [suns] seen in the crystal water field that is the organic shield, diamond portal, pure, agreeable and positive.

Stay focused and grounded, two ptahs are emerging, stay on the ptah of least resistance.  

Review of the man- made machine the Schumann
The record so far was 150-hz and 160-hz and 170 hz and 190hz in 2019, remembering that the base frequency was 7.83-hz.

This is the liberation of the Earth, and of all forms of life, we need to hit 432hz and we have finally hit 170-hz, it takes time to raise Ki and you from the shit 7.89hz, buckle up, they went from 130-hz up to 170-hz last night.

Reality is your best friend, be realistic, have an honest approach in the last days of your life, be true to yourself for if not then you are only cheating yourself out of a better deal by not being real.   

We hit 130hz and 170hz on the 27.2.202 the base rate of 7.89hz is over and this is a machine and cannot give a real accurate reading because it’s a machine.

We've energies coming left right and centre, radiation will kill you without the 9 ether or 666, many will go out with a bang. 

Consciousness will be off the charts for both races, one will work for one set and the other will shit themselves even more, the hidden is to be revealed to us all before anyone dies. 

One group do not really care because there is nowhere for them to go and this presents a very dangerous situation for they will lie and manipulate to get what they want for there is nowhere after this phase for them to go, so fuck it will be their attitude, watch yourself and check yourself, watch the eyes and intention.

LAH.MU [Mars][Moors][Muurs] is shaking, many earth [Mars] quakes [450] are striking the planet that is ahead of us, so that means what takes place there will take place here. 

Black Plague

Bubonic [plagues] black-death [biblical] coronavirus will affect the recessive races differently from the 9 ethers, watch your diet [absolutely no meat or dairy] and keep your frequency high, watch your vibration, stay away from those who worry and those who are religious and easily spooked.   

This is their state of emergency, not yours. 

Man(s) rule was for 6,000, that has now ended, the last plague wiped out over 25 million, seeing has there are more offspring, now this number will be higher, Gates will offer the treatment but you will have to get chipped first so that you can pay back the debt, when the penny drops it will be too late for you. 

No matter what they will play dumb but the numbers are way higher and the incubation period is between 14 days and 30 days, no way did sum Chinese state bring the 3D world to its knees, they infected you on purpose, the enemy is within and that is why you didn't see them, for they are your own people. 

Your world is changing every 24hrs [cycle] 

Blackheath where the London Marathon starts is actually on a mass black death pit and Gravesend is where the Graves ended, the Black-death is nothing new to those who knows the history.

This is their [Excess Death Contingency Planning] you are about to be fucked over.

This is the 3rd or 4th Black-death-plague since 1348 

The UK is about to be battered again, look at the energies within the system


Oregon, SF and LA, California right down the gulf to Mexico is going to be taken out, the silicon valley, hollywood child stuff, reptilian nests, and the many nuclear plants and all that goes with that area is going, not just the tsunami they have coming. 

The Red Star [SAARE] is the destroyer of all that is artificial and negative and disagreeable, the Mekaba destroys those without a soul and the negative force-fields magnetically, the MaStar key is the overwriter the overseer and they know this.

Sumone wrote the statement below and i agree, before the fight, Fury was wearing sunglasses and they are in LA and that started me thinking, and when he beat Wilder and the manner in which he did, i knew the shapeshifter had eaten, drank blood the cycle before;

So.....WE saw that dude tyson fury beat the hell outta Deontay Wilder & it was kinda sad to see as it's usually the other way around but.....after thinking just a moment, some back in the day lesson struck Me & the thought was that it was all a SET UP!  In this 1 here, I'm gonna show y'all how their time is up as they can't do anything NEW! This is really their last days & they are super worried! Dammmmnnnnnn!!!!!!!


Former wanker [banker] spends 75,000 on surgery to become a reptilian trans-species, so when you wonder why this world [not planet] is ending, these are the reasons, the Reptilians, Greys, Insects, Humanoids, Orcs [and offspring] and other artificial species must be deleted because nature didn't create you. 

The departure of Disney [Pedo], salesforce and Mastercard CEOs in February 25 [2020] adds to a list of several notable CEOs that have stepped down or announced or taken out that they're stepping down in 2020, that is a record number in their money world of the matrix, you should take notice of the 219 that have stepped down, so much is unfolding in the 2017 -2020 Nemesis window.  

Can you see that


Nine ether Kammu [Khami] Egypt is in the West of Eatonton Georgia
The Mississippi is the same river [mirror] has the Nile river

The knowledge came from the West, the West of Kammu, Wahanee [Golden City]  
Heru [Peru] 
Pangea is a Greek word that means all of earth, we had Atlantis and Le-Mu-ria, the children of Mu, the list goes on, sum of you are from different planets, LAH.MU [Lahmu] aka Mars [Moors] Muur [Mu] sum of you are from Neb Heru, sum of you are from Titan, sum of you are from other systems, sum of you were sent here to improve on yourself and sum of you where sent because of this Final Destiny, we have nearly docked, hold on.   

Stay in the light of truth.


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...