Monday, 20 July 2020

The Body-snatchers

Circle [sphere] and the square [cube] [unidentical twins]
There is no shape, nor form that does not pass through these shapes, they are both 360, the square is a symbol of infinite, four separate straight lines, but ending Ptahs [paths]

Circle [sphere] and the square [cube] and triangle [pyramid] all handle energy differently

Square, Triangle and Circle, you have two-dimensional and three dimensional, we take the two-dimensional shapes and turn them three dimensional and in Geometry we can do this

Geomancy would be like the study of shapes, to configurate in which there is a direct energy flow

Shapes are built according to Geomancy, just like homes, the Square [Cube], the Triangle [Mir][Pyramid] and the Circle [Sphere]

The Square 4x90 degree angles [angels] 3D making it a Cube, the Square, certain angles create, physical shapes create certain laws in which energy become subject to these laws of these shapes once within it [those that connect you will be seeing the holographic universe and will be drawn to one of these shapes for a reason]

The law that follows a Cube is containment, a Square contains energy, hence why when you give someone a present, you give it to them in a box [cube], add everything that you see that is a square [cube] from a flat screen to your windows to a prison cell, all holds energy, 4 x 90 [360 =9] degree angles holds energy in that form, rectangle is still the same numbers, this is not coincidence, this is containment, anything in a Square [Cube] the energy stands still and can no longer flow freely, that is the law of the Square [cube] to hold all energy

NIBIRU is a Magnetic Mekaba [vessel], the Cube holds all energy, that is the law of what it is supposed to do, NI.BIRU holds all energy

The Circle, a Sphere allows energy to flow freely, hence why anything in nature that has to do with energy is a Sphere or a Circle, the Universe, Galaxy =  spiral, that is a Circle, a woman’s womb, tube, NI.BIRU is a Sphere, anything that allows or conducts energy must be in a circular or 360 degree angle or form because of the law of any energy that is subject to 360 degrees is constantly flowing, is constantly in motion forever, eternal

NI.BIRU is a Cube in space and a sphere in the physical world or both because they can do what they wilt, there are loads of crafts in MA.RE [Mir] Tri-angle shaped in the skies, now you know why 
The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] 

Tri-angle [Pyramid] is the strongest shape in mathematics [Ma’AT-Ma’AT-ics] Maat [9to9tothe9thpower] a Mir [Mer] actually recycles and refreshes energy, when you look at a Triangle, when you make it 3D it becomes two shapes in one, it becomes a Square, which is containment and a Triangle, which allows ascension, it allows energy to ascend, that’s why the Mir is so poWRA-full, because its two shapes in one, the base of the Mir [Pyramid] is containment, containing energy, but by the rest of the Pyramid being a Triangle or 3 x 45 degree angles [999] it now becomes ascending energy, so these two shapes together [to gather] are causing energy to refresh, again, so has the Pyramid is projecting energy out of itself, the Square or 90 degree base of the Pyramid is holding energy, its pulling energy in

[All the children born into the Aquarius age will be naturally Psy-Chi-c]

When you see the ancients sitting on their Cubes its always on a 720 Cube, in a Pyramid [Mir], the Cube of Knowledge and what is Knowledge, its energy and energy is data, light, information, the Pyramid is actually refreshing itself

Angle is the word angel because light can be filtered through

On YT I watched sumone who had left a dull blade and when they returned it was razor shape, that is the poWRA that we are dealing with by being two shapes in one, refreshing and emitting energy at the same time, what did our ancestors do with Granite, this stone is high generators of electric, they are conductors and conduct high frequencies, so you have a Geomagnetic shape comprising of two shapes in one, you then put minerals on it now you have a huge electrical conductor

Outside of this, shapes manifest realities, anything that has a certain shape must fall under the reality due to the energy being subject and being only what that shape allows it to do, that is the law

Use your 3rd eye and look how they built this world of the fallen, a football stadium is oval, the ground is Square, the ball is round, they play for 90 minutes at 45 minutes a piece

Boxing in a Box [Cube]

Basketball court is Square, an Oval is a Circle, energy must be allowed to flow, guys running up and down, people cheering, emotion, energy must be allowed to flow, you can tell what goes into a building without even going inside, if a circular building, you know that energy is flowing, but if it’s a Square, you know that energy is being contained, when you go to KMT and you feel the energy, you know that inside the MA.RE [Pyramid], energy is flowing and being emitted and being recycled, refreshed

Every shape can pass through a Sphere, a Circle but a Circle cannot fit inside any shape, a Square and Circle are both 360, the Sphere or Circle is symbolic to life, that is why, the Sphere or Circle is perfect that’s why, the Circle allows all energy to flow, all shapes are born from the Sphere [Circle], all shapes are born from the womb, on an astral realm, the universe, the Circle of life  


A molecule is the smallest particle into which an element or a compound can be divided without changing its chemical and physical properties; a group of like or different atoms of like or different atoms held together by chemical force

From the French molecula, diminutive of Latin mole, meaning mass
Molecules of different elements may combine to form new compounds
These too, have specific patterns

The weight of an atom [atum] has a specific weight which is the sum of neutrons and protons, and a specific number which indicates its appearance on the Periodic Table of Elements that in the law of things, something or the sum total of a thing

In addition, a symbol, the initial of the elements to which it belongs is also used to identify an atom

For example, the Beryllium atom, appearing [4] on the Periodic Table, has an atomic number of four on the sum of things
Yet, on the un-sum of nothing its [-4] ether as opposed to matter [4]
The element is identified by the initials [Be]

An atom has an atomic weight of [9.012] or [9.0]
The atomic number is also the amount of protons and the electrons carries atoms, on the first shell of the atom there are usually two electrons, other shells may have as many as [8]

A mole on your skin can be a concentration of an element called Melanin [KaaNu] [ether] which can also be classed has a beauty spot

A birthmark if big enough can be where the body has been through trauma

Freckles are the atoms splitting, you should be proud, this is what makes you that bit more beautiful, beauty is in the eye of the beholder   

There are huge ones in hollow earth and they burrow the huge tunnels down there  

 Huge Bats have been found in the Philippines, the hand is from their wing, the five-fingered membrane

Kamazotz [Ulmec] Olmec

This is not an ancient ball court but part of a portal that opened at certain times, the reptilians come in and introduced blood sacrifices when the Ul-mec had gone, when the Ulmec returned, many where taken to hollow earth and sum taken to Cambodia, sum where left to which the Spanish domesticated with their religion and made matters worse  

 It's not raining – just a 50-mile wide cloud of flying ants
Met Office weather radar picks up swarm over south-east coast of England

  The depths of the deep ocean are stirring once again

Three Remo Fish this week in different areas of the Pacific Ocean: Bay of Pichilingual, BCS, #Mexico, San Bernardo, Leite, #Philippines and Bat Beach, Manta, #Ecuador

100's of yards of rope trapping this whale, taking hours to cut her free, sumtimes we give credit to (rescuers) when had man not been invented she wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place, we want to deal with the root issues and take out the middle man 

The harbingers of ending life and starting life are in the skies and are warnings to you and yours, we are repeating

Out of 5ive or six comets [crafts] two have docked at the sun city and the others are letting you know that your time is nearly over and another time reference is starting
  A-star-oids in space and when they hit the ground are then called Meteorites 
Halley’s comet the name comes from Emperor Halie Selassie [Halley’s – Halie] the Green life force healing energy [Ever-lasting, ever-willing] [9/11] Septet 

Green is Ultra [Ultra-violet-comic] and is Purple when the energy hits the planet
Green is heart 

Where life ends, life begins in this thing called life, electric word life, it means forever, but I'm here to tell you, there sumthing else

38 million displaced in Chi-NA [the N/A stands for not available]
 Russia >>> China >>> India >>> Nepal
No one is better than the other, we are all fuc9ed, judgment is not colour koded, these beings have not travelled 36 light years for your sh9t life, there will be balancement 

Every cycle [day] nature moves in closer to recapturing this planet, she is methodical and is trying to minimise the casualties, she gives you signs and warnings and its down for you to take heed, this planet will be ready for reSet

China among many other reasons, is the powerhouse for organ trafficking and many of these victims are from the Annunaqi bloodline, scores are being settled, slates are being wiped, debts being cleared, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, at the flick of her wrist she takes down this Wendy house
When you see the drag boy [8 years old] and the satanic stuff afterwards in the other clip, know why this must end, all of it must be deleted, they have no place in this soul-ar system let alone on this planet  
 You have to put your emotions on layaway [miscellaneous] because yours is coming and there are much more impending things coming up that will require your full attention 

This was our home
Nature is taking back

Volcanoes continue to activate and release pressure [data]


An explosion was reported at an oil pipeline in Iran Saturday and was followed by another explosion Sunday at a power station in the central Iranian province of #Isfahan
Who is doing that, systematic shut down 

52hz and 81hz 

Basic rate was 7.89 and affect the wave lengths of your brain [Organ], Beta [Alpha] Delta [Theta]
the rates have been spiking and we are no longer at the basic rate of 7.89hz
the generic term for the machine is called Sc-human-n who is measuring
the planets heartbeat [which is in green]
Metu is alive, this realm, plane is alive, grass grows out of the planet so no, she is not dead, life can only come from life and is the law of bio-genesis
There was no big bang, that is outdated now

the more she beats the more there is energy, the more there is electricity in the air, more current, more currenSea, the more electricity, the more charges, all equals plasma [Khay-Be-t] this equals activation, elements are connecting and super-charging, 7.89hz is brain-dead and suited the lower beings on this planet and this has changed
Plasma bolts are striking the planet and many have died from lat year up until now has risen
We are made of water and no one knows how water is created even though they say its h2o, [Hydrogen and 2 molecules of Oxygen] they cannot recreate it in a lab, create that in a lab and there will be an explosion, what is water
Water is crystal liquid, and crystal is solid electricity [electron] solidified, our ancestors used crystal and the black rock is what Mt Meru[Heru] is referenced to, the centre of our magnetic field, there is no such thing has gravity
The Black-rock has been activated and the storm king is here and all magnetics on Ki have been turned on
Auroras are everywhere and this was a sign that we will be able to see auroras in all the four corners of this planet
the colour spectrum has been turned up
The Mt Meru was chopped down [closed off] and one of the reasons was because the planet was infected with a virus and there was a risk that the virus would spread to the higher Ki and the lower Ki, there was a risk to the other realms
 We were in quarantine, which the quarantine has been lifted on a spiritual level [PlaNet] under a net [dome] the magnetism is starting to hold us again
the CIA have released a document called project gateway, go and read it, that this whole stimulation is in your mind [illusion]
James Gates proved that this is a stimulation, electricity has no taste [apple] the movie Matrix, electrical impulses from your taste buds to the Organ
The aboriginals called it Dream-time, your dreaming, wake up Neo
Your walking around in your pod with your cells in your light prism, light prison
Where does king-dome come from, where does free-dome come from, where does wise-dome come from, its all in their wording, your head is your dome
Hemi-sphere is Latin for half, half a sphere [dome], this is how they are able to send radio waves and bounce them off of the dome [ionosphere] and use HAARP
You can bonce radio, micro waves off of a mirror, off of glass

The planet is rising in frequency and you need to be on that wave or you are going down, everything is going up from the planet, animals and the HuMin kingdoms [consciousness] all the colours are coming out now, and if you cannot see this then that is a sign to you on which frequency you are on 

Ride the waves, the nu kodes are coming in from the galactic centre




HAARP is just them bouncing heat off of the ionosphere and do you know what the ionosphere is, it’s the dome [firmament] they are bouncing heat off of the firmament 


The Niggas are going to be on the street fighting and the Nagas are going to watching from their homes, if your willing to end your life over a stone monument or statue then you deserve everything that you get, stick and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you
 Fight the right revolution this time, you where sent down here to break the matrix that you set up and end this 3D world by any means necessary
Every life matters, what changed, why the separation now, why in this moment, belong to the energy and not a organisation  

 We have missed the Mothership before and that was 3600 years ago
[1960] an elder came to start elevating the [Gods] from the 60’s [70s] 80’s and 90’s [00’s] every decade, this was a seal that was popped by one of the elders

Those who are supposed to be sped up [activated] are being sped up in sum kind of way to make you vibrate faster, the consciousness is right on point, you no longer serve the 3D and the people in it, you no longer get involved with petty things or people, places, you watch yourself and check yourself, you are conscious when you are in environments and you are in guilt at times which really is reflection and is actually consciousness you are responding and not reacting, this is less of your emotions [energy in motion]

There will be those that come to you in which you are to let them find their own way out, no advice is the best advice at all [sones unemotional from you and that is correct] and if you are meant to give them sumthing it will come to you via [Nu] Nut [Nun] aka the universe [the energy of Nu] abyss, the deep, she will speak through you to guide them

Back in the day they called you Zarba [number 9] this name means that people that come to you with negative energy, you trade their negative energy for positive energy and then the negative energy that you have collected from them the Zarba people will burn that energy off of you in the way they know how


There are many that are going through physical changes through the radiation which is very heavy right now, the radiation is mutating us all on different levels with different reasons, you need to be drinking a lot of water and drinking warm to hot water [room temperature]

Distilled water is a way forward for those who are struggling with the changes through the radiation [cold water is freezing the immune system] add minerals to the spring water [distilled flushes you out so you need to replace the minerals that are being flushed out] distilled water is nothing but water that has been boiled and you can add lime, lemon or a dash of apple vinegar
Many that are sick is because their diet is sh9t and that they don’t drink any water, you lose around 1.2lt a day and most don’t replace the water that is lost [depending on how big you are]

Doing this keeps your electricity high and your energy high

If you still eat meat, drink milk and eat eggs, forget it, don’t even attempt to do any of the above, move along

The radiation is causing things to coagulate like blood in the body and many are spitting up mucus [phlegm] get ginger, turmeric make a drink, get apple cider, you need Iron or you are going to go down because your body cannot dispense the Gamma radiation [there are so many other knock on affects but this is a start] stay away from western medicine, nature [plant kingdom] has everything you need to repair your body, if you care enough about yoursCellf return to NTR

The radiation is forcing the issue   

During the quarantine many of the worlds most polluted rivers got cleaned [not sure about the river Thames in London] but from India to Thailand [clothing factories leftover dyes and chemicals-acidic] to the point that the water boiled and since the lock-down and the skies also became clear for the first time in nearly a 100-year [length of the dollar] years 


This was not the work of Rome or the Archons, the clean up of the rivers and so on, please are you for real, they did this so that the earth could breathe and that the economy and money could get fu9ked, please, how can you say Rome [modern day Babylon] the filthy dirty den of demons would really do this and help Ki and her kingdoms   

Many want the matrix to return while the Most-High(s) are watching how you will respond, they cleaned parts of the planet to see how we would respond and many are going out of their minds because they want the old program back, and many will chose money and economy over ecology over NTR [nature] so you know what nature has done, she has ramped up the cause, she’s like fu9k them, you had 3-4 months 

To be honest the most-high beings are at level 9 and already know what you are going to do, even with the activation kodes that came in the last 3-4 months many of you still had your thumb up your ass, so in most places, it will be a formality, water, heat and natures forces whether that be locusts or weather systems are piling on the pressure
Many keep saying when is this all over, and yet they don’t know that it hasn’t even begun yet, you are being sensitized by the powers that be and at the same time tested by the higher beings
Many of you are choosing the machine over nature, so where they are trying to open up, nature is flooding, where they are trying to open up, nature is heating up, the worse heatwave ever is on the doorstep of the USA, try and go outside and see what Re does to you, next he will cut the power and no aircon means ashes to ashes, dust to dust, you will pass out and burn out [heat stroke]

The biggest symbol of Rome is their Olympics and that is shut down 
The choice was yours, the proof is in the pudding, tri sum, look around you

You were and at times being tested, this is a test that many of you are going to fail because you have no vision [2020]

They gave you a choice first and now its judgement

Heaven [haven] and h3ll are just frequencies and you chose the low frequencies [vibration]  

Blue is life force energy, many of these sites are being switched on

Purple Haze
Ultraviolet light is used by Ptah and AmunRe, this black-light is purple and we see this colour around the world, this is hidden light, plasmatic light, this is a tone, vibration, frequency, this is [gods] word being spoken to you, the 9ether beings.

Ultraviolet light empowers Eu-melanin and tortures Pheo-melanin
KAA.NU [Melanin]

Aquarius is the field of knowledge, who you are, the information of who you are, self knowledge, you’ve had the last six months at least upgrade your knowledge, you couldn’t just merge with the new frequency with old mindsets

Sum of you will be on your own because you need to remember, sum of your ancestors will be backing up and sum of your guides so that you can remember who you are, you have implanted kodes to yourself to aid you in your remembering

Honour your [Ba] contract, this is what you are here to do, no more HuMin [HuMan] experience unlike what many are still doing, many are on Billy Holiday   

The Ka’A world [360] is merging with the physical world[360], NI.BIRU is the masker-key and is breaking down the computer holographic kode aka bending light, there is a light in which all that is hidden is revealed, we are seeing this now, the Aquarius Age is the Age of information, many do not inner-stand this final phase because they lack knowledge and knowledge is Nrg  

The Kundalini [Serpents] are both symbols of the electric-magnetic energy-force that animates all living [alive] things, this is the force that Ob1 talks about, this is your Chi-force, from trees, bugs, humans [humins] and the Sun-Star’s+

This electric-magnetic [electromagnetic] force is called the Ka’A [Kaa-Ka] in Kammu-KMT, the Serpents are called this Paa Neb-Het-Khu which was a Double Headed Serpent with a single body in a spiral-formation with two-heads MEN [male] and MENET [female] representing the male and female energy of creation >> masculine and femi9 Nrg of creation, corresponding to the tone HuHi which is one of the 3tones of creation which is HuHi HeKa and SIA

Paa Ne-Heb-Kaa-u which is associated with Sun-Nrg in your spinal column Re-centres, [Chakra] your wheels of the double-serpents called the Kundalini in the Naga teachings.

Baa = Soul
Kaa = Spirit
Khu = Mental you [all Knowing]
Khat = Physical body
Khatet-Bet or Khaybet = Plasmatic body [Be]
Akh = Etheric you
ShaKhem or Sekhem = Spark of Life
Ha or Ti or Hati = Physical Heart 
Ab or Ib = Spiritual Heart

The world was ever only shown the first tri-ad in the physical ASar [HaRU], and the Supreme hercellf, ASet [Isis]

The first Trinity is the Trinity of the Hydrogen (Hy-dragon) Atom’s Atum Tri-nity just means 3, chemistry [alchemy] trinity of Atum-re

[God] the Mother [Ma’SEM], [God] the Father and [God] the Sun-Son

In an Atomic mass form, in physical we get ASar, HaRu and ASet when the Romans invade, break into KMT they see this, their first ever concept of a trinity, you cannot have a son without a mother

Pics = Latin = Roman (same beings)

Stepping into the light, from dark matter and energy (N-r-g) into the Green emerald light of 720 degrees

When dealing with the word Pagan you must go to the Latin’s for the true root of the word and in Latin it is Paganus and simply means village, rural, country which comes from Pagus>> small unit of land, country dweller, outside of the city

Now to say sumthing is Pagan today is negative and disagreeable but the word itself never started out like that, if you think pagan then it shall become pagan

Amen [Amun] Amon  

Stepping into the light, from dark matter and energy (N-r-g) into the Green emerald light of 720 degrees 


Ki is composed of 99-Base-elements also called prime-elements and your body is made up of these same elements, which makes us the 9ether-carbon beings who are in the image of nature 

These 99-elements are up kept and maintained by the 99 Paa NeTjer NaTuRu [Paa = The] [NeTjer] or [NaTuRu] = Nature of Neteru = [Supreme] who are a part of the consciousness of these 99elements which are the principal and base precepts of Mother Nature [MTR-NTR]

450,000 earth years, KMT is an online frequency, world-wide-library, where the periodic tables come from, [ENKI] Asaru [Osiris-Greek] goes live 450K earth years ago

Force of One

Istal [Meditation] is your salvation, innerstand this phrase, Meditation is your salvation, as it was written by brother Tehuti (Thoth), seek first the kingdom of [God] generator, operator, destroyer

There in seeking, you become the very [God] that created you in this universe [Nu], which is the ultimate importance of meditation

You are in your state of meditation, you are pulling in gamma radiation from the Kosmos

Your body was designed to hold hyper megatons of gamma radiation, which is kosmic energy

As you fill your spirit and body with this wonderful gift of kosmic poWRA you begin to build a poWRA-full magnetic field around you

This field is fuelled by conscious positive energy, which connects you directly to the magnetic field that surrounds y-our planet

Here, you not only become the universe, you become our world also

Ashu translates prayer, opening practice before Meditation, there are 9 positions
Gamma radiation is invisible, poWRA-ful and full of KAA.NU [Kanu] [melanin] thus, gamma radiation is spiritual

It is electrical and magnetic, which is why we electromagnetic beings can get it so easily

You can't see it, but you can feel its celestial poWRA as you are in your state of meditation

It is the essence of dark matter, which is where the poWRAof dark matter comes from>>gamma radiation

Its poWRA is fuelled by the surrounding life forces that is created by it, the spiralling energy that gamma radiation produces, creates life, the force and all supreme poWRA

Western Science right now cannot explain what is surrounding the Ki, it is unknown to them and now we are in the plasma [Khay-be-t] domain 

As our ancestors were highly poWRA-full, they knew the importance of gamma radiation, which is why they were in consistent meditation

Their bodies took in massive levels of this radiation and it assisted them in acting out certain important movements across the kosmos

Things such as teleportation, which is the transportation of going from A to B at the speed of thoth, which are 477 trillion miles per second, 4+7+7 = 18 and 1+8 = 9, your thoths travel at 477 trillion miles per second, that is called instance 

Which means that they thoth and it instantly happened but this was all through the consistent collection of gamma radiation through meditation

Levitation and flying were through gamma radiation, throwing energy and bending the elements were through gamma radiation

There are so many other levels of poWRA that requires high levels of gamma radiation

We gain this type of energy through many different passages, for instance, sun gazing or just sitting in the light of the sun gives us gamma radiation to our bodies

Meditation under the sun does this also, hence Riro which today is called Reiki or Yoga, all done with Re in us, poWRA-ing oursCellsves through the hands and feet and your soulal panels [eyes] 
moths have pin size soular panels 

You can gain gamma through meditation under the sun, very high levels of magnetism coming down or you gain gamma radiation through just going into meditation at home or wherever you are

Gamma radiation also comes through certain vegetation that grows directly under the sun

This form of energy is the most powerful form of radiation in this universe, it is mono-atomic and pure in its original form

Gamma radiation is twenty times more powerful than nuclear radiation, which is a low powered synthetic form of radiation

So, at the point of a nuclear radiation attack, the gamma radiation that you have pulled in from the universe, will literally absorb the lesser form of radiation and there will be no effect on your life

Remember this>>> Gamma radiation creates a field of positive magnetic energy all over you and your home where you are in meditation

The nuclear radiation will actually activate ancient poWRA in you that have not been used in a very very, very long time

So, in this instance, the gamma and nuclear will work together as a pair in the Kaanu bodies, which will be a plus for you in many ways than one.

Gamma radiation is important in your life, your time of consistent meditation, determine the consumption of gamma radiation that your body and spirit takes in

So, when I say meditation is your salvation, all that is written above is the reason why.

Meditation is highly advanced technology, it is the act of increasing the energy of your spirit to become like the universe

Gamma radiation is important to those of Kaanu, it is known as the w-holy spirit as it guides and protects us, it is the holy grail of our lives

As our women are carrying our ancestors in their wombs, the constant heat that they are experiencing is gamma radiation

This is the poWRA-full kosmic energy that is feeding the babies and at the same time, filling them with kosmic knowledge and ancient poWRA’s  

Know that you are filled with gamma radiation, and this is for your survival in this universe, but in order for you to become all supreme, you must get an excess of this poWRA-ful energy


The Universe was created by 3tones, Huhi, Heka and Sia, #Hu = Centripetal forces which relates to Heaven = Womb-Man

The #Hu force, comes through the top of the head or crown-seat-throne-pulpit 7 seconds prior before ejaculation

The sperm or seaman from a man is full of 3 types of Black-lights = UV-Rays, Gamma-Rays and X-Rays which is more commonly called in KHMT Atum-re, Atun-re, Amun-re

The movie the Colour Purple is about your crown chakra system

#HU or centripetal-forces, spark of light from the universe is added onto the head of the sperm, no its not speaking of the sperm itself, but the spirit of the sperm

The sperm goes through 3 forms, from light, sperm (powder) then seaman once it picks up its liquid or tail for movement in order to produce the higher parts of the fetus structure, the spirit of the sperm, called the life-germ

In order to create the higher parts of the fetus structures the spirit of the sperm must pass up the spinal column to the Medulla Oblongata which is the conductor of electrical impulses between the spinal cord and the (brains) by way of the [12] cranial nerves

When the spirit of the sperm reaches the Medulla Oblongata it is charged with black-light because of the Kosmos

This black-light comes from the universal Sun Re, and comes through the head crown

The Mind has a direct relationship to the creative forces known as Huhi which are the Male and Females creative forces of energy will

HiKa is the Anthropomorphic Personification of miracles, Magi [magic], manipulation of elements and chemicals of Nature

SIA is the Personification of Perception, shape, form and pattern coming out the 50units of POW-RE coming out the 3rd cipher Seker [warrior Haru] of the Paa PuAt MeTut or the 9Ennead called this by the Greeks, which are the 9 Neteru [deities] within your body or temple, [Chakra-Star-System], the Chakra system are alien implants given to you by the Anu-Naga

HuHi, HiKa and Sia are the triad-principle of [God-ship] who are in the relationship to;

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe  [Asar]
[3] AmunRe = the hidden one which is a part of the 3black-lights called 

[1] U.V. Rays [2] Gamma Rays [3] X-Ray’s

The female already has the seed, not man

Amun [Amen] are called by different names that have the same Ba [Ka] Soul [Spirit] force and energy

Amun or Amen = KaMau [KMT]
NyAme = Akhanfo [Akan] in Ghana = Ganesh is from Ghana
NyAmbe = KoKo in Nigeria
NjAmbi = Herero in Namibia [Heru]
#NzAme = Fang in Gabon ABON
#NzAmbi = Bakongo in Democratic Republic of Congo = Zaire 
#NyAmene = ANGI and Baoule Clans
#NyAmia #Ama = Senegal

As well as the Male and Female aspects are there, another example, from the Akhanfo [Akan] of Ghana from the Alkebulan TWA [Ireland] language

AMUNET [AMENET] is Ny-Ame-Waa, the Femi9
AMUN [AMEN] is Ny-Ame, the Masculine

The serpents are both symbols of the electric-magnetic energy-force that animates all things from tree's, insects, HuMin and Suns (Stars) and so on

The same Electric-Magnetic Nrg \[EMC] that Einstein dies without knowing and Newton who tells you its called gravity [levity = levitation] and OB1 tells us to use the force, that there is a force that stretches from you to the universe and around and back again, yes, life-force and is the Kaa

As above, so below, birth contractions, pains are linked to the ring circuit board of fire   

Birth-pains are connected to the volcanoes

History is not what you think it is, far from it

We are in the era of the knowing, no more believing

Get with the program 

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Smiling Faces

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