When you get rid of your fear you will become
If you vibrate on a certain frequency, evil, negative
attraction, violence+ doesn’t even exist on the frequency of Chi force [love]
Jove, so you don’t need protection
What you are doing is creating the polarity, fear creates
the polarity for the thing feared
The thing you fear the most will be the thing that you
will face, regardless, you will call the thing that you fear the most to
yoursCellf, the fear itself becomes a beacon for that storm to land, to find
its way to you
So if your thinking about getting sumthing for protection
against sumthing that you feel is coming, can be an entity that is attacking
you, you created the bridge in the first place for it to find you, because you
identified yourself with having sumthing in common with that thing that you
fear and that is what connects you to it and that is the creation, that is the
bridge that you create
Your intention, fear creates your intention, so that
which you fear finds you, you create your fears and therefore you create the
things you fear
If you fear that sumthing is going to happen then yes
sumthing will happen because you created it to happen, your anticipation also
becomes the glue [magnetic] that brings that thing to you
It all depends on how you want to see what spirituality
is, is it sumthing that frees you or does it bind you or does it incarcerate
you to a specific level of pain and suffering, anguish and things that you are
constantly having to look beyond your shoulder to have to deal with, you bring
your enemy to you [you attract negativity to you]
And if you do have an enemy, face it, a lot of the times
we create our enemies because of fear of our own-self, our fear of abilities,
our fear of our failure, our fear of what we think about each other and we
create the strength and energies for this thing to thrive
If you do things that are contrary to fear, if we act in
contradiction to fear, if you change the fear to Chi force, that same fear
energy changes into an energy that feeds your courage and feeds your purpose
In the movie the Matrix, the Oracle tells you that each
program has a purpose, most people who fear have no purpose
Water is liquid crystal
Don't fu9k with nature, she is way smarter than you
From Italy, Australia, Chile, NYC, the skyline radiates with vibrant chakra energy [radiation] signatures, Chile is holding the pink sky
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves
Energy [NRG] is being
blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a tri-ad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays]
Called Kosmic radiation which is still energy, for the planet and for you
Portal wide open
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian]
and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and
the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Septarian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]
Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG
Twin star
We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out
3 sons [suns] of the [Gods] are on the Horizon and the
suns siStar is here [Septet] Sirius
Jerusalem- Heru-salem
Peru- Heru
Horoscope- Heru-scope
Horizon- Horus-Heru-Haru [Aton-Aten] Horus and Aten names
welded together = Horizon
Under Heru we were MaStars, under man you are a slave
Steady has she goes
Methane is being released, plates separating
Over 400 elephants have died in northern Botswana near
water holes which could actually be releasing Methane
The sun, moon and stars have swapped positions
Two crafts sitting in the clouds, the radiation [heat] emitting from the crafts are making the clouds attach or rearrange themselves around the base of these crafts making these patterns, shapes, oval and sphere
24hr operation
[have you notice no one uses the words lens flare anymore]
Too black, too strong
Original painting
Batista painted what he saw
The powers that be came in and altered your perception
Spiritual warfare
You not allowing your mind to drift into places where you
feel vulnerable, the secret is that the Khu [mind] once taken over, begins to
control the body
It is what that person [believes] and what the will then
converts the [belief] into
The thing is, if you make a big deal out of sumthing that
is natural then it ends up being sumthing that ends up controlling you
When you deal with [Magi] magic and you do sumthing,
these things should not be sumthing that overly fascinates you, for once you do
that it now becomes sumthing that is separate from and you won’t know that
because once separated from you, you cannot really control it
So spiritual work and people who hold empathic and
sensitivity [in-touch] is sumthing that is natural to them, like breathing and
at that level it tells you what to do or what it needs to do because we then
look to outside sources to give us relevance and they give us symmetry to an
inner experience,
Sum may guide you because they have had similar type of
experience, but nobody has your experience spiritually
They may have the interpretation of it differently, but
nobody has the same experience has you and is the uniqueness what makes us who
we are and the same uniqueness makes the chain, that is what makes us who we
are, different but from the same links in the same chain [empathic nexus] that
joins us together
Again, do not make
sumthing of a big deal that is sumthing that is spiritually naturally, because
it then becomes sumnthing that is separate from you and it will become sumthing
that you seek, sumthing that you look for, drifting in your mind is about when
it comes it comes, when you get a vision, remain silent, be still, share with
yourself, not oh-my-god and let me tell sumone, be still,
ssssSSSH, if not it becomes separate
if it becomes sumthing other than what its supposed to
be, then it will be sumthing that its not supposed to be and what you want is
Kaymatic [Ka-Ma’AT- ics]
You never know where your opportunity is coming from,
overstand this, once you say to yourself, I AM going to do this, don’t worry
about where its going to happen, be still, stay where your at, but always
affirm where you’re going
Be still in your body and move your mind, move your mind
around, most people are moving the body, always going sumwhere, doing sumthing,
move your mind around and not the body, be still
First confirm, eye am >>>>> then stand
still on your affirmation, its coming to you, its coming to you like EMC=2 it
is real, take out the = because energy can change to Matter at the speed of
light and Matter turns back to energy, the light is your mind, everything you
see, you see because you see it, move your mind around, be still in body,
9times out 9, it’s the mind that cannot keep up with the body, check it
yourself, the mind does not care about morality, the mind is not into good and
bad, the mind is not into, I did this and that is why I can’t, no, the mind is
outside of this reality, the mind will make your past, put it this way, a lot
of people do not get to where they want to because of guilt, they did sumthing
in the past thus messing it up for themselves, if you really check it, the
Bible story, (God) tells Adam don’t do it, Eve watches the Nike advert and says, just
do it, its not (God) that judges them, its themselves =, think about it, they
commit the (original sin) and who is running from (God) they are, lookie here,
its their (God) that is chasing after them, where are you he says, look how the
Bible authors wrote that, you can’t run from (God) I guess if your wearing Nike
trainers you can, the story is, this is how we stagnant ourselves through
Is guilt not really reflection
Guilt is self-imposed, there is no morality, that does
not mean go out there are do your worse because there is a thing called Karma [Kaa-Maa] being guilty about your past is ignorance, you are not
the universe, yet you are
The word Heka contains as its principal component the
word Ka, which is frequently translated either as spirit or as double, the
latter because the Ka of an individual is sumtimes depicted as their twin
Ka is the force of vitality or of will in the individual,
comparable to the Roman concept of the personal genius, of varying strength
depending upon the individual’s degree of accomplishment or self-realization,
while Heka is the instrumentalization of that force
Although to go to one’s Ka, means to die, one’s Ka is
what supports one all through life as well as beyond
Since the Ka is the source of sustenance and vitality, Heka
is in sum sense the primary activity, the mobilization of vital energy as a
movement of will prior to all other modes of activity
One’s Ka is both one’s innate nature, and also the best
that one can be, and Heka manifests the striving to actualize the potential of
one’s Ka
The Ka can also be understood as one’s luck or fortune,
and Heka as the effort to affect this element of destiny or to deploy it as an
effective force in the moment, in the now
Ner [Vulture]
Uraeus sumtimes referred to has Arat [She who rears
Remember they don’t talk, intuition, clairvoyance,
Uraeus an upright cobra in a threatening pose, its
origins in Arat, after all the energy is from the femi9 side
The icon symbolized divine authority, royalty,
sovereignty and supremacy and was worn as a crown or head ornament by the
ancient Egyptian [Khami] divinities and rulers
Protection, the Ner and Uraeus link in with the Wadjet [Ayin] all birds have a 3 Ayin [eye]
This sacred serpent symbol reiterated the connection between
the wise elders and the A’aferti(s) [Pharaohs], and wearing the Uraeus conveyed
legitimacy to the royal personage
What is the meaning of the Serpent and the Vulture on
King Tutankhamun's headdress;
The meaning of the Uraeus and the Vulture begins with
Auset and Nebt-Het, as you may know they are portrayed as siStars,
this is depicted to show their numerous dual attributes and symbolism
and Nebt Het both represent Ki
Aset represents the fertile portions of the Earth (Wombman), while Nebt-Het represents the barren un-fertile portions of the Ki (earth) (Wombman)
Nebt-het [lady of the house]
The KHMT understood the importance of the opposite
principles, one not being more important than the other
In the ancient KHMT (Egyptian) texts, the Aaferti(s) declares that he owes his sovereignty to the favour of the siStar pair - Auset
and Nebt-Het
Tama-re Neteru Khefe-re [Khefera or Khafri] which means
appearing like Ra, symbolic of the dub scarab beetle
And the scarab beetle rolls a ball of mud, the germ of
life into the form of an egg, and out of it creates life, and then moves it
across the skies as the sun
This was symbolic of the creation of the first male [Shu]
your Adam and female [Tefnut], your Eve or Hawwah
Shu [air] is the light or fire, as in the sun, and Tefnut
[moisture] is the water or moistness, as male is a dry creature and woman is a
moist creature, in their reproductive organs, and Shu and Tefnut gave birth to
Geb [earth], who is known as Seb, meaning time, and they also gave birth to Nut
[sky], the wife of Geb, the earth Neteru [deity], which are the parents of
Asaru and Aset, Sutukh and Nebthet
Khefera is an incarnation or attribute of another form of
Ra or Re [body double]
Geb = Earth [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing energy] [laying down]
In-between is the HuMin [you] Bio-field
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]
KMT [Egipt] Khami N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct forgotten tradition but are archive elements that live in all of us today
Nun [Nu] the Abyss
Nut [Mut] the energy of Nu [universe]
Nu = vibration [EMC] electromagnetic charge [Comos]
Nut and Geb form an opening, gateway or birth canal through which all physical matter is born into existence, this is seen symbolically has the Kosmic Egg
Nubian Kau [Black Cow]
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of
1080˚ Knowledge of
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic
1440˚ is beyond HuMan [HuMin] comprehension
1440˚ is beyond HuMan [HuMin] comprehension
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