Friday, 3 July 2020

Galactic Qubt [Axis]

Three days ago [30th] we had a nu energy exchange which was part of the EMP which knocked out power around the world in different places [outages] which was actually all energy, which was the planetary galactic axis [Qubt] activation, sum called it a supernova [beyond and the word nu] this was upgrades, those involved in the redundant black-lives-matter sh9t all missed out on this huge upgrade

Its 7 months into the year 2012 [2020] and this is the halfway mark and 2012 has not even begun, there is going to be death and rebirth, it is harvest time, it is DNA activation, we are getting our kodes, land is being returned to many

The first half of 2012 [2020] was confusion being triggered, more aggression, moodiness, emotional turmoil, unexpected things hitting you in your personal life and around you, unable to plan, not knowing your next move, that was the first half of 2012 [2020] and the second half of 2012 [2020] is for you to be able to direct what you are going to be doing in the last 6 months of this year, basically you were being given a choice, you were being given the choice to choose sides [choose energies]

The eclipse that was on June 21st 2012 was to loosen us up from the energy from the first half of 2012 [2020] and this was to calm us down, this was a softer energy, making us use integrity, making us separate from all that confusion, the energy was for you to use y-our senses, see through what is going on and what we want individually, they calmed us down to ready us before activation, the energy was to get rid of those who think that they are light-workers, those who hold Reiki paper certificates, those who have skills from their family stuck on the 3D and think that is talent  

So, this nu energy that is and that came in was returning past life [memories] wisdom [knowledge], gifts, skills, abilities, connections, the return of the [gods] the ancients, prophetic  awareness because we are in 2012 which is prophecy-without the bible people, comic consciousness, seeing beyond the illusion of polarity [seeing beyond the veil] the polarity that separates the spiritual from the physical, rapid shifts, this is going to take time and is in stages, phases for many, for example my hearing had started a while back to change and I can hear things from beyond [focused hearing]

We have rapid shifts in consciousness, increases in synchronisations like numbers [remember anything that adds to 9 or is a 9 is a direct universal connection or directive] deja vu [view] because your timelines are merging hence why we are jumping, the other day I went for a walk and saw three ginger headed people one after another, when I thought to myself its empty out here, people started showing up out of nowhere, and increases in vision [dreams] activity, for example I haven’t been able to connect but I am dreaming all the while, deeper connections to the Baa subconsciousness, further integration of personality objective-sCellf and subjective-sCellf = your conscious and subconscious coming together [merging] the integration of spheres of consciousness create a less dual speech communication which means a universal language, the animals, the plants, you are going to be able to [talk] with them, you will be able to hear them on another frequency because you are not under the polarity anymore you are under duality

Universal language is telepathy, subliminal subconsciousness communication, you are placing a thought in sum-ones mind and communicating with them without opening your mouth, this is coming in for many and many of you had been doing this for a while already

Kundalini activation [spiritual awakening] nu layers of awareness, manifesting [magi] in real time, right now, right here, we are in the 4D heading into the 5D and so manifestation will be instant, you’ve seen all the adverts about making Wi-Fi quicker, anything that you think or visualise is going to come with the flick of the wrist, be-careful what you think and visualise into existence

3D [4D] 5D each level is what these people are thinking, how they operate, what they are doing, forgiveness of self, of others, compassion, kindness is all 5D things, releasing destructive energies, desires for positive changes, timeless, many of you do not keep track of time or even notice time, yes that its moving along with or without you, you are no longer being kept by that veil of time, I stopped wearing a watch a couple of years ago and only look at the time for one reason now, many of you do not know what day it is [no beginning of days no ending of nights] the construct that they forced on us is over [falling] really this is the settling of realms [merging] we can see this in the Schumann resonance, you have seen the patterns and the Schumann is letting you that we are connected to the earthquakes, we are literally causing the earthquakes, there are three kodes on the Schumann and one of those kodes is the 8 and 9 ethers who are causing the shift, we are causing NI.BIRU to position herself, we are causing the pole shift, we are causing the physical and spiritual shifts and when the earthquakes release the energy that has been dormant for so long, this is when we get more downloads, all those super and ancient volcanoes are releasing the energy, while many post images of volcanoes they do not realise that its not the physical attribute that we are concerned with, it’s the energy [data] that is being released is what we are paying attention to because with each eruption we get downloads, the information [data] comes with the earthquakes and after will be ascension, we have an increase with cosmic forces and connecting with others, all this was in the June 30th energy exchange [activation]

Those who are more advanced its hitting us first but is filtering out to the others [I cannot write too much because I have to watch what I say] you can feel the energies the true Empaths [EMP] Ptah who feel the energies before its in the physical, its present in the spiritual first, so all those with our psychic poWRA, we reap the energies that is around us that is given off by the planets+++

The Mother, the Divine Femi9 Electron NRG is coming in, Mama [Ma] and this is why a lot of the 9 ether W-OM-bman are being called to step back into their Divine Femi9 poWRA, no more masculine energy that you had been forced on you for so long, be with real Wombmen and not the ones with weaves, plastic nails or boobs, bleached skin, tattoos, those who are insecure and need validation from men, stay with those who have been real from the start, be with them [network]

You were in a 3-4 year countdown, many chose to buy material things and improve their avatar rather than improve their connection to the Kaa systems, many fake people are around you and this is what this final part of 2020 was about, the first half was to separate you from them

We are about to receive more physical energy, that I’m-ready-lets-go energy, set your intentions now for what you want for the next six-months and for next year [except the Virgo] but you have to do the work first like your emotional body, anything that is stuck in there must be released, anything that is in your energy field, toxic people, toxic eating, toxic energy that you took from sum-one else, toxic habits, toxic emotions, like if you lie or mislead, you must do the work or you get nothing [remember there is a difference between your family stuck on the 3D that are helping you, that is all material] the work is everything that you have been avoiding

All your past lives, your soul connections, karmic, soul [Baa] mates, family members, all the things that you have been suppressing needs to be dealt with or you get nothing, you have to heal the wounds that you created

The universe will force the issue, she will force you over and over until you face yoursCellf, nothing will go right for you until you face you, a lot of your enemies are about to be exposed to you, all the ones you chose over others, over yourself, the ones you gave your energy to, these people, and so the universe is letting you know who they are and for you to do sumthing about it, if not, stay in the 3D, were you depending on others for certain things is over, its time to stop and to go within, if that is what you want to do, all is coming up to the surface and is forcing you to deal with it, if you are going through sumthing in your life and you don’t understand why, its time to look at the emotions that led to that, look at what led up to that, why, how and when, and look at the situation and why you were in that situation, so you can learn from it, heal from it and let it go because if you do not close these doors [portals] you will not gain activation, the door will not open for you, its that simple, you cannot move onto the next level of ascension

Reactivation of past lives energies is one that I was hit with, they kept coming in and out of my life with no goals, going nowhere fast, the universe forced me to cut that off and to see what it really was for what it was, had the situation not happened I wouldn’t have had the clarity that I have now or the insight that I have now, sumtimes you don’t need to bring it this far, know when sh9t is taking place right there and then, everything that happens is to get you out of your emotions [energy in motion] we are letting go of the left-side of our organ [brain] and working more with the right-side of the organ which is the spiritual side, when you get headaches that is on the right side is because you are processing sh9t and its a lot, this is to regulate your emotions by not using your emotions first, when you run through your emotions first your judgement is clouded, your logic is clouded when you are looking at things from an emotional perspective first, sumone once said to me that you think too much or you analyse too much, fu9k them, they are the very reason why I had to think and analyse first because they were full of sh9t, what is this person really doing, why did they do that, what are the reason as to why they did that, what is this person bringing into my reality from theirs  

Trump is going to be assassinated and all sh9t is going to break loose over there and the second wave of the plagues will enter the fray, diseases are coming, you haven’t seen nothing yet, the USA is West KMT, the plagues of the ancients have been unleashed, the little amount of the people who died in 2020 is nothing to compared to what is coming and the amount of people who about to lose their lives, Trump represents the beast and the beast must be made headless and this will be the sign for the second wave to hit, the second wave is the second awakening of you, for those who are struggling to activate, Junes 21st eclipse affects is for September into October and in the meantime will bring in the second wave of diseases up until the Septet [October], all your material, physical things that mean so much to you, must be let go of, get rid of them, all non-essentials, anything that is holding you down to this physical construct

Your immune system must be at its highest, they will blame CV19 but this is your higher-self leaving you [Sakhu] your intuition leaving you, you will also see those without KaaNu  start to combust in-front of you and those with KaaNu start to combust, the two combustion(s) will not be the same, the KaaNu ones will have their Khu [Mind] combust, they will lose that guide inside of them that guides you, warns you, your intuition goes, your higher-self leaves you, the warning that tells you that you are in danger leaves you, you are about to witness that in many

The reason why you have been crying for no reason or sad for no reason is because our future self knows what is going to happen and is getting you ready, the people that you love [family members] the ones who are plugged in and your going to have to watch them die in front of you is really going to affect you, it will really mess you up, so regulate now, you had your visions, let the tears out now, its your [god] given right to be sCellfish, you did what you were supposed to do, remember they will get another chance at life, when sumone dies its two things that you are left with that you have to deal with and that is the attachment and connection, you will always have the connection

Face your shadow self, look at yourself, accept who you really are and all the sh9t things that you really are, acknowledge who you really are

How far have you come from say November 2019, how much progress have you made [ask yourself that] have you been wrong from 2019, have you made amends or at least tried to, how have you progressed, are you still the same, I’m not asking if your alright, what have you done to improve yourself, have you learned anything about yourself, all those who have wronged you from say 2019 are about to get hit, the mothering energy is coming in to discipline, think of your grandmother and how she looks when she is going to discipline you, yeah that kind of discipline, she is coming in for that right now and to raise the Divine Femi9, Karma is about to hit 10fold to many, do not get involved with avenging sumthing because you will mess up the Karma that is coming in for these people, ancestors have sumthing far greater than anything that you can do right now, trust in the process

Any energy that you have been putting out since say November to February, you are about to get that back 10fold, love or hate, your about to get that back 10fold

You need to step into the 5D because if you don’t your going to be held down by the 3D

Epic turning points, individuality, when you overcome resistance and go with the flow, when you let the universe work for you [Nun] Nut [Nu] Mut [Mu] Ma [Mama] you learn to be hapi with what you have and got and yoursCellf and express gratitude = what you focus on and what you remember and what you choose to forget = so if you focus on negative things, toxic things then that is what you are going to manifest [magi] when you don’t give up and give into fear that is a significant turning point and when you go within and find peace, when you realise who you really are, what we are, and why we are here = those are significant turning points, are you living in the moment or yester-year, does what happen to you still affect you, are you still struggling, tomorrow is a reSet, a nu sunSet, the raising of Ra [Re] you are to rise with Re in each nu cycle

You have to surrender and go with the flow, the Aquarius energy is pushing in all this energy, merge with the water, its currenSea, flow with it, a Jedi flows Luke, use the force, the road of least resistance, flow with the force, anything that is happening in your life, just let it flow, do not go against the grain, everything that happened to you before June 30th was brought to you for re-evaluation for a reason so that you can close these doors

I decided to write this post a couple days later because I wanted to be sure and for you after reading this post to now look at yoursCellf and work things out, the EMP will knock out the dirty Tesla electricity and many people will freak out but not you for you know thyself [thy cells]

The portal is open but once it shuts your done, there is no going back, why do you think our ancestors are taking their time-ish, they know many don’t realise the seriousness that we are all in and that includes the 6 ethers [recessive genes] for we all came from one 9 ether Nubian Negusti [Queen] its only that you don’t have KaaNu [Melanin]

Soular plexus are being aligned [balanced] so if your stomach is sore you know why

We are also being called to our Baa tribes, this is how I know everything is speeding up, your soul [Baa] tribe are the ones who know, see, feel what you do, you talk the same, but what you must get away from is the people who don’t, you must cut these people out of your life because those people are going to blow the fu9k up, the ones who are slow and say dumb things, do stupid things, you are going with them if you continue to engage with them, you are not here for entertainment or friendship, you want friendship go to fb, join social media sites, you know those people on every social site, women or men got their ass out and boobs and they call it expression, get away from these people for Christ [Karast] sake, you will go down with them because you are with them, many are not around their family members no more or friends because of this very reason, sad for me as I still love these people but its me first because they are not going where I am going and I’m not carrying excess baggage [they are coming back to this planet and they will be alright]

Trust me, we have not seen the 2020 yet, what is coming in is going to really upset you especially if you are seeing the sh9t that is already taking place around you but not to you, all the countries that are experiencing floods, heat, plagues, is nothing to what is coming in, in my visions last year I was crying a lot and sad but could not speak to anyone because I didn’t have anyone to speak with and sum things are not meant to be spoken about and is only insight for your own preparation but it hurt to see

Remember many are not ready or will ever be ready to accept what is coming, many are so dependant on the system that they will crash with it, you have to step over them, men will cry like babies and call for their mothers, many will not be able to compute or function, have you seen sumone breakdown, its terrible to see especially when they say they are ready or spiritual or that they get it when in actuality they do not, get away from them

Junes 30th was in your fifth and ninth house [check your signs because your fifth house is you need to awake up in that area and your ninth house is you are getting your physical manifestations in that area]

We are one race but we are not all one species, the other day I saw this man kiss his dog on the lips, fu9k that, the KaaNu beings come from the ground and are like plant beings and do not need the blood, the dairy and the meat but the animal based beings actually need the animal blood to survive, we are one race but we are not all one species and its not Bob Marley one blood, no Sir, this is the separation that you are about to see, you are going to learn that you are not like these 6 ether beings, you see the Ozone layer is wide open, its wide open and there is a nu Ozone layer around the old one, so we are protected but the radiation is still getting in, I saw 9 ether children getting darker than what I have ever seen, many people should have radiation sickness right now, call it sun stroke, this energy is not like anything you have seen or felt before

Your ID is changing, the ones who are activating, how you are viewed by others, don’t engage just observe, all is taking place for a reason in this season

Two door way, one is plasma [Khaybet] and the other 999999, the Khaybet contains your memories, your past lives and this is what is the energy cycle from June 21st until October 24th 2012 [2020]

The ring of plasma [fire] starts in the pacific and will be a domino effect, it has a Ptah and once they all go this is the activation of the lower chakras [the seven continental tectonic plates] which are the planets seven chakra system that are activating along with y-ours and when we activate ours this is what gives the Schumann resonance its spikes [awakenings] giving the planet permission to release the data [energy] so we can finish our ascension, do not get caught up with the physical aspects of the volcanoes on this planet, yes people are going to die, that is just how it goes, look at the spiritual aspects, these are messages from Mother Ki

Why is y-our ancestors getting all the soul tribes together, think about it, so they can gather them
to-gether for when its time to go

Sum of you are about to meet your soul mates, these are people that resonates with the soul, this is a soular system, you were one when you came off of the ship and divided into two, dual energies, blood is thicker than water but is not stronger than water, know the difference between your physical family down here and your soular family, each of your physical family members are from different soular families

The 13th gate [frequency] of super consciousness [elevation of the soul after the transition period] change how you think [MindSet] and then you ascend, this is soul progression from one plane of action and inner-standing into another, this is achievement of over-standing based on experience due to the passage of the soul through situations, circumstances, influ-ences [influ-id], life decisions, participation, you would be so stupid to be caught up in all the distractions right now, if you miss this now, you will never get the chance to receive again during this reSet, there are no excuses because this energy exchange started in 2009 for me and again in 2011 and 2012 and 2017 all the way up until now, do not watch others, do your thing, everyone had and has been warned, everyone has had signs, symbols, so there are no excuses, when many come to you and see how far you have progressed it will be too late for them, if you haven’t got your 20/20 vision this year then you are fu9ked

Go in peace and let peace be your guiding light

Learn from the Mercury retrograde and what it is showing you, grow with it, grace, passion, be timeless, set boundaries and anything positive that comes into your life hold onto it, look at your achievements [this is what Ma’At wants you to do] focus on your achievements, reverse your negativity and go to your hapi place, it is the frequency of love that is going to get you your activation of your poWRA and more of your a-ka-shic records, your past lives, wisdom and your soul tribe and more+ all of that is accessible to you right now but you must go to source, conserve your energy because if you are giving energy then you cannot receive energy  

The portals are open around 3am into 4am or 5am, and this is why many of you are up and needing less sleep, daytime is boring, sh9t happens at night, energetic downloads come in around this time period and is the same period when the sub-mind connects to the spirit world, normally you would be in deep sleep, and this is why sum of you are waking up out of your sleep, sum of you your body is hot, crown is hot and sweaty has a result, remember pressure on your right-side of your organ [brain] is you processing all your spiritual information
Keep in mind that when you put out energy and go to bed that energy has no place but to exist and it can either go to sender and if that person is vibrating on a low frequency and deserves it, it will be accepted but if that person is vibrating high, they can block your energy and it will come back right to you, from an early age I have been able to block senders, this is sumthing that you must be wary of when you put energy [positive or negative]out, it has to go sumwhere and if there are no receivers it will come back to you, you put that out there and you can always transmute it, so whatever comes your way, don’t look at it with emotions, look at it in a loving way      

Is there a supreme being, yes and she is a Female [Femi9] and she is here [Beloved]
Melanin is a Greek word for black and the word black is an adjective, consciousness is a long word from the Greeks, the word is KaaNu [Kanu] Ka = spirit and Nu is new
[Kaa] spirit is a Greek word
Conscious, void, dark, matter = KaaNu 
KaaNu evolves every 3-5 years 
KaaNu is condensed sunlight [rays] and is intelligent   

Look at main image
Its not about right or wrong or good or bad its about your intention, the balancing of your lower and higher-self

Where are these 5 comets [crafts] sum docked at the sun and where are the rest 

Alps where there are nests

Green and Blue is healing and life-force energy, White holds all light-kodes [chakra] energy signatures 
The unrest continues
4th into the 5th July [Judah] Leo [Akir] NRG 
The DeathStar will be under its own full power, there will be thunder and a full planetary alignment chakra energy exchange
The DearthStar cannot hide no more, the DearthStar should not be here, the Moon steals your soul for those who have a soul

Your DNA is connected to numbers and they know this
Many Fish
When he says the vaccine does not require refrigeration [that is the power going out-hint hint] and when he says its designed to inject DNA, you should have alarm bells ringing in your head, why would they have a vaccine that injects DNA into DNA and when he says activated with a device aka A.I, they are injecting metals also to block the charge that you are naturally going to get from the universe

Meteorite explodes over Japan and Fukushima the conveyor belt of man-made radiation continues to poison the planet with tones of waste daily, but the world has moved on from 9 years ago, RIP Japan

Chakra energy signatures 


Heat and Water 

Nature is not playing 

A total of 1,948 earthquakes have struck Mexico in the month of June alone, Dulce Base and all the other crap that goes on over there will come to the surface and it will also be goodbye to California in the process, Raccoon city must look like Lebanon from the 80’s 

These last 4 weeks have seen many messages left

[Pole-land is where the poles use to be]


Jupiter is in town
79 satellites [moons]
and also has rings
Granddaddy will be in the mix

 energy signatures

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Smiling Faces

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