Sunday, 26 July 2020


If you keep secrets [lies] and you hold insecurities and you have toxic energy, then you lose the ability to use Telepathy [Ptah] 

Instagram = instant = gram = telegram 
Email = electronic mail = electron 
T-ele = electron = El
T = transmitted 

Transmitted electronic mail [messages] 

Yours is telepathy [tele-Ptah-y] which is where they got the idea 

Empathy = EMPtah = Opener of the Ways
Electron Magnetic Pulse

Shadow, highlights, contrast, bright-lights turned down

All the ele-ments are coming together, water, air, fire, earth and the 5th element [ether]
Natures forces, without one plasma weapon being used and many ask why don't they just come down here, [they are down here]

What nature doesn't want she moves out of  her way

when she is shutting down infrastructure, she shuts it down

[Texas was slammed twice, nature is dealing with Texas because they have a dirty little secret]


🔹 Hanna in 25/07

🔹 Gonzalo Sa 25/07

🔹 Douglas From 26/07 

Notices in force
🔹 Texas
🔹 Caribbean: Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tobago, Granada and other islands
🔹 Pacific: Hawaii

Yeah we know you guys have hurricane season, do you know that we never had hurricane seasons, ever since Atlantis was invaded did we have hurricanes, do the research that is why they call it
hurri-Cane [Heru-Cain]


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and RA.HU [Ratan] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] SAARE

Septarian [dark-cube] is behind Re [Sun]
Four sides to consciousness

Septet [SIBTU] Sirius [Dog Star] Femi9 Electron NRG
Twin star

We are receiving huge amounts of energy, its heavy out there 

Whats the matter 

Karma is an agreement, all these teachings are agreements, nothing matters [I need sumthing to matter] I need matter [I need to be in matter] I need to ground myself in sumthing that matters

It doesn’t matter, that’s the problem, you do matter, that’s why you’re here 

You’re just using the word [matter], do you know how the game is played on itsCellf

Remember you are part of an agreement to play a game, you agreed to take on flesh and play a game of being dumb, I don’t know nothing about mysCellf and in that game of life, [electric word life it means forever but I’m here to tell you there is sumthing else], I’m going to tri and learn as much as I can, your role here in the flesh is to spiritualize matter

The idea is to over-stand that matter can be qualified by the agreement and that Kaa [spirit] is the one that sets the qualifications

If you feel that this is what you wanted to be and are playing it out under contract, you can break the contract  

The Caucasian [and all the recessive genes] needs matter, this is his construct, its Body, Mind and Soul for them but its Baa [Soul], Khu [Mind] and Kha [Body] for us, in that order not the Roman order, the Kha is last

[Your higher-mind is called Sa-Khu-Sakhu] 

They need mater because this is their structural place, remember t-he-y cannot jump into another paradigm because this is all they have and if they do make the escape it has to be done through one of the 9 ethers and that is the reason why they seem that they are making escapes, because they are taking on y-our sciences

When I say it doesn’t matter, matter now, how it is constructed- doesn’t matter, because this is all an agreement, its not reality, it is an aggregate of certain molecular densities that come together to form a construct of perception

This construct of perception was pre-organised by other higher intelligence, which set the laws for what [cause] and [effect] are in our reality

We decided to enter into this thing [your down here now, not up there and you cannot breathe, sumtimes you don’t give a damn about this reality] [that you are in, down here, you want to get back up there, from the bottom of the ocean and that is what you are doing right now, tri-ing to get back to up there]  

How do I get back to that place that i-know, by the knowingness of what you are [wake up Neo] and this comes from when you dispel the particular aggregate of cellular structures
When this cellular structure becomes rearranged then you get to the next level of what you want to know about yourself [your-s-Cells-f]

Right now, you are still numb in here [3D] based on the construct agreement

The present and alignment and design and arrangement of the cells gives you this particular outer-look and in this comes all the limitations, you’ve limited yourself to this [flesh-body]

It’s a self-limiting process that has you believing that the limitation is the reality and its not, the limitation is not the reality, you agreed to take limitation as your reality

And its because you’ve agreed to limit yourself and limit your perspective of yourself that you live in this reality

This is a self-inflicted condemnation

Break the illusion, there are no instructions [if I was to tell you more then all I would be doing is to further concreting the construct, the idea for this post is for you to open your range of thought] for those that want to go beyond [metaphysical]    


42 negative confessions are for the soul and not the body, its what the soul has done that is why its called the negative confession, negative, its what the soul [Baa] has done not the body  

[soul contract] is different and you need a soul for the agreement 

 The Sheut with The Baa

A person's shadow or silhouette [SWT] is always present
The Sheut [shadow of a person] is one of the five concepts part of the KMT soul
These concepts of the KMT (soul) are the Ren [real name], the Ba [soul], the Ka [spirit], Sheut [shadow soul], and Ib or Ab [spiritual holographic heart]

You need the SHE.UT and the BAA

The dark shadow on this teaching is your dark-energy
Kaa actually means body double and you know you have three bodies

This is why you need to do the shadow work, the soul work 

Souls at day break

Reflections of the Soul 


Craft nation

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