Thursday, 16 July 2020


Nemesis is coming, look busy 

Femi9 Electron NRG 

Do not hold onto the 3D, let them fall, close the door on the 3D and you enhance your poWRA in the 4D [5D]

You cannot escape Re [Ra], the all-seeing eye penetrates through concrete, lead, sunscreen, call this CV19, it is Re that is burning away corruption, you cannot escape Corona, Corona in Spanish is the Sun, Corona also means frequency, a huge sphere of plasma [Khaybet] and Re is being charged right now, CME [Corona Mass Ejection] are popping off and they said it’s a soular minimum

They have to talk about CV19 but they are not talking about the Bubonic plague which is in China and the USA, the flesh eating bacteria that there is no cure for, people have been getting quarantined for years, a squirrel recently tested positive for the flesh eating bacteria which is the Bubonic plague, even fish over near Kalifornia, watch yourself and check yourself

In the last days, it will be like the days of Noah, floods are everywhere, two dams in Michigan have busted, we are only keeping an eye on the USA because the beast nation has to fall, once that happens, we go to the next level

Get sealed up with your spiritual protection

At the base of the E.KUR (Giza) MARE found was a 140ft boat later man grafted in mans Bible under Noah
Noah boat (craft) is EN.LIL and EN.QI and ENLIL shutting the shuttle doors and leaving (Noah) behind and EN.QI having to go back for them (seed)

Sky Boat
The name for the soular boats that you see in texts, no-one went up and down the Nile, symbolic, spiritual boat, Nu-Ankh, soular astral journeys back to the celestial Nile, known today has the Milky Way, back to the father [13 house]

MAT.ET (Matet) translates Morning sky boat of Re 

All types of weather systems are everywhere, amazing sh9t is happening right now, summer in Australia and its snowing, this is not HAARP or weather modifications, Australia is basically a desert, this is global warming but not the mainstream global warming
 no more

This is a cleansing on all levels  

Psalms 91 [7-8]
 [7]A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
[8] Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.

They know what is going, they stole what was written in stone in KMT

This quote is telling you what is going to take place for all those that are full of sh9t, you will be walking through and over these people, sum will be ones you love, but they had their chance
your heart must be pure along with your intention, you will be protected and shielded, have no fear, walk clear, the wicked should be afraid, they should be very afraid

Separate yourself from all, if not, see you on the other side

You cannot build without first destroying, all must come down, you cannot build a house on top of another house, the destruction is going to happen with or without you, whether your conscious or not

If you are not on the wave, that is on you, Nemesis is coming, look busy 

[Tri-ad] the three 9’s around the MA.RE [Mir] Mer [Mer-kaba] [Mekaba] are called Atum, Atun and Amun are called the triad of [Re] and are Ptah

Atum is Haru who is [Ultra-Violet Ray-Light] 
Atun is Asaru who is [Gamma Ray-Light]
Amun is the Hidden One [X-Ray] 

Re [Ra] translates [to make with (the sun’s rays]  

The dark-sun [cube] is behind Re and is charging Re, the dark cube looks white 
[holds all the seven energy tones-frequencies]
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Four sides to a cube, four sides to consciousness [720]

Be limitless, be timeless, the poWRA you’ve had as a child, now is the time [emit] to start maturing that poWRA, we are getting real close to activation beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension, take off the 3D smokescreen, become limitless

No more duality its polarities 

Be one with the sky [Nut] be one with the wind [Shu] = be one with the Kaa [spirit] Roo-akh [Roakh] soul or wind, breath and be one with the energy of Nu [abyss, deep], this links your soul [Baa] to the energy of Nu in this soul-ar system

No more crying, your never gonna see me cry, watch your emotions, right pain at back of your head is you processing information and left side is letting go of emotions

Plug into the planet [that is you in the middle [Geb] image] we are spiralling [number nine] and heading for the 144hz which is the golden ratio [Pi] you will not be of the flesh

Many are going to have issues because they don’t want to let go of their emotions [energy in motion] and what is going to tie many of you down is your family members and for those who have children, this is where we cut off from you, the 144,000 is really a small number and the reason being is because many simply won’t make it, the mortal will start to age, they are getting older, aging and the immortal is letting these people go, have no emotion with them at all, don’t feel bad, the rewards are far greater than what you know

Its only one activation and you do not want to miss what you were sent here to do

Those satellites are going to record the energy signatures when you get activation, they are already getting their camera glasses ready to read auras, they are already getting ready to read chakra colours which is what the activation will reflect from you once you go pro, they are going to come for you, be smart and be near sumthing that lets off huge amounts of energy, a generator, power-lines, so that you are not picked up by their radar, they already send helicopters over head for many but once the masses start activating they will scan you to attain you

Helicopters are overhead scanning with radars for a reason

Keep your vibration high and this increases your poWRA, your adrenaline pumping increases your poWRA activation, your weapons, skills, gifts 

Do not share your poWRA with no one, even the ones you love, once they know and they don’t have, you’ll be in trouble, keep quiet and dumb, none of these people are going with you
Keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut, be smart, it’s a gift a real gift, you were given this gift, you are immortal and they are mortal, this is how it works, the have and have not, practice with the same kind, telepathy, telekinesis, work with the same kind

The first few deaths we are going to heal slowly and the more you are killed, the more you wake back up, the faster it will merge [have you seen the movie Edge of Tomorrow] 

same with your initial deaths, keep on going, the internet is going to go down but we are connected, don’t give up until your last breath

it’s the healing process you have done since you were a child, it’s a walk in a park

The powers on this planet are around 60 years ahead of the 3D, they know, please assume and presume everything, trust in your intuition  

We have been on an increase for the last three years, so the earthquakes that occurred last year will increase this year, so Kalifornia hold on to your hats because there is a big strike coming up because we are in the month of July, you had one in 2019, the returning strike will be more efficient than the previous year and that goes for other places around the world

Spiritual and religion are not the same or one in the same, you belong to the Kaa-systems, they belong to the Roman Empire, there is no correlation

RNA is your Soul [Baa]
DNA is your Spirit [Kaa]
DEA is your celestial ingredients  

When it’s written, the Son of man walking on water, its actually the Sun of man walking on water, the first one is religion, the second is spiritually, everyone who is not religious should or knows this
If you want to get technical about Jesus Christ the Sun of God appeared to be walking on water, but it was simply his reflection on the body of water and was recorded by the reptilians that when watching the crafts reflection against the water

UVC Warning, extreme heat-dome will fry the USA at 121F for several weeks, many are going to die
Kalifornia recorded a 128-Fahrenheit reading 

The northern hemisphere is roasting right now, UVC [UVB] UVA is above the UV index 11+
Phytophotdermatitics [to much UVC] look it up on Wiki

NI.BIRU the MaStar key is letting you know what time it is, between the sun and NI.BIRU they are burning the truth of out of many 

The water is to cleanse the planet and the heat is to burn the corruption

Research, star-family are giving you warnings, is that not out of love


Arizona [who that]

Plasma [Khaybet] charges everywhere

ready and willing

The war will be up there, surface to air missiles are for crafts, over 72,000 crafts in and out of this dimension

All nations [India-Cobra] Russia-Bear [Europe-Dog] USA-Eagle [China-Dragon]
are colluding and are going to fight in Alkebulan [Africa-Lion] the Nibiruians are in Alkebulan

no more 7.89z 

Sumerian meanings for the IMMARU-System [Nemesis]

IMMARU = Light
SARRU = King
URRI = not sure
MATIM = Land
NIBIRU = Crossing
NANNA = Moon
ATU = GateKeeper

The twin system is present with NIBIRU

There are two images of the same system, one of them is from an ancient Sumerian tablet engraving, the other, from Alexandra Daniela Jahn, but it's the Nemesis system
We have two StarStations in the Nemesis-Nibiru System

A Red sphere and a Dwarf Star Nemesis, Herculobus, Immaru, Red-Blue Kachina, Brown Dwarf, several satellites, Sarru, Urrl, Napisiti, Isatum, Matim and of course, Nibiru and Atu and their satellites, in which the satellites (Moons) of Nibiru, Nanna and Amelserru stand out along with Atu's white moon

Twin system was here from 2012 when they were reintroduced back to this soular system

The earth is vibrating, these (trumpets) sones are vibrating, plates are responding especially when Alkebulan [Africa] lets off, the noise is coming from them, circular clouds overhead letting us know what is happening down beneath, plates against rock, this creates vibrations, the electronic screech in the rocks is increased, temporarily, until released by movement of the rock, and this electronic screech can create static electricity in the atmosphere, causing air masses to move about

All that oil [planets blood] would have lubricated the plates in areas but the oil is in your vehicles 

Remember the planet is under Judgement and all you see taking place around you is Judgement


This is an actual photograph of inside of the Kanu HuMin brain

Winged disc galaxy, the true Winged Disk

The cells of the muscle (brain) are magnified are the equivalent to the side of a car

The electro-magnetic galaxy-like cloud, which looks like a typical craft is in the centre of the Muscle (brain) and is rotating in a number 9 
Referenced to the Eye of Heru, Asaru, Christ, Buddha, Shiva and so on+

It is inside of the organ (muscle), fluid filled space called the third ventricle, the Eye of Heru (Horus) is alive, active and floats above the Pineal Gland [antenna] and influence the Kanu and the spirit world (unseen)

Binary sun [twin sun] 

This is the Internal NIBIRU or Neb Heru, one of the Neteru (Gods) of Ma'at
The name [Neb Heru] one translation is Gold Light

This internal #NIBIRU correlates to the external Sirius-C [NIBIRU][EMMEYA]

Third Ven-tri-cle and Pineal Gland are different, minds-eye and antenna (receiver)

Planet 9

#PRIMARY #CREATION was performed by (9) #NINE #ETHER #BEINGS who are the [Paa NaTaRu] or NeTjer or Sedjet who are simply #ETHERIANS who are able to travel to all dimensions, whose science is AL[KAMI] Khami = Alchemy = Alkami [Wu-NuWauBu] and the ancient AfuReKan [Tamare] TaMaRean rites

9 ETHER represents birth, conception or the sum total of things as 9 is the highest of numbers
#NIBIRU is a Mekaba, spiritual chariot of the elite

Tamare translates Land of Sun, rites means to convey a message that results in [sone] right reasoning, no-one debates  

The message is life the conveyor is existence
The 99 Paa NaTuRu /NeTjer [Sedjet] correspondents are the 99 Natural Universal Elements

Muslims stole the knowledge once they invaded KHMT and took it from the Greeks, the Muslims wrote 99 Attributes of ALLAH and that is simply not true, it is the most-high and if he had a name it would be A.NU, and Al and El, translates the most-high anyway

Kode9 is completion

Gravitation = Love
Electromagnetic = Light
Implosion = Meditation
Expansion = Expression
Polarity = Balance (Yin-Yang)
Spin = Manifestation
Space = (Akashic Records)
Vacuum NRG = Prana, Chi, Life-force
Holographic = Omnipresent
Factual Feedback = Karma
Particle (lat- pater) = Father, Masculine
Matrix (lat- mater) = Mother, Femi-nine
Event Horizon = Continuous Creation
Black Hole = Heart
Vortex = Chakra (Wheel)
Equilibrium = Enlightenment
Nun [Nu] = mc2
Singularity = (God) higher, Most-High 


PTAH [TAH] the Opener (of the ways)

No one enters into GaNaWa except through Ptah, ENQI came through Ptah, to enter the land of the (Gods) NaTaRu [NTR]

Ptah gives ENQI [EN.KI] IN.KI the formula to create a sub-species from the M-genes, all things created by the Annunaqi, had used the genes because only the 9ether carbon Karbon Kanu were naturally grown from this planet, the others where created on the planet

Only the one who opens this, knows where this ends

I gave ENKI the secret formula to create a sub-species from Alkebulan genes, all things created by the ANUNNAKI had to use the Afurekan [Alkebulan] genes because only the 9 ether carbon are organic and made from this planet

The lungs speak
The heart is wise
The tongue causes anger
The jitters stimulate love

Judah- Capricorn
Dan- Aquarius
Naphtali- Pisces
Gad- Aries
Dinah/Joseph - Leo
Benjamin- Virgo (YHVH)
Zebulun- Cancer
Reuben- Libra
Simeon- Scorpio
Levi- Sagittarius

These are not races, it is a language-science, it is all about astronomy and frequencies, the 144 [144,000] are a frequencies, vibration, tone, sone [sound], acoustics

The poWRA of 999 is the most powerful of numbers in Mathematic Ma’At- Ma’At- ics and the 3 number 9s that fit perfectly around the most powerful of shapes in Mathematics
Ma’At- MAT- ICS 

9to9the9th PoWRA

Het Heru, Nút and Ma'at, all are the same Neteru [Primordial Cosmic Balance] 

 Ask yourself these questions, is what you feel Ma’at
Do you trust yourself to do Ma’at
Because at the end of the day, Ma’at is the foundation of everything great and good

You need her to communicate with the spirit world, but you also need her in all areas of life

You cannot be a great diviner without Ma’at, nor a great healer or a great artist or a great leader or a great priestess or a great friend or even a great lover
She must come from within
You have to work at it and own it
The best way to cultivate Ma’at is to start practicing her every day

Maat or Mayet, the Neteru concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice who is sumtimes personified as a Neteru regulating the stars, seasons, and the actions of both mortals and the deities, who set the order of the universe from chaos at the moment of creation

You only carry your mother’s Mitochondrial DNA [MtDNA] not your fathers
You trace your family lineage through your mothers line, not your fathers, so you should have your mother’s name not your father

The 9 ethers MtDNA is from nature the 6 ether MtDNA is fusion made

The tail of the sperm carries the fathers Mitochondrial DNA which falls of the sperm cells creating a ball [sphere] when it hits the centre of the egg and theirs a Nuclear explosion of black light
The symbol of the SUN [RE] is a circle with a black dot or radius in its centre and is the same symbol you see for the creation of your children or suns that are born to you

The sperm is a circle-[black dot]-radius] when it hits the centre of the egg which is also a circle
You got a circle within a circle the symbol of the sun in KaMet [KMT] and the explosion that happens within the womb is an explosion of black-light or cosmic ray-light which is ULTRA VIOLET RAY, GAMMA RAY and X-RAY

[as above, so below] 


The pressure is on Ki, this Kanu [Melanin Greek word] that you have is Karbon [Carbon] 9, it is ether9 when you evolve you go to Karbon 12 but you are Karbon 9 right now

You are metallic organic 9ether kopper koded beings

Inside of what they call blood are 375 rare crystals that are only found in the Kosmos, inside of our muscles are 375 rare minerals which are only found on different planets and different asteroids in the Kosmos, within your 9ether shell [skin] are 375 different metals and these metals can only be found in different parts of the Kosmos and this is why these orcs want a suit like yours

375 x 3 = 1125 [1+1+2+5] = 9

Within this Karbon, the minerals and metals, the crystals that are within you make up a superior energy, crystals, metals and minerals causes you to become radioactive beings which means radiation that you come into contact with you guys absorb it and not only do you absorb it you actually build on it, this combination allows you to tap into infinit8 powra, no amount of western research will fully explain your natural abilities, the metals within you allow you to tap into the Kosmic energy, the metals within you pull in the electrical energy, the crystals pull in the magnetic energy and the minerals within your body pulls in the radiation [drink Himalayan pink salt to replace sum of these minerals that you are loosening]

So when in mediation, within seconds you are connected to the Kosmos

Your body is designed to run on high levels of frequencies and high vibrations, your metals promote the vibrational energy and this is why vibranium which is what they call Melanin [Kanu] which is nothing but metals within your shell [skin] the metals provide your vibrational energy and the crystals within you provide the frequencies, the minerals balance out both of them so that the frequencies won’t supersede the vibrations and that the vibrations won’t supersede the frequencies so that you are balanced

Antimatter = NWN
Matter = NWNT

Your vibrations rise and your minerals are there to make sure that your frequencies rise and your frequencies rise your minerals are there to make sure your vibrations rise, so the tri-system is one-system that is working together for us, with us

Your 9ether hair is made of crystals, minerals and metals all together, your hair is called ether which is nothing but pure Karbon and although your hair looks black, it is actually a light brown and is really dark gold, look in the sun and see that you have a golden texture to it, you are golden beings, hair grows out of your crown chakra

50 types of rare gold [Nub][Nubians] within you with 50 different types of rare Koppa with 275 other traceable metals that is within your shell [skin] which make up this metallic organic exoskeleton, you are built differently and accordingly, because of who you are, you have the ability to pull in energy as well as cast out energy and all works within your mind-set, everything works within the settings of your mind

Your pineal gland is an organic Quartz crystal that is in the middle of your muscle [brain] and because its organic, when your frequencies rise and your vibrations rise and you go into deep Ka’A mode, what happens is your pineal gland pushes out this Kanu goo all over your brain and this is when you are in deep spirit [Ka’A] mode, that Kanu [goo] is inside of us, when you go full Ka’A mode that Kanu will be seen in your eyes

Sum people have brown eyes but its not enough for you are still 6 ether  

All of your books are within you, not on paper, the data is out there, inner-stand what Kanu is and what you have within yourself.

I wrote this so that you separate yourself from mainstream, you are not mainstream

When you go into meditation you are pulling in Kosmic energy at the rate of 750,000 mega-hz per second, you think at the rate of 477 thoths per second, this Kosmic energy goes inside of your body, housed in special veins that are designed to pull in spirit [Ka’A] energy which is Kosmic energy and you can feel that energy going inside of you, in the middle of your hand is your [Krst] Karast-hole [Christ] and your foot, the same thing, by staying in meditative states you fill up that energy within you, your crystals within you are designed to absorb and hold that energy within you, so if you didn’t connect, the crystals within you are designed to hold that energy within you, this also causes your blood-cells to multiple, your blood is nothing put plasma

Many have sight, few have vision  


SAR.SU [SAA.RE] is the kaMetic KHMT word for the 6-pointed Star and a symbol of fusion, Science of Al’Kami El’Kmai [Al-chemy] (Kemet-Khemet-Khami-Kami-KHMT) Egypt

IN.ANNA (Inanna) Ishtar is also written Ashteroth, as Ish-Star as in female star, the word star is from Middle English, Steorra, stellar, Steliate [Satellite]; constellation, from Latin Stella, Star

If you look real close at the word disaster, the word star comes from the word dis-aStar [IshStar], aster means star, the word star was taken from Ishtar
She is here [Beloved] she is going to cause disasters 

The serpent holder [Ptah] (Ophiuchus) Ouroboros in Yoruba is at the galactic centre, milky way, Nile, symbolizing our cosmic Kundalini awakening

(Lucifer) Failing from Heaven- Your consciousness falling from higher state (God) your Crown Chakra, to a lowest state, your root Chakra, which is red, why the devil is often painted in red
Lu-cell-ifer is amber light and is a female  

Now Adam and Eve, symbolize the Ida and Pingala, Aset and Nebethet in KHMT, were the two become one

With Kundalini and the fusion of the Ida and Pingala at the 6th Chakra, universal knowledge is obtained and ones’ spiritual eyes are opened

This was originally symbolized in the all-seeing eye 

(Christians, this is the blueprint to your beliefs)


The J in Jupiter, Jupiter is a Roman myth from Latin Luppiter, which with ultimately derived from the Indo-European Dyeu Pater, composed of elements Dyeus (Zeus)
Zeus was a (God) in Roman myths

Granddaddy presides over the heavens and the light, and responsible for the protection and laws of this soular system

Jupiter- pater - Latin -pater, Greek - pater, Sanskrit – pitr, its root word is pater, meaning father, it's an Indo-European language

So, there are East Indian language in this pater, and also sum French is also in this language which means father
Whose father  
Pater is an interpretation of Zeus, they are describing Zeus and he is the image that was taught from them to worship

Jupiter has been here a long time and has earned the title granddaddy, eye like him and feel this is his last outing, the cars on Jupiter are the size of earths HGV’s, trucks

Meticulously he has been protecting earth all year into this year, keeping her moving and out the way of harm, old school love, knows the job in hand, a real servant 

So, look for more extreme gravitational effects now because that is a missing component to our evidence

Jupiter and Mars should have had their orbits drastically effected by now but no drastic effect on Jupiter and there has been absolutely no effect on Mars

Anshar is Jupiter 


Remember Bernie and Ernie in the bath, same bedroom, I said to my mum, how comes they are in the bath together, she said she didn’t know, even Beauty and the Beast is about a HuMan [HuMin] being with an animal and is alright 

How can a pig and a frog date one another, these things would come into my mind when watching Sesame Street aged under 10, great children’s programme but full of symbolism

Meaning, son of Dermot, Kermit is a male given name found mainly in the United States
It is a variant spelling of Kermode, a surname in the Isle of Man, which itself is a Manx language variant of Mac Diarmata, an Irish language patronymic anglicised MacDermot

The aardvark is another choice bred creature, its commonly referred to as an earth-pig
Sum scientists claim that the origin of the aardvark is unknown
It is described as having a shout pig-like body

The aardvark is a mutation that occurred on account of crossbreeding of the rodent, feline and canine

It is an offshoot in the making of the wild boar, who later was bleached into the albino domestic pig

This means the pork that people eat is a genetic experiment


The Frog 
Kek [Raiser up of the night, obscurity] Kaanu [matter] antimatter [electron] darkness [dark energy]


Salamanders regrow limbs, they were taken to the ISS

The stage from water to land, we [Ghouls] came from the waters and in order to survive the new environments, they had to grow new and adaptive structures
In the journey from water to land, they encountered three main problems, first, they needed a moisture regulating skin, so that they would not dry out, secondly, they had to develop organs to extract the oxygen from the air, in the oceans, thirdly, they needed safe places in which to deposit their eggs
Consequently, the development of lungs and limbs amongst the most important steps for the adaptation of life on land
The most evident changes occurred in the skin, which became tough in order to retain moisture within the body and to protect it against other unfavourable conditions
The blood vessels multiplied, the fish type skull flattened and the jaw became attached directly to the skull
These descriptions of course match the reptiles and the amphibians which were the first animals to appear on the land, they favoured the warm moist areas

Today we have three main classes of amphibians

An amphibian is a cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate of the class Amphibian, such as a frog or salamander, that character-ically hatches as the aquatic larva with gills
The larva then transforms into an adult having air-breathing lungs
Amphibians are animals which are capable of living on land as well as water such as frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians

Frogs and toads’ bodies and long hind legs that are well develop for leaping
[remember you are a tadpole in the womb encased in distilled water in the womb]
Salamanders and newts have tails and short legs that are well adapted for walking
Caecilians are worm legless and borrowing, digging into the earth, animals

The Mexican salamander is found only in its original habitat, Xochimilco, also known as the Mexican walking fish, is a neotenic salamander related to the tiger salamander

The Aztecs venerated the Axolotl [EN.LIL] the twin brother of their most important deity, the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl [EN.KI]

Axolotls have been depicted throughout the ages in Mexico

Planets feel, all living things feel on their own level

What’s wrong with HuMins [HuMans] is they define emotions and intelligence by their yard stick 

  Xolotl is [Anuba] 

Only three main civilizations were set up under the umbrella of KMT [the online library]
the main beings, EN.KI [EN.LIL] A.NU and IN.ANNA are in nearly seven avatars at the same time around the world in different cultures teaching and is to why the cultures have the same meanings  
Quetzalcóatl, Ul-Mec [Olmec] name Kukulcán

Quetzal, and Coatl

Quetzal is a beautiful bird with magnificent tail feathers of mostly greens and tinges of blue and different colours

Because the bird was so rare and lived in the remote rainforest around what is now Guatemala, the word Quetzal also point to sumthing precious, for example, a child could be affectionately called a Quetzal plume

As for Coatl, this was a reference to a serpent
 Quetzalli are the long, glorious tail feathers of the Quetzal bird

Each of the feathers dangle, like braids, so much so, because they have ornaments tied on the tips of each of the feathers which are also clipped

America [including South America] the name is Quetzalcoatl
Africa [Alkebulan] the name is Wadjet
Asia the name is Naga
Gnostic occultism [hidden] the name is Ouroboros

Takshaka [EN.KI]
King of the Naga Serpents

Naga(s), Naaga, Nagar, Negus
East Indians say Takshaka, king of the Naga serpents
Fish tail HuMans [HuMins]

The Nagas were the snake deities who were here for thousands of years around the world, from the Aztecs to the Sumerians to the Chinese, the snake people have been followed in different forms over decades+, all of them could shape shift including the A’aferti, Tamare elite

Each of these civilizations has their own form of snake deities, the Indians had Adishesha whereas the Aztecs had Quetzalcoatl and the Chinese had their Dagan [Dragon] gods

We are referring to the Reptilian, Serpent, Dragon, and Snake

Each of these civilizations have scriptures, carvings in their temples depicting the Nagas or the snake gods, in fact, the Indian Vedas also talk about the different races of these Nagas or snake people who lived on earth in detail; there were various races of serpents

So for Indus (India) they had the Naga first, then the Buddha(s) then the Hindu, and the Hindu celebrate the Naga

There are different races of serpent people, out of which only sum races where followed, for example, Adishesha, a seven hooded snake, and the cobra on the neck of Lord Shiva are divine

The Chinese too know that their founding father is a dragon who gave them the knowledge of science

In total, each of these cultures, the serpent (gods) brought civilization to man-kind and gave us ancient knowledge

The Vedas have depicted various races of serpents that lived on earth, sum of these races were known to be benevolent while the others were considered malevolent, the benevolent races were followed as deities

Hindu as well as Buddhist texts talk about certain races of serpent people who dwell in underground caverns

Kambodian traditions speak about seven races of serpents out of which one race lived in the Pacific Ocean region; some of these reptilians were highly intelligence, sum dwell underground

King Takshaka [EN.KI] and the Nagas ruled Indian; many of the followers considered the serpent their protective deity, wearing artificial hoods of the cobra on their heads at certain occasions.

There is a huge connection between the Tama-Re (Egypt), they are the founding foundations for the main cultures under the supervision of EN.QI (Osiris)
We see the A’aferti (pharaohs) with the cobra in their headdress

Krishna, the Kanu [black] hero [Heru] of Yadavas, in addition of his being an incarnation of Vishnu was also a son of Vasudeva and great grandson of Aryaka who was a Naga chief in origin, Vishnu is EN.QI and Krishna

EN.QI [Vishnu] is half Serpent/Reptilian and half Neteraat not like his half-brother EN.LIL (Shiva)
EN.QI makes the ancient Nagas; EN.QI is experimenting, different creations points

So the Naga come straight out of Sumer into the Tama-Re into the Indian culture before the Hindu, Buddha, is the Nagas

This is the Anunnaki, Anunnagi, Annunaqi under EN.QI who is ruler of Qi [Ki] do they sone like negative to you, the disagreeable, if you’ve travelled to these countries, spent time, spent time understanding the culture the history of these places, what the Anunnagi done for us, you will see that those on NI.BIRU are not our enemy, they are Providers, Guardians, which is what their name translates, Neteraat and Rizqians

Anunnagi and Neter and Rizqians are all the same group of beings

This is a creation story, DNA manipulation, the snake can shed its skin
We are dealing with fertility, the snake can renew its life, this is the symbol for fertility and renewal of life

The Nagas are not fully recognised today from those who are from Indians (Asian) for obvious reasons, the Nagas are true warriors defending Indus of the disagreeable Reptilians

Ul-Mec [Ulmec] Olmec
The calendar is a mathematical equation that has expired and indicates when the system would be rebooted

There were two Mayans with the Ulmex, when the Ulmex returned and found the last batch blood sacrificing they deleted sum, and sum went to inner earth and  the rest to Kambodia and the main Mayan disappeared, they all transcended, the Western science also confirms that they disappeared from the planet, in fact, apply this to many other civilisations that also simply ascended

There are dimensions that have the same architect that we find in Ulmec country in higher soul-ar worlds, remember Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) [EN.KI] Feathered Serpent [Kundalini] is their highest Supreme Being [Soular Dragan] aka soular energy [Ba-NRG] this energy aided these people transform

You are going to start to see that people are on two different levels in this world and one will keep the red pill and the other will take the blue pill

You are not your body, you are HuMin [Mind] the body is not yours and is created by the [Gods] aka you mothers mother

The first HuMin on this planet where Hermaphrodite [Aphrodite] this means Kadmon [Adama] Atom, had to have been Hermaphrodite to pull that Femi9 principle out of him, the first Mankind [Mindkind] were Hermaphrodite and when they invaded and lowered the frequencies they were able to separated man form wombman [Binary HuMins]

The only thing you have is your Ba [Soul] so those that created your body and the ones who your soul is part of have a contract between one another, the lower [Gods] and the higher [Gods]

The HuMin is protected by Intergalactic Law

Right hand Ptah takes you back to the source, left hand Ptah teaches you how to become a creator of your own universe

All the planets should be on the right side and that would be 180 = 9, stay on the right side,
right side also of your brain [hemisphere]  as above, so below, as within, so that you are never without  

Go in peace and let guide you home
do not be afraid to die, you have to leave your body to transcend 

You must have a soul to be in and from this soular system

Top Ranking

Metu Netu has never stopped loving you

You are Supernova  [Metagene] Mata [Maat] beyond [Metaphysical]

Are these Bees nu

The Anunnaqi [Neteru] have returned for this planet and their offspring with the Galactic Federation,
Alliance, and Allies and all those involved with the Adama projects, they are 9 steps ahead of the game and have the plans ready to tear this planet up, it will not be pretty, buckle up

9/11 [September do your remember] wake up Neo  

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