Monday, 13 July 2020

Knowledge Of SCellf

He watches, he waits, he listens, he sees all, the all-knowing 

Na Ta Ra
Watches [guardians] sum are on NI.BIRU, sum are on the surface [earth-Ki] and sum are in crafts and sum are at the centre of this planet

Above the hollow earth entrance about 200,000 miles above the hole [entrance] in the fourth-fifth dimension, above is one of the crystal cities and there are 24 elders there that have actually been coming back to the planet raising the vibration of certain groups of people, so they can be ready to get up out of here when the time [emit] comes, stay grounded and focus, because if your vibration is not sped up, meaning if your not at a certain consciousness [mindSet] and still at the 3D mindSet then you stay right here

 Those with just spirit energy are fixed to this 3D structure and cannot ever leave 

Remember this planet was rotating clockwise [death] and she will reverse to counter-clockwise [life] vortex [9] 

[your parents (star-family) or parents of the Neteru, will pick you up when the surface world reSets]

Do not allow an algorithm to determine the sphere of your influence, skip trying to fit in people's circle [sphere] and custom build your own personal sphere around yoursCellf

We all have the option to choose who we allow to influ-ence [in fluid] our Kaa [spirit] when we allow their energy to determine what we see in our stream

News feed-timelines on a daily [cycle] basis

Choose [attraction] to invite into your space by fixing the settings so that your timeline reflects you, and consists of people of your liking, those who in-spir-e [in spirit] you the most, and not the negative, set your standards

Show me 9 of your friends and I can show you your future, surround yourself with losers and you will lose, surround yoursCellsf with winners and you will win

Morally Speaking
Antennas [receivers] 

Morals, values are not law in the world of the fallen, he [her] does not care for them, he [her] has no loyalty nor does his [her] followers

But in the world of the natural, in the world of natural law we have another

MA’AT is the harmonious order of the universe, she is balance and truth she is the sustenance of Amen-Re

9to9tothe9th PoWRA

Ma’AT-Ma’Atics, Ma’at is an ancient system of morals and values that guided thought, and behaviour in ancient times- ancient times apply in today’s times, guides to guide the soul, you

Truth- Based in fact with honesty and integrity
Justice- A state of fairness and lawful judgement
Righteousness- A state of consistent positive (good) conduct
Reciprocity- What goes around comes around
Balance- An equal distribution of weight
Order- The correct sequence of thought and action
Harmony- One accord, a pleasing arrangement

The world is equally divided between positive (Good) and negative (Bad)

Your next act will tilt the scale [exiting the matrix into the Photon Belt] 


Most health problems facing most today are the direct consequence of Frankenfoods

Heart attacks, strokes, adult and childhood cancers, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) autism, allergies, and autoimmune diseases all have their basis in the common dietary practices all across the country

Malnutrition caused by the lack of natural food and fresh produce has been a problem for many, many years

Fast food malnutrition - is not obvious as it would be without the influence of conventional medicine

For example, fast food malnutrition creates chronic inflammation and causes weight gain, but subtle micro-nutrient deficiencies disproportionately target the brain [organ]

Fast food malnutrition goes largely undetected because conventional medicine has developed its quick-fix solutions that allow us to destroy our bodies with fast food even as we appear perfectly healthy

Prescriptions and pills have created a new normal, our blood vessels and organs are routinely damaged by our chemical - and ca-lor-ie-dense diets, but the medical establishment persuades us that our health is beyond our control and we need its pharmacologic solutions in order to survive and thrive

Be aware of the impact of the fast food diet [Frankenfoods], most of the vegetation and fruit is rotten, going out of date before its due, the war on the street will be about food,you can go for a number of days without food, but water you need because your organs will shut down with it, eat what you can and stock up for those who will be in survival of the fittest  

Hail Zeus because he saves

Zeus [Jupiter] is the chief [god] in the Greco-Roman pantheon, he created them, derived from the ancient KHMT [Egyptian] Neter Amon [Amun], attributed to the Suez River, from Suez derived Zeus, read or spelled backwards and Zeus is their Jesus

Jesus pronounced in Latin is Hey-Zeus, translated from the Greek IĆ©sous meaning Hail Zeus

Whether you spell it Jesus or Jesu or Joshua or Yeshua, the intrinsic meaning stays the same, Hail Zeus, therefore, the lexical ecclesiastic meaning of Jesus or Yeshua is, He Saves

Changing a name from one language to another can and cannot change the meaning of the name, nor does it change the character or identity of the person, the object of etymology is to find the root of the words origin, in this case, we find the Greek worship of Zeus is Amon [Amun] Amen

One still must consider that the Greek studied at the feet of the Master Kushite teachers in Kemet, during the Libyan Kings reign (which happened to take place parallel to the alleged timeline)

As most will come to find out, Zeus derived from Suez, which was a region dedicated to Amon-[Semu]Priest under the Libyan Kings

Also, we can etymologically break down how Yahweh, derived from the Kemetic Djehuti [Tehuti] who became Hermes [Thoth] in Greek Mythology

The occult science [not the history, but the science] of the [Hebrew] Skisms are indeed based validity, as they were crafted by and taken directly from the original source of the Kushite MaStars, known as Semu [Priest, Gnostics and Majis], so don't throw the baby out with the bath water

The modern [Hebrew] language mirrors the alchemical language, [i.e. H20 = 2 hydrogen + 1 oxygen = Water], [Hebrew] words were designed to mirror the alchemical language, so within each letter there are mathematical and scientific factors

The Letter [J] did not exist in ancient times, the letter [Y] in Hebrew is pronounced [Yod] and is spelled [Iod], this is so the Jews can be part of manmade history

[Iod] short for Iodine or Iodize, the health benefits of iodine [seaweed] play a very important role in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which secretes thyroid hormones that control the base metabolic rate of the body

Seaweed is part of the Herb family

So, an Iodine diet is what they incorporate into their Jewish practice of kosher eating, which is then identical to Allah and Halal, where the language for describing the God-Head is actually a healthy way of life, if you see what I mean.

What the Jews and Muslims are doing is to try and lead a healthy life, a Rabi comes in and blesses the meat, Muslims don’t eat pork because its dirty, yet both Jew and Muslims are also dirty, YHVH and ALLAH or YHSVH and HALAL is not just only God, but is the way of life, so now they're practicing our way of life through their corrupted version of our original Customs

Cleanliness is next to holiness, is a way of life

Foods are an electrical diet:
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water

#KushiteLegends #StolenLegacies


The alpha beings do not have DNA, Deoxy-Nucleic-Acid, this belongs to the others and animals, 223 added DNA strands now found in DNA, those 223 are from animals, like the pig-ment, fruit flies, mosquitoes, canine, cow+ [google, i did] 

You have Deoxy-Etheric-Alkalises] which is also known as Chlorophyll, hence the importance of eating nature [plant-70,000 edible plants], because we are created by nature, created by the trees trillions of years ago
DEA [Celestial] 5th element [Ether] and Al-Ka-Line [Crystal+Minerals] 

Alalu [A.NUs father]

You are praising one of the Annunaki on Ki, namely Alalu + Ea [Akkadian name of God the Wise] = Alalu + Ea = Hallelujah
Alalu + Yah = Halleluyah

Yah or Yahweh is a title, rank, there were many  

There is so much hidden knowledge that we must comprehend

Brace yourself [black is charged and ready to go]
white is extreme nearly ready

Water and heat continue to rain down

This looks like a frequency and the three spheres I’m not sure, maybe Ki, NI.BIRU and the sun who looks like he has two portals [or rays-beams] coming out

Is this an antenna 

Main MA.RA [pyramid] Ekur [Giza] is being switched on 9to9tothe9th poWRA along with the other Mir [Mer] Mekakba

Spiral number 9 [consciousness]
Vortex is changing, the planet is going to reverse and rotate counter-clockwise

Crops circles [messages] are being left, right and centre
If the entity on this planet was really in control then he or her wouldn't let another come in and leave messages would he or her

ABZU [South Africa] water is coming in

China the organ distributor capital goodbye
38million out of 1.5billion people affected in Chi-Na
How comes China haven’t cut media access yet, you know they like to keep schtum about things, not so secretive at the moment are you

Them ghost towns are starting to make sense now
Chemical plants, factories, warehouses, fire-work factories, communication and military installations continue to be destroyed

Turkey, landslides is land is moving

 US navel ship goes up in fire after an explosion [this ship was part of three strike forces] 

Arizona radar is showing heavy rain clouds from the radar images at 90,000ft, 90,000ft, come on now those are crafts not clouds, they are black and that would indicate the edge of space, these are energy signatures from huge crafts
114,000 feet to get to the top, this is why it’s called meteorology and not weatherology, so obvious

UV recordings are sitting at 1.9, really, it was 12.7 and 13.5 in parts of the USA, come on now deal with reality, we all have to regardless of who you are 


Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, from the purple backlight.

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

9ethers can absorb this radiation, you will not be able to come outside, I never said that, big brother said that, am I lying 


Watching you, watching me

Sumone is going to deal with this bum bandit 
Dentist who slaughtered Cecil the [Akir] Kammu [Lyra] lion hunts and kills protected Ra-m just four years later, Walter Palmer reported to have paid up to £80,000 to take the animal’s life

Payback is going to be a bitch for many, these images are to help you realise that every animal and HuMin [HuMan] has a genetic kode that is traceable 

On the internet, everyone is talking to the Pleiades, the Zeta and the Arcturians and the Andromedans and sum are fu9king and talking with the Insectoids and Reptilians, you allowed the Reptilians to lead you on this planet and no-one is talking to the Anunnaqi tic toc, I wonder why
Where are the Ghouls [Nomos] on this index of beings 

Do not cut your hair, if you have locks, do not cut them, if you check all tribes, they all grew their hair, it needs to be Kanu, its a Roman thing to cut and shave your hair because they know that these are your antennas, your connection to the universal web, your hair grows out of your root chakra, that is why the most popular haircut is called the Caesar haircut, google it, and you need dark brown [Kanu] black eyes, sum have brown or amber eyes which is a small amount of pigmentation and is a small amount of soul, but its not enough
Kanu ether hair and skin, sum people have light brown eyes and brown hair, this unfortunately is not enough, still means you are soulless, we have a lot of mixed beings out here and this is not enough

Genetic splicing, have you ever watched the movie Splice, this is how they were able to merge all the 223 extra animal DNA together and even the MtDNA into the Mongolian and Caucasian races [this is the recessive genes and includes everybody [Asian-Asia-Albino-Arab-Indian-European] apart from the Nubian 9 ether beings] stem-cell application is only from the 9 ether wombman, eating your placenta is the same has cannibalism, the blue-eyed being is his-her greatest creation, Europe is actually west Asia, the European [including the Americans and Russians and Australians] races have zero connection to this soular system

The vaccine contains DNA that will be mixed with your DNA and then fused together with an electric fusion-shock, this shock is the spark that we are going to get naturally when your 12strands activate, that they are forcing it manually, do not get the vaccine

They will start to say that the CVI9 is spiking soon, remember the 19 is for A.I which they are getting ready to hand over [N.W.O] all control to, a fu9king computer, that is their anti-Christ

In 2018 tuberculous killed over 1million people, where was the lock-down, wake up people

Suicide is going to rise, many, many people are going to take their lives  

Image is from Spain
to real to be real

Three of the sons of [gods] are on the horizon

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] 

the white disc, the sun is not the same in the four corners of this planet, the light sources are in front of the disc

Abortion clinics are the prime stores for business 
To end this monkey sh9t all you have to is think and allow Nu [Universe] to know how you feel, she will take care of the rest

Children must have their innocence, to be preserved, protected from these vampires and their offspring

Chi-force is love [Jove] 

2012 [2020] September do you remember 
NIBIRU [Neb Heru] is bending light [time]
The coordinates and Neb Heru lights-peed are the same numbers, meaning they can turn on the MA.RE at the flick of the wrist and the Sphinx sits in the centre of the landmass or planet and has a plug under her ear

Mississippi river may split America, put that in your pipe and smoke that

Joe 90

Ridges and lines are scripts or language that beings can read from you based on your experience, all they do is look at grooves [Sulcus] and read what you have been through, your body is just a star-ship and you have a set of instructions and mission when you come down here, don’t get too attached to the ship, it is your thoughts or consciousness that is making you move so fast, when your in the womb how fast do you develop, you go through 9 million years of gestation, you go through processes within months, you do it in months, that is the consciousness and that takes memory and nothing moves faster than thought, the Western science teaches you that light is the fastest form of data but yet it is thought [thoth]

You get your mission when you go into your first being which is usually the father, if you go in you are going through his eyes, the eyes are two [black] holes [portals] which is called haven which is heaven which is where is system network is and in there is a particle which is called consciousness, your father is a six-pointed gate and once you are in the mainframe you read his particular signature, his organ patterns

You don’t have to but you do, you where chosen, your brain [organ] is heaven [haven] this is also called Quantum Entanglement, you go from a particle to being able to use electricity [electron] synapses, thought ways, you are mixed with liquid because this is a water realm and electron and water creates currenSea [charged waters] [third density solid, gas, 

A.NU is the heavenly father, the father of the system network [the mainframe] that the religious call heaven [haven] 

Heru is symbolized by the Peregrine Falcon [all birds have an inner-eye] 

Falcon [Ba-uz] 


Christ [Karast] was thus called Her-Khuti [Heru-Khuti] and translates the light of the world
Khu-ti was also a reference for the E.KUR [Ekur] aka Giza MA.RE [Mer] Mir [pyramid] of KMT [Egypt], what does this tell you about this timeless structure

Heru [Horus-Greek name] Haru translates Far away, Mountain, his name even begins with Her, the U is infinite, He was Her Son, the original Karast [KRST] from which Krishna [avatar], Christ and all the worlds other crucified Sun-god-saviours derived from

Heru is Har-Iu [lord Iu], like his fathers name Asaru [Osiris, meaning born of AS/ISIS], Heru’s name is derived from one of Her names, specifically as Goddess [Neteru] Her whom the Greeks called Hera

A Greek version of him was Heracles-Hercules, whose name meant Glory of Har-Hera
Hercules twelve [12] labours symbolised the sun’s passage through the astrological signs
Derivatives of Heru-Har includes; hari Krishna, heir, hero, heart, harmony, harlot, harem, hour, horology, horoscope and horizon+

Heru uses the Falcon for his avatar, the Neteru are the Annunaqi

Is-rael begins with the name of highly prized female Neteru [deity] Ast [Aset] ISIS
Jerusalem [Heru-salem]

Two thirds of Jehovah is the mother, the Hovah, is mother Eve, Eva, Chava, Hava, Heave(n)
The JE is father Jah, Iah and not shitty Jay-Z who is not going to be able to rap his way out of what he has done here in the world of the fallen, when he gets to us he is going to burn


The Sun truly is the lord, lord is derived from Lar [Lares] Lar us from Lares, associated with Re [Ra]
Re [Ra] is a Ta-ma-re name for sun, Neb is another Tamare name for lord, Ra backwards is AR [in arson], ire-Ireland [Twa], irate, also a name for hot majesty

When combined, La+AR= La-Ar, Lar in other words

The same LAR found in Laur-el [Laurel], that greatly coveted Olympian wreath which originated as a symbol of the Great Mamma’s sweet Yoni, if only the Laureates knew the truth

The letter D at the end of lor-d is the feminine t, as found in the Great Mamma’s name As-t or Ra-t, Raet, RA.ET preceded the sun-god [son-god] Re [Ra], who was just Her Son
This gives is Lar-t and betrays that the Lar-t or Lord was originally feminine [Femi9] before the jealous male gods confiscated the role

The consensus of scholars has concluded that the ancient Sumerians were without a doubt Nubian people
The Bible begins in that geographical location, this poses a serious problem for the conscious community with Abra-ham [Ham-Kham—K-ham-I- Khemet] also being from this territory according to the Torah

The Sumerians having the oldest flood account as well as the account of the divine beings coming to Earth
When we go inside the Sumerian language, we find many priceless data that was omitted from history, they shed light on what was going on in Mesopotamian [Utnafishtim] aka Sumeria [the plains]

Indigenous Persians are not Iranian, those people in Iran today are the people occupying that region but the indigenous people of the land are the Elamites

The Persians are todays Aksum [Ethiopian] there is no doubt about that, only the Persian are Negroid, the Turkish, Syrians, Iranians are all in for one almighty shock when the truth is revealed

Who are the Yahweh and the EL-Eloh, Sumerian records, the Yah-Weh are a fraction of beings who are under A.NU the head of the Annunaqi [Annunaki] Anu-Naga

The Yah(s) were 12 agreeable beings called the Serapheem [Saraphim] or SaRu-Faat who are 180 degrees positive and the Weh(s) who are 12 disagreeable beings called the Cherubeem [Cherabeem] or GaRu-Baat who are a 180 degrees negativity, together making one, 360

24+24+24 = 72 [7+2=9] A.NU is head of the Sedjat or Ennead in Greek meaning 9

Yahweh are a group of 24 beings, Neb Neter which translates Yahweh Elohyeem, and El Eloh which translates the source and Elohyeem which translates these beings, there were many Yahweh(s)
El Eloh is A.NU, A.NU was also called Allah in Arabic before it was hijacked

Yahweh, Baal, Horus(s), Adonai, Adonis-Adoshem-(Hashem) are all titles, there were many, many

Zeus was a Yahweh
Asaru (Osiris) [He who is seen, The eye] is the Yahweh of your Bible [he is here] 


The Kha [body] of a Neteru [supreme] and the Organ [brain] of a genius, the man is drawn to her supreme beauty and her intellect

Out of all the Femi9 [females] in the world it is the Aryn who rules

Usually musically and athletically gifted

Most girls [women] are too insecure to befriend an Aryn

The absolute most perfect girl in the world and even her flaws are more beautiful than any other womans perfections 

Vishnu Dharma
Chakra and Dharma translates wheel
And Sanskrit is old Tamil [Sri-Lanka] text

A spinning, disk-like weapon, literally meaning disk of auspicious vision, having 108 [9] serrated edges used by the Naga Vishnu


Sophisticated weapons are nothing new, in fact the USA and Chinese military weapons are still relatively primitive compared to the ancients, even modern day man’s building skills, and you are about to witness the annihilation of these primitive races against a far more superior race of beings 

Naga [Buddha] Hindu
The chosen Avatars [Hari-Krishna] of the Annunaqi, the Goa-uls [Ghouls] and the Kammu Beings


You have three bodies, your physical body, your spiritual body and your emotional body, sumtimes one or two of them won’t turn up in a cycle, so with frustrations you can narrow them down between this tri-system

Your spirit wants to break free, from what conditions, environments that you find [put] yourself under, its that simple in 2020 [2012] 

When you activate you will have a golden [Nub] shield [halo] around you

and if you don’t have enough love [Chi] you will activate but stay in Blue

To have a soul you have to be from this soular system 

The Ayin [Eye] Wadjet 

This levelling 13up is very poWRA-ful and a serious time line that we are in, I’m not sure many of you really know what we are really going through, as we are entering into this nu paradigm shift into 2012 [2020] in Septet [September] there is going to be a whole nu reality, do you inner-stand that, we have a nu reality [program] that is moments away, we have had revolutionary years that changed paradigms for decades, a lot of you came into this realm at this time, at this moment on purpose, a lot of you are natural revolutionaries, you came into this planet, into this realm, into this specific dimension at this very time to change this paradigm shift, do you really know how poWRA-ful you are right now

The last three years have been tests, exams, finals, quizzes, to get you really, for you to have made it there is a pat on the back for you, you and many have come into your final stages, its been very challenging this last decade and the last three years

Its been very challenging, emotional, isolating 

2020 [2012] is the year of the harvest, Jupiter(s) is expansion, magnified [structure, stabilise] connections and opportunities, resources to get what you want if its about foundations, if you were the black sleep, the underdog [god] its your time [emit] to shine, many of you would have never thought that we would be at this point in our lives right now, this is the start of a nu decade

There is a pattern, a cycle to our life, you have to learn how your life cycle works, you have to know your numbers [Nu] you have to know what energies to be working with in 2020 [22] which is the Ma’Star builder Nu-mber

Everything that you have been going through, every challenge that you have faced and you feel defeated, lost, and you have really been putting through your intentions, the action, the effort, you tried to aid many and they wouldn’t be changed, many of you are talented and many of you have been sleeping on yourself and not moving forward and the reason being is because you didn’t want to be disappointed and many of you have been disappointed over time, in your life, heartbreaks, let downs, bad breaks, you’re afraid of failure

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, Forced Energy Appearing Real, you cannot feed that no more, leave them in 2019, you cannot have gone into 2020 with forced energy and those who emit [time] false energy or that old mind-set or old frequencies, you have to stay self-efficient, you have to shift your way of thinking, your old way of thinking, this is a paradigm shift

Many of you have had ascension sickness for the last couple weeks and maybe during the eclipse period, eye had stomach [soular plexus][intuition], light headed and eating all the time, the body is using a lot of energy and Istal [meditation] needs fuel, and eating a lot is when you are realising a lot [energetic] your spirit and soul and filling a void, like its missing sumthing

Eye need to ground myself right now so the body is eating away, does not stop, the symptoms can also be buying into these things, bringing things into your home, also pains and the swelling of the crown has there are a lot of shifts going on, emotions have been running wild, things from the past and people from the past coming up into your reality, dreams of old situations, childhood things, traumas coming back to you, you cannot cut cords from any emotional baggage’s that you are trying to release or from sumone, there are ways to cut cords, you cannot have these old programs going into the second part of 20[20] because 11-9-12 is looming

Many spiritual gateways, expanses, portals, realms and dimensions are being opened right now, so many you would have needed to be on this wave because 9/11 is the connection to Septet [Sirius] and the Nu year starting, think of what you have been doing since 2016, many of you are going to fail, you didn’t do the work, you was all physical and material world

The Law of Rhythm, before you have pleasure there is pain, what year, what life cycle are you in

Every number has a vibration 2020 [4] or 22 [2+2=4] and 4 is foundation, the four points in a square [cube] stable [360]

Saturn energy is going to be very intense and with Jupiter is going to off the cusp and many of you felt the signatures, Saturn is giving you back what you gave to others and granddaddy is magnifying it, shame them and you can change them, do not underestimate the poWRA of the dark-side 

20[20] is 2020 vision, so if you didn’t know what you wanted to do in your life you will have crystal vision, people that you weren’t sure about have and will be revealed no matter who they are to you, don’t feel bad for what is best for you, this is your life, this is your story, is this the story that you want to repeat or am I writing a myStory [myStary] a nu [A.NU] book, a nu chapter, a nu outcome or are you writing the same story over and over

Break free of generational cycles [bonds] soul ties, emotional ties that you don’t want, anyone that is making your life complicated or is not benefiting you let them go, why are they there, are you trying to hold onto your reality by any means necessary   

One of many signs that your eye [Wadjet] is opened is when you are questioning your existence

If you know that sumthing is completely strange with your existence and you see things from a whole other perspective and you do not identify with time, then your eye is open  

The all-seeing eye of Re, the all seeing eye of Heru [Horus], the all-seeing eye of Asaru
t-he-y watch through us, he sees all, the all-knowing

He is seen, The eye 

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic

1440˚ is beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension 

The PoWRA of [9]

Eye had a very poWRA-ful dream [vision] yesterday and this track was playing in my organ when eye opened my eyes in the morning, complex vision

IN.ANNA [Beloved] you have been with me from the start and on this final furlong, all i-ask is to be forgiven

Mary J Blige

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