Friday, 17 July 2020

Repetitive Ventures


This is a water realm and the next stage is to return to liquid [3rd density] your dealing with water, gas and solid however you need water in this realm, you will return to liquid

The semen ship is from your father [pater] a star-ship and its liquid and goes down to the sack area, this is the microcosmos [which is fully conscious]

The ship has to connect to the mothership [wombman], the sham has to connect to the mothership and then you can go inside that mothership [ovary] this is a microcosmic mothership

Your western scientist have no idea as to what is really going on, however the people behind the western scientist do

We came through the particles, we got here through sparks of light, light-waves, tones, sones, acoustics, and frequencies which is vibrations, these rays are coming through and this is why they call us the rays [tamara] tamaraye [Tama-re] we are light beings

They have us trapped in a magnetic grid and this is why you see our star-family in the clouds, so we do control the weather [this is why when you watch the weather and they tell you what the weather will be like is because man is modifying the weather] 

This is about anthropomorphising the beings from particles and elements into physical beings
we knew that is where we came from, the ancients knew this, we knew this and was taught to us for 1000 of years to 100 of generations

The vibration was slowed down so that you could have a body in the 3rd density to experience feelings and emotions

We are all extra-terrestrial, we came here to take care of this planet the NaTaRa and many have lost their way fully, extra-sensory-perception, there is nothing extra about it, you always had them, but sum don’t [extra-terrestrial is extra energy from the stars] planet [plan E.T] plans of the extra-terrestrial [plaNET]

The chaos and madness that we have out here is the reason many of you are here, at this exact moment in time is not random, this planet is a learning zone, we were here to learn the system that is in place and to see its faults for near enough 6,000 earth years

We had to earn the passage out of here upon reaching our potential, we had to earn the right for intergalactic travel, sum are being schooled for the first time, sum have never had intergalactic travel and sum had lost the right to intergalactic travel and sum are here to relearn

[2020] we are in final exams or graduation, we have been through many, many tests, many mock exams, so to be in this very timeline you must have done extremely well, to have been incarnated into this timeline means you have done very well for you are about to watch the graduation process  

This means many are about to be picked up, the separation was to move many into the light to be seen and for those who remained hidden to be seen, together is to gather and many are getting ready to bail up out of here

Certain beings are about to graduate and have been through the mill and been there and done that, sum cannot ascend past the 3D and sum cannot ascend past the 6D and many are angry about that, this quarantine is about much more than what is out there, we are vibrating to the 4D [5D] and if you choose to come back after this quarantine that is your choice, its on you for that decision, for sum its mandatory, but the ones who are not coming back to this substandard that is here, they are pioneer builders

The children that are incarnated now are going to reap the benefits that we went through and this is why we see all this chaos because they are upset because the Crystal children are being brought into this realm fully activated [woke] and know exactly who they are, they are coming into this realm with their inner-eye [3rd eye] wide open  

Each decade from the 60s [70s] 80s [90’s] and the 00’s the energy in the children was changing, elevating

Indigo [all races]

Sum children only needed two or three weeks to get their vision, sum children when incarnated had focus of their eyes from day one, they came out of the womb ready and able, their eyes are open in the womb when back in the day their eyes wouldn’t be devolved until they opened them outside of the womb [pineal gland develops 18 weeks after gestation]

Sum of these children are already bored, there is no stimulus from the parents or environment, these children are already advanced and many don’t sleep with energy to spare, these children have a different sense about compassion, they care deeply
They need impute, they need stimulus, they crave knowledge, they want the experience, they want things to do, they want to know  

The theme that we are in right now needs you to feed it but your must feed the children not the current theme [CV19] that as nothing to do with us
 [government warnings over CV19 are mixed messages on purpose] 

Now, old energy will not allow you to merge with this nu energy, you cannot merge with old settings, that is like having windows 1 when we are on windows 5, repeated cycles are being deleted, sum of what we are about to see play out in the 3D is old energy and we have been there or here before, we cannot do what we’ve always done

Think like a boss, think like a number 9


The powers that used to be, many of you so-called elite have already been 
taken out and have the clones doing the rounds, for example George Sorus has already been taken out, that was another being in a mask that I posted in one of the previous posts, Michelle Obama has also already been taken out

Guantanamo Bay is full, I saw an article stating that they will be sending people there soon, flip that story, the Bay is full of these people that you call elites

The military have already assassinated many celebrities including government officials, people behind the scenes, the ones that pulls the strings

[when you don't get the childrens energy]

Tom Hanks [Rockefeller] is another one who with his wife have not died of CV19 but was assassinated by the military, Oprah is still under house arrest, Obama also had one to the head, the CV19 will be the cover story that these people fell victim to but these and many are linked to the pedo-ring in Hollywood, sum are being kept at marine bases, Biden has already been dealt with, with the clone doing the rounds at the moment and that is why Biden is talking sum real trash
People from Google, the list goes on are all under house arrest or taken out or waiting to be assassinated a lot of celebrities are shitting themselves
Where is the Pope and the Queen of England
Buckingham palace windows covered or boarded up, royal seal taken down

Trump is waiting for everyone to be taken out and then he will let it be known, Trump has already done more than any of the USA presidents when it comes to certain things

Trumps family and Tesla’s family and JKF brother are really tight, its Trumps uncle who was key to this and is Julian Assange today [avatar] when Trump is taken out it will be Julian who will holds it all so-to-speak together for their last duration

Many are being tried in a military court not government courts and Guantanamo Bay is full with crimes against humanity and treason, they cannot just reveal all this just yet because the masses are already under pressure

Those that own the Banks [Federal-Rockefeller]] and the Illuminati and [Freemasons] are all on a collision course

[The dollar is over and they are just printing money, the only thing that is its value is consumer confidence which is called the illusion, no other country is using the $ or buying oil (reserve note), tic toc, they are crashing the dollar on purpose] the federal is printing the dollar and the US government is not making coins no more which they own, the USA government does not own the dollar bill [check your notes and coins] do the maths, the plasma is going to take care of the digital currency, which means only one currenSea]    

He is playing both sides  
This is through divine law, through NTR and this must take place before the real quarantine takes places, Trump is a puppet but he is behind all of this, remember Trump has no ties, he has no military background, he has his own money, no government history, no political background so he cannot be infiltrated like the others, they kept him out of the elites all his life and they treated him and his father like trash and all those charges against him is being brought up in international courts, when they are ready to take you out they will but he is going out on his terms, he is talking to all the beings and the two races out here, I give him credit 

UVC is Comic waves
UVB is Beta waves
UVA is Alpha waves 

UVC is on the ground is going to take out many, 6 ether absorbs the radiation but cannot dispense it 
that lady Claudia sounds like a Plebeian warning others, what she wrote seems to be a message rather than an experience either way, she is right, expect HuMin [HuMan] combustion 
several weeks of 100-121F will kill many 
[what if the power goes out over there, no A/C units means roasting] 
Radiation can kill and these waves are altering your brain, plasma also affects the body and brain
You also had warnings in recent crop circles  

Not coming from the sun but the horizon behind

Sumone wrote that is doesn't matter where they are, yes it does because they are over gentile
cities, military installations, nuclear sites, underground bases, reptilian and grey HQ

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